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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
About this site

We have a few notes about this website.

What is a port?

A port is the term used to describe a collection of files which makes it extremely easy to install an application. As it says in the FreeBSD Ports description: Installing an application is as simple as downloading the port, unpacking it and typing make in the port directory. If you want an application, the port is the Way To Go(TM)

So off you go to the ports tree to install your favourite port. It's quite easy. It's simple. And you love that new application. And you want to know when the port is updated. That's where we come in.

For more information about the Ports tree, see

What is FreshPorts

FreshPorts lists the changes made to the ports tree. If you wish, FreshPorts can email you when your favourite port has been updated.

FreshPorts is not the place to report errors or request changes. You should do that on the FreeBSD Ports mailing list. We do not maintain ports. We do not create ports. We do not fix ports. We just tell you what others have been doing to the Ports tree.

OK, whose bright idea was this?

This site was created by Dan Langille. His other web feats include The FreeBSD Diary, The Racing System, BSDCan, and an ability to avoid reading the inane comments on slashdot. But Dan didn't create the site all by himself. Have a look at About the Authors for details of who else helped.