non port: net-mgmt/Makefile |
Number of commits found: 678 (showing only 100 on this page) |
Tuesday, 3 Feb 2009
22:38 miwi
2009-01-19 games/emacs-chess: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-02-01 devel/subversion-devel: Use devel/subversion or
devel/subversion-freebsd instead of this port
2009-01-19 devel/hs-hat: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 devel/hs-hpl: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 databases/mysqlbigram: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 mail/claws-mail-clamav: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 mail/sylpheed2-devel: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 www/pecl-mnogosearch: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-31 x11-fonts/mathfonts: This port was supported by Mozilla 1.8
(including Firefox 2.0) - to be replaced by STIX fonts for Firefox 3.x
2009-01-19 x11-wm/fluxspace: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-31 x11-wm/expocity: project has been abandoned
2009-01-19 x11/bbuname: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 security/squidclam: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 print/virtualpaper: depends on broken, expired port
2009-01-19 print/ifhp: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net-p2p/peercast: has been forbidden for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 palm/pdbc: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net-mgmt/NeTraMet: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net-im/sulci: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 multimedia/mjpegtools-yuvfilters: has been broken for more than 6
2009-01-19 multimedia/helixplayer: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 lang/quack: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 misc/pybliographer: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/versuch: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/py-mantissa: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/libunpipc: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/gnometelnet: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 net/gacxtool: depends on expired, broken port
2009-01-19 devel/py-coro: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 chinese/stardict2-dict-zh_TW: has been broken for more than 6 months
2009-01-19 x11-themes/gtk-industrial-theme: has been broken for more than 6
Tuesday, 20 Jan 2009
11:58 amdmi3
CoovaChilli is an access controller
It provides a captive portal / walled garden environment.
Coova builds on the popular features of the now defunct Chillispot.
PR: 130357
Submitted by: Sevan Janiyan <venture37 at geeklan dot co dot uk>
Sunday, 11 Jan 2009
21:12 dinoex
- rename hobbit-* -> xymon-*
Saturday, 10 Jan 2009
20:19 pav
- Remove net-mgmt/bsnmpd, is part of base since FreeBSD 6.0
Monday, 5 Jan 2009
11:36 kuriyama
SBLIM (pronounced "sublime"), the Standards Based Linux
Instrumentation for Manageability is an IBM-initiated Open Source
project, intended to enhance the manageability of GNU/Linux
systems. It does so by enabling WBEM, Web Based Enterprise Management.
# I use this for VMware ESXi to obtain CIM info.
Friday, 28 Nov 2008
15:44 pav
Connect rrdbot to the build (added by koitsu 2 weeks ago)
Sunday, 16 Nov 2008
22:36 stas
- Add a port for flow-tools fork project which is aimed to be
the flow-tools replacement. Volodymyr Kostyrko has kindly
agreed to maintain this.
PR: ports/126252
Submitted by: Tomoyuki Sakurai <>
Saturday, 11 Oct 2008
14:50 miwi
Net::Abuse::Utils provides serveral functions useful for determining
information about an IP address including contact/reporting addresses,
ASN/network info, reverse dns, and DNSBL listing status.
PR: ports/127950
Submitted by: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at>
Wednesday, 3 Sep 2008
00:30 pgollucci
- repocopy net-mgmt/nagios -> net-mgmt/nagios2
and connect net-mgmt/nagios2 to the build
- Move net-mgmt/nagios-devel -> net-mgmt/nagios
- Add note to UPDATING
o net-mgmt/nagios [3]
SF Macro
USE_RC_SUBR != yes (rename files/ -> files/
use @dirrmtry in pkg-plist
o net-mgmt/nagios12 [2]
SF Macro
USE_RC_SUBR != yes (files/ -> files/
Conversion to pkg-install, pkg-deinstall, pkg-message
use @dirrmtry in pkg-plist
o net-mgmt/nagios2 [4]
SF Macro
USE_RC_SUBR != yes (rename files/ -> files/
PRs: ports/126758 [4]
ports/126761 [3]
ports/126754 [2]
ports/126684 [1]
Submitted by: Jarrod Sayers <> (maintainer)
Reworked by: pgollucci - freebsd ports infrastructure changes
Reviewed by: pgollucci
Approved by: gabor (mentor)
Monday, 25 Aug 2008
07:26 jadawin
Lanmap sits quietly on a network and builds a picture of what it sees.
PR: ports/126730
Submitted by: Bapt <baptiste.daroussin at>
Friday, 22 Aug 2008
16:44 pgollucci
This is a small Nagios plugin. This plugin relies on portaudit
and/or portupgrade packages to be installed on your FreeBSD system.
With these packages installed, the plugin will scan your system for
either vulnerable packages, or obsolete packages - and display
appropriate warnings to Nagios.
Portaudit can also be successfully run remotely from nrpe, and does
not require superuser privileges to operate.
PR: ports/126710
Submitted by: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
Approved by: gabor (mentor)
16:41 pgollucci
This is a small Nagios plugin written in PERL and designed to monitor
the state of FreeBSD GEOM devices (specifically mirrors and striped
volumes) from Nagios.
PR: ports/126711
Submitted by: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
Approved by: gabor (mentor)
Sunday, 17 Aug 2008
06:49 edwin
New port: net-mgmt/pnp, modern graphing tool for Nagios
After evaluation of net-mgmt/nagiosgraph I decided to search for
something more useful -- Nagios Graph was too hackish and unpretty for
my taste. Digging through Nagios sites I had found PNP and was pleased
by its simplicity and power.
PR: ports/126576
Submitted by: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
06:18 edwin
New port: net-mgmt/nagios-check_ports Nagios Plugin to monitor your FreeBSD
Nagios Plugin to monitor your FreeBSD Ports Tree for updates or
installed packages with known security vulnerabilities.
PR: ports/126497
Submitted by: Anders Troback <>
Thursday, 14 Aug 2008
02:58 pgollucci
The NDOUTILS addon is designed to store all configuration and event data from
Nagios in a database. Storing information from Nagios in a database will allow
for quicker retrieval and processing of that data and will help serve as a
foundation for the development of a new PHP-based web interface in Nagios 3.0.
Approved by: araujo (mentor)
Friday, 25 Jul 2008
22:55 miwi
This perl extension enables its users to parse and utilize the
logfiles that are generated by the famous MRTG (Multi Router Traffic
Grapher) tool.
PR: ports/125879
Submitted by: gslin <gslin at>
Tuesday, 15 Jul 2008
03:32 rafan
check_bacula is a plugin intended for use with the
Nagios network monitoring system to monitor Bacula.
PR: ports/125503
Submitted by: Anders Troback
Saturday, 28 Jun 2008
22:36 miwi
This is a plugin package for Nagios. Quoting from the
snmp4nagios home page:
SNMP4Nagios is a package of Nagios plugins which use SNMP
to query hosts. While some of the plugins use standard MIBs,
most are designed for vendor specific agents.
Unlike other Nagios plugins, they are able to scan hosts for
objects which can be monitored. They also can keep performance
logs and draw plots of these using Tobias Oetiker's RRDTool.
Currently devices by Brocade, Cisco, Compaq/HP and Network Appliance
as well as computers running Microsoft Windows or Net-SNMP
and uninterruptable power supplies are supported.
PR: ports/124954
Submitted by: Ryan Steinmetz
Wednesday, 18 Jun 2008
23:08 pav
- Delete expired port net-mgmt/nsc: Project abandoned
Saturday, 7 Jun 2008
14:58 lippe
ezRADIUS is FreeRADIUS and Chillispot web-based management apps. It's easy,
simple and expandable. The main aim is to provide radius server administrator a
simple web-based management application. FreeRADIUS must configured to use MySQL
as backend.
PR: ports/124176
Submitted by: Lucio Costa <>
Approved by: gabor (mentor, implicit)
Sunday, 1 Jun 2008
14:23 miwi
- readded net-mgmt/ap-utils to the build
Friday, 30 May 2008
19:15 miwi
2008-05-15 net-p2p/dclibc: Abandoned, not used, website disappeared
2008-04-07 net-mgmt/ap-utils: Does not work with gcc4.2; appears to be abandoned
2008-03-31 multimedia/xfce4-xmms-controller-plugin: Project is dead
2008-05-15 www/pear-HTTP_Session: Use www/pear-HTTP_Session2 instead
2008-05-04 security/bioapitool: All functionallity of this tools has been merged
with pam_bsdbioapi
Sunday, 20 Apr 2008
17:33 se
Create new port for version 3 of the argus client utilities.
The utilities for argus version 2 are not compatible and the
old port will be kept as long as there is interest.
17:24 se
Create new port for version 3 of the argus network audit server.
Version 2.0.6 will be kept as net-mgmt/argus as long as there is
sufficient interest.
Thursday, 27 Mar 2008
10:55 kuriyama
- Repocopy from net-mgmt/net-snmp to net-mgmt/net-snmp53.
- Add appropriate CONFLICTS, NO_LATEST_LINK.
- Upgrade net-mgmt/net-snmp to 5.4.1 [1].
PR: ports/110969 [1]
Submitted by: [1]
This upgrade (5.3.x -> 5.4.1) includes various changes in original
If you find something strange (or missing/incorrect MIB values) than
5.3.x, please let me know. And you can choose net-mgmt/net-snmp53
port for old 5.3.x version.
Saturday, 22 Mar 2008
12:05 rafan
coWPAtty is designed to audit the security of pre-shared keys
(PSK) selected in WiFi Protected Access (WPA) networks.
PR: ports/121931
Submitted by: Dennis Herrmann <adox at>
Tuesday, 4 Mar 2008
09:08 az
bsnmp-ucd is a module for bsnmpd which allows to get memory, load average,
cpu utilization and other system statistics.
It implements parts of UCD-SNMP-MIB for this. It is also possible to specify
your own commands under UCD-SNMP-MIB::extTable mib.
PR: ports/120238
Submitted by: Mikolaj Golub < (at)>
Wednesday, 27 Feb 2008
23:52 miwi
2007-10-31 www/vtiger4: This version is no longer supported by the developers
2007-12-01 www/xpi-surfkeys: Development has been ceased
2008-02-01 sysutils/eventwatcher: no active development
2007-10-27 sysutils/p5-UPS-Nut: Version branch long since retired
2007-10-31 net-mgmt/netsaint: Now developed as Nagios, see net-mgmt/nagios port
2007-10-31 net-mgmt/netsaint-plugins: Now developed as Nagios, see
net-mgmt/nagios port
2008-01-22 benchmarks/tsung: "fails to install"
2007-10-03 games/ggo: developer's focus have moved elsewhere
2008-02-15 mail/claws-mail-etpan_privacy: no longer supported by developers
22:09 ehaupt
Add fetchconfig, a perl script for retrieving configuration of
various network devices such as:
* Cisco IOS
* Cisco Catalyst
* FortiGate
* ProCurve
* Parks
* Alcatel Ethernet Routers (Riverstone)
* Dell PowerConnect switches
* Old Terayon 3200/3500 CMTS
PR: 120843
Submitted by: salexanov at
Sunday, 17 Feb 2008
12:32 araujo
Nagios::Plugins::Memcached - Nagios plugin to observe memcached.
PR: ports/118907
Submitted by: Philip M. Gollucci <>
Approved by: itetcu (mentor, implicit)
Tuesday, 12 Feb 2008
18:43 miwi
TorK is a powerful anonymity manager for the KDE Desktop on Linux and Unix
systems. It first helps you to install, configure and use Tor. It then
reduces the task of anonymizing most applications to a single-click, including
Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, Pidgin, Kopete, SSH, and IRC.For advanced users
TorK provides detailed network information, and more, in an accessible manner.
Submitted by: Beat Gätzi <beat at>
Thursday, 7 Feb 2008
16:56 rafan
Net::Telnet::Cisco::IOS (NTCI) is an extension of Joshua Kereos's
Net::Telnet::Cisco module and provides an easy way to manage and
monitor Cisco IOS devices. I'll mention this a lot,
but make sure you read up on Net::Telnet::Cisco for a lot of information.
PR: ports/120349
Submitted by: Tsung-Han Yeh <snowfly at>
Monday, 28 Jan 2008
16:01 dinoex
Hobbit is a system for monitoring servers and networks. It has a great deal
of inspiration from the Big Brother monitor, but unlike Big Brother it is
designed to work well whether you need to monitor small network with just
a handful of hosts, or large networks with thousands of hosts.
Hobbit is the successor to the bbgen toolkit, which has been available as
an add-on to Big Brother since late 2002. The name change was decided upon
when Hobbit acquired enough functionality to be a stand-alone product.
The tools that formed the bbgen toolkit are still present in Hobbit
and are quite important for it, so if you have used bbgen before,
Hobbit will seem quite familiar.
This is the server.
11:56 dinoex
Hobbit is a system for monitoring servers and networks. It has a great deal
of inspiration from the Big Brother monitor, but unlike Big Brother it is
designed to work well whether you need to monitor small network with just
a handful of hosts, or large networks with thousands of hosts.
Hobbit is the successor to the bbgen toolkit, which has been available as
an add-on to Big Brother since late 2002. The name change was decided upon
when Hobbit acquired enough functionality to be a stand-alone product.
The tools that formed the bbgen toolkit are still present in Hobbit
and are quite important for it, so if you have used bbgen before,
Hobbit will seem quite familiar.
This is the client.
Sunday, 27 Jan 2008
20:20 clement
- Add cacti-spine formely know as (cacti-)cactid
- Move it to net-mgmt to follow cacti
- Drop maintenership
Repocopy done by: marcus
Monday, 14 Jan 2008
11:15 miwi
This module collects ip validation routines to make input validation, and
untainting easier and more readable.
All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if it
fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status
explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. (e.g. is_username('0'))
The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument.
PR: ports/119264
Submitted by: Tuc <freebsd-ports at>
Wednesday, 12 Dec 2007
18:38 garga
This module provides shortcuts when performing repetitive information-retrieval
tasks with p5-SNMP.
PR: ports/118623
Submitted by: BluePex Security Solutions <freebsd-ports at>
Monday, 29 Oct 2007
14:19 erwin
net-mgmt/wispytools has been replaced by net-mgmt/spectools.
PR: 117044
Submitted by: Henrik Brix Andersen <>
10:07 araujo
Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed
to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers
configuration and software that are installed on the network
PR: ports/116756
Approved by: stas (mentor)
Monday, 8 Oct 2007
18:28 miwi
collectd is a small daemon written in C for performance. It reads various
system & network statistics along with updating output RRD or CSV files.
The daemon is very fast and allows for frequent polling of values, with
support for polling as frequent as every 10 seconds.
PR: ports/116736
Submitted by: Matt Peterson <matt at>
Sunday, 23 Sep 2007
06:39 edwin
[NEW PORT] net-mgmt/send: Secure Neighbor Discovery implementation for IPv6
DoCoMo's Open Source SEND project provides an implementation of
RFC3971 Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND). SEND cryptographically
secures the IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol, countering the threats
discussed in RFC3756 (IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) Trust Models and
DoCoMo's SEND is implemented completely in user space, so it is
portable and lends itself to experimentation. It currently runs on
Linux (tested on 2.6 kernels) and FreeBSD (tested on 5.4).
Also included in the distribution are implementations of RFC3972
Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) and RFC3779 X.509
Extensions for IP Addresses and AS Identifiers.
Doesn't work on FreeBSD > 6.x though. Hopefully the submitter will
submit patches for it now it is commited.
PR: ports/116540
Submitted by: Janos Mohacsi <>
Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007
15:22 miwi
2007-09-15 x11-wm/obtuner: broken with recent Openbox and the project is not
active anymore
2007-08-22 www/mapedit: Depends on obsolete version of jdk
2007-08-22 www/hotjava: Depends on obsolete version of jdk
2007-08-29 sysutils/cd9660_unicode: is obsolete. See mount_cd9660(8)
2007-09-11 net-mgmt/p5-Net-SNMP3: only runs with old, unsupported Perl versions
15:14 miwi
2007-08-29 security/vncrypt: not supported on any current version of FreeBSD
2007-09-15 net-mgmt/ocs-unix-agent: Use net-mgmt/ocsinventory-agent instead
Friday, 7 Sep 2007
12:15 edwin
[NEW PORT] net-mgmt/netxms: NetXMS - network monitoring system
NetXMS is new and rapidly developing monitoring system,
released under GPL2 license. It can be used for monitoring
entire IT infrastructure, starting with SNMP-capable hardware
(like switches and routers) and ending with applications
on your servers. NetXMS is an extremely reliable and powerful
monitoring system, enabling you to improve your network
availability and service levels.
PR: ports/114495
Submitted by:
07:53 edwin
New port: snmp++ v3 library
SNMP++v3.x is a C++ API which supports SNMP v1, v2c, and v3.
SNMP++v3.x is based on SNMP++v2.8 from HP* and extends it
by support for SNMPv3 and a couple of bug fixes.
The v3 support to SNMP++ and AGENT++ is provided by courtesy
of Jochen Katz (
SNMP++v3.x extends the original SNMP++v2.8 by the following:
# SNMPv3 including User Security Model (USM) with:
# MD5 and SHA authentication
# DES and IDEA privacy
# Thread-safety
# Bug-fixes
WWW: for further
PR: ports/112669
Submitted by: Nicolai Petri <>
Thursday, 30 Aug 2007
14:54 sem
New port: net-mgmt/nagios-devel Nagios development stream (3.0.b2)
PR: ports/114763
Submitted by: Jarrod Sayers <>
Friday, 24 Aug 2007
14:55 itetcu
Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed
to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers
configuration and software that are installed on the network
PR: ports/115520
Submitted by: Dennis Cabooter
Saturday, 11 Aug 2007
11:13 edwin
[repocopy] net/smokeping -> databases/smokeping
Based on the description of this port, it belongs more in
net-mgmt than in net.
PR: ports/114323
Submitted by: Edwin Groothuis <>
Approved by: lth@
Thursday, 2 Aug 2007
10:04 miwi
- Connect net-mgmt/nfsen-devel
Wednesday, 1 Aug 2007
15:32 miwi
2007-07-31 x11-fm/endeavour: Development ceased, this port should be updated to
Endeavour Mark II
2007-08-01 security/p5-openxpki-client-soap-lite: No longer maintained by
2007-06-26 net-mgmt/aircrack: Please use net-mgmt/aircrack-ng.
Saturday, 14 Jul 2007
22:30 miwi
- Switch categorie net -> net-mgmt
- Connect jffnms in net-mgmt
Friday, 6 Jul 2007
07:15 lwhsu
Add nagircbot 0.0.20, IRC bot for Nagios.
PR: ports/112210
Submitted by: Antoine Beaupre <anarcat AT>
Wednesday, 27 Jun 2007
13:54 mm
The OpenLLDP project aims to provide a comprehensive implementation of the
IEEE standard 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol. LLDP is an industry
standard protocol designed to supplant proprietary Link-Layer protocols
such as Extreme's EDP (Extreme Discovery Protocol) and CDP (Cisco Discovery
PR: ports/113063
Submitted by: Roar Pettersen <roar at>
Approved by: garga (mentor)
Monday, 18 Jun 2007
15:31 sat
- Complete repomove of net/zabbix-agent to net-mgmt/zabbix-agent
PR: ports/113658
Repocopy by: marcus
11:09 sem
- Move net/cacti to net-mgmt category
- Fix format of previous line in MOVED (pointyhat to pav)
PR: ports/113495
Submitted by: edwin
Saturday, 16 Jun 2007
12:15 pav
A SNMP library built on top of glib2 and gnet2. The goal of the project is to
provide an efficient, clean, portable implementation of an SNMP stack for
management applications.
PR: ports/113511
Submitted by: Matt Peterson <>
Thursday, 14 Jun 2007
15:32 miwi
Macroscope is a squid, sendmail, courier, bpft log files analizer,
IP sniffer and HTML report generator.
squid log file parser.
sendmail log file parser.
courier log file parser.
bpft(ports/net-mgmt/bpft) log file parser.
Database backends support: MySQL, Firebird.
IP sniffer via pcap library (ports/net/libpcap).
Direct commit changes to database in realtime (no log files).
Traffic static HTML reports generating by date periods.
Traffic dynamic HTML reports generating via CGI (Web interface).
Multithreading architecture.
Portable: BSD os'es and Windows NT family supported, but tested at this time
only under FreeBSD 5.x 6.x amd64 i386 and Windows 2000 XP 2003.
- Dukashvili Guram
PR: ports/112653
Submitted by: Dukashvili Guram <white_raven at>
Monday, 11 Jun 2007
12:25 miwi
Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation is an application designed
to help a network or system administrator keep track of the computers
configuration and software that are installed on the network
PR: ports/112590
Submitted by: Dennis cabooter<>
Sunday, 10 Jun 2007
11:41 rafan
- Add net-mgmt/nfdump-devel back
PR: ports/112807
Work done by: miwi
Monday, 4 Jun 2007
05:51 sat
- Update to 0.9.5
- Connect to the build [1]
Suggested by: kris [1]
Sunday, 3 Jun 2007
04:00 sanpei
- Move net/mrtg-ping-probe to net-mgmt category, to improve consistency
(mrtg port is already in net-mgmt.)
PR: ports/112802
Thursday, 31 May 2007
09:05 gabor
Network Weathermap is a perl tool that displays in a visual way the utilization
of the network links of your network. The required data are acquired from
graphs created by the MRTG package and are displayed as two ways colored arrows
on a map representing the logical topology of the network. The resulted image
is presented in a web page using extra DHTML and JavaScript code for web-over
pop-ups, based on the OverLib JavaScript library.
Submitted by: Felippe de Meirelles Motta <>
(via private mail)
Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007
17:40 miwi
2007-03-27 emulators/kmamerun: Project was abandoned 4 years ago and expects an
old version of XMAME, please use other frontends instead (like gxmame)
2007-03-28 graphics/hobbes-icons-xpm: Archaic port
2007-04-10 japanese/firefox-ja: Incomplete pkg-plist
2007-04-10 japanese/lookup-xemacs: Does not install
2007-04-10 lang/linux-hla: Does not compile
2007-04-10 mail/vmailmgr: Incomplete pkg-plist
2007-04-10 multimedia/qvamps: Touches filesystem prior to 'make install'
2007-03-10 net-mgmt/sting: Broken on all supported versions of FreeBSD
2007-04-10 net-mgmt/tas: Incomplete pkg-plist
2007-04-10 net-p2p/verlihub-plugins: Does not configure, it needs at least
verlihub 1.0
2007-04-10 news/inn-stable: Fails to patch
2007-04-10 palm/malsync: Does not build with new pilot-link
2007-04-10 russian/elm.language: Leaves behind files on deinstall
2007-04-10 russian/pine.language: Leaves behind config file on deinstall
2007-04-01 science/py-scipy03: Replaced by py-scipy
2007-04-10 security/php4-cryptopp: Does not compile
Thursday, 5 Apr 2007
07:51 sat
Add port net-mgmt/pktstat:
Pktstat listens to the network and shows the bandwidth being consumed
by packets of various kinds in realtime. It understands some protocols
(including FTP, HTTP, and X11) and adds a descriptive name next to the
Author: David Leonard <leonard at>
Adapted from: OpenBSD port
Monday, 26 Mar 2007
09:06 miwi
- Add Develoment version of net-mgmt/rancid
Rancid monitors a router's (or device's) configuration, including software
and hardware (cards, serial numbers, etc), using CVS. Rancid currently
supports Bay routers, Cisco routers, Juniper routers, Catalyst switches,
Foundry switches, Redback NASs, ADC EZT3 muxes, MRTd (and thus likely IRRd),
Alteon switches, HP procurve switches, Hitachi routers.
Rancid logs into each of the devices in a router table file, runs various
commands, chomps the output, and emails any differences ( sample) from
the previous collection to a mail list.
A looking glass is also included with rancid, based on Ed Kern's in use on Rancid version has added functions, supports cisco,
juniper, and foundry and uses the login scripts that come with rancid;
so it can use rsh, telnet, or ssh to connect to your router(s).
PR: 110607
Submitted by: Janos Mohacsi <>
Repocopy by: marcus
Saturday, 24 Mar 2007
19:07 pav
check_certexp is a Nagios plugin for checking the number of days left until a
certificate expires. The check is done via an SSL connection (STARTTLS
mechanisms are not supported). The plugin is written in Perl, should work with
the embedded Perl interpreter (not tested though) and requires Net::SSLeay and
Date::Manip to be installed on the Nagios host.
Author: Holger Weiss <holger@CIS.FU-Berlin.DE>
PR: ports/110603
Submitted by: Eric Cronin <>
Monday, 19 Mar 2007
22:33 sat
Add port net-mgmt/horde-nic - a very simple network service monitor
PR: ports/110541
Submitted by: Beech Rintoul <>
Friday, 9 Mar 2007
10:11 miwi
check_pf is a plugin intended for use with the Nagios network
monitoring system. This plugin checks the status of PF, the OpenBSD
packet filter, and compares the current state count to given or default
thresholds, returning the result. It is written in C.
PR: ports/110112
Submitted by: Kian Mohageri <kian.mohageri at>
10:08 miwi
Vidalia is a graphical Tor controller based on Qt 4.x.
Authors: Matt Edman and Justin Hipple
PR: ports/110034
Submitted by: Fabian Keil <fk at>
Monday, 26 Feb 2007
19:16 miwi
- Move ports/www/phpip to ports/net-mgmt/phpip
PR: 109106 [1]
109159 [2]
Requested by: Michael <>
Repocopy by: marcus [2]
Approved by: maintainer (implicit)
Sunday, 18 Feb 2007
15:21 alepulver
bsnmp-regex is a module for bsnmpd which allows creation of counters from log
files, program output or other text data. The counters use regular expressions
to count the number of matches, or parse out specific text/numbers. The
resulting data can then be queried or graphed with the usual SNMP tools.
PR: ports/109103
Submitted by: brock at
Wednesday, 7 Feb 2007
13:56 rafan
Add nedi , network Discovery and Monitoring tool.
PR: ports/108807
Submitted by: cristi
Friday, 26 Jan 2007
08:50 vd
Remove expired leaf port:
2006-12-01 net-mgmt/pfpro: Does not compile
Friday, 19 Jan 2007
20:20 itetcu
Remove expired, unmaintained port: 2006-12-01 net-mgmt/apan: Does not install
Monday, 8 Jan 2007
12:26 miwi
Bacula-web is a php based web program that provides you a summarized output
of jobs that have already run. It obtains its information from your catalog
database. Aside from a nice graphical display, it provides summaries of your
jobs, as well as graphs of job usage. This is a fairly high level bacula
management tool. Here are a few points that one user made concerning this
important tool:
- It is web-based so can be accessed from anywhere.
- It is "read only" users can examine the state of the backups but not write
to anything and therefore do no damage
- It packs a phenomenal amount of information into a single web-page - that I
credit as being very good design!
The documentation for bacula-web can be found in a separate bacula-web
document in the bacula-docs release.
PR: ports/107617
Submitted by: Dan Langille <dan at>
Thursday, 21 Dec 2006
20:20 miwi
NDPMon is an equivalent of ArpWatch for IPv6.
NDPMon, Neighbor Discovery Protocol Monitor, is a tool working with
ICMPv6 packets. NDPMon observes the local network to see if nodes
using neighbor discovery messages behave properly. When it detects
a suspicious Neighbor Discovery message, it notifies the administrator
by writing in the syslog and in some cases by sending an email
Janos Mohacsi <>
PR: ports/106840
Submitted by: janos.mohacsi at
Saturday, 16 Dec 2006
22:26 miwi
rcpd is a RCP server intended specifically for router
or network device clients. It is used to transfer
configurations, boot images, and kernels images
(eg: IOS) to the devices.
These files are often tranfered with TFTP, but TFTP
has reliability and speed issues and file size
limitations due to it's protocol specification and
underlying transport; while RCP is not affected.
Submitted by: Babak Farrokhi <farrokhi at>
Thursday, 14 Dec 2006
22:24 miwi
Extras extensions and third party scripts for routers2 frontend
PR: ports/106720
Submitted by: Xavier Beaudouin <kiwi at>
11:46 miwi
Extensions of generic web-based frontend for the popular MRTG
systems monitoring software.
PR: ports/106714
Submitted by: Xavier Beaudouin <kiwi at>
11:38 miwi
A set of open source tools for accessing the 2.4GHz Wi-Spy USB
spectrum analyzer by Metageek LLC,
PR: ports/106667
Submitted by: Henrik Brix Andersen <henrik at>
Tuesday, 12 Dec 2006
19:31 miwi
Generic web-based frontend for the popular MRTG systems monitoring software.
PR: ports/106637
Submitted by: Xavier Beaudouin <kiwi at>
Friday, 1 Dec 2006
16:02 pav
* Argus is a system and network monitoring application.
* It will monitor nearly anything you ask it to monitor (TCP + UDP
applications, IP connectivity, SNMP OIDS, Programs, Databases,
* It presents a nice clean, easy to view web interface that will keep both the
managers happy (Red Bad. Green Good.) and the techs happy ("Ah! that's what
the problem is").
* It can send alerts numerous ways (such as via pager) and can automatically
escalate if someone falls asleep.
PR: ports/105837
Submitted by: Brock Williams <>
Thursday, 23 Nov 2006
12:02 miwi
The pftabled daemon is a small helper to make your pf
tables reachable from other hosts. You can add/delete/flush
IP addresses to/from a remote table with a single UDP
datagram. A simple client program is included to do this
from the command line.
PR: ports/105713
Submitted by: Bartlomiej Rutkowski <r at>
Friday, 17 Nov 2006
08:37 miwi
Graphical user interface for network monitoring package "netmond".
With TkNetmon someone can create graphical network map, produce config file
for "netmond", restart it, and view current network objects state,
as it reported by netmond.
PR: ports/105562
Submitted by: Viktor Fomichev (ivfom at
Wednesday, 8 Nov 2006
19:42 farrokhi
Sjitter is a command line client/server to measure jitter
(based on RFC 1889), one way UDP delay and bandwidth.
PR: ports/104898
Submitted by: self
Approved by: miwi (mentor)
18:08 farrokhi
ipsectrace is a simple utility designed to profile the
ipsec traffic (esp and ah) in a pcap capture file.
It is somewhat inspired by tcptrace.
PR: ports/105137
Submitted by: self
Approved by: miwi (mentor)
Tuesday, 31 Oct 2006
22:20 alepulver
FlowViewer, FlowGrapher, and now FlowTracker are tools that provide an easy
web-based user interface for selecting, viewing, graphing, and now tracking
NetFlow data stored using Mark Fullmer's flow-tools software.
The user is able to filter data (inclusion or exclusion) by device, IP address
range, port, router interface, autonomous system (AS), specified time interval,
and now by protocols, TOS field, and TCP flags. Many of the flow-tools reports
are configured as drop-down selections. Users are also able to save reports and
graphs for later viewing.
PR: ports/104554
Submitted by: Alex Samorukov, samm at
02:46 alepulver
wdiag is a utility to monitor Westell DSL modem diagnostics and line
statistics. It reports SNR, Attenuation, etc for the DSL line.
PR: ports/104231
Submitted by: Josh Carroll <josh.carroll at>
Saturday, 7 Oct 2006
11:14 pav
- Remove net-mgmt/arpwatch-devel in favour of net-mgmt/arpwatch, which have a
newer version anyway
PR: ports/104026
Submitted by: Thomas Abthorpe <> (arpwatch maintainer)
Approved by: arpwatch-devel maintainer's address bouncing
Friday, 6 Oct 2006
03:46 leeym
add arpalert-1.1.0
Arpalert uses ARP protocol monitoring to prevent unauthorized connections
on the local network. If an illegal connection is detected, a program or
script is launched, which could be used to send an alert message, for example.
Friday, 29 Sep 2006
00:38 clsung
Add p5-Net-ACL 0.07, class representing a generic access-list/route-map.
PR: ports/102491
Submitted by: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at>
Thursday, 28 Sep 2006
22:04 bms
Add new port of mtrace, multicast traceroute for IPv4.
Nudged by: fenner
07:05 clsung
Add p5-Cisco-Reconfig 0.8, parse and generate Cisco configuration files.
PR: ports/102490
Submitted by: Gea-Suan Lin <gslin at>
Thursday, 14 Sep 2006
12:40 lawrance
Add nsca-client, a slave port for nsca without the server bits.
PR: ports/96555
Submitted by: Martin Matuska <martin at>
Sunday, 27 Aug 2006
19:31 sat
Add port net-mgmt/bsnmptools:
Snmp client-side tools
Author: Shteryana Shopova <>
Thursday, 24 Aug 2006
13:13 garga
WepLab is a tool designed to teach how WEP works, what different
vulnerabilities it has, and how they can be used in practice to
break a WEP protected wireless network. So far, WepLab more than
a Wep Key Cracker, is a Wep Security Analyzer designed from an
educational point of view.
PR: ports/102476
Submitted by: Anton Karpov <toxa at>
11:13 miwi
Object oriented helper routines for your Nagios plugin:
This is the place for common routines when writing Nagios plugins. The idea is
to make it as easy as possible for developers to conform to the plugin
guidelines (
PR: ports/102391
Submitted by: Gerrit Beine <gerrit.beine(at)>
Approved by: krion (mentor)
Sunday, 20 Aug 2006
09:31 rafan
Add py-snmp2 2.0.9, SNMP framework for Python.
PR: ports/102220
Submitted by: Dmitriy Kirhlarov
Tuesday, 15 Aug 2006
07:30 tobez
Add p5-Net-IP-Match-Regexp 0.94, efficiently match IP addresses against
IP ranges via regexp.
PR: ports/102017
Submitted by: Timur I. Bakeyev <bat at>
Friday, 28 Jul 2006
17:03 ehaupt
Add asused, a command-line tool to run a check on the usage
of the RIPE Whois DB.
PR: 100707
Submitted by: Babak Farrokhi <babak at>
Number of commits found: 678 (showing only 100 on this page) |