FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-06-07 10:36:35 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
7a7129ef-e790-11ee-a1c0-0050569f0b83security/shibboleth-idp -- CAS service SSRF

Shibboleth Developers report:

The Identity Provider's CAS support relies on a function in the Spring Framework to parse CAS service URLs and append the ticket parameter.

Discovery 2024-03-20
Entry 2024-03-21
ge 4.3.0 lt 4.3.2

ge 5.0.0 lt 5.1.1