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non port: mail/spamassassin/files/patch-bug7065

Number of commits found: 2

Wednesday, 29 Apr 2015
18:46 adamw search for other commits by this committer
Update spamassassin to 3.4.1.

  * improved automation to help combat spammers that are abusing new top level
  * tweaks to the SPF support to block more spoofed emails;
  * increased character set normalization to make rules easier to develop and
    stop spammers from using alternate character sets to bypass tests;
  * continued refinement to the native IPv6 support; and
  * improved Bayesian classification with better debugging and attachment

Full ChangeLog at

The japanese/spamassassin port is broken until it's updated for 3.4.1.
Original commitRevision:385003 
Sunday, 6 Jul 2014
12:45 adamw search for other commits by this committer
Add a patch to fix the DBM bayes store, which failed due to a tainted
variable in a debug message.

Submitted by:	Herbert J. Skuhra
Original commitRevision:360891 

Number of commits found: 2