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Port details
libgnome Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
2.32.1 x11 Deleted on this many watch lists=181 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.32.1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2002-03-22 23:44:04
Last Update: 2021-05-01 13:26:12
Commit Hash: e9cac8e
People watching this port, also watch:: libglade2, gconf2, libxml2, libgnomecanvas, freetype2
Also Listed In: gnome
License: not specified in port
LibGnome provides the non-GUI backend for the GNOME environment. WWW:
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (127 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. bin/gnome-open
  3. etc/sound/events/gnome-2.soundlist
  4. etc/sound/events/gtk-events-2.soundlist
  5. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-config.h
  6. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-exec.h
  7. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-gconf.h
  8. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-help.h
  9. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-i18n.h
  10. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-init.h
  11. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-macros.h
  12. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-program.h
  13. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-score.h
  14. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-sound.h
  15. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-triggers.h
  16. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-url.h
  17. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/gnome-util.h
  18. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/libgnome.h
  19. include/libgnome-2.0/libgnome/libgnometypebuiltins.h
  20. lib/bonobo/monikers/libmoniker_extra_2.a
  21. lib/bonobo/monikers/
  22. lib/bonobo/monikers/
  23. lib/libgnome-2.a
  24. lib/
  25. lib/
  26. lib/
  27. lib/
  28. libdata/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Moniker_std.server
  29. libdata/pkgconfig/libgnome-2.0.pc
  30. man/man7/gnome-options.7.gz
  31. share/gnome-background-properties/gnome-default.xml
  32. share/locale/am/LC_MESSAGES/
  33. share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/
  34. share/locale/as/LC_MESSAGES/
  35. share/locale/ast/LC_MESSAGES/
  36. share/locale/az/LC_MESSAGES/
  37. share/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/
  38. share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/
  39. share/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/
  40. share/locale/bn_IN/LC_MESSAGES/
  41. share/locale/br/LC_MESSAGES/
  42. share/locale/bs/LC_MESSAGES/
  43. share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
  44. share/locale/ca@valencia/LC_MESSAGES/
  45. share/locale/crh/LC_MESSAGES/
  46. share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
  47. share/locale/cy/LC_MESSAGES/
  48. share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/
  49. share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
  50. share/locale/dz/LC_MESSAGES/
  51. share/locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/
  52. share/locale/en@shaw/LC_MESSAGES/
  53. share/locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/
  54. share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
  55. share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/
  56. share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
  57. share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/
  58. share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/
  59. share/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/
  60. share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/
  61. share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
  62. share/locale/fur/LC_MESSAGES/
  63. share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES/
  64. share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/
  65. share/locale/gu/LC_MESSAGES/
  66. share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/
  67. share/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/
  68. share/locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/
  69. share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
  70. share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/
  71. share/locale/is/LC_MESSAGES/
  72. share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
  73. share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
  74. share/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/
  75. share/locale/kk/LC_MESSAGES/
  76. share/locale/kn/LC_MESSAGES/
  77. share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
  78. share/locale/ku/LC_MESSAGES/
  79. share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/
  80. share/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/
  81. share/locale/mai/LC_MESSAGES/
  82. share/locale/mg/LC_MESSAGES/
  83. share/locale/mk/LC_MESSAGES/
  84. share/locale/ml/LC_MESSAGES/
  85. share/locale/mn/LC_MESSAGES/
  86. share/locale/mr/LC_MESSAGES/
  87. share/locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/
  88. share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/
  89. share/locale/ne/LC_MESSAGES/
  90. share/locale/nds/LC_MESSAGES/
  91. share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/
  92. share/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES/
  93. share/locale/oc/LC_MESSAGES/
  94. share/locale/or/LC_MESSAGES/
  95. share/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/
  96. share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
  97. share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
  98. share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
  99. share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/
  100. share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
  101. share/locale/rw/LC_MESSAGES/
  102. share/locale/si/LC_MESSAGES/
  103. share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/
  104. share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/
  105. share/locale/sq/LC_MESSAGES/
  106. share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/
  107. share/locale/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/
  108. share/locale/sr@ije/LC_MESSAGES/
  109. share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
  110. share/locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/
  111. share/locale/te/LC_MESSAGES/
  112. share/locale/th/LC_MESSAGES/
  113. share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
  114. share/locale/tt/LC_MESSAGES/
  115. share/locale/ug/LC_MESSAGES/
  116. share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
  117. share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/
  118. share/locale/wa/LC_MESSAGES/
  119. share/locale/xh/LC_MESSAGES/
  120. share/locale/yi/LC_MESSAGES/
  121. share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
  122. share/locale/zh_HK/LC_MESSAGES/
  123. share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/
  124. share/pixmaps/backgrounds/gnome/background-default.jpg
  125. @owner
  126. @group
  127. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • libgnome>0:x11/libgnome
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: libgnome
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1521812183 SHA256 (gnome2/libgnome-2.32.1.tar.bz2) = b2c63916866485793b87398266dd7778548c1734923c272a94d84ee011b6f7a4 SIZE (gnome2/libgnome-2.32.1.tar.bz2) = 1776006

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages.
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. rarian-sk-config : textproc/rarian
  2. bison : devel/bison
  3. msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
  4. gmake>=4.3 : devel/gmake
  5. gnome-mime-data-2.0.pc : misc/gnome-mime-data
  6. intltool-extract : textproc/intltool
  7. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  8. xpm.pc : x11/libXpm
Runtime dependencies:
  1. rarian-sk-config : textproc/rarian
  2. gnome-mime-data-2.0.pc : misc/gnome-mime-data
  3. xpm.pc : x11/libXpm
Library dependencies:
  1. : audio/libcanberra
  2. : devel/popt
  3. : devel/gettext-runtime
  4. : accessibility/atk
  5. : devel/gconf2
  6. : devel/glib20
  7. : devel/gettext-runtime
  8. : devel/gnome-vfs
  9. : x11-toolkits/gtk20
  10. : devel/libbonobo
  11. : devel/libIDL
  12. : textproc/libxml2
  13. : devel/ORBit2
  14. : x11-toolkits/pango
NOTE: dependencies for deleted ports are notoriously suspect
This port is required by:
for Libraries

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 168 deleted ports
  1. accessibility/at-poke*
  2. accessibility/dasher*
  3. accessibility/gnopernicus*
  4. accessibility/gok*
  5. astro/celestia-gnome*
  6. astro/glunarclock*
  7. audio/decibel-audio-player*
  8. audio/glame*
  9. audio/istream*
  10. audio/jack-rack*
  11. audio/liteamp*
  12. audio/muine*
  13. audio/soundconverter*
  14. chinese/srecite*
  15. comms/ge-x2212*
  16. comms/gmfsk*
  17. comms/kb*
  18. databases/libgnomedb*
  19. databases/mergeant*
  20. databases/mysql-workbench51*
  21. deskutils/blogtk*
  22. deskutils/conduit*
  23. deskutils/everygui*
  24. deskutils/fusenshi*
  25. deskutils/gdesklets*
  26. deskutils/gimmie*
  27. deskutils/gnochm*
  28. deskutils/gnome-blog*
  29. deskutils/gnome-main-menu*
  30. deskutils/gourmet*
  31. deskutils/gruler*
  32. deskutils/gtweakui*
  33. deskutils/labyrinth*
  34. deskutils/multisync*
  35. deskutils/multisync-backup*
  36. deskutils/multisync-syncml*
  37. deskutils/nautilus-locked-folder*
  38. deskutils/planner*
  39. deskutils/splashsetter*
  40. devel/flowdesigner*
  41. devel/goffice04*
  42. devel/goffice06*
  43. devel/guikachu*
  44. devel/preps-gui*
  45. devel/prepstools*
  46. editors/conglomerate*
  47. editors/gphpedit*
  48. editors/mlview*
  49. editors/winefish*
  50. emulators/wine-doors*
  51. finance/mybudget*
  52. ftp/gwget*
  53. games/gdado*
  54. games/gno3dtet*
  55. games/gnomeattacks*
  56. games/gnomebreakout*
  57. games/gnomekiss*
  58. games/gnomesudoku*
  59. games/gnono*
  60. games/gretools*
  61. games/grhino*
  62. games/gtetrinet*
  63. games/gtktetcolor*
  64. games/gturing*
  65. games/gweled*
  66. games/monkeybubble*
  67. games/monster-masher*
  68. games/pycadia*
  69. games/teg*
  70. graphics/amide*
  71. graphics/cbrpager*
  72. graphics/diacanvas2*
  73. graphics/py-clutter*
  74. graphics/py-clutter-gtk*
  75. graphics/truevision*
  76. irc/xchat-gnome*
  77. japanese/gjiten*
  78. japanese/jd*
  79. java/eclipse-devel*
  80. lang/boo*
  81. mail/contact-lookup-applet*
  82. mail/mail-notification*
  83. mail/mboxcheck-applet*
  84. math/gdcalc*
  85. misc/bigboard*
  86. misc/cdcollect*
  87. misc/gnome-osd*
  88. misc/gregexp*
  89. misc/terraform*
  90. misc/uf-view*
  91. multimedia/gmencoder*
  92. multimedia/gxmms*
  93. net/ekiga*
  94. net/g2ipmsg*
  95. net/gnome-netstatus*
  96. net/grdesktop*
  97. net/link-monitor-applet*
  98. net/online-desktop*
  99. palm/gnome-pilot*
  100. palm/gnome-pilot-conduits*
  101. palm/synce-trayicon*
  102. print/ggv*
  103. print/gnome-cups-manager*
  104. print/gnomephotoprinter*
  105. print/gribouy*
  106. science/linsmith*
  107. security/gcipher*
  108. security/gnome-gpg*
  109. security/gnome-password-generator*
  110. security/gpass*
  111. security/libgnomesu*
  112. security/parano*
  113. security/revelation*
  114. security/tuntun*
  115. sysutils/battfink*
  116. sysutils/bubblemon2*
  117. sysutils/cog*
  118. sysutils/eiciel*
  119. sysutils/flyback*
  120. sysutils/gnome-device-manager*
  121. sysutils/gnome-pkgview*
  122. sysutils/gnome-schedule*
  123. sysutils/gnomebaker*
  124. sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner*
  125. sysutils/pessulus*
  126. sysutils/sensors-applet*
  127. sysutils/serpentine*
  128. textproc/gnome-spell*
  129. textproc/gnome-translate*
  130. textproc/sagasu*
  131. textproc/stardict2*
  132. textproc/uim-gnome*
  133. www/erwn*
  134. www/evolution-webcal*
  135. www/gurlchecker*
  136. www/openvrml*
  137. www/screem*
  138. x11/avant-window-navigator-gnome*
  139. x11/brightside*
  140. x11/gnome-panel*
  141. x11/gnome-swallow*
  142. x11/gtstarter*
  143. x11/hotwire-shell*
  144. x11/libgnome-java*
  145. x11/libgnomemm*
  146. x11/libgnomemm26*
  147. x11-clocks/gtubeclock*
  148. x11-clocks/sanduhr*
  149. x11-fm/gnome-commander2*
  150. x11-fm/py-nautilus*
  151. x11-themes/gnome-themes-extras*
  152. x11-toolkits/gai*
  153. x11-toolkits/gal2*
  154. x11-toolkits/gnome-sharp20*
  155. x11-toolkits/gtk-sharp10*
  156. x11-toolkits/gtksourceview*
  157. x11-toolkits/gtksourceview-sharp*
  158. x11-toolkits/libbonoboui*
  159. x11-toolkits/libbonobouimm*
  160. x11-toolkits/libgail-gnome*
  161. x11-toolkits/libgnomeui*
  162. x11-toolkits/libgnomeuimm*
  163. x11-toolkits/libgnomeuimm26*
  164. x11-toolkits/p5-Gnome2*
  165. x11-toolkits/py-gnome-desktop*
  166. x11-toolkits/py-gnome-extras*
  167. x11-toolkits/py-gnome2*
  168. x11-toolkits/swt-devel*
  169. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
tar:bzip2 bison gettext gmake gnome localbase libtool:keepla pathfix pkgconfig xorg
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (12 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.
Port Moves
  • port deleted on 2021-05-01
    REASON: Dead upstream, no consumers left in the ports tree

Number of commits found: 104 (showing only 4 on this page)

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Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
22 Apr 2002 21:16:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Change the GNOME 2.0 library ports to use share/gnome2 instead of share/gnome
in preparation for the GNOME 2.0 desktop.

Reviewed by:    sobomax
Approved by:    sobomax
06 Apr 2002 22:37:44
Original commit files touched by this commit
marcus search for other commits by this committer
Update to GNOME 2.0 beta3.

Approved by:    sobomax
28 Mar 2002 12:24:24
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Unbreak on -stable.

PR:             36271
Submitted by:   Joe Marcus Clarke <>
19 Mar 2002 17:31:45
Original commit files touched by this commit
sobomax search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.112.1 after a repo-copy from gnomelibs.

Number of commits found: 104 (showing only 4 on this page)

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