FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-06-07 10:36:35 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
1b15a554-c981-11ed-bb39-901b0e9408dctailscale -- security vulnerability in Tailscale SSH

Tailscale team reports:

A vulnerability identified in the implementation of Tailscale SSH in FreeBSD allowed commands to be run with a higher privilege group ID than that specified by Tailscale SSH access rules.

Discovery 2023-03-22
Entry 2023-03-23
< 1.38.2

e0f26ac5-6a17-11ed-93e7-901b0e9408dctailscale -- Security vulnerability in the client

Tailscale team reports:

A vulnerability identified in the Tailscale client allows a malicious website to access the peer API, which can then be used to access Tailscale environment variables.

Discovery 2022-11-21
Entry 2022-11-22
< 1.32.3

ee6936da-0ddd-11ef-9c21-901b0e9408dctailscale -- Insufficient inbound packet filtering in subnet routers and exit nodes

Tailscale team reports:

In Tailscale versions earlier than 1.66.0, exit nodes, subnet routers, and app connectors, could allow inbound connections to other tailnet nodes from their local area network (LAN). This vulnerability only affects Linux exit nodes, subnet routers, and app connectors in tailnets where ACLs allow "src": "*", such as with default ACLs.

Discovery 2024-05-08
Entry 2024-05-09
< 1.66.0