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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
non port: audio/ecamegapedal/pkg-plist

Number of commits found: 3

Wednesday, 8 Sep 2010
05:25 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
audio/audacious-crossfade||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
audio/ecamegapedal||2010-09-08|Has expired: Abandonned since 2004, please use
audio/jack-rack or audio/creox instead.
comms/asmodem||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/ltmdm||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
comms/yawmppp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
devel/p5-ORBit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
emulators/p-interp||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
graphics/visionegg||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
japanese/okphone||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
java/openjit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
multimedia/xmps-win32-plugin||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net-mgmt/tknetmon||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/arpd||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
net/vomit||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
sysutils/xwipower||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained
www/lws||2010-09-08|Broken for 6+ months, unmaintained

Reported by:    FreeBSD unmaintained ports which are currently marked broken
                monthly reminder
Original commit
Monday, 11 Jan 2010
17:11 nemoliu search for other commits by this committer
Forced commit to mention that the previous commit actually

PR:     ports/142710
Original commit
Saturday, 8 Sep 2007
06:21 edwin search for other commits by this committer
New port: audio/ecamegapedal realtime audio processor

        Ecamegapedal is a real-time effect processor software with
        a graphical user interface for controlling the effect
        parameters. It is meant to be used as a virtual guitar-fx
        or studio effect box. In addition to real-time operation,
        Ecamegapedal also supports reading from and writing to audio
        files.  All audio object and effect plugin types provided
        by the Ecasound libraries are supported. This includes ALSA,
        JACK, OSS, aRts, over 20 file formats, over 30 effect types,
        LADSPA plugins and multi-operator effect presets.  Ecamegapedal's
        implementation is based on Ecasound and Qt libraries.


PR:             ports/115460
Submitted by:   dk <>
Original commit

Number of commits found: 3