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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
Port details
mysql56-client Multithreaded SQL database (client)
5.6.51 databases Deleted on this many watch lists=15 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 5.6.51Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: Upstream support ended in February 2021
Expired This port expired on: 2023-06-30
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2013-02-14 15:04:21
Last Update: 2023-06-30 01:40:48
Commit Hash: 1fb68a4
People watching this port, also watch:: pkg, python27, apache24, ca_root_nss
License: GPLv2
MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb - no subversion history for this port

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (118 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/mysql56-client-5.6.51/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/mysql56-client-5.6.51/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/mysql56-client-5.6.51/GPLv2
  5. bin/msql2mysql
  6. bin/mysql
  7. bin/mysql_config
  8. bin/mysql_config_editor
  9. bin/mysql_find_rows
  10. bin/mysql_waitpid
  11. bin/mysqlaccess
  12. bin/mysqlaccess.conf
  13. bin/mysqladmin
  14. bin/mysqlbinlog
  15. bin/mysqlcheck
  16. bin/mysqldump
  17. bin/mysqlimport
  18. bin/mysqlshow
  19. bin/mysqlslap
  20. include/mysql/big_endian.h
  21. include/mysql/byte_order_generic.h
  22. include/mysql/byte_order_generic_x86.h
  23. include/mysql/byte_order_generic_x86_64.h
  24. include/mysql/decimal.h
  25. include/mysql/errmsg.h
  26. include/mysql/hash.h
  27. include/mysql/keycache.h
  28. include/mysql/little_endian.h
  29. include/mysql/m_ctype.h
  30. include/mysql/m_string.h
  31. include/mysql/my_alloc.h
  32. include/mysql/my_attribute.h
  33. include/mysql/my_byteorder.h
  34. include/mysql/my_compiler.h
  35. include/mysql/my_config.h
  36. include/mysql/my_dbug.h
  37. include/mysql/my_dir.h
  38. include/mysql/my_getopt.h
  39. include/mysql/my_global.h
  40. include/mysql/my_list.h
  41. include/mysql/my_net.h
  42. include/mysql/my_pthread.h
  43. include/mysql/my_sys.h
  44. include/mysql/my_xml.h
  45. include/mysql/mysql.h
  46. include/mysql/mysql/client_authentication.h
  47. include/mysql/mysql/client_plugin.h
  48. include/mysql/mysql/client_plugin.h.pp
  49. include/mysql/mysql/get_password.h
  50. include/mysql/mysql/innodb_priv.h
  51. include/mysql/mysql/plugin.h
  52. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_audit.h
  53. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_audit.h.pp
  54. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_auth.h
  55. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_auth.h.pp
  56. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_auth_common.h
  57. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h
  58. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h.pp
  59. include/mysql/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h
  60. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_file.h
  61. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_idle.h
  62. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h
  63. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_stage.h
  64. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_statement.h
  65. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_table.h
  66. include/mysql/mysql/psi/mysql_thread.h
  67. include/mysql/mysql/psi/psi.h
  68. include/mysql/mysql/service_my_plugin_log.h
  69. include/mysql/mysql/service_my_snprintf.h
  70. include/mysql/mysql/service_mysql_string.h
  71. include/mysql/mysql/service_thd_alloc.h
  72. include/mysql/mysql/service_thd_wait.h
  73. include/mysql/mysql/service_thread_scheduler.h
  74. include/mysql/mysql/services.h
  75. include/mysql/mysql/thread_pool_priv.h
  76. include/mysql/mysql_com.h
  77. include/mysql/mysql_com_server.h
  78. include/mysql/mysql_embed.h
  79. include/mysql/mysql_time.h
  80. include/mysql/mysql_version.h
  81. include/mysql/mysqld_ername.h
  82. include/mysql/mysqld_error.h
  83. include/mysql/plugin.h
  84. include/mysql/plugin_audit.h
  85. include/mysql/plugin_ftparser.h
  86. include/mysql/plugin_validate_password.h
  87. include/mysql/sql_common.h
  88. include/mysql/sql_state.h
  89. include/mysql/sslopt-case.h
  90. include/mysql/sslopt-longopts.h
  91. include/mysql/sslopt-vars.h
  92. include/mysql/typelib.h
  93. lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a
  94. lib/mysql/
  95. lib/mysql/
  96. lib/mysql/libmysqlclient_r.a
  97. lib/mysql/
  98. lib/mysql/
  99. lib/mysql/libmysqlservices.a
  100. share/man/man1/comp_err.1.gz
  101. share/man/man1/msql2mysql.1.gz
  102. share/man/man1/mysql.1.gz
  103. share/man/man1/mysql_config.1.gz
  104. share/man/man1/mysql_config_editor.1.gz
  105. share/man/man1/mysql_find_rows.1.gz
  106. share/man/man1/mysql_waitpid.1.gz
  107. share/man/man1/mysqlaccess.1.gz
  108. share/man/man1/mysqladmin.1.gz
  109. share/man/man1/mysqlbinlog.1.gz
  110. share/man/man1/mysqlcheck.1.gz
  111. share/man/man1/mysqldump.1.gz
  112. share/man/man1/mysqlimport.1.gz
  113. share/man/man1/mysqlshow.1.gz
  114. share/man/man1/mysqlslap.1.gz
  115. share/aclocal/mysql.m4
  116. @owner
  117. @group
  118. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • mysql56-client>0:databases/mysql56-client
  • mysql5[0-57-9]-client
  • mysql[0-46-9][0-9]-client
  • mariadb[0-9][0-9]-client
  • percona[0-9][0-9]-client
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: mysql56-client
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1611992804 SHA256 (mysql-5.6.51.tar.gz) = 262ccaf2930fca1f33787505dd125a7a04844f40d3421289a51974b5935d9abc SIZE (mysql-5.6.51.tar.gz) = 32411131

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
Master port: databases/mysql56-server
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. bison : devel/bison
  2. cmake : devel/cmake-core
Runtime dependencies:
  1. groff : textproc/groff
  2. perl5>=5.32.r0<5.33 : lang/perl5.32
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/libevent
  2. : archivers/liblz4
  3. : devel/libedit
NOTE: dependencies for deleted ports are notoriously suspect
This port is required by:
for Libraries

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 81 deleted ports
  1. audio/amarok-kde4*
  2. biology/blat*
  3. databases/dbconnect*
  4. databases/dbf2mysql*
  5. databases/hs-mysql*
  6. databases/libgda4-mysql*
  7. databases/mysql-proxy*
  8. databases/mysql-udf-sys*
  9. databases/mysql-workbench52*
  10. databases/mysql-xql*
  11. databases/mysql56-server*
  12. databases/mysqldumper*
  13. databases/mysqlwsrep56-server*
  14. databases/p5-DBD-mysql56*
  15. databases/py3-mysqlclient*
  16. databases/py35-mysqlclient*
  17. databases/qt4-mysql-plugin*
  18. databases/ruby-mysql*
  19. deskutils/phpcollab*
  20. deskutils/simplegroupware*
  21. devel/pinba_engine*
  22. devel/poco-devel*
  23. devel/poco-ssl*
  24. games/tinymux*
  25. lang/pike78*
  26. mail/dbmail22*
  27. mail/dracmail*
  28. mail/gld*
  29. mail/libmapi*
  30. mail/vqregister*
  31. multimedia/xbmc*
  32. multimedia/zoneminder-h264*
  33. net/asterisk*
  34. net/asterisk11*
  35. net-mgmt/cacti88*
  36. net-mgmt/ezradius*
  37. net-mgmt/netams*
  38. net-mgmt/ocsinventory-ng*
  39. net-mgmt/seafile*
  40. net-mgmt/zabbix2-proxy*
  41. net-mgmt/zabbix2-server*
  42. net-mgmt/zabbix24-proxy*
  43. net-mgmt/zabbix24-server*
  44. net-mgmt/zabbix32-proxy*
  45. net-mgmt/zabbix32-server*
  46. net-mgmt/zabbix34-proxy*
  47. net-mgmt/zabbix34-server*
  48. net-p2p/verlihub*
  49. ports-mgmt/tinderbox*
  50. ports-mgmt/tinderbox-devel*
  51. textproc/sphinxsearch-devel*
  52. www/dotclear*
  53. www/feedonfeeds*
  54. www/geeklog*
  55. www/joomla15*
  56. www/joomla25*
  57. www/joomla31*
  58. www/mediawiki119*
  59. www/mediawiki123*
  60. www/mediawiki124*
  61. www/mediawiki125*
  62. www/mediawiki126*
  63. www/mediawiki127*
  64. www/mediawiki128*
  65. www/mediawiki129*
  66. www/mediawiki130*
  67. www/mod_log_mysql*
  68. www/mod_log_sql2-dtc*
  69. www/moodle30*
  70. www/moodle31*
  71. www/moodle32*
  72. www/moodle33*
  73. www/moodle34*
  74. www/mysar*
  75. www/netoffice*
  76. www/rnews*
  77. www/rt40*
  78. www/sams2*
  79. www/siteframe*
  80. www/typolight*
  81. www/zikula*
  82. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
bison:build cmake:noninja compiler:c++11-lib cpe groff:run libedit localbase perl5 shebangfix ssl
For install:
Please be aware the database client is vulnerable to CVE-2015-3152 - SSL Downgrade aka "BACKRONYM". You may find more information at the following URL: Although this database client is not listed as "affected", it is vulnerable and will not be receiving a patch. Please take note of this when deploying this software.
Master Sites:
Expand this list (4 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.
Port Moves
  • port deleted on 2023-06-30
    REASON: Has expired: Upstream support ended in February 2021

Number of commits found: 51

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
This is a slave port. You may also want to view the commits to the master port: databases/mysql56-server
CommitCreditsLog message
30 Jun 2023 01:40:48
commit hash: 1fb68a4d5483cd0ac802a916d240def524eabce7commit hash: 1fb68a4d5483cd0ac802a916d240def524eabce7commit hash: 1fb68a4d5483cd0ac802a916d240def524eabce7commit hash: 1fb68a4d5483cd0ac802a916d240def524eabce7 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-*: Sunset

2023-06-30 databases/mysql56-*: Upstream support ended in February 2021

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
13 Jun 2023 06:26:00
commit hash: f8301140055f9b0fac6e3c23458e48c7cff2ef05commit hash: f8301140055f9b0fac6e3c23458e48c7cff2ef05commit hash: f8301140055f9b0fac6e3c23458e48c7cff2ef05commit hash: f8301140055f9b0fac6e3c23458e48c7cff2ef05 files touched by this commit
Eugene Grosbein (eugen) search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-client: be ready for OpenSSL 3.0 in base

Use same approach as in f89fd0980a5cbcc54597578015f660643cdccf0f
for mysql57-client. PORTREVISION not bumped intentionally.

PR:		271656
29 Dec 2022 09:08:18
commit hash: 4aaf54f523a48f7bc852ba8cebe7b5740ddc0792commit hash: 4aaf54f523a48f7bc852ba8cebe7b5740ddc0792commit hash: 4aaf54f523a48f7bc852ba8cebe7b5740ddc0792commit hash: 4aaf54f523a48f7bc852ba8cebe7b5740ddc0792 files touched by this commit
Graham Perrin (grahamperrin) search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-client: Makefile: fix typo

February, not Febuary.

Reported by:
Approved by: lwhsu
06 Dec 2022 14:16:34
commit hash: 3fc7f8d95c3c637b71d0c64b3015add4a1d7bc0bcommit hash: 3fc7f8d95c3c637b71d0c64b3015add4a1d7bc0bcommit hash: 3fc7f8d95c3c637b71d0c64b3015add4a1d7bc0bcommit hash: 3fc7f8d95c3c637b71d0c64b3015add4a1d7bc0b files touched by this commit
Jochen Neumeister (joneum) search for other commits by this committer
databseses/mysql56-client: Fix typo

06 Dec 2022 14:09:56
commit hash: ba0cbc09b0aec8ebbe7ec8e26f70b5fd68d475bfcommit hash: ba0cbc09b0aec8ebbe7ec8e26f70b5fd68d475bfcommit hash: ba0cbc09b0aec8ebbe7ec8e26f70b5fd68d475bfcommit hash: ba0cbc09b0aec8ebbe7ec8e26f70b5fd68d475bf files touched by this commit
Jochen Neumeister (joneum) search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Mark DEPRECATED

MySQL 5.5 has reached it's Extended Support on Febuary 2021. Under
sustaining support there is no New updates, fixes, security alerts,
data fixes, and critical patch updates. Hence we are setting it to EXPIRE
before 2023Q3.

Sponsored by:	Netzkommune GmbH
20 Jul 2022 14:21:07
commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16commit hash: d076ad94e206dda108061fe99ddb860d93cc6d16 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
databases: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Choe, Cheng-Dae" whitekid
  *  "Mahdi Mokhtari <>"
  *  "Meikel Brandmeyer" <>
  *  <>
  *  <>
  *  <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
  *  Ade Lovett <>
  *  Akinori MUSHA aka knu <>
  *  Alan Snelson <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
16 May 2022 06:49:44
commit hash: 9f0ff92f6deaa2187cdb33a27f5aebbdd2c0d71dcommit hash: 9f0ff92f6deaa2187cdb33a27f5aebbdd2c0d71dcommit hash: 9f0ff92f6deaa2187cdb33a27f5aebbdd2c0d71dcommit hash: 9f0ff92f6deaa2187cdb33a27f5aebbdd2c0d71d files touched by this commit
Loïc Bartoletti (lbartoletti) search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql*: fix pkg-plist use share/man

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
25 Nov 2021 21:40:11
commit hash: 04b9da414081a733478d3def4e1e3777908536c6commit hash: 04b9da414081a733478d3def4e1e3777908536c6commit hash: 04b9da414081a733478d3def4e1e3777908536c6commit hash: 04b9da414081a733478d3def4e1e3777908536c6 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Remove redundant '-*' from CONFLICTS definitions

The conflict checks compare the patterns first against the package
names without version (as reported by "pkg query "%n"), then - if
there was no match - agsinst the full package names including the
version (as reported by "pkg query "%n-%v").

Approved by: portmgr (blanket)
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
03 Feb 2021 01:58:48
Revision:563857Original commit files touched by this commit
fluffy search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56*: update to 5.6.51

Disable detect of TLSv1.3 functions - it's broken with LibreSSL

Release Notes:
Requested by:	joneum
28 Apr 2020 21:08:35
Revision:533270Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
joneum search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Update to latest release 5.6.48

- InnoDB: A tablespace import operation that failed due to the source and
destination tables being defined with different DATA DIRECTORY clauses reported
an insufficiently descriptive schema mismatch error. Moreover, if a .cfg file
was not present, the same operation would raise an assertion failure. A more
informative error message is now reported in both cases before the import
operation is terminated due to the data directory mismatch.

- InnoDB: Updating certain InnoDB system variables that take string values
raised invalid read errors during Valgrind testing.

- Replication: In the event of an unplanned disconnection of a replication slave
from the master, the reference to the master's dump thread might not be removed
from the list of registered slaves, in which case statements that accessed the
list of slaves would fail. The issue has now been fixed

- Replication: With the settings binlog_format=MIXED,
tx_isolation=READ-COMMITTED, and binlog_row_image=FULL, an INSERT ... SELECT
query involving a transactional storage engine omitted any columns with a null
value from the row image written to the binary log. This happened because when
processing INSERT ... SELECT statements, the columns were marked for inserts
before the binary logging format was selected. The issue has now been fixed.

More Infos:

MFH:		2020Q2
Security:	21d59ea3-8559-11ea-a5e2-d4c9ef517024 (MySQL - Server)
Security:	622b5c47-855b-11ea-a5e2-d4c9ef517024 (MySQL - Client)
Sponsored by:	Netzkommune GmbH
12 Mar 2020 07:42:38
Revision:528272Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
joneum search for other commits by this committer
This fix a Problem, when MySQL build with libressl

error: use of undeclared identifier 'SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3'
                        SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3 |
warning: implicit declaration of function 'SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites' is invalid
in C99 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  if (0 == SSL_CTX_set_ciphersuites(ssl_fd->ssl_context, ""))

Special thanks for his help to: fluffy

PR:		244320
MFH:		2020Q1
Sponsored by:	Netzkommune GmbH
02 Jan 2020 20:00:50
Revision:521874Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
joneum search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Update to latest release 5.6.46

 -  Improper locking during storage engine initialization could cause a server
 - A query with a WHERE clause whose predicate contained a numeric value in
scientific notation was not handled correctly.
 - VS2019 produced compilation errors with debug compilation selected due to use
of the /ZI flag. Now /Z7 is used instead.
 - For MySQL Community Edition, the cipher order specified by the client was
used in preference to the order on the server side, unless the server was confi
 - Password masking was incomplete for SHOW PROCESSLIST and some
INFORMATION_SCHEMA and Performance Schema tables.
 - The -DWITH_EXAMPLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 CMake option was ignored but should not
have been. If -DWITH_EXAMPLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=0 is given, the EXAMPLE storage e

More Info:

Approved by:	mmokhi (maintainer, implicit)
MFH:		2020Q1
Security:	fc91f2ef-fd7b-11e9-a1c7-b499baebfeaf
Sponsored by:	Netzkommune GmbH
13 Aug 2019 16:01:59
Revision:508835Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mat search for other commits by this committer
Convert to UCL & cleanup pkg-message (categories d)
05 Aug 2019 23:21:26
Revision:508218Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysq56-{client, server}: Update to 5.6.45

This update includes security fixes which are
mentioned on upstream critical patch report.
Further info:

PR:		239571
Reported by:
Sponsored by:
21 Jan 2019 20:28:04
Revision:490894Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Update to latest release 5.6.43
This update (released on Jan 21st) includes:
  -Correct the handling of quotes for identifiers in
  -Don't permit creation of dbs with same name as redo log file
    (Bug #28867993).
  -Use strncmp() instead of memcmp() for comparing logfile names
    (prevent the uninitialized memory as result).

More info from upstream:

Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation
25 Nov 2018 16:27:55
Revision:485867Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Fix inconsistencies on texinfo and man files
After `usr/info` moved to `usr/share/info` and now that texinfo is not
in base on any of the supported version of FreeBSD, This makes the port

Reported by:	ohauer
Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation
28 Oct 2018 21:26:19
Revision:483357Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Upgrade to new release 5.6.42
    Upstream Bug #27788907, Bug #90264 fixed
Bug Fixes:
     Raised assertion during an OPTIMIZE TABLE operation for InnoDB: Bug
     For MEMORY tables, memory overflow errors could occur: Bug #27799513
     Incorrectly handled very long table keys on replication slaves: Bug

More info on update:

Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation
09 Oct 2018 07:49:28
Revision:481608Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Fix build with OpenSSL1.1.x
This is the backport of fix on mysql57

PR:		225888
Reported by:	brnrd
Reviewed by:	antoine
Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation
20 Apr 2018 10:36:36
Revision:467817Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
mysql56-{client, server}: Update port to 5.6.40
This update includes fixes for multiple CVEs including:
    CVE-2018-2755 in replication component, MySQL protocol
    CVE-2018-2805 in GIS extention
    CVE-2018-2782 in InnoDB
    and more info on
17 Jan 2018 22:35:49
Revision:459293Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{client, server}: Update to 5.6.39
This update fixes bugs like CVE-2018-2696, CVE-2018-2562,
and CVE-2018-2583 in MySQL protocol by upstream

PR:		225240
Sponsored by:	Netzkommune GmbH
05 Jan 2018 10:54:41
Revision:458124Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-server: unbreak build with Clang 6 (C++14 by default)

sql-common/ error: comparison between pointer and
integer ('char *' and 'int')
      mysql->options.extension->server_public_key_path != '\0')
      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~~~~

sql/ error:
      non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'size_t'
(aka 'unsigned long') in
      initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]
    static_cast<int>(my_offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definitions_list)),

Reported by:	antoine (via bug 224669)
17 Apr 2017 14:54:57
Revision:438698Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
mmokhi search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-{server client}: Update to latest 5.6.36
Also Delete patches that merged/fixed by upstream.
And fix some no-longer-valid (but needed) patches.

Reviewed by:	feld, mat (mentors)
Approved by:	feld (mentor)
Differential Revision:
01 Apr 2017 18:16:18
Revision:437454Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
linimon search for other commits by this committer
Now builds on powerpc64.

Approved by:	portmgr (tier-2 blanket)
01 Apr 2017 15:11:15
Revision:437438Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Update libedit to 20170329
20 Feb 2017 02:57:04
Revision:434427Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
devel/libevent2: drop historical suffix after r362796

PR:		216777
Approved by:	mm (maintainer)
04 Feb 2017 07:56:59
Revision:433286Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
devel/libevent2: update to 2.1.8 and cleanup

- DEFAULT_VERSIONS += ssl=openssl-devel is now supported
- devel/py-event and devel/p5-Event-Lib are marked BROKEN

PR:		216527
Exp-run by:	antoine
Approved by:	mm (maintainer)
25 Jan 2017 19:07:08
Revision:432458Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
brnrd search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-server: Fix OpenSSL linking

  - Force dynamic linking with OpenSSL

MFH:		2017Q1
21 Jan 2017 17:33:35
Revision:432065Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Revert r432035, it breaks build with openssl from base

With hat:	portmgr
21 Jan 2017 13:22:51
Revision:432035Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
brnrd search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56-server: Fix build with LibreSSL

  - Fix CMake SSL detection
  - Always set WITH_SSL=${OPENSSLBASE}

PR:		216311
Approved by:	Mahdi Moktari <> (maintainer)
Differential Revision:	D9272
19 Jan 2017 22:29:04
Revision:431919Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
feld search for other commits by this committer
databases/mysql56: Update to 5.6.35

- Port improvements from MySQL 5.7 port
- Use system libs instead of bundled
- Fix many open PRs

PR:		216244 192657 198812 199751 205093
PR:		209618 211248 205983 209338
19 May 2016 11:09:14
Revision:415503Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Fix trailing whitespace in pkg-messages

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
19 Apr 2016 15:45:07
Revision:413653Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.30 release.
15 Aug 2015 08:18:31
Revision:394288Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
18 Jul 2015 21:21:15
Revision:392456Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
feld search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION of the client and add pkg-message to warn about
CVE-2015-3152 which will not get patched

Security:	CVE-2015-3152
Security:	36bd352d-299b-11e5-86ff-14dae9d210b8
14 Jun 2015 21:33:02
Revision:389659Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Unbreak on head: instead of using headers from base libedit and
linking against readline, use libedit from ports
Note: this may need a bit more patching during next libedit port update

Reported by:	pkg-fallout
30 Dec 2014 13:31:20
Revision:375832Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Drop gcc specific params from include flags.
03 Dec 2014 09:40:03
Revision:373805Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.22 release.
06 Nov 2014 11:05:27
Revision:372220Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer

PR:		194819
Submitted by:
24 Sep 2014 10:48:01
Revision:369168Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.21 release.
04 Aug 2014 14:21:41
Revision:364012Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.20 release.
03 Jun 2014 12:53:54
Revision:356352Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.19 release.
31 Mar 2014 12:29:12
Revision:349741Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.17 release.
28 Feb 2014 13:51:58
Revision:346515Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Install hash.h
- Bump PORTREVISION for package change

PR:		ports/187131
Submitted by:	sunpoet (myself)
Approved by:	ale (maintainer)
17 Dec 2013 11:25:12
Revision:336716Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.15 release and stagify.
08 Oct 2013 13:25:00
Revision:329781Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
tijl search for other commits by this committer
Fix mysql51/55/56 build with clang on i386.

The included yassl library contains inline asm (only for i386) using
intel syntax which clang does not support.  For now, just disable the
inline asm when clang is used and use the standard C implementation like
on every other architecture.

Approved by:	ale (maintainer)
03 Oct 2013 23:18:53
Revision:329247Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
flo search for other commits by this committer
- use unique package names
- stop using LATEST_LINK
- update CONFLICTS accordingly

Approved by:	maintainer
20 Sep 2013 16:13:49
Revision:327717Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
30 Jun 2013 09:05:04
Revision:322075Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Distfile rerolled to make it clearer the license of this
community edition (GPLv2).
Restore readline patch.
10 Jun 2013 15:12:51
Revision:320486Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Update to 5.6.12 release.
14 Feb 2013 15:04:06
Revision:312234Original commit files touched by this commit This port version is marked as vulnerable.
ale search for other commits by this committer
Add MySQL 5.6.

Number of commits found: 51