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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
Port details
nethack A dungeon explorin', slashin', hackin' game
3.2.3 games Deleted on this many watch lists=0 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 3.2.3Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
There is no maintainer for this port.
Any concerns regarding this port should be directed to the FreeBSD Ports mailing list via search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: unknown
Last Update: 2002-05-14 19:51:58
License: not specified in port
This is nethack. You and your puppy (or kitten) will explore the deep dungeons to retrieve the long-lost magical item that causes so much trouble to anyone. Take care, and try not to miss meals. WWW: - Satoshi P.S. There is a newsgroup "" if you are truly interested.
Homepage    cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • >0:games/nethack
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
There is no distinfo for this port.

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gmake : devel/gmake
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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Number of commits found: 11

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
14 May 2002 19:51:58
Original commit files touched by this commit
knu search for other commits by this committer
Rename nethack ports and put version numbers in the port names.

nethack         -> nethack32
nethack-gtk     -> nethack32-gtk
nethack3        -> nethack33
nethack3-gnome  -> nethack33-gnome
nethack3-tty    -> nethack33-nox11
nethack-qt      -> nethack33-qt
31 Mar 2002 13:00:43
Original commit files touched by this commit
knu search for other commits by this committer
NetHack distfiles are not on MASTER_SITE_GNU anymore.
24 Dec 2001 02:17:17
commit hash: fp1.22453@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.22453@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.22453@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
pat search for other commits by this committer
- PORTDOCS police   - DOCSDIR support to some   - Brush out some lint    
06 Nov 2001 20:44:36
commit hash: fp1.20508@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.20508@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.20508@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
knu search for other commits by this committer
Define NO_LATEST_LINK.    
04 Jun 2001 10:33:50
commit hash: fp1.14570@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.14570@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.14570@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
dirk search for other commits by this committer
POSIX syntax for chown.    
19 May 2001 21:45:59
commit hash: fp1.13869@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.13869@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.13869@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
roam search for other commits by this committer
As much as I like Nethack, I just do not have the resources to maintain   this
port anymore.  Taking maintainership over from -ports was done   in an effort to
unbreak it and preserve this classic game, but now   it seems that my
unresponsiveness is only standing in the way of more   and much better updates. 
22 Nov 2000 10:20:14
commit hash: fp1.6618@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.6618@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.6618@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
roam search for other commits by this committer
update my email address - ->    
08 Oct 2000 03:48:59
commit hash: fp1.4769@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4769@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.4769@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
asami search for other commits by this committer
Convert category games to new layout.  
16 Sep 2000 21:21:21
commit hash: fp1.3975@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3975@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.3975@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Unbreak port   Maintainer switch from to submitter    
13 Aug 2000 13:08:35
commit hash: fp1.2890@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.2890@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.2890@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
alex search for other commits by this committer
Distfile changed on mastersite.    
03 Aug 2000 10:28:58
commit hash: fp1.2564@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.2564@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: fp1.2564@dev.null.freshports.orgcommit hash: files touched by this commit
asami search for other commits by this committer
(1) Add new variable, XFREE86_VERSION, to specify which version of       XFree86
(3 or 4) to depend to when USE_XLIB is set.       XFREE86_VERSION defaults to 3
for now, but adventurous users can       override it in /etc/make.conf.  When
XFREE86_VERSION=3, USE_XLIB       will add a dependency to x11/XFree86; when it
is set to 4, the       dependency will be to x11/XFree86-4-libraries.  When     
to avoid messing with XFree86 are turned off.    

Number of commits found: 11