FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-02 10:37:19 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
96a21236-707b-11eb-96d8-d4c9ef517024OpenSSL -- Multiple vulnerabilities

The OpenSSL project reports:

Null pointer deref in X509_issuer_and_serial_hash() CVE-2021-23841

(Moderate) The OpenSSL public API function X509_issuer_and_serial_hash() attempts to create a unique hash value based on the issuer and serial number data contained within an X509 certificate. However it fails to correctly handle any errors that may occur while parsing the issuer field (which might occur if the issuer field is maliciously constructed). This may subsequently result in a NULL pointer deref and a crash leading to a potential denial of service attack.

Integer overflow in CipherUpdate CVE-2021-23840

(Low) Calls to EVP_CipherUpdate, EVP_EncryptUpdate and EVP_DecryptUpdate may overflow the output length argument in some cases where the input length is close to the maximum permissable length for an integer on the platform. In such cases the return value from the function call will be 1 (indicating success), but the output length value will be negative. This could cause applications to behave incorrectly or crash.

Discovery 2021-02-16
Entry 2021-02-16
Modified 2021-08-25
< 1.1.1j,1

< 3.0.0.a12

ge 12.2 lt 12.2_10

ge 11.4 lt 11.4_13
96811d4a-04ec-11ec-9b84-d4c9ef517024OpenSSL -- multiple vulnerabilities

The OpenSSL project reports:

SM2 Decryption Buffer Overflow (CVE-2021-3711: High)

Read buffer overruns processing ASN.1 strings (CVE-2021-3712: Moderate)

Discovery 2021-08-24
Entry 2021-08-24
Modified 2021-08-25
< 1.1.1l,1

< 3.0.0.b3

ge 13.0 lt 13.0_4

ge 12.2 lt 12.2_10

0132ca5b-5d11-11ec-8be6-d4c9ef517024OpenSSL -- Certificate validation issue

The OpenSSL project reports:

Invalid handling of X509_verify_cert() internal errors in libssl (Moderate)

Internally libssl in OpenSSL calls X509_verify_cert() on the client side to verify a certificate supplied by a server. That function may return a negative return value to indicate an internal error (for example out of memory). Such a negative return value is mishandled by OpenSSL and will cause an IO function (such as SSL_connect() or SSL_do_handshake()) to not indicate success and a subsequent call to SSL_get_error() to return the value SSL_ERROR_WANT_RETRY_VERIFY. This return value is only supposed to be returned by OpenSSL if the application has previously called SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(). Since most applications do not do this the SSL_ERROR_WANT_RETRY_VERIFY return value from SSL_get_error() will be totally unexpected and applications may not behave correctly as a result. The exact behaviour will depend on the application but it could result in crashes, infinite loops or other similar incorrect responses.

Discovery 2021-12-14
Entry 2021-12-14
< 3.0.1
