FreshPorts - VuXML

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The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-02 10:37:19 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
7f242313-aea5-11eb-8151-67f74cf7c704go -- net/http: ReadRequest can stack overflow due to recursion with very large headers

The Go project reports:

http.ReadRequest can stack overflow due to recursion when given a request with a very large header (~8-10MB depending on the architecture). A http.Server which overrides the default max header of 1MB by setting Server.MaxHeaderBytes to a much larger value could also be vulnerable in the same way.

Discovery 2021-04-22
Entry 2021-05-06
< 1.16.4,1

bc7aff8c-d806-11ea-a5aa-0800272260e5go -- encoding/binary: ReadUvarint and ReadVarint can read an unlimited number of bytes from invalid inputs

The Go project reports:

Certain invalid inputs to ReadUvarint or ReadVarint could cause those functions to read an unlimited number of bytes from the ByteReader argument before returning an error. This could lead to processing more input than expected when the caller is reading directly from the network and depends on ReadUvarint and ReadVarint only consuming a small, bounded number of bytes, even from invalid inputs.

Discovery 2020-08-06
Entry 2020-08-06
< 1.14.7,1

f2217cdf-01e4-11e6-b1ce-002590263bf5go -- remote denial of service

Jason Buberel reports:

Go has an infinite loop in several big integer routines that makes Go programs vulnerable to remote denial of service attacks. Programs using HTTPS client authentication or the Go ssh server libraries are both exposed to this vulnerability.

Discovery 2016-04-05
Entry 2016-04-14
< 1.6.1,1

4ea1082a-1259-11ec-b4fa-dd5a552bdd17go -- archive/zip: overflow in preallocation check can cause OOM panic

The Go project reports:

An oversight in the previous fix still allows for an OOM panic when the indicated directory size in the archive header is so large that subtracting it from the archive size overflows a uint64, effectively bypassing the check that the number of files in the archive is reasonable.

Discovery 2021-08-18
Entry 2021-09-10
< 1.17.1,1

4fce9635-28c0-11ec-9ba8-002324b2fba8go -- misc/wasm, cmd/link: do not let command line arguments overwrite global data

The Go project reports:

When invoking functions from WASM modules, built using GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js, passing very large arguments can cause portions of the module to be overwritten with data from the arguments.

If using wasm_exec.js to execute WASM modules, users will need to replace their copy after rebuilding any modules.

Discovery 2021-10-06
Entry 2021-10-09
< 1.17.2,1

6809c6db-bdeb-11e5-b5fe-002590263bf5go -- information disclosure vulnerability

Jason Buberel reports:

A security-related issue has been reported in Go's math/big package. The issue was introduced in Go 1.5. We recommend that all users upgrade to Go 1.5.3, which fixes the issue. Go programs must be recompiled with Go 1.5.3 in order to receive the fix.

The Go team would like to thank Nick Craig-Wood for identifying the issue.

This issue can affect RSA computations in crypto/rsa, which is used by crypto/tls. TLS servers on 32-bit systems could plausibly leak their RSA private key due to this issue. Other protocol implementations that create many RSA signatures could also be impacted in the same way.

Specifically, incorrect results in one part of the RSA Chinese Remainder computation can cause the result to be incorrect in such a way that it leaks one of the primes. While RSA blinding should prevent an attacker from crafting specific inputs that trigger the bug, on 32-bit systems the bug can be expected to occur at random around one in 2^26 times. Thus collecting around 64 million signatures (of known data) from an affected server should be enough to extract the private key used.

On 64-bit systems, the frequency of the bug is so low (less than one in 2^50) that it would be very difficult to exploit. Nonetheless, everyone is strongly encouraged to upgrade.

Discovery 2016-01-13
Entry 2016-01-18
ge 1.5,1 lt 1.5.3,1

db4b2f27-252a-11eb-865c-00155d646400go -- math/big: panic during recursive division of very large numbers; cmd/go: arbitrary code execution at build time through cgo

The Go project reports:

A number of math/big.Int methods (Div, Exp, DivMod, Quo, Rem, QuoRem, Mod, ModInverse, ModSqrt, Jacobi, and GCD) can panic when provided crafted large inputs. For the panic to happen, the divisor or modulo argument must be larger than 3168 bits (on 32-bit architectures) or 6336 bits (on 64-bit architectures). Multiple math/big.Rat methods are similarly affected.

The go command may execute arbitrary code at build time when cgo is in use. This may occur when running go get on a malicious package, or any other command that builds untrusted code. This can be caused by a malicious gcc flags specified via a #cgo directive.

The go command may execute arbitrary code at build time when cgo is in use. This may occur when running go get on a malicious package, or any other command that builds untrusted code. This can be caused by malicious unquoted symbol names.

Discovery 2020-11-09
Entry 2020-11-12
< 1.15.5,1

880552c4-f63f-11eb-9d56-7186043316e9go -- net/http: panic due to racy read of persistConn after handler panic

The Go project reports:

A net/http/httputil ReverseProxy can panic due to a race condition if its Handler aborts with ErrAbortHandler, for example due to an error in copying the response body. An attacker might be able to force the conditions leading to the race condition.

Discovery 2021-06-21
Entry 2021-08-05
< 1.16.7,1

6a4805d5-5aaf-11eb-a21d-79f5bc5ef6a9go -- cmd/go: packages using cgo can cause arbitrary code execution at build time; crypto/elliptic: incorrect operations on the P-224 curve

The Go project reports:

The go command may execute arbitrary code at build time when cgo is in use on Windows. This may occur when running "go get", or any other command that builds code. Only users who build untrusted code (and don't execute it) are affected. In addition to Windows users, this can also affect Unix users who have "." listed explicitly in their PATH and are running "go get" or build commands outside of a module or with module mode disabled.

The P224() Curve implementation can in rare circumstances generate incorrect outputs, including returning invalid points from ScalarMult. The crypto/x509 and (but not crypto/tls) packages support P-224 ECDSA keys, but they are not supported by publicly trusted certificate authorities. No other standard library or package supports or uses the P-224 curve.

Discovery 2021-01-13
Entry 2021-01-19
< 1.15.7,1

079b3641-c4bd-11eb-a22a-693f0544ae52go -- multiple vulnerabilities

The Go project reports:

The SetString and UnmarshalText methods of math/big.Rat may cause a panic or an unrecoverable fatal error if passed inputs with very large exponents.

ReverseProxy in net/http/httputil could be made to forward certain hop-by-hop headers, including Connection. In case the target of the ReverseProxy was itself a reverse proxy, this would let an attacker drop arbitrary headers, including those set by the ReverseProxy.Director.

The LookupCNAME, LookupSRV, LookupMX, LookupNS, and LookupAddr functions in net, and their respective methods on the Resolver type may return arbitrary values retrieved from DNS which do not follow the established RFC 1035 rules for domain names. If these names are used without further sanitization, for instance unsafely included in HTML, they may allow for injection of unexpected content. Note that LookupTXT may still return arbitrary values that could require sanitization before further use.

The NewReader and OpenReader functions in archive/zip can cause a panic or an unrecoverable fatal error when reading an archive that claims to contain a large number of files, regardless of its actual size.

Discovery 2021-05-01
Entry 2021-06-03
< 1.16.5,1

72709326-81f7-11eb-950a-00155d646401go -- encoding/xml: infinite loop when using xml.NewTokenDecoder with a custom TokenReader; archive/zip: panic when calling Reader.Open

The Go project reports:

The Decode, DecodeElement, and Skip methods of an xml.Decoder provided by xml.NewTokenDecoder may enter an infinite loop when operating on a custom xml.TokenReader which returns an EOF in the middle of an open XML element.

The Reader.Open API, new in Go 1.16, will panic when used on a ZIP archive containing files that start with "../".

Discovery 2021-03-05
Entry 2021-03-10
< 1.16.1,1

67b050ae-ec82-11ea-9071-10c37b4ac2eago -- net/http/cgi, net/http/fcgi: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) when Content-Type is not specified

The Go project reports:

When a Handler does not explicitly set the Content-Type header, both CGI implementations default to “text/html”. If an attacker can make a server generate content under their control (e.g. a JSON containing user data or an uploaded image file) this might be mistakenly returned by the server as “text/html”. If a victim visits such a page they could get the attacker's code executed in the context of the server origin. If an attacker can make a server generate content under their control (e.g. a JSON containing user data or an uploaded image file) this might be mistakenly returned by the server as “text/html”. If a victim visits such a page they could get the attacker's code executed in the context of the server origin.

Discovery 2020-08-20
Entry 2020-09-01
< 1.14.8,1

ge 1.15,1 lt 1.15.1,1

a92dcc5c-e05c-11e9-b589-10c37b4ac2eago -- invalid headers are normalized, allowing request smuggling

The Go project reports:

net/http (through net/textproto) used to accept and normalize invalid HTTP/1.1 headers with a space before the colon, in violation of RFC 7230. If a Go server is used behind a reverse proxy that accepts and forwards but doesn't normalize such invalid headers, the reverse proxy and the server can interpret the headers differently. This can lead to filter bypasses or request smuggling, the latter if requests from separate clients are multiplexed onto the same connection by the proxy. Such invalid headers are now rejected by Go servers, and passed without normalization to Go client applications.

Discovery 2019-09-25
Entry 2019-09-26
< 1.13.1,1

< g20190925

c365536d-e3cf-11eb-9d8d-b37b683944c2go -- crypto/tls: clients can panic when provided a certificate of the wrong type for the negotiated parameters

The Go project reports:

crypto/tls clients can panic when provided a certificate of the wrong type for the negotiated parameters. net/http clients performing HTTPS requests are also affected. The panic can be triggered by an attacker in a privileged network position without access to the server certificate's private key, as long as a trusted ECDSA or Ed25519 certificate for the server exists (or can be issued), or the client is configured with Config.InsecureSkipVerify. Clients that disable all TLS_RSA cipher suites (that is, TLS 1.0–1.2 cipher suites without ECDHE), as well as TLS 1.3-only clients, are unaffected.

Discovery 2021-07-07
Entry 2021-07-12
< 1.16.6,1
