FreshPorts - VuXML

This page displays vulnerability information about FreeBSD Ports.

The VUXML data was last processed by FreshPorts on 2024-05-09 08:42:40 UTC

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These are the vulnerabilities relating to the commit you have selected:

VuXML IDDescription
d5fead4f-8efa-11ea-a5c8-08002728f74cWagtail -- potential timing attack vulnerability

Wagtail release notes:

CVE-2020-11037: Potential timing attack on password-protected private pages

This release addresses a potential timing attack on pages or documents that have been protected with a shared password through Wagtail's "Privacy" controls. This password check is performed through a character-by-character string comparison, and so an attacker who is able to measure the time taken by this check to a high degree of accuracy could potentially use timing differences to gain knowledge of the password. (This is understood to be feasible on a local network, but not on the public internet.)

Discovery 2020-05-04
Entry 2020-05-05
< 2.7.3

ge 2.8 lt 2.8.2
e1d3a580-cd8b-11ea-bad0-08002728f74cWagtail -- XSS vulnerability

GitHub Advisory Database:

When a form page type is made available to Wagtail editors through the wagtail.contrib.forms app, and the page template is built using Django's standard form rendering helpers such as form.as_p (as directed in the documentation), any HTML tags used within a form field's help text will be rendered unescaped in the page. Allowing HTML within help text is an intentional design decision by Django; however, as a matter of policy Wagtail does not allow editors to insert arbitrary HTML by default, as this could potentially be used to carry out cross-site scripting attacks, including privilege escalation. This functionality should therefore not have been made available to editor-level users.

The vulnerability is not exploitable by an ordinary site visitor without access to the Wagtail admin.

Discovery 2020-07-20
Entry 2020-07-24
ge 2.8.0 lt 2.9.3

< 2.7.4