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non port: graphics/filmulator/distinfo

Number of commits found: 1

Tuesday, 21 Dec 2021
10:28 Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
graphics/filmulator: new port had been added (+)

Filmulator is a raw photo editing application with library management,
it accepts raw files from cameras and simulates the development of film
as if exposed to the same light as the camera's sensor.

commit hash: 2b11880f58003aa460539e418f488b5adff83307 commit hash: 2b11880f58003aa460539e418f488b5adff83307 commit hash: 2b11880f58003aa460539e418f488b5adff83307 commit hash: 2b11880f58003aa460539e418f488b5adff83307 2b11880

Number of commits found: 1