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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-29 17:22:06 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
486aff57-9ecd-11da-b410-000e0c2e438apostgresql -- character conversion and tsearch2 vulnerabilities

The postgresql development team reports:

The more severe of the two errors is that the functions that support client-to-server character set conversion can be called from SQL commands by unprivileged users, but these functions are not designed to be safe against malicious choices of argument values. This problem exists in PostgreSQL 7.3.* through 8.0.*. The recommended fix is to disable public EXECUTE access for these functions. This does not affect normal usage of the functions for character set conversion, but it will prevent misuse.

The other error is that the contrib/tsearch2 module misdeclares several functions as returning type "internal" when they do not have any "internal" argument. This breaks the type safety of "internal" by allowing users to construct SQL commands that invoke other functions accepting "internal" arguments. The consequences of this have not been investigated in detail, but it is certainly at least possible to crash the backend.

Discovery 2005-05-02
Entry 2006-02-16
ge 7.2.0 lt 7.2.8

ge 7.3.0 lt 7.3.10

ge 7.4.0 lt 7.4.8

ge 8.0.0 lt 8.0.3

6b4b0b3f-8127-11d9-a9e7-0001020eed82postgresql -- multiple buffer overflows in PL/PgSQL parser

The PL/PgSQL parser in postgresql is vulnerable to several buffer overflows. These could be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the postgresql server by running a specially crafted query.

Discovery 2005-02-07
Entry 2005-02-17
Modified 2005-02-19
< 7.3.9_1

gt 7.4.* lt 7.4.7_1

gt 8.* lt 8.0.1_1

5d425189-7a03-11d9-a9e7-0001020eed82postgresql -- privilege escalation vulnerability

John Heasman and others disovered that non-privileged users could use the LOAD extension to load arbitrary libraries into the postgres server process space. This could be used by non-privileged local users to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the postgresql server.

Discovery 2005-01-21
Entry 2005-02-08
< 7.3.9

gt 7.4.* lt 7.4.7

gt 8.* lt 8.0.1

le 8.0.1,1

51436b4c-1250-11dd-bab7-0016179b2dd5postgresql -- multiple vulnerabilities

The PostgreSQL developers report:

PostgreSQL allows users to create indexes on the results of user-defined functions, known as "expression indexes". This provided two vulnerabilities to privilege escalation: (1) index functions were executed as the superuser and not the table owner during VACUUM and ANALYZE, and (2) that SET ROLE and SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION were permitted within index functions. Both of these holes have now been closed.

PostgreSQL allowed malicious users to initiate a denial-of-service by passing certain regular expressions in SQL queries. First, users could create infinite loops using some specific regular expressions. Second, certain complex regular expressions could consume excessive amounts of memory. Third, out-of-range backref numbers could be used to crash the backend.

DBLink functions combined with local trust or ident authentication could be used by a malicious user to gain superuser privileges. This issue has been fixed, and does not affect users who have not installed DBLink (an optional module), or who are using password authentication for local access. This same problem was addressed in the previous release cycle, but that patch failed to close all forms of the loophole.

Discovery 2008-01-06
Entry 2008-04-24
ge 7.3 lt 7.3.21

ge 7.4 lt 7.4.19

ge 8.0 lt 8.0.15

ge 8.1 lt 8.1.11

ge 8.2 lt 8.2.6

65c8ecf9-2adb-11db-a6e2-000e0c2e438apostgresql -- multiple vulnerabilities

Multiple vulnerabilities had been reported in various versions of PostgreSQL:

  • The EXECUTE restrictions can be bypassed by using the AGGREGATE function, which is missing a permissions check.
  • A buffer overflow exists in gram.y which could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code by sending a large number of arguments to a refcursor function, found in gram.y
  • The intagg contributed module allows an attacker to crash the server (Denial of Service) by constructing a malicious crafted array.

Discovery 2005-02-01
Entry 2006-08-13
ge 7.2 lt 7.2.7

ge 7.3 lt 7.3.9

ge 7.4 lt 7.4.7

ge 8.0.0 lt 8.0.1

17f53c1d-2ae9-11db-a6e2-000e0c2e438apostgresql -- encoding based SQL injection

The PostgreSQL development team reports:

An attacker able to submit crafted strings to an application that will embed those strings in SQL commands can use invalidly-encoded multibyte characters to bypass standard string-escaping methods, resulting in possible injection of hostile SQL commands into the database. The attacks covered here work in any multibyte encoding.

The widely-used practice of escaping ASCII single quote "'" by turning it into "\'" is unsafe when operating in multibyte encodings that allow 0x5c (ASCII code for backslash) as the trailing byte of a multibyte character; this includes at least SJIS, BIG5, GBK, GB18030, and UHC. An application that uses this conversion while embedding untrusted strings in SQL commands is vulnerable to SQL-injection attacks if it communicates with the server in one of these encodings. While the standard client libraries used with PostgreSQL have escaped "'" in the safe, SQL-standard way of "''" for some time, the older practice remains common.

Discovery 2006-05-11
Entry 2006-08-13
ge 7.3 lt 7.3.15

ge 7.4 lt 7.4.13

ge 8.0.0 lt 8.0.8

ge 8.1.0 lt 8.1.4
