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non port: math/octave-forge-cgi/pkg-plist

Number of commits found: 2

Thursday, 20 Aug 2015
18:24 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
remove empty pkg-plist

PR:                  201663
Submitted By:
Original commitRevision:394904 
Tuesday, 20 Nov 2012
22:57 stephen search for other commits by this committer
- New port: octave-forge-cgi.

The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project,
which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions
and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions
plus build and install scripts.

This is cgi, which provides a common gatway interface for Octave.

Feature safe:	yes
Original commitRevision:307605 

Number of commits found: 2