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Number of commits found: 18

Sunday, 19 Jan 2025
21:40 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 59

Changes since 58.1:

DIN Is Noise 59:
    track phrase position while scrubbing
      Menu > Voice > Track
        default is off

    record multiple mouse phrases on the phrasor:
      press f to record a phrase. move mouse.
        press f again to stop recording and start playing
      press f to record another phrase. din appends this phrase to existing
        press f again to stop recording and start playing from the start
      press g to clear all phrases


    Gater is now called Beater in preparation for the new beat engine in DIN
(still WIP
    as of 59)

    edit beat pattern in beat pattern editor
      press 5 from microtonal-keyboard or Menu > Editors > Beater
    new beat patterns in the library
    use 9 and 0 keys to go thru beat patterns

    in the beat pattern editor:

      press F3 to halve current BPM
      press F4 to double current BPM
      press F5 to shift key up an octave
      press F6 to shift key down an octave

    on the microtonal keyboard:

      press F3 to halve current BPM
      press F4 to double current BPM


  in a curve editor:


      increase/decrease size of tangent of a curve

      click+pick a tangent of a curve and press f or Menu > Tools > Size tangent
      and just mouse up and down to size tangent



      pin / unpin vertices & tangents of a curve in a curve editor

      choose Menu > Tools > Pin / Unpin
      and click+pick a vertex or tangent. ESC to stop.

      or click-pick a vertex or tangent and press p to pin/unpin. click to stop.

      why pin?

        pinned vertices and tangents dont rotate when curve rotates.
        pinned tangents dont move when their vertex moves

          try it on shapeforms!
          watch fft!


        press ' to draw/hide snapping guides or Menu > Tools > Draw
        press g to draw/hide cursor or Menu > Tools > Draw cursor
        press u to restore view too on undo/redo or Menu > Tools > View too

  /* press SHIFT when clicking into a text/value field to clear its contents *\

  /* timestamps on log file at start and shutdown of program *\

  * changes to default parameters in binaural drones instrument
    * start pitch is 128 Hz
    * justification is left
    * scale notes at C D G B when C = 128 hz (if A = 432 Hz)

  * default tuning is pythagoras for all instruments
    * tuning is global ie applies to all instruments

  * Menu > Tools > Fold tangents with Selection only ON, folds just the selected
    and if you select a vertex folds both its tangents

  * improved delay lines
  * optimised handling of parameter spinners in UI *

  * boxes not filled by default in Mondrian

  :( mouse returns to last position on all screens :)
  :( bug asked user to select drones when no drones were selected and drone
volume change was attempted :)
  :( fixed bug not saving inner, letter and word spacing curves on morse code
module :)
  :( fixed fold tangents only folding tangents of the selected vertex then
stopping, instead of offering
     to fold other tangents until canceled by user :)
commit hash: f0e73ad47839d7ba7f97b468f58f69fb8cebc0b1 commit hash: f0e73ad47839d7ba7f97b468f58f69fb8cebc0b1 commit hash: f0e73ad47839d7ba7f97b468f58f69fb8cebc0b1 commit hash: f0e73ad47839d7ba7f97b468f58f69fb8cebc0b1 f0e73ad
Sunday, 18 Feb 2024
00:19 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 58.1

Changes since 57:

DIN Is Noise 58:
    position affects velocity and acceleration vectors
      instead of just velocity vectors
        Menu > Drone Tools > Position affects Vectors
  /* rotate acceleration *\
  /* rotation direction switch on velocity, accelerations *\
  /* reverse orbital direction *\
  * drone & voice volume displayed on microtonal keyboard is absolute not %
  * improved documentation, see
  :( fixed visual modulation behaviour on drones :)
  - removed Boost library requirement to build DIN Is Noise from source code.
commit hash: 32588501c40c251bbb2853bca02e044e1bbdb857 commit hash: 32588501c40c251bbb2853bca02e044e1bbdb857 commit hash: 32588501c40c251bbb2853bca02e044e1bbdb857 commit hash: 32588501c40c251bbb2853bca02e044e1bbdb857 3258850
Tuesday, 12 Sep 2023
06:11 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 57

Changes since 56:

DIN Is Noise 57:

	:( fixed crash if Scale notes label on Settings page was clicked :)
  :( fixed reset of note polygon radius in Mondrian :)
  :( fixed lingering close button when switching ui screens using keyboard short
cuts :)

      auto pause can now pause auto rotation or pause auto flip
      direction of rotation of launched drones

        set at Auto pause section in Menu > Drone Params > Defaults

  /* 0 limit on drone master volume, AM and FM depths *\

    change of keyboard shortcuts for better drone handling on the
    microtonal keyboard

    middle mouse click to set drone scale / rotate center (pink cross)
    to mouse cursor

    f - find drone center of selected drones
					voice phrase recorder shares this shortcut
						but only triggers if voice is active

    r - rotate selected drones about center

    t - scale selected drones about center

      hold SHIFT to scale only vertically (only volume changes)
      hold CTRL to scale only horizontally (only pitch changes)

    SPACE - freeze / thaw drones

    For selected drones:

      n - clear drone selection

      y, u - change AM depth and bpm
      o, p - change FM depth and bpm

      - - change handle size
      = - change trail length

      j - flip drone motion

            flips drone velocity

              try on launched drones after turning on
              Menu > Drone Defaults > Select on Creation

            and AM/FM direction

              try on drones of a drone pendulum
              or a drone mesh


    new keyboard shortcuts for mouse slider

      ` - toggle ~ on parameter spinner
      0 - toggle 0 on parameter spinner


    while moving drone center (the pink cross):

      SHIFT to move along vertical
      CTRL to move along horizontal

    On Gravity:

      tip -> mouse - gravity tracks mouse
      tip -> drone -  gravity tracks drone tip
                      instead of touching it

                        only works after
                        Tip to drone



    String of characters to bit pattern to box fill texture
    in Mondrian. A cheap experiment with polygon stippling
    in OpenGL.

      OFF by default
      Click Menu > Misc > Texture to toggle
      sd)s is default string. Change and see!
      Also change Step.


  * improved drone AM and FM position set
  * improved Sine Mixer
  * improved binaural drones instrument
  * improved mouse slider
  * improved cursor cross hairs
commit hash: fcb05a89302584251e66fc97512b092684149b78 commit hash: fcb05a89302584251e66fc97512b092684149b78 commit hash: fcb05a89302584251e66fc97512b092684149b78 commit hash: fcb05a89302584251e66fc97512b092684149b78 fcb05a8
Saturday, 4 Feb 2023
16:13 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 56

Changes since 55:

DIN Is Noise 56:

    new drone movements: rail and strafe

      rail moves a drone along its velocity vector
      strafe moves a drone lateral (perpendicular) to the velocity vector

        access rail and strafe using Drone Tools > Move / Rail / Strafe option
          click on the option to activate
          then just move mouse up or down to rail or strafe

      interesting fx possible if the drone velocity vectors are
      auto rotating / flipping / pausing when railing or strafing!

      new auto pause for auto rotating drone velocity and/or accleration vectors

      basically, pause rotating every few seconds for a few seconds
        set values of 'every few seconds' and 'for a few seconds' from:
          Drone Params > Defaults for new drones OR
          Drone Params > Motion for existing drones

      new auto flip (= change direction of) rotation of curves on
      any curve editor

    new Curves tab on Menu of all curve editors
      lists curves available for editing
      can turn on/off curves for better/easier & targeted editing

  * improved FFT display and handling on waveform editors
  * improved waveform display on keyboard-keyboard
  * improved auto flip of rotation of velocity/acceleration vectors of drones
  @ launched drones from muted drones are not muted (default until DIN55)
    @ they serve no purpose, you can just select the launcher and
      stop launching :)
  - Fractaliser does not change curve name on apply
  ! fixed Menu > Drone tools > Immortalize to turn mortal launched drones
  ! fixed resizing of Sine_Mixer harmonics/phases widget when moving Sine_Mixer
commit hash: 998bdce416ab3f507c62dd4553ea27da840b120b commit hash: 998bdce416ab3f507c62dd4553ea27da840b120b commit hash: 998bdce416ab3f507c62dd4553ea27da840b120b commit hash: 998bdce416ab3f507c62dd4553ea27da840b120b 998bdce
Saturday, 1 Oct 2022
10:03 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 55

Changes since 54:

DIN Is Noise 55:
      an overhaul of Gravity

      as before, you can click and move the base or
      the tip of the gravity arrow to adjust its position,
      direction and strength.

      to (auto) animate the gravity arrow:

        assign a drone to base of gravity
        assign another drone to tip of gravity

        move or visual FM / AM modulate one or both these drones
        and gravity moves accordingly.

        animating gravity influences the trajectory of launched
        drones :)

      click 'Base to manual' and 'Tip to manual' to detach
      assigned drones from base and the tip respectively.

      you can now manually edit the base and tip again.

      click 'Select base', 'Select tip' or 'Select both'
      to select the assigned drones. Useful for moving,
      for visual AM/FM, to mute them etc.

      eg., you could mute the assigned drones by clicking
      'Select both' and then Menu > Drone Tools > Mute


  /* adjust position/phase of visual drone modulation (AM and FM)

      Menu > Drone Params > AM Position
      Menu > Drone Params > FM Position

      eg., at 0 position with AM and FM BPMs equal, the trail/path
      of the modulating drones is elliptical.

  /* set AM BPM to FM BPM of drones and vice-versa
  /* flip velocity direction of launched drone with respect to the launcher
     if -ve flag is set in drone velocity defaults
  /* opacity parameter for oscilloscope
  * optimised oscilloscope
    * faster sample add
    * faster drawing
  * changed shape of drone handles
  * optimised snap lines drawing on curve editors
  ! fixed OpenGL drawing bugs for affected OpenGL drivers on Windows !
    ! in oscilloscope !
    ! in waveform display on waveform editors !
    ! when hz/vol displayed on drones !
  ! fixed crash if drones as they are fading in when creating drone mesh
    are modulated or moved !
commit hash: 270d32558409af5d445b63ff185a99b784927f8b commit hash: 270d32558409af5d445b63ff185a99b784927f8b commit hash: 270d32558409af5d445b63ff185a99b784927f8b commit hash: 270d32558409af5d445b63ff185a99b784927f8b 270d325
Saturday, 7 May 2022
11:43 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 54

Changes since 53.1:

DIN Is Noise 54:

  NEW in DIN54:

    Drones Per Launch and Launches Per Minute for drone launchers
      Until DIN53.1 you could launch only 1 drone per launch.
      In DIN54, you can launch a bunch of drones every launch with
      launches per minute.

      Change drones per launch / launches per minute of an existing
      launcher from Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Drones Per Launch or
      Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Launches Per Minute

      for new launcher set in defaults:

      Menu > Drone Params > Defaults > Drones Per Launch
        default = 1
      Menu > Drone Params > Defaults > Launches Per Minute
        default = 60


        When there are many drones launched every launch, they will all launch
        along the direction (of velocity) of the launcher.  Their trajectory
        therefore overlap, turn on Menu > Drone Params > Defaults > Velocity |
        to randomize their launch directions

    drone velocity modulation:
      affects all launched drones
      specify how amount of velocity (actually the speed!) changes from birth to
death of a drone
        default is constant ie no change from velocity (ie the speed) at birth
          this is the behaviour in DIN53.1

      edit the change curve from Menu > Editors > Drone velocity modulation
    in Gravity widget:
          if turned ON, gravity size continuously expands or contracts to Mouse
          (1st selected) Drone position !warning! Big gravity sizes can move
          fast to max volume and get loud!

      To Screen + : puts base of gravity vector to the center of the screen
      To drones + : puts base of gravity vector to the center (magenta arrow) of
selected drones.
        To drone  : puts base of gravity vector to the (first) selected drone.

  /* save/load color sliders /*

  + draw gravity vector when UI is off
  * draw drone trails even if drones are off visible note / pitch ranges
  ! fixed: drones bounced only once irrespective of Menu > Drone Params >
Defaults > Bounces parameter !
    ! bug introduced in DIN53 :( !
  ! fixed: potential (null pointer) crash when turning UI on/off from microtonal
keyboard !
  ! fixed: sudden increase in loudness (sorry!) when frozen drones are deleted
but then
           thawed, frozen and deleted again and again !
  ! fixed: restore oscilloscope display state when UI is turned off and on !
  ! fixed: timing (introduced in DIN53.1 due to change of of auto
split / delete boxes in mondrian !
  ! fixed: deleted drones not de-selected !
commit hash: ee7ed73914803f95cb36047c23ef6ad4832530c3 commit hash: ee7ed73914803f95cb36047c23ef6ad4832530c3 commit hash: ee7ed73914803f95cb36047c23ef6ad4832530c3 commit hash: ee7ed73914803f95cb36047c23ef6ad4832530c3 ee7ed73
Saturday, 26 Feb 2022
06:58 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 53.1

Changes since 53:

DIN Is Noise 53.1:
  ! fixed : runaway launch of drones when Drone Params > Defaults > Generations
            is > 1 (higher the value worse the outcome!) and Drones Per Minute =
            due to wrong initialisation of this drone parameter after DIN
restart /

  Update ASAP to DIN53.1
commit hash: 77dd4df68a4fe0eae8ad0326160c12e527340bb0 commit hash: 77dd4df68a4fe0eae8ad0326160c12e527340bb0 commit hash: 77dd4df68a4fe0eae8ad0326160c12e527340bb0 commit hash: 77dd4df68a4fe0eae8ad0326160c12e527340bb0 77dd4df
Saturday, 12 Feb 2022
06:33 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 53

Changes since 52:

DIN Is Noise 53:

  /*  new in DIN53:

        launched drones launch drones that launch drones that launch drones....!

          use Drone Params > Defaults > Generations to set the number of times
this can happen

            if Generations = 1,  A drone launcher launches drones (@ a Drones
Per Minute)
            that die at the end of their lifetimes. This is default and the only
behaviour until DIN 52.
            if Generations = 2, A drone launcher launches drones that launch
            if Generations = 3, A drone launcher launches drones that launch
drones that
            launch drones too.
            if Generations = 4, 5, 6, ... this quickly escalates into a
population explosion of drones;
            lots of drones birthing lots of drones, living their life out and
waiting to die can get
            very loud (especially if the Compressor isnt ON), slow down DIN and
maybe even your computer
            beyond rescue. Be careful! :)

            Ways to prevent this population explosion are: keep Generatons low
(Menu > Drone Params
            > Defaults), keep Drones Per Minute (DPM) and Lifetime on the
            launcher low (Select drone launcher and adjust values from Menu >
Drone Params > Motion) and
            keep the Fall time low (the fade-out time for drone after being
killed, from Menu > Drone
            Params > Defaults)

            The launched drones take the DPM and Lifetime of their parent so
editing carefully the
            parameters of the original launcher is important.

  /*  new default Drones Per Minute (DPM) on a drone launcher (Menu > Drone
Params > Defaults). Assigns a
      DPM when making a drone launcher.  Turn on ~ to assign a DPM at random.

  * re: Auto rotation of drone velocity/acceleration vectors:
      changed Degrees Per Second to Degrees Per Tick

  /* re: Menu > Drone Params > Defaults > Bounces
      when set to 0, launched drones dont bounce off the bottom of the
microtonal keyboard
        but are killed immediately (behaviour until DIN 52)
      when set to -1, drones dont bounce off the bottom of the microtonal
keyboard at all:
        but they are not killed either, they just live their life(time) out

  /* gravity base and tip dont move ie stay fixed as you scroll the microtonal
keyboard in DIN53.
     this is because gravity is now in 'object space' along with the drones and
microtonal ranges.
     until DIN52, gravity was in 'UI space' along with UI controls.

  * repositioned drone arrow UI elements

  ! fixed : DIN not quitting when frozen drones present !
  ! fixed : change size of gravity vector when its modulating !
commit hash: 4df33816e68ff891c0c30d40a3c6eb3f5ca60acd commit hash: 4df33816e68ff891c0c30d40a3c6eb3f5ca60acd commit hash: 4df33816e68ff891c0c30d40a3c6eb3f5ca60acd commit hash: 4df33816e68ff891c0c30d40a3c6eb3f5ca60acd 4df3381
Sunday, 12 Dec 2021
23:44 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update to 52

Changes since 51.1.1:

DIN Is Noise 52:

  \ walked back some changes introduced in DIN 51
    \ the drone tracked by gravity does not change when the selection changes
  \ renamed drone arrow parameter called Head to Neck

  /* new gravity size modulation for DIN 52

      change the size (aka strength/magnitude) of gravity vector over bpm:
        on the gravity widget, turn on Modulate
          bpm = speed of gravity size modulation
          depth = how far to 0 gravity drops
            depth = 1, goes all the way to 0 and back in 1 beat
            depth = 0.5, goes from starting size to half size and back in 1 beat
            depth = 0, no size modulation ie size does not change at all
            default depth = 1

          set an initial size using gravity presets or click on Change Size
          and move the mouse up or down. keep Modulate off when doing this.

          click Edit to edit the size modulation curve for interesting fx.

  + press q to toggle drone wanding when Menu > Drone Tools > Wand is selected
    ! was always in Add drone mode until DIN 51.x
  + optional tracking of drones when connecting them with Menu > Drone Tools >
    + enable / disable @ Menu > Drone Tools > Track
    + if enabled on connection: drone 1 points to drone 2 points to drone 3 and
so on
    + if disabled on disconnection: selected drones stop tracking any other
  + select drone on creation
    + Menu > Drone Params > Defaults > Select on Creation
    + drone is not selected by default
    + useful for looking at pitch/volume info of launched drones as they fly
  + white = noise interpolator curve
    @ Menu > Editors > Noise Interpolator
  + white = drone that makes noise
    \ was grayscale in DIN 51.x
  + color of velocity vector of drone = color of drone
    \ was green in DIN51.x
  + constrain magnitude of drone velocity +/ acceleration to be > 0
    + click on 0 checkbutton on the Menu > Drone Params > Motion > Velocity or
Acceleration to toggle
      + if enabled, magnitude of velocity +/ acceleration will always be > 0
      + if disabled, magnitude of velocity +/ acceleration can go < 0 ie will
reverse movement or
  + browsed drone marker color is color of the browsed drone
    \ was green in DIN51.x
  * improved drone arrow drawing
  * improved note/frequency labeling on microtonal ranges
  * improved 'with left/center/right fixed' menu item on Menu > Ranges
  * new default volume distribution curve to have value increase (linearly)
    after 100% instead of staying at 100%. upto 200% now.
  * improved drone > < noise progress display
  <> moved (and renamed) Menu > Drone Params > Move under Gravity to Menu >
Drone Tools > Balloon
      still does the same thing:
        releases (like gas balloons :) anchored drones
          these are now launched drones and die at the end of their lifetimes.
  <> moved Snap drones to notes / Position affects velocity from Menu > Drone
Params > Motion to
     Menu > Drone Tools
  <> moved Bounces, rebound Speed% and drone bounce behaviour from Menu > Drone
Params > Motion to
     Menu > Drone Params > Defaults as they apply equally to all launched drones
  * replaced drone Rise Time Min and Max spinners with a Rise time spinner
    + turn on ~ to generate a random rise time (default is 50% to 100% of Rise
time) on drone creation
      + change range of randomness by editing %~ field
  * replaced drone Fall Time Min and Max spinners with a Fall time spinner
    + turn on ~ to generate a random fall time (default is 50% to 100% of Fall
time) on drone removal
      + change range of randomness by editing %~ field
  + drones can bounce ahead, back or ahead/back
  + can select drones while voice phrasor plays
  + reinstated (from din-5.2.1 release!) a form of indian notation for notes
    + from Settings screen, choose notation = indian
  + a launched drone lifetime = lifetime of launcher or if ~ is active on Menu >
Drone Params > Defaults > Lifetime
    a randomisation based on ~% of the lifetime of the launcher

  ! fixed bug when setting snap left/right values
  ! fixed mouse wheel scrolling of UI when hovering over label widget
  ! gravity continues tracking drone as its moved around or when scrolling
microtonal keyboard
commit hash: 9638c2b537873b8e21c1baae0985659cd22f38b1 commit hash: 9638c2b537873b8e21c1baae0985659cd22f38b1 commit hash: 9638c2b537873b8e21c1baae0985659cd22f38b1 commit hash: 9638c2b537873b8e21c1baae0985659cd22f38b1 9638c2b
Saturday, 21 Aug 2021
21:41 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 51.1.1

Changes since 51.1:

DIN Is Noise 51.1.1:
  ! fixed build failures due to inconsistent variable type declaration !
commit hash: 29d50446f541f2679c80aa3532ea9c750c7b879e commit hash: 29d50446f541f2679c80aa3532ea9c750c7b879e commit hash: 29d50446f541f2679c80aa3532ea9c750c7b879e commit hash: 29d50446f541f2679c80aa3532ea9c750c7b879e 29d5044
Wednesday, 14 Jul 2021
03:01 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Update distinfo due to upstream change.

- Also include the patches to fix the build.
commit hash: 910486d2112b3af32019415d09bc86156cb8a52b commit hash: 910486d2112b3af32019415d09bc86156cb8a52b commit hash: 910486d2112b3af32019415d09bc86156cb8a52b commit hash: 910486d2112b3af32019415d09bc86156cb8a52b 910486d
Monday, 12 Jul 2021
15:07 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 51.1

Changes since 50.2:

DIN Is Noise 51.1:
  * improved DIN font *
  ! fixed drone arrow defaults save/load !

DIN Is Noise 51:

   + drone is anchored or launched on creation
      anchored means stays fixed at the place of creation
      launched means 'flies' off based on its velocity and gravity
        try with Menu > Drone Tools > Add / Wand
      set at Menu > Drone Params > Defaults

  + set velocity +/ acceleration vectors of drones to presets via Menu > Drone
Params > Motion > Set velocity/acceleration
    + presets are +ve or -ve vertical, horizontal, velocity, acceleration and

  + auto flip (clock < > anti-clock) auto rotating velocity/acceleration vectors
every some degrees
    + via Menu > Drone Params > Auto flip > Set / Unset / Toggle
    + default 'every some degrees' is 90 degrees

  + gravity
    + presets for gravity vector
       0, left, right, up and down
    + gravity tracks mouse position
      + click Gravity > Mouse
    + gravity tracks the first among selected drones
      + click Gravity > Drone
        ! as drone selection changes, gravity may track a different drone !
      - removed Menu Drone Params > Track gravity

  + mesh polygon filling per drone color

  * color of a launched drone is same as color of the launcher
    * try changing color of the launcher as drones are launched

  * changed color of velocity/acceleration vectors to move away from green (used
for selection) and red (used for errors)
    * cyan = color of velocity vector of all drones
    * (reddish) magenta = color of acceleration vector of all drones

  * changed arrow visualisation of velocity +/ acceleration vector of all drones
    * Head
      * edit the position of the arrow tip
        * can go 'above' the vector tip ie > 1.0
        * can go 'below' the drone location ie < 0.0
        * can be on the body ie 0 <= tip <= 1.0
    * Shoulder Position
      * edit position of the arrow's shoulder tips
    * Shoulder Width
      * edit width of the arrow's shoulder
    + Cap or Decap the arrow

  + set default arrow head, shoulder position and width, cap from Menu > Drone
Params > Defaults
    + used when adding & wanding drones
    + change existing drone's velocity/acceleration vector arrow params via Menu
> Drone Params > Visual

  + improved geometric chuck
    + on a chuck with N drones, the first N - 1 drones have trail set to 0
      + the last drone has trail set to 10000
    + toggle auto reset trails
      + Menu > Drone Params > Chuck > Auto reset trails
    + 2 changes above aid visualisation and experimentation instead of manual
      resize/reset every time after changing a chuck param
    + toggle chuck outline
      + click Menu > Drone Params > Chuck > Draw chuck outline
      + aids screenshotting
    + chuck outline drawn per drone color

  * default scale/rotate drones center to microtonal keyboard center

  * default selected range to C Eb

  + mouse wheel on microtonal keyboard to scroll along horizontal
    + press SHIFT and scroll to scroll along vertical

  * short form of echo command is .

  * improved bpm handling of drone pendulums and meshes

  * improved drone trail handling/display

  * close menu after setting modulation direction

  ! fixed bug in zoom of curve editor when mouse slider is active !
  ! fixed draw crosshairs on drone mesh preview !
commit hash: 59eda6f8c9758a1820579bdb1f1a5dd2a9dd0aec commit hash: 59eda6f8c9758a1820579bdb1f1a5dd2a9dd0aec commit hash: 59eda6f8c9758a1820579bdb1f1a5dd2a9dd0aec commit hash: 59eda6f8c9758a1820579bdb1f1a5dd2a9dd0aec 59eda6f
Sunday, 18 Apr 2021
11:30 Santhosh Raju (fox) search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 50.2

Changes since 50.1:

DIN Is Noise 50.2 :
  :( fixed bug in drone modulation editor introduced in DIN 50 :)
commit hash: ca0a5a674c48fd66cc6f72fb467ef183f727bb18 commit hash: ca0a5a674c48fd66cc6f72fb467ef183f727bb18 commit hash: ca0a5a674c48fd66cc6f72fb467ef183f727bb18 commit hash: ca0a5a674c48fd66cc6f72fb467ef183f727bb18 ca0a5a6
Tuesday, 30 Mar 2021
00:12 fox search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 50.1

Changes since 50:

DIN Is Noise 50.1 :

  :( fixed wrong Velocity and Acceleration directions on Auto Rotate :)
  * improved item list handling
Original commitRevision:569527 
Friday, 12 Mar 2021
21:47 fox search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 50

Changes since 49.1:

DIN Is Noise 50:

  /* Wand drones into existense using Drone Tools > Wand

    /* tool toggles between Add and Wand modes

    /* In Add mode (the only mode until DIN49.1), you add a new drone by
       left clicking on the microtonal keyboard. You click and drag to
       'spray' new drones.

    /* In Wand mode (new in DIN 50), you simply wave the mouse to add drones on
       the microtonal keyboard. Use the Wand distance (Drone Params > Defaults)
       to control how close or spaced out the drones are to each other.

  /* new Drone Params > Defaults tab to set defaults for some drone parameters:

    /* wand distance - distance to move the mouse before DIN adds a drone in
Wand mode.

      ! smaller distance means drones are created close together
      ! larger distance means drones are more spaced out

    /* type of drones wanded/added:

      1. immortal - drone forever until deleted << default and the only type
until DIN49.1
      2. mortal - die after their lifetime << drones launched from another drone
are this type
      3. reincarnate - die after their lifetime only to be (re)born immediately!
<< new to DIN 50!

    -> type of sound made by drones:

      -> moved from Drone > Tools in DIN 49.1
      -> drones a pitch/volume
      -> noise @ pitch/volume

    -> Drone rise (min, max), fall (min, max), lifetime and handle size.
      -> rise, fall times moved here from Settings screen

  /* Drone Tools > Immortalize to make drones immortal
  /* Drone Tools > Mortalize to kill drones after their lifetime
  /* Drone Tools > Reincarnate - drones rebirth after their death, immediately!

  /* Auto rotate Velocity or Acceleration or Both of selected drones from
     Drone Params > Motion tab
     /* @ RPM
     /* Clockwise or Anti-clockwise
     /* Start, Stop or Toggle

  /* Set AM and FM directions to
    /* Vertical, Horizontal, Velocity or Acceleration
    /* Until DIN 49.1:
      /* AM direction = Vertical
      /* FM direction = Horizontal

      interesting fx possible via auto rotating velocity +/ acceleration and
using them
      as modulation directions. also interesting to launch drones from auto

    DIN 50 introduces a virtual geometric chuck inspired by the geometric chuck,
    a drawing machine from the 19th century! DIN's chuck, made with a bunch
    of drones, not only draws (via drone trails) but also sounds notes
    (via snapping), drones or noises!

    To begin, select a bunch of drones and
      choose Drone Tools > Chuck
        DIN creates a geometric chuck with these drones
          Minimum 2 drones
          Good start = 3 drones
          Each drone rotates about the other
          1st drone is central, rotates about nothing, so stays still
            You can move this drone around and move the whole chuck
              The 2nd drone rotates about the 1st,
                The 3rd drone rotates about the 2nd,
                  and so on

          Browse the selected drones of the chuck with Drone Tools > Browse
          or press <- and -> to select a drone in the chuck and

          Adjust the speed at which this drone rotates about the other
          (Drone Params > Chuck > Speed), the distance at which it rotates
          (Drone Params > Chuck > Length), flip the direction of rotation
          (anti-clockwise < > clockwise) (Drone Params > Flip), pause/go
          (Drone Params > Chuck > Toggle) the rotation and draw a trail
          (Drone Params > Chuck > Trail length). Recommend trail on the last
          drone of a chuck to make drawing like the real geometric chuck

          Set Angle per frame to speed up (large angle) or slow down (small
angle) the rotation
          of all the drones of (all) chuck(s).

          The drones of the chuck sound the pitch/volume they are on the
microtonal keyboard.
          You can mute/unmute any / all of the drones of the chuck.
            Drone Tools > Mute, Drone Tools > Unmute
          You can convert any / all of the chuck's drones to noise (Drone Tools
> Drone > Noise) or
            Drone Tools > Drone 2 Noise, Drone Tools > Noise 2 Drone
          You can snap drones of the chuck to sound notes
            Drone Params > Motion > Snap drones to notes > Set


  + stop drone decay (and death) if frozen
  + retime decay time of deleted drone(s) if you select drone(s) and delete

  * change FM depth (like AM depth) by moving along vertical on mouse slider
    * moved along horizontal until DIN 49.1
  * change FM bpm (like AM bpm) by moving along vertical on mouse slider
    * moved along horizontal until DIN 49.1
  * helps with moving drones along circular paths at different speeds
  * improved value spinner UI
  * improved find_nearest_note (..) performance
  * improved drone trail performance
  * improved console text & value display
Original commitRevision:568204 
Sunday, 15 Nov 2020
23:44 fox search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 49.1

Changes since 49:

DIN Is Noise 49.1:

  ! fixed : crash from 'delays' editor when menu toggled and plugin browser fold
toggled !
  /* multiple channel MIDI support
Original commitRevision:555438 
Thursday, 12 Nov 2020
12:27 fox search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 49

Changes since 48:

DIN Is Noise 49:

  /* position (instead of modulation until DIN48) affects velocity vector of

  /* Set center for rotation and scaling of drones:

    Menu > Drone Tools > Auto Center uses average center of selected drones
    Choose Menu > Drone Tools > Set to mouse and Click on it to set center to
    point under mouse cursor. Click to stop.
      You can also click and just move the magenta cross that marks the center

  on mouse slider:

  /* warp mouse position when rolling wheel
  /* press / to toggle warp mouse at boundary

  * improved the drone selector / drone mesh/pendulum preview on microtonal

  * show hz/vol for selected drones only (instead of all drones until DIN48)

  ! fixed: flip (using ` key shortcut) between instruments loads the correct
editors !


  /*  when scaling or rotating drones, change scale or angle increments using
mouse slider (see
      DIN 48 CHANGELOG below for how to do this) to change scaling +/ rotation
Original commitRevision:554955 
Friday, 4 Sep 2020
13:09 fox search for other commits by this committer
audio/din: Updates to 48

Changes since 47.1:

DIN Is Noise 48:

  /*  create drone pendulum based on number of drones instead of spacing

  /* convert selected pitched drones to noising drones and vice-versa.
    + CTRL + . to convert selected pitched drones to noising drones
      or Menu >> Drone Tools >> Drone > Noise
    + CTRL + , to convert selected noising drones to pitched drones
      or Menu >> Drone Tools >> Noise > Drone

  /* mute and unmute selected drones
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
Original commitRevision:547539 

Number of commits found: 18