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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
non port: databases/Makefile

Number of commits found: 2069 (showing only 100 on this page)

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Monday, 3 Jan 2011
20:10 steve search for other commits by this committer
[NEW PORT] dalmp

Data Abstraction Layer for MySQL using PHP

PR:             ports/151988
Submitted by:   Nicolas de Bari Embriz <>
Original commit
Friday, 31 Dec 2010
17:35 rene search for other commits by this committer
Garbage-collect expired ports:
2010-12-30 databases/p5-sqlrelay: broken and upstream disapeared
2010-12-30 devel/php-dbg2: No upstream support
2010-12-30 dns/fourcdns: upstream has disapeared
2010-12-31 emulators/win4bsd: Development has ceased and distfile is no longer
2010-12-31 french/mozilla-flp: www/seamonkey port is deprecated. Consider using
the www/firefox-i18n.
2010-12-31 french/xtel: Minitel services will be discontinued at the end of
2010-12-30 ftp/ftpq: upstream has disapeared
2010-12-30 graphics/paintlib: does not compile with new tiff and no more
maintained upstream
2010-12-30 graphics/g3dviewer: does not build with gcc 4.2, upstream disapeared
2010-12-30 lang/scriba: Does not compile with gcc 4.2+, looks like abandonware
2010-12-30 math/rascal: Broken on every arch since 2008, looks like an
2010-12-31 net-mgmt/nrg: Project has vanished. Use cacti instead.
2010-12-31 security/hostsentry: Project is dead.
2010-12-31 sysutils/kcube: Project has vanished
2010-12-31 www/cybercalendar: has been unmaintained since 2001 and is unusable
with dates after 2010 (see ports/150974)
2010-12-31 www/flock: Flock 3 moves from Firefox to Chromium
2010-12-31 www/linux-flock: Flock 3 moves from Firefox to Chromium
2010-12-30 x11-clocks/xtu: Looks like abandonware

Leave java/tya in for now, as it has outstanding PRs.
Original commit
Monday, 27 Dec 2010
15:02 ale search for other commits by this committer
Update MySQL to 5.5.8 GA release. Read UPDATING.
Major changes:
- new installation layout, resembling RPM packages:
  - client = Client Utilities + Development Libraries + Shared components
  - server = MySQL Server + Embedded
- new build system: cmake instead of autotools
- fewer port knobs

Expect various breakages, but if we are lucky this could become the new default
mysql port.
Original commit
09:26 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
Test::Fixture::DBI is fixture test library for DBI.

Original commit
06:54 wen search for other commits by this committer
The official Python client for Riak.

Riak is a Dynamo-inspired key/value store that scales predictably and easily.
Riak also simplifies development by giving developers the ability to quickly
prototype, test, and deploy their applications. A truly fault-tolerant system,
Riak has no single point of failure. No machines are special or central in
Riak, so developers and operations professionals can decide exactly how
fault-tolerant they want and need their applications to be.


PR:             ports/153342
Submitted by:   TJ Ninneman <>
Original commit
Sunday, 26 Dec 2010
15:26 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
SQL::Abstract::Plugin::InsertMulti is enable bulk insert support for
SQL::Abstract. Declare 'use SQL::Abstract::Plugin::InsertMulti;' with
'use SQL::Abstract;', exporting insert_multi() and update_multi()
methods to SQL::Abstract namespace from

Plugin system is depends on 'into' options of Sub::Exporter.

Original commit
15:13 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
Get information from $dbh.

Original commit
15:10 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
Test::postgresql automatically setups a postgresql instance in a
temporary directory, and destroys it when the perl script exits.

Original commit
Saturday, 25 Dec 2010
11:12 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::TransactionManager is a simple transaction manager.  Like

Original commit
Thursday, 23 Dec 2010
02:01 wen search for other commits by this committer
Dancer::Plugin::Database provides an easy way to obtain a connected DBI database
handle by simply calling the database keyword within your Dancer application.

Returns a Dancer::Plugin::Database::Handle object, which is a subclass of DBI's
DBI::db connection handle object, so it does everything you'd expect to do with
DBI, but also adds a few convenience methods. See the documentation for
Dancer::Plugin::Database::Handle for full details of those.

Original commit
Monday, 20 Dec 2010
09:07 acm search for other commits by this committer
- Connect databases/firebird21-client and databases/firebird21-server
Original commit
08:51 acm search for other commits by this committer
- Connect databases/firebird25-client and databases/firebird25-server
Original commit
Friday, 17 Dec 2010
16:10 jpaetzel search for other commits by this committer
HTSQL ("Hyper Text Structured Query Language") is a high-level query
language for relational databases. The target audience for HTSQL is the
accidental programmer -- one who is not a SQL expert, yet needs a usable,
comprehensive query tool for data access and reporting.

Original commit
Thursday, 16 Dec 2010
18:24 lwhsu search for other commits by this committer
Add pecl-handlersocket 0.0.6, a PECL extension for HandlerSocket.

PR:             ports/153217
Submitted by:   jnlin at
Original commit
18:23 lwhsu search for other commits by this committer
Add libhsclient 1.0.6, client Library of HandlerSocket Plugin.

PR:             ports/153216
Submitted by:   Jui-Nan Lin <jnlin at>
Original commit
Sunday, 12 Dec 2010
04:10 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
Ruby/OCI8 is a ruby interface for Oracle using OCI8 API.

PR:             ports/111501
Submitted by:   Simun Mikecin <numisemis at yahoo dot com>
Original commit
Tuesday, 7 Dec 2010
06:13 glewis search for other commits by this committer
. Add a port of MyBatis for Java:

MyBatis is a first class persistence framework with support for custom
SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings.  MyBatis eliminates almost
all of the JDBC code and manual setting of parameters and retrieval of
results.  MyBatis can use simple XML or Annotations for configuration and
map primitives, Map interfaces and Java POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects)
to database records.

Original commit
01:47 wen search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::NoSQL is a layer over DBI that presents a NoSQLish way to store and
retrieve data. It does this by using a table called __Store__. Once connected
to a database, it will detect if this table is missing and create it if

When writing data to the store, the data (a HASH reference) is first
serialized using JSON and then inserted/updated via DBIx::Class to (currently)
an SQLite backend.

Retrieving data from the store is done by key lookup or by searching an
SQL-based index. Once found, the data is deserialized via JSON and returned.

Original commit
Monday, 6 Dec 2010
04:08 wen search for other commits by this committer
A MySQL client library written in Go. The aim of this project is to
provide a library with a high level of usability, good interal error
handling and to emulate similar libraries available for other languages
to provide an easy migration of MySQL based systems into the Go language.

Original commit
Thursday, 2 Dec 2010
05:54 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
AnyEvent interface to DBD::Pg's async interface.

Original commit
Sunday, 28 Nov 2010
23:04 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::DBHResolver mixin for DBIx::Skinny.

Original commit
Saturday, 27 Nov 2010
02:01 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
Flask-SQLAlchemy adds support for SQLAlchemy to your Flask application.


PR:             ports/151626
Submitted by:   Olivier Duchateau <duchateau.olivier at>
Original commit
Sunday, 21 Nov 2010
11:52 az search for other commits by this committer
This module allows you to put the arguments to "add_column" in
DBIx::Class::ResultSource right into your attribute definitions and will
automatically call it when it finds an add_column attribute option.  It also
replaces the DBIx::Class-generated accessor methods (these are
Class::Accessor::Grouped-generated accessor methods under the hood) with the
Moose-generated accessor methods so that you can use more of the wonderful
powers of Moose (eg. type constraints, triggers, ...).
Original commit
Saturday, 20 Nov 2010
11:23 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::Skinny::InflateColumn::DateTime provides inflate/deflate
settings for *_at/*_on columns.

If you want to set created_XX and updated_XX automatically, you can
use DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime::Auto.

Original commit
10:52 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::Skinny::Schema::Loader is schema loader for DBIx::Skinny.  It
can dynamically load schema at run-time or statically publish them.

It supports MySQL and SQLite, and PostgreSQL.

Original commit
10:24 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::Skinny::Pager is resultset pager interface for
DBIx::Skinny. This module is not support for search_by_sql or

Original commit
Friday, 19 Nov 2010
12:30 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::Skinny is simple DBI wrapper and simple O/R Mapper.  It aims to
be lightweight, with minimal dependencies so it's easier to install.

Original commit
Wednesday, 17 Nov 2010
16:57 sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Add mariadb 5.2.3

MariaDB is a database server that offers drop-in replacement functionality for
MySQL1. MariaDB is built by some of the original authors of MySQL, with
assistance from the broader community of Free and open source software
developers. In addition to the core functionality of MySQL, MariaDB offers a
rich set of feature enhancements including alternate storage engines, server
optimizations, and patches.

MariaDB is primarily driven by developers at Monty Program, a company founded by
Michael "Monty" Widenius, the original author of MySQL, but this is not the
whole story about MariaDB. On the "About MariaDB" page you will find more
information about all participants in the MariaDB community, including storage
engines XtraDB and PBXT.


PR:             ports/152237
Submitted by:   Artyom Olshevskiy <>
Original commit
Thursday, 4 Nov 2010
05:13 miwi search for other commits by this committer
These functions allow you to access records stored
in dBase-format (dbf) databases from within PHP.


PR:             ports/151633
Submitted by:   toomas aas <toomas at>
Original commit
Sunday, 17 Oct 2010
00:45 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::DBHResolver resolves database connection on the environment has
many database servers.  The resolution algorithm is extensible and
pluggable, because of this you can make custom strategy module easily.

This module can retrieve DBI's database handle object or connection
information (data source, user, credential...) by labeled name and
treat same cluster consists many nodes as one labeled name, choose
fetching strategy.

Original commit
Saturday, 16 Oct 2010
07:03 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
DBIx::Connector provides a simple interface for fast and safe DBI
connection and transaction management.  Connecting to a database can
be expensive; you don't want your application to re-connect every time
you need to run a query.  The efficient thing to do is to hang on to a
database handle to maintain a connection to the database in order to
minimize that overhead.  DBIx::Connector lets you do that without
having to worry about dropped or corrupted connections.

Original commit
Wednesday, 13 Oct 2010
11:49 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
- Upgrade to 3.0 after repocopied to pgpool-II-23.

PR:             ports/150907
Submitted by:   Mikhail Tsatsenko <>
Original commit
Thursday, 7 Oct 2010
06:58 girgen search for other commits by this committer
Update all PostgreSQL ports to latest versions.

Also, try to break the previous 1:1 relation between FreeBSD system and
PostgreSQL versions installed. Use different PREFIX:es to install
different versions on the same system.

PR: ports/132402, ports/145002, ports/146657
Original commit
Thursday, 23 Sep 2010
15:59 olgeni search for other commits by this committer
Add c3p0, a Java library for augmenting traditional (DriverManager-based)
JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources, including DataSources
that implement Connection and Statement Pooling.
Original commit
02:35 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
The lib_mysqludf_xql library provides an array of functions,
which can be used to create XML output directly from MySQL
using a single SQL query. This prevents having to convert a
MySQL result to XML in a PHP script, Ruby script, etc.

The library provides the same functionality as SQL/XML, seen
in MS SQL server and Oracle. However it uses normal functions.
By using subqueries the same results as SQL/XML can be generated.


PR:             ports/142086
Submitted by:   Mina R Waheeb <syncer at>
Original commit
Tuesday, 21 Sep 2010
09:29 mandree search for other commits by this committer
New version 5.1 of Oracle Berkeley DB 5.0, descended and repocopied from db50.
Original commit
Monday, 20 Sep 2010
17:48 osa search for other commits by this committer
Disconnect from build redis-devel.
Connect to build redis1.
Original commit
Friday, 17 Sep 2010
03:13 wen search for other commits by this committer
Swift is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent
object/blob store.


PR:             ports/150063
Submitted by:   Gea-Suan Lin <>
Original commit
Wednesday, 15 Sep 2010
13:27 bapt search for other commits by this committer
SOCI is a database access library for C++ that makes the illusion of embedding
SQL queries in the regular C++ code, staying entirely within the Standard C++.
The idea is to provide C++ programmers a way to access SQL databases in the most
natural and intuitive way. If you find existing libraries too difficult for your
needs or just distracting, SOCI can be a good alternative.


PR:             ports/150527
Submitted by:   Julien Laffaye <kimelto at>
Original commit
Tuesday, 14 Sep 2010
11:51 garga search for other commits by this committer
Remove ports with EXPIRATION_DATE set

2010-09-05 databases/sqlite-ext-inet: Please install
databases/sqlite-ext-mobigroup instead
2010-08-31 devel/codeville: Dead project.
2010-08-07 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-fy
2010-08-07 editors/koffice-kde4-l10n-hne
2010-06-14 graphics/xaralx-devel: Does not compile with png-1.4 and latest
version is from Aug 2006
2010-06-14 graphics/xaralx: Does not compile with png-1.4 and latest version is
from Aug 2006
2010-04-01 misc/kde4-l10n-bn_IN
2010-04-01 misc/kde4-l10n-hne
2010-04-01 misc/kde4-l10n-ku
2010-04-01 misc/kde4-l10n-mr
Original commit
Saturday, 11 Sep 2010
20:14 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
MySQL Adapter for DataMapper


PR:             ports/150469
Submitted by:   Jyun-Yan You <jyyou at>
Original commit
20:14 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper


PR:             ports/150468
Submitted by:   Jyun-Yan You <jyyou at>
Original commit
12:32 wxs search for other commits by this committer
Remove databases/mongodb-devel. It was older than the non -devel and was
not going to be updated by the maintainer.
Remove conflicts that no longer apply in databases/mongodb.

PR:             ports/148966
Submitted by:   wxs@
Approved by:    ivoras@ (maintainer of databases/mongodb-devel)
Original commit
Sunday, 5 Sep 2010
01:06 dougb search for other commits by this committer
As previously advertised, remove the remaining ports that have no
SHA256 checksum information in the distinfo file.
Original commit
Thursday, 2 Sep 2010
02:43 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
                    Presenting Rails 3.0

  lang/ruby19 does not work with rails3 until the upgrade to 1.9.2
  by stas@ happens.

- Update www/rubygem-rails to 3.0.0

Sponsored by:       RideCharge Inc. / Taximagic
Original commit
Friday, 27 Aug 2010
01:29 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
BigRecord is built from ActiveRecord, and intended to seamlessly integrate
into your Ruby on Rails applications.

Original commit
01:09 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
DataMapper is a Object Relational Mapper written in Ruby. The goal is to create
an ORM which is fast, thread-safe and feature rich.

                Please Welcome 1.0.0

PR:             ports/147800
Submitted by:   myself (pgollucci)
Sponsored by:   RideCharge Inc. / TaxiMagic
Original commit
Sunday, 22 Aug 2010
12:52 lwhsu search for other commits by this committer
Add my2cego 1.0.0, imports mysqldump files into cego.

PR:             ports/149782
Submitted by:   Kurt Jaeger <fbsd-ports at>
Original commit
Friday, 20 Aug 2010
11:13 skv search for other commits by this committer
Add hypertable , high performance distributed data storage system.
Original commit
Sunday, 15 Aug 2010
09:25 osa search for other commits by this committer
Connect to build databases/redis-devel.
Original commit
Wednesday, 11 Aug 2010
14:39 glarkin search for other commits by this committer
These SQLite extension libraries provide the following functions:

IPv4 functions (loaded with ".load"):

Shell environment functions (loaded with ".load"):

MD5 message-digest algorithm functions (loaded with ".load"):


PR:             ports/149053
Submitted by:   Pavel Volkov <pavelivolkov at>
Original commit
Wednesday, 7 Jul 2010
14:06 sylvio search for other commits by this committer
A DBI driver for the Cego database for Perl 5

Many more details are available at:


PR:             ports/148331
Submitted by:   Kurt Jaeger <>
Feature safe:   yes
Original commit
Sunday, 4 Jul 2010
03:36 wen search for other commits by this committer
PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Trace is simple way to trace execution of
Perl statements in PL/Perl.


PR:             ports/148352
Submitted by:   Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Feature safe:   yes
Original commit
02:55 wen search for other commits by this committer
PostgreSQL::PLPerl::Call is a simple interface for calling SQL functions
from PostgreSQL PL/Perl.


PR:             ports/148351
Submitted by:   Sunpoet Po-Chuan Hsieh <>
Feature safe:   yes
Original commit
Thursday, 1 Jul 2010
05:49 miwi search for other commits by this committer
Cego is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Cego
supports transactional SQL query requests in a multithreaded
architecture. For high availablility requirements, Cego supports a
database shadowing feature. Several compute nodes can be defined in
a Cego database configuration, where each node is able to manage a
number of so called table sets. For each tableset, a backup node
can be defined, which runs is recover mode for the corresponding
tableset. If required, the tableset can be switched to the backup
node and this node gets the active node for the tableset.

Many more details are available at:


PR:             ports/147822
Submitted by:   Kurt Jaeger <fbsd-ports at>
Feature safe:   yes
Original commit
Wednesday, 9 Jun 2010
05:44 pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
If you like Ima::DBI but need it to be more context-aware i
(eg: tie dbi connections to more than the name and process id)
then you need Ima::DBI::Contextual.

Original commit
Friday, 4 Jun 2010
10:42 wxs search for other commits by this committer
This port has been broken for a while with no update from maintainer
or upstream. Putting it in the Attic for now.

PR:             ports/141139
Submitted by:   Vyacheslav <>
Approved by:    maintainer timeout
Original commit
Thursday, 3 Jun 2010
17:07 miwi search for other commits by this committer
mysqlsniffer is a tcpdump clone specifically for dumping/sniffing/watching MySQL
network protocol traffic over TCP/IP networks.
mysqlsniffer is coded in C using the pcap library and works with MySQL version
4.0 and newer. mysqlsniffer is the only MySQL-specific network sniffer.


PR:             ports/147079
Submitted by:   Frederic Hardy <frederic.hardy at>
Original commit
Wednesday, 2 Jun 2010
13:33 linimon search for other commits by this committer
Remove postgresql-contrib.

Forgotten by:   girgen
Original commit
Sunday, 30 May 2010
04:41 nork search for other commits by this committer
Add flare 1.0.9, is distributed, and persistent key-value storage
compatible / memcached, and has more features(as follows):

 * persistent storage (you can use flare as persistent memcached)
 * pluggable storage (currently only Tokyo Cabinet is available, though:)
 * data replication (synchronous or asynchronous)
 * data partitioning (automatically partitioned according to # of master
   servers (clients do not have to care about it))
 * dynamic reconstruction, and partitioning (you can dynamically (I mean,
   without any service interruption) add slave servers and partition
   master servers)
 * node monitoring and failover (if any server is down, the server is
   automatically isolated from active servers and another slave server
   is promoted to master server)
 * request proxy (you can always get same result regardless of servers
   you connect to. so you can think flare servers as one big key-value
 * over 256 bytes keys, and over 1M bytes values are available

Original commit
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
18:12 shaun search for other commits by this committer
New port: xtrabackup: An OpenSource version of InnoDB backup with
support of Percona extensions.

PR:             ports/145144 [1], ports/144939 [2]
Submitted by:   Alex Samorukov <> [1],
                Aleksandr Kuzminsky <> [2]
Original commit
Saturday, 22 May 2010
04:07 miwi search for other commits by this committer
- Fix now really INDEX
Original commit
Friday, 21 May 2010
07:13 miwi search for other commits by this committer

Pointy hat to:  girgen
Original commit
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
11:41 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
Perl extension for TokyoCabinet.

Original commit
Sunday, 2 May 2010
10:45 miwi search for other commits by this committer
2010-04-30 audio/py-flac: has been marked IGNORE for past 24 months
2010-02-20 databases/mysql-connector-java50: Old version: please use
databases/mysql-connector-java instead
2010-04-15 databases/p5-DBIx-Class-HTML-FormFu: This module is obsoleted by
2010-04-29 devel/py-rbtree: "does not build with new pyrex and it's not active
2010-04-08 devel/tavrasm: No longer maintained, use devel/avra instead
2010-04-27 mail/postfix23: it's no longer maintened by upstream developer
2010-04-30 math/libgmp4: Use math/gmp instead.
2010-04-04 misc/ezload: does not build with new USB stack in 8-STABLE
2010-01-31 misc/gkrellmbgchg: use misc/gkrellmbgchg2
2010-03-04 multimedia/kbtv: no longer under development by author
2010-02-16 net/plb: broken; abandoned by author; use net/relayd or www/nginx
2010-04-30 security/vpnd: This software is no longer developed
2010-03-15 textproc/isearch: abandoned upstream, uses an obsolete version of
GCC, not used by any other port
2010-04-02 www/caudium12: No longer maintained upstream, please switch to
2010-03-08 www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache: Deprecated by module author
in favor of www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache
Original commit
Friday, 30 Apr 2010
21:50 glarkin search for other commits by this committer
This PHP extension provides a wrapper for libdrizzle, the
client and protocol library for the Drizzle database.

Original commit
Thursday, 29 Apr 2010
15:29 glarkin search for other commits by this committer
Drizzle is a high-performance microkernel DBMS for scale-out
applications.  It is a community-driven project based on the popular
MySQL DBMS and focused on MySQL's original goals of ease-of-use,
reliability and performance.

Original commit
Wednesday, 28 Apr 2010
05:28 knu search for other commits by this committer
Add ruby-kyotocabinet, Ruby (1.9.1+) binding to Kyoto Cabinet.
Original commit
Monday, 26 Apr 2010
07:40 mandree search for other commits by this committer
Add new port databases/db50, to package Oracle Berkeley DB 5.0.21.

Approved by:    garga (mentor)
Original commit
Saturday, 24 Apr 2010
05:38 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
05:37 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
Friday, 23 Apr 2010
22:23 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
22:21 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:31 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:30 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:29 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:28 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:27 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:25 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:24 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:23 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:17 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:14 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:10 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:10 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
16:09 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
15:34 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
15:30 dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- PHP 5.2 slave port
PR:             145772
Submitted by:   Alex Keda
Original commit
10:42 knu search for other commits by this committer
Add kyotocabinet, a straightforward implementation of DBM.
Original commit
Monday, 19 Apr 2010
13:38 mm search for other commits by this committer
memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching
system, generic in nature, but intended for use in speeding up dynamic
web applications by alleviating database load.


New memcached versions (1.4.x) have broken several site installations
so this port will provide compatibility for sites that still rely on
memcached 1.2.x.
Original commit
Saturday, 17 Apr 2010
00:57 glarkin search for other commits by this committer
This extension provides an API for communicating with Redis database,
a persistent key-value database with built-in net interface written
in ANSI-C for Posix systems.

It is a fork of alfonsojimenez's phpredis, adding many methods and
fixing a lot of issues.


PR:             ports/145711
Submitted by:   Benedikt Niessen <ports at>
Original commit
Sunday, 11 Apr 2010
07:53 ale search for other commits by this committer
PHP dropped support for Oracle8 client library.
Original commit
Friday, 9 Apr 2010
09:34 ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to PHP 5.3.2 release!
Original commit
Monday, 5 Apr 2010
21:44 delphij search for other commits by this committer
Add beansdb 0.3.0, yet anonther distributed key-value storage system
from Douban Inc.

PR:             ports/145075
Submitted by:   Qing Feng <qingfeng at>
Original commit
Tuesday, 16 Mar 2010
06:56 wen search for other commits by this committer
Class::DBI::Lite offers a simple way to deal with databases in an
object-oriented way.

One class (the Model class) defines your connection to the database
(eg: connectionstring, username and password) and your other classes
define interaction with one table each (your entity classes).

The Entity classes subclass the Model class and automatically inherit
its connection.

Original commit
Monday, 15 Mar 2010
17:36 glarkin search for other commits by this committer
This is the the client and protocol library for the Drizzle project.
The server, drizzled, will use this as for protocol library. Client
utilities and any new projects that require low-level protocol
communication (like proxies). Other language interfaces (PHP
extensions, Python DBI, Perl DBD, SWIG, ...) should be built off
of this library.

Original commit
Friday, 5 Mar 2010
19:29 glarkin search for other commits by this committer
Provide mathematical, string and aggregate functions for SQL queries
using the SQLite loadable extensions mechanism.

Math functions:

  acos, asin, atan, atn2, atan2, acosh, asinh, atanh, difference,
  degrees, radians, cos, sin, tan, cot, cosh, sinh, tanh, coth,
  exp, log, log10, power, sign, sqrt, square, ceil, floor, pi

String functions:

  replicate, charindex, leftstr, rightstr, ltrim, rtrim, trim,
  replace, reverse, proper, padl, padr, padc, strfilter

Aggregate functions:

  stdev, variance, mode, median, lower_quartile, upper_quartile


Submitted by:   myself (glarkin)
Feature safe:   yes
Original commit
Thursday, 4 Mar 2010
14:20 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
pg_rman is an online backup and restore tool for PostgreSQL.

The goal of the pg_rman project is providing a method for online
backup and PITR as easy as pg_dump. Also, it maintains a backup
catalog per database cluster. Users can maintain old backups including
archive logs with one command.


Feature safe: yes
Original commit
14:04 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
This project aims to reduce the size of archive log files by replacing
backup blocks (full page writes) marked as "removable" (introduced in
8.3) with corresponding incremental logs.


Feature safe: yes
Original commit
Wednesday, 17 Feb 2010
03:57 kuriyama search for other commits by this committer
TokyoTyrant-perl is an extenstion to Perl which allows access
to TokyoTyrant dataabses.


Feature safe: yes
Original commit

Number of commits found: 2069 (showing only 100 on this page)

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