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non port: devel/Makefile

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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Tuesday, 10 Jan 2023
08:35 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/ftxui: New port: C++ Functional Terminal User Interface library
commit hash: b58ddb1e7aeb3d124437c870de2ff74ec0cee6d6 commit hash: b58ddb1e7aeb3d124437c870de2ff74ec0cee6d6 commit hash: b58ddb1e7aeb3d124437c870de2ff74ec0cee6d6 commit hash: b58ddb1e7aeb3d124437c870de2ff74ec0cee6d6 b58ddb1
Monday, 9 Jan 2023
09:58 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-xarray-simlab: New port: Xarray extension and framework for computer
model simulations
commit hash: 0c1596d2b4aefbd178b3d6350dcde1364497895e commit hash: 0c1596d2b4aefbd178b3d6350dcde1364497895e commit hash: 0c1596d2b4aefbd178b3d6350dcde1364497895e commit hash: 0c1596d2b4aefbd178b3d6350dcde1364497895e 0c1596d
09:58 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-zarr: New port: Implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional
arrays for Python
commit hash: 285dc3721e4d7f14e08d185443693a921e9ec797 commit hash: 285dc3721e4d7f14e08d185443693a921e9ec797 commit hash: 285dc3721e4d7f14e08d185443693a921e9ec797 commit hash: 285dc3721e4d7f14e08d185443693a921e9ec797 285dc37
08:28 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cargo-bloat: New port: Find out what takes most of the space in your
commit hash: 4dd3123e0068620ccac94ec85743d54ddf640b5f commit hash: 4dd3123e0068620ccac94ec85743d54ddf640b5f commit hash: 4dd3123e0068620ccac94ec85743d54ddf640b5f commit hash: 4dd3123e0068620ccac94ec85743d54ddf640b5f 4dd3123
08:22 Felix Palmen (zirias) search for other commits by this committer
devel/exomizer: Add new port

Exomizer is a cruncher for old 8-bit computers, with focus on the MOS
6502 CPU. It can create self-decrunching executables for a variety of
these systems, as well as plain crunched data. Some decrunching code
for the target systems is bundled.

Approved by:		tcberner (mentor)
Differential Revision:
commit hash: 9e0e0d7b0444ef463764be0375fcd538af5379af commit hash: 9e0e0d7b0444ef463764be0375fcd538af5379af commit hash: 9e0e0d7b0444ef463764be0375fcd538af5379af commit hash: 9e0e0d7b0444ef463764be0375fcd538af5379af 9e0e0d7
03:24 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-ipydatawidgets: New port: Set of widgets to facilitate reuse of large
datasets across widgets
commit hash: 1355fac5a87ad66df739f001ec4a14564a27a99a commit hash: 1355fac5a87ad66df739f001ec4a14564a27a99a commit hash: 1355fac5a87ad66df739f001ec4a14564a27a99a commit hash: 1355fac5a87ad66df739f001ec4a14564a27a99a 1355fac
00:19 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-traittypes: New port: Traitlets types for NumPy, SciPy and friends
commit hash: b3bf2cc171d9dc9b599d51fc7a6333264dded86e commit hash: b3bf2cc171d9dc9b599d51fc7a6333264dded86e commit hash: b3bf2cc171d9dc9b599d51fc7a6333264dded86e commit hash: b3bf2cc171d9dc9b599d51fc7a6333264dded86e b3bf2cc
00:19 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/git-branchless: New port: High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
commit hash: d0dfeab36d62e92c410fdb06abd07ca25dc8b2f4 commit hash: d0dfeab36d62e92c410fdb06abd07ca25dc8b2f4 commit hash: d0dfeab36d62e92c410fdb06abd07ca25dc8b2f4 commit hash: d0dfeab36d62e92c410fdb06abd07ca25dc8b2f4 d0dfeab
Sunday, 8 Jan 2023
11:53 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/git-cliff: New port: Highly customizable changelog generator
commit hash: f077c65a51464e23f94d3efe47199ad9e91f388e commit hash: f077c65a51464e23f94d3efe47199ad9e91f388e commit hash: f077c65a51464e23f94d3efe47199ad9e91f388e commit hash: f077c65a51464e23f94d3efe47199ad9e91f388e f077c65
11:05 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/git-workspace: New port: Sync personal and work git repositories from
multiple providers
commit hash: 2b04c2c262b2260556c291724602836b3a844023 commit hash: 2b04c2c262b2260556c291724602836b3a844023 commit hash: 2b04c2c262b2260556c291724602836b3a844023 commit hash: 2b04c2c262b2260556c291724602836b3a844023 2b04c2c
10:08 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/caf: Merge into devel/actor-framework and remove

Reported by:; fluffy@
commit hash: f8cdacd4b6da270954d3022436085ae16f299242 commit hash: f8cdacd4b6da270954d3022436085ae16f299242 commit hash: f8cdacd4b6da270954d3022436085ae16f299242 commit hash: f8cdacd4b6da270954d3022436085ae16f299242 f8cdacd
Saturday, 7 Jan 2023
07:57 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/actor-framework: New port: Open Source implementation of the Actor Model
in C++
commit hash: c0c934275b694da26a502e57dd1a7037166bcc3a commit hash: c0c934275b694da26a502e57dd1a7037166bcc3a commit hash: c0c934275b694da26a502e57dd1a7037166bcc3a commit hash: c0c934275b694da26a502e57dd1a7037166bcc3a c0c9342
Friday, 6 Jan 2023
18:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/fnm: New port: Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
commit hash: 0c830c543d03abfdf862ba01bb989d68754cc6dd commit hash: 0c830c543d03abfdf862ba01bb989d68754cc6dd commit hash: 0c830c543d03abfdf862ba01bb989d68754cc6dd commit hash: 0c830c543d03abfdf862ba01bb989d68754cc6dd 0c830c5
18:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/gitoxide: New port: Idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation
of Git
commit hash: 42b4191dad6dd1bdc8035f0173690ba8521057fb commit hash: 42b4191dad6dd1bdc8035f0173690ba8521057fb commit hash: 42b4191dad6dd1bdc8035f0173690ba8521057fb commit hash: 42b4191dad6dd1bdc8035f0173690ba8521057fb 42b4191
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tagref: New port: Tagref helps you maintain cross-references in your code
commit hash: 3ecce0c67e63c94d255dbdd9c76650febc48d883 commit hash: 3ecce0c67e63c94d255dbdd9c76650febc48d883 commit hash: 3ecce0c67e63c94d255dbdd9c76650febc48d883 commit hash: 3ecce0c67e63c94d255dbdd9c76650febc48d883 3ecce0c
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/parol: New port: LL(k) parser generator for Rust
commit hash: df4348d07e52e04295ffc13364dc8fe2f28f1451 commit hash: df4348d07e52e04295ffc13364dc8fe2f28f1451 commit hash: df4348d07e52e04295ffc13364dc8fe2f28f1451 commit hash: df4348d07e52e04295ffc13364dc8fe2f28f1451 df4348d
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/parol-ls: New port: Language server for Parol, a LL(k) parser generator
commit hash: 6838ebb212f57124d98da6fe88a6d5ae6f40e642 commit hash: 6838ebb212f57124d98da6fe88a6d5ae6f40e642 commit hash: 6838ebb212f57124d98da6fe88a6d5ae6f40e642 commit hash: 6838ebb212f57124d98da6fe88a6d5ae6f40e642 6838ebb
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/amber: New port: Code search/replace tool
commit hash: 60288bd94fcf7a52024c2b88284a47e2242980a0 commit hash: 60288bd94fcf7a52024c2b88284a47e2242980a0 commit hash: 60288bd94fcf7a52024c2b88284a47e2242980a0 commit hash: 60288bd94fcf7a52024c2b88284a47e2242980a0 60288bd
Thursday, 5 Jan 2023
10:46 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tree-sitter-graph: New port: Construct graphs from parsed source code
commit hash: 0e19694402185d4471121142715c7de54da0319d commit hash: 0e19694402185d4471121142715c7de54da0319d commit hash: 0e19694402185d4471121142715c7de54da0319d commit hash: 0e19694402185d4471121142715c7de54da0319d 0e19694
05:59 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/patsh: New port: Command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by
commit hash: 22b29e99c9f4a89086ef8e93fe21a92eb4508380 commit hash: 22b29e99c9f4a89086ef8e93fe21a92eb4508380 commit hash: 22b29e99c9f4a89086ef8e93fe21a92eb4508380 commit hash: 22b29e99c9f4a89086ef8e93fe21a92eb4508380 22b29e9
05:59 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/dura: New port: Background process that watches Git repositories and backs
up data
commit hash: e7288c9f1d9a9b897f2f5672f7a452d76a33d19e commit hash: e7288c9f1d9a9b897f2f5672f7a452d76a33d19e commit hash: e7288c9f1d9a9b897f2f5672f7a452d76a33d19e commit hash: e7288c9f1d9a9b897f2f5672f7a452d76a33d19e e7288c9
Tuesday, 3 Jan 2023
06:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/glitter: New port: Tool for generating and structuring Git commit messages
commit hash: 6086584540fd2c4a8e7793b156380c65272df846 commit hash: 6086584540fd2c4a8e7793b156380c65272df846 commit hash: 6086584540fd2c4a8e7793b156380c65272df846 commit hash: 6086584540fd2c4a8e7793b156380c65272df846 6086584
06:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tarpaulin: New port: Code coverage tool for Rust projects
commit hash: e23adc8fc45fe292ce3e467eca1b387a87b3f1d4 commit hash: e23adc8fc45fe292ce3e467eca1b387a87b3f1d4 commit hash: e23adc8fc45fe292ce3e467eca1b387a87b3f1d4 commit hash: e23adc8fc45fe292ce3e467eca1b387a87b3f1d4 e23adc8
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/argc: New port: Easily parse command line arguments in bash
commit hash: 1a2c45ccc4de6dedb6068d31e28d0e1aa3c930fd commit hash: 1a2c45ccc4de6dedb6068d31e28d0e1aa3c930fd commit hash: 1a2c45ccc4de6dedb6068d31e28d0e1aa3c930fd commit hash: 1a2c45ccc4de6dedb6068d31e28d0e1aa3c930fd 1a2c45c
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/bacon: New port: Background rust code check
commit hash: 8091a4eee1974b19c3c3272c17f86aeb7c7bc911 commit hash: 8091a4eee1974b19c3c3272c17f86aeb7c7bc911 commit hash: 8091a4eee1974b19c3c3272c17f86aeb7c7bc911 commit hash: 8091a4eee1974b19c3c3272c17f86aeb7c7bc911 8091a4e
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/bunyan: New port: CLI to pretty print logs in bunyan format
commit hash: bdaa6833e6d608cdd51431e369660cbeff97c984 commit hash: bdaa6833e6d608cdd51431e369660cbeff97c984 commit hash: bdaa6833e6d608cdd51431e369660cbeff97c984 commit hash: bdaa6833e6d608cdd51431e369660cbeff97c984 bdaa683
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cbfmt: New port: Tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org
commit hash: 60e0f8e5e2278d7de6364163c497fb5ab5f04d5a commit hash: 60e0f8e5e2278d7de6364163c497fb5ab5f04d5a commit hash: 60e0f8e5e2278d7de6364163c497fb5ab5f04d5a commit hash: 60e0f8e5e2278d7de6364163c497fb5ab5f04d5a 60e0f8e
Monday, 2 Jan 2023
21:03 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/convco: New port: Conventional commit CLI
commit hash: ce6e66324293b767fdb01263f80f01e2ec3261df commit hash: ce6e66324293b767fdb01263f80f01e2ec3261df commit hash: ce6e66324293b767fdb01263f80f01e2ec3261df commit hash: ce6e66324293b767fdb01263f80f01e2ec3261df ce6e663
10:11 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cocogitto: New port: Conventional commits toolbox
commit hash: a509f1e6b80c99ea63503a53aeca91f498887cd7 commit hash: a509f1e6b80c99ea63503a53aeca91f498887cd7 commit hash: a509f1e6b80c99ea63503a53aeca91f498887cd7 commit hash: a509f1e6b80c99ea63503a53aeca91f498887cd7 a509f1e
Sunday, 1 Jan 2023
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/typeshare: New port: Tool to synchronize type definitions between Rust and
other languages
commit hash: d76c09b8454d4ac35f44ef494963deb5a15312c5 commit hash: d76c09b8454d4ac35f44ef494963deb5a15312c5 commit hash: d76c09b8454d4ac35f44ef494963deb5a15312c5 commit hash: d76c09b8454d4ac35f44ef494963deb5a15312c5 d76c09b
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/selene: New port: Command line tool to help write correct and idiomatic
Lua code
commit hash: c2fa33b9785e12194551d6564cd16ae15e0bc150 commit hash: c2fa33b9785e12194551d6564cd16ae15e0bc150 commit hash: c2fa33b9785e12194551d6564cd16ae15e0bc150 commit hash: c2fa33b9785e12194551d6564cd16ae15e0bc150 c2fa33b
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/spr: New port: Submit pull requests for amendable, rebaseable commits to
commit hash: 5870d500e5c2812cb97e635454d119099336c78b commit hash: 5870d500e5c2812cb97e635454d119099336c78b commit hash: 5870d500e5c2812cb97e635454d119099336c78b commit hash: 5870d500e5c2812cb97e635454d119099336c78b 5870d50
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/the-way: New port: Code snippets manager for your terminal
commit hash: 0ca55cc154ed86e7a01591f69f44d5056fa268f1 commit hash: 0ca55cc154ed86e7a01591f69f44d5056fa268f1 commit hash: 0ca55cc154ed86e7a01591f69f44d5056fa268f1 commit hash: 0ca55cc154ed86e7a01591f69f44d5056fa268f1 0ca55cc
12:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/snazy: New port: Snazzy json log viewer
commit hash: ba1a7a53c16a093f7df9f05f5e5892a8f12fe552 commit hash: ba1a7a53c16a093f7df9f05f5e5892a8f12fe552 commit hash: ba1a7a53c16a093f7df9f05f5e5892a8f12fe552 commit hash: ba1a7a53c16a093f7df9f05f5e5892a8f12fe552 ba1a7a5
12:23 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/treefmt: New port: One CLI to format the code tree
commit hash: 738b46abedb00ad73fb48bc25a77101ec3617330 commit hash: 738b46abedb00ad73fb48bc25a77101ec3617330 commit hash: 738b46abedb00ad73fb48bc25a77101ec3617330 commit hash: 738b46abedb00ad73fb48bc25a77101ec3617330 738b46a
12:09 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tokio-console: New port: Debugger for async rust
commit hash: 2aaf40cc24b9c5e0f360e0bd5e63f92c1cabfb41 commit hash: 2aaf40cc24b9c5e0f360e0bd5e63f92c1cabfb41 commit hash: 2aaf40cc24b9c5e0f360e0bd5e63f92c1cabfb41 commit hash: 2aaf40cc24b9c5e0f360e0bd5e63f92c1cabfb41 2aaf40c
11:33 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/twiggy: New port: Code size profiler for Wasm
commit hash: bb98630721f074ffa0345794d3c86812162867d1 commit hash: bb98630721f074ffa0345794d3c86812162867d1 commit hash: bb98630721f074ffa0345794d3c86812162867d1 commit hash: bb98630721f074ffa0345794d3c86812162867d1 bb98630
10:08 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/ghostie: New port: Github notifications in your terminal
commit hash: 249fad6f106d3f6170c6e39b33489b72fd16eb08 commit hash: 249fad6f106d3f6170c6e39b33489b72fd16eb08 commit hash: 249fad6f106d3f6170c6e39b33489b72fd16eb08 commit hash: 249fad6f106d3f6170c6e39b33489b72fd16eb08 249fad6
Saturday, 31 Dec 2022
10:35 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/fcppt: New port: Freundlich's C++ toolkit
commit hash: f9b388ab1fd77aada38a8c81713ef028149caa32 commit hash: f9b388ab1fd77aada38a8c81713ef028149caa32 commit hash: f9b388ab1fd77aada38a8c81713ef028149caa32 commit hash: f9b388ab1fd77aada38a8c81713ef028149caa32 f9b388ab1
10:22 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/catch2: New port: Test framework for C++ (3.x series)

PR:		264652
commit hash: 08a9d785715ed4020ba3cbab6e573e31fcf5b34e commit hash: 08a9d785715ed4020ba3cbab6e573e31fcf5b34e commit hash: 08a9d785715ed4020ba3cbab6e573e31fcf5b34e commit hash: 08a9d785715ed4020ba3cbab6e573e31fcf5b34e 08a9d78
10:22 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-mutmut: New port: Mutation testing for Python 3
commit hash: f862f9075efbb1f5edd4cac9912deb1b57377a43 commit hash: f862f9075efbb1f5edd4cac9912deb1b57377a43 commit hash: f862f9075efbb1f5edd4cac9912deb1b57377a43 commit hash: f862f9075efbb1f5edd4cac9912deb1b57377a43 f862f90
01:29 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2022-12-31 devel/unittest-cpp: Upstream have declared hiatus status since 2+
years back. Please consider using devel/googletest instead
commit hash: c19abfc12dffa1bc6fb799c9ca464ae88ed1dbe5 commit hash: c19abfc12dffa1bc6fb799c9ca464ae88ed1dbe5 commit hash: c19abfc12dffa1bc6fb799c9ca464ae88ed1dbe5 commit hash: c19abfc12dffa1bc6fb799c9ca464ae88ed1dbe5 c19abfc
Friday, 30 Dec 2022
18:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-libcst03: Add py-libcst03 0.3.23 (copied from py-libcst)

commit hash: 5199547135734099c2c66c00c44fe7e1fdded1f1 commit hash: 5199547135734099c2c66c00c44fe7e1fdded1f1 commit hash: 5199547135734099c2c66c00c44fe7e1fdded1f1 commit hash: 5199547135734099c2c66c00c44fe7e1fdded1f1 5199547
10:44 Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer Author: Erik Jensen
devel/root: Revive port: Data analysis framework made at CERN

 - Submitter becomes maintainer

ROOT is a framework for data processing, born at CERN, at the heart of
the research on high-energy physics. Every day, thousands of physicists
use ROOT applications to analyze their data or to perform simulations.

PR:		267717
commit hash: 3ad0e6474b2c2beccdd55a58802381701fa10d34 commit hash: 3ad0e6474b2c2beccdd55a58802381701fa10d34 commit hash: 3ad0e6474b2c2beccdd55a58802381701fa10d34 commit hash: 3ad0e6474b2c2beccdd55a58802381701fa10d34 3ad0e64
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s31114: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s3 instead.
commit hash: 46a9507081db2ea24f009818d41a5d2b1783ab67 commit hash: 46a9507081db2ea24f009818d41a5d2b1783ab67 commit hash: 46a9507081db2ea24f009818d41a5d2b1783ab67 commit hash: 46a9507081db2ea24f009818d41a5d2b1783ab67 46a9507
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-google-protobuf319: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-google-protobuf instead.
commit hash: 1fe5461f88aa6a5f95d7c8ad939288b8579614e0 commit hash: 1fe5461f88aa6a5f95d7c8ad939288b8579614e0 commit hash: 1fe5461f88aa6a5f95d7c8ad939288b8579614e0 commit hash: 1fe5461f88aa6a5f95d7c8ad939288b8579614e0 1fe5461
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-xxhash: Add rubygem-xxash 0.5.0

Ruby wrapper for xxHash
commit hash: c28b3a0b3ce95e47b9397792902d16b32c82160f commit hash: c28b3a0b3ce95e47b9397792902d16b32c82160f commit hash: c28b3a0b3ce95e47b9397792902d16b32c82160f commit hash: c28b3a0b3ce95e47b9397792902d16b32c82160f c28b3a0
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core3131: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core instead.
commit hash: c32db7489379aad0d6d1bcc8f6c9b68c2c4251ab commit hash: c32db7489379aad0d6d1bcc8f6c9b68c2c4251ab commit hash: c32db7489379aad0d6d1bcc8f6c9b68c2c4251ab commit hash: c32db7489379aad0d6d1bcc8f6c9b68c2c4251ab c32db74
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core3159: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core instead.
commit hash: 2db37ca5a761bebafae6cb18cf673d7d6129c2c5 commit hash: 2db37ca5a761bebafae6cb18cf673d7d6129c2c5 commit hash: 2db37ca5a761bebafae6cb18cf673d7d6129c2c5 commit hash: 2db37ca5a761bebafae6cb18cf673d7d6129c2c5 2db37ca
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails18: Add rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails18 1.8.1
(copied from rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails)

commit hash: ed5caff0f116df231d188907278a9db797baf485 commit hash: ed5caff0f116df231d188907278a9db797baf485 commit hash: ed5caff0f116df231d188907278a9db797baf485 commit hash: ed5caff0f116df231d188907278a9db797baf485 ed5caff
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-google-iam-v1: Add rubygem-google-iam-v1 0.2.0

This is an add-on interface used by some Google API clients to provide IAM
policy calls.
commit hash: 521aea582b40b7bcae5e1784ce026e0e7eaf406a commit hash: 521aea582b40b7bcae5e1784ce026e0e7eaf406a commit hash: 521aea582b40b7bcae5e1784ce026e0e7eaf406a commit hash: 521aea582b40b7bcae5e1784ce026e0e7eaf406a 521aea5
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-timecop: Add rubygem-timecop 0.9.6

timecop is a gem providing "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities,
making it dead simple to test time-dependent code. It provides a unified method
to mock,, and in a single call.

- Freeze time to a specific point.
- Travel back to a specific point in time, but allow time to continue moving
  forward from there.
- Scale time by a given scaling factor that will cause time to move at an
  accelerated pace.
- No dependencies, can be used with any ruby project
- Timecop api allows arguments to be passed into #freeze and #travel as one of
  the following:
  - Time instance
  - DateTime instance
  - Date instance
  - individual arguments (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  - a single integer argument that is interpreted as an offset in seconds from
- Nested calls to Timecop#travel and Timecop#freeze are supported -- each block
  will maintain its interpretation of now.
- Works with regular Ruby projects, and Ruby on Rails projects
commit hash: bbe83034d6e153cba22337490cc965d54a8a3f3f commit hash: bbe83034d6e153cba22337490cc965d54a8a3f3f commit hash: bbe83034d6e153cba22337490cc965d54a8a3f3f commit hash: bbe83034d6e153cba22337490cc965d54a8a3f3f bbe8303
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages19: Add rubygem-cucumber-messages19 19.1.4
(copied from rubygem-cucumber-messages)

commit hash: 77cc71ba1dc317eea2c4e1a7383b98c7fa7ca83e commit hash: 77cc71ba1dc317eea2c4e1a7383b98c7fa7ca83e commit hash: 77cc71ba1dc317eea2c4e1a7383b98c7fa7ca83e commit hash: 77cc71ba1dc317eea2c4e1a7383b98c7fa7ca83e 77cc71b
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pytest-random-order: Add py-pytest-random-order 1.0.4

pytest-random-order is a pytest plugin that randomises the order of tests. This
can be useful to detect a test that passes just because it happens to run after
an unrelated test that leaves the system in a favourable state.

The plugin allows user to control the level of randomness they want to introduce
and to disable reordering on subsets of tests. Tests can be rerun in a specific
order by passing a seed value reported in a previous test run.
commit hash: 6b1d91b9b97bf9b95eb602bae918f1965b0f62c5 commit hash: 6b1d91b9b97bf9b95eb602bae918f1965b0f62c5 commit hash: 6b1d91b9b97bf9b95eb602bae918f1965b0f62c5 commit hash: 6b1d91b9b97bf9b95eb602bae918f1965b0f62c5 6b1d91b
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-shtab: Add py-shtab 1.5.8

What: Automatically generate shell tab completion scripts for Python CLI apps
Why: Speed & correctness. Alternatives like argcomplete and pyzshcomplete are
slow and have side-effects
How: shtab processes an argparse.ArgumentParser object to generate a tab
completion script for your shell

- Outputs tab completion scripts for
  - bash
  - zsh
  - tcsh
- Supports
  - argparse
  - docopt (via argopt)
- Supports arguments, options and subparsers
- Supports choices (e.g. --say={hello,goodbye})
- Supports file and directory path completion
- Supports custom path completion (e.g. --file={*.txt})
commit hash: d69de92defd8933830dbe0498c3c49b59fa6ea65 commit hash: d69de92defd8933830dbe0498c3c49b59fa6ea65 commit hash: d69de92defd8933830dbe0498c3c49b59fa6ea65 commit hash: d69de92defd8933830dbe0498c3c49b59fa6ea65 d69de92
09:03 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Avro: Add p5-Avro 1.11.1

Apache Avro is a data serialization system providing rich data structures and a
compact, fast, binary data form.
commit hash: a314895d38bdc755b3afa078ca11409de7440813 commit hash: a314895d38bdc755b3afa078ca11409de7440813 commit hash: a314895d38bdc755b3afa078ca11409de7440813 commit hash: a314895d38bdc755b3afa078ca11409de7440813 a314895
Wednesday, 28 Dec 2022
07:56 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-lsprotocol: New port: Python implementation of the Language Server
commit hash: 26e553232dad6d4296f9e813334529498707c040 commit hash: 26e553232dad6d4296f9e813334529498707c040 commit hash: 26e553232dad6d4296f9e813334529498707c040 commit hash: 26e553232dad6d4296f9e813334529498707c040 26e5532
04:06 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/ruff: New port: Extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
commit hash: 5c9c8f37fa1d3d83cc16dbceec1b2ff7e669ab7c commit hash: 5c9c8f37fa1d3d83cc16dbceec1b2ff7e669ab7c commit hash: 5c9c8f37fa1d3d83cc16dbceec1b2ff7e669ab7c commit hash: 5c9c8f37fa1d3d83cc16dbceec1b2ff7e669ab7c 5c9c8f3
Tuesday, 27 Dec 2022
02:38 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-beartype: New port: Fast runtime type checking in pure Python
commit hash: 6682a490d7ec72fa8563d97732fb159d33c91c3c commit hash: 6682a490d7ec72fa8563d97732fb159d33c91c3c commit hash: 6682a490d7ec72fa8563d97732fb159d33c91c3c commit hash: 6682a490d7ec72fa8563d97732fb159d33c91c3c 6682a49
Monday, 26 Dec 2022
21:50 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-backoff: New port: Function decoration for backoff and retry
commit hash: 37e929030527aa0334c0245469a84f86217a4f7a commit hash: 37e929030527aa0334c0245469a84f86217a4f7a commit hash: 37e929030527aa0334c0245469a84f86217a4f7a commit hash: 37e929030527aa0334c0245469a84f86217a4f7a 37e9290
21:00 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-property-cached: New port: Decorator for caching properties in classes
commit hash: e9c2fa18e8f804503eea9bedb519df96510e8a9a commit hash: e9c2fa18e8f804503eea9bedb519df96510e8a9a commit hash: e9c2fa18e8f804503eea9bedb519df96510e8a9a commit hash: e9c2fa18e8f804503eea9bedb519df96510e8a9a e9c2fa18
Sunday, 25 Dec 2022
19:36 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
*/*php74*: Sunset php 7.4

As per upstream php 7.4 has reached it's EOL on 2022-11-22. Remove php74
from the tree. Default version of php has already been switched to 8.1.

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: 0d310d700aa060b02feec9c7487893a983bf7098 commit hash: 0d310d700aa060b02feec9c7487893a983bf7098 commit hash: 0d310d700aa060b02feec9c7487893a983bf7098 commit hash: 0d310d700aa060b02feec9c7487893a983bf7098 0d310d7
01:22 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-gelidum: New port: Freeze your python object
commit hash: 1b6885c67d6ab51191f3bbee39c8c0da0defbacb commit hash: 1b6885c67d6ab51191f3bbee39c8c0da0defbacb commit hash: 1b6885c67d6ab51191f3bbee39c8c0da0defbacb commit hash: 1b6885c67d6ab51191f3bbee39c8c0da0defbacb 1b6885c
Monday, 19 Dec 2022
08:52 Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libgpr: adding the library from GPRbuild
commit hash: 07c2e291db51376a5cb9f0095c3c3d12a8afce79 commit hash: 07c2e291db51376a5cb9f0095c3c3d12a8afce79 commit hash: 07c2e291db51376a5cb9f0095c3c3d12a8afce79 commit hash: 07c2e291db51376a5cb9f0095c3c3d12a8afce79 07c2e29
Sunday, 18 Dec 2022
21:13 Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
devel/gprbuild: resurrect
commit hash: e144ceaf68011728c68e6aaac9782d860747361e commit hash: e144ceaf68011728c68e6aaac9782d860747361e commit hash: e144ceaf68011728c68e6aaac9782d860747361e commit hash: e144ceaf68011728c68e6aaac9782d860747361e e144cea
Saturday, 17 Dec 2022
10:09 Mikael Urankar (mikael) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron21: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,

Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

commit hash: 09c1114e7118c982d4c5e3577ebd7242e5058119 commit hash: 09c1114e7118c982d4c5e3577ebd7242e5058119 commit hash: 09c1114e7118c982d4c5e3577ebd7242e5058119 commit hash: 09c1114e7118c982d4c5e3577ebd7242e5058119 09c1114
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-click-default-group-wheel: New port: Extends click.Group to invoke
command without explicit subcommand name
commit hash: 803a6b679ddb4e0271fc743caf3cc6977fa59b4a commit hash: 803a6b679ddb4e0271fc743caf3cc6977fa59b4a commit hash: 803a6b679ddb4e0271fc743caf3cc6977fa59b4a commit hash: 803a6b679ddb4e0271fc743caf3cc6977fa59b4a 803a6b6
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-hupper: New port: Integrated process monitor for developing and
reloading daemons
commit hash: f9f17ca3383e6d57f260b0239ae88eed11d448d5 commit hash: f9f17ca3383e6d57f260b0239ae88eed11d448d5 commit hash: f9f17ca3383e6d57f260b0239ae88eed11d448d5 commit hash: f9f17ca3383e6d57f260b0239ae88eed11d448d5 f9f17ca
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer Author: Goran Mekić
devel/py-asgi-lifespan: New port: Programmatic startup/shutdown of ASGI apps

PR:		257334
commit hash: b4c9bc97bb146574281e704a28988355ab91dafe commit hash: b4c9bc97bb146574281e704a28988355ab91dafe commit hash: b4c9bc97bb146574281e704a28988355ab91dafe commit hash: b4c9bc97bb146574281e704a28988355ab91dafe b4c9bc9
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-janus: New port: Mixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio
tasks & threads
commit hash: 0e592ff33367767af71efc96ddeb400a5b30840f commit hash: 0e592ff33367767af71efc96ddeb400a5b30840f commit hash: 0e592ff33367767af71efc96ddeb400a5b30840f commit hash: 0e592ff33367767af71efc96ddeb400a5b30840f 0e592ff
Friday, 16 Dec 2022
03:32 Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
devel/Makefile: connect devel/libnjs to build
commit hash: 51eb528970521297150a0b8c4d170db9a16fccb9 commit hash: 51eb528970521297150a0b8c4d170db9a16fccb9 commit hash: 51eb528970521297150a0b8c4d170db9a16fccb9 commit hash: 51eb528970521297150a0b8c4d170db9a16fccb9 51eb528
Thursday, 15 Dec 2022
01:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pydeps: New port: Display Python module dependencies
commit hash: 105841ed69169f606c79a2917262a5b7a2904939 commit hash: 105841ed69169f606c79a2917262a5b7a2904939 commit hash: 105841ed69169f606c79a2917262a5b7a2904939 commit hash: 105841ed69169f606c79a2917262a5b7a2904939 105841e
Thursday, 8 Dec 2022
17:42 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pecl-hrtime: Cleanup

- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: 0896200ddf55a063fb027b5156152c5bb8b9b3a1 commit hash: 0896200ddf55a063fb027b5156152c5bb8b9b3a1 commit hash: 0896200ddf55a063fb027b5156152c5bb8b9b3a1 commit hash: 0896200ddf55a063fb027b5156152c5bb8b9b3a1 0896200
Tuesday, 6 Dec 2022
23:38 Guangyuan Yang (ygy) search for other commits by this committer Author: Dmitry Wagin
devel/jetbrains-pty4j: New Port

Pseudo terminal support for devel/jetbrains-*.


PR:		268152
commit hash: aeef2f0228a23fb036a08a4d9448af71dd499766 commit hash: aeef2f0228a23fb036a08a4d9448af71dd499766 commit hash: aeef2f0228a23fb036a08a4d9448af71dd499766 commit hash: aeef2f0228a23fb036a08a4d9448af71dd499766 aeef2f0
10:03 Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-ttkbootstrap: New port: style theme extension for Tkinter

A supercharged theme extension for Tkinter that enables on-demand modern
flat style themes inspired by Bootstrap.
commit hash: 5a98dadb196939c1ce620ad1e4873855ccbace86 commit hash: 5a98dadb196939c1ce620ad1e4873855ccbace86 commit hash: 5a98dadb196939c1ce620ad1e4873855ccbace86 commit hash: 5a98dadb196939c1ce620ad1e4873855ccbace86 5a98dad
Monday, 5 Dec 2022
14:45 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pecl-jsmin: Cleanup

- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: aa290296e29c0c4757de39e98de5342b114cd8e3 commit hash: aa290296e29c0c4757de39e98de5342b114cd8e3 commit hash: aa290296e29c0c4757de39e98de5342b114cd8e3 commit hash: aa290296e29c0c4757de39e98de5342b114cd8e3 aa29029
Saturday, 3 Dec 2022
23:36 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-PYB11Generator: New port: Code generator for the pybind11 C++ <->
Python language binding tool
commit hash: d0e8fefa2babb7c101256a30004da22b59ff65e6 commit hash: d0e8fefa2babb7c101256a30004da22b59ff65e6 commit hash: d0e8fefa2babb7c101256a30004da22b59ff65e6 commit hash: d0e8fefa2babb7c101256a30004da22b59ff65e6 d0e8fef
Friday, 2 Dec 2022
23:38 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rationl: New port: Expressive regular expression library written in C
commit hash: 408586d4b2e265f7626456d8a8cfedae119d6598 commit hash: 408586d4b2e265f7626456d8a8cfedae119d6598 commit hash: 408586d4b2e265f7626456d8a8cfedae119d6598 commit hash: 408586d4b2e265f7626456d8a8cfedae119d6598 408586d
15:44 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/trompeloeil: New port: Header only C++14 mocking framework
commit hash: 9ac3a7834593aa3f2aaaeaace9de5c3922adcc0d commit hash: 9ac3a7834593aa3f2aaaeaace9de5c3922adcc0d commit hash: 9ac3a7834593aa3f2aaaeaace9de5c3922adcc0d commit hash: 9ac3a7834593aa3f2aaaeaace9de5c3922adcc0d 9ac3a78
Thursday, 1 Dec 2022
13:38 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pecl-APCu_bc: Cleanup

- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: 00e5d34ab59cc643f9510fa3b4bc35fb3222b174 commit hash: 00e5d34ab59cc643f9510fa3b4bc35fb3222b174 commit hash: 00e5d34ab59cc643f9510fa3b4bc35fb3222b174 commit hash: 00e5d34ab59cc643f9510fa3b4bc35fb3222b174 00e5d34
Wednesday, 30 Nov 2022
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-scheduler: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-scheduler 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler.
commit hash: 959ca8c5c854e183b3c1b44cbcf0c858d236f520 commit hash: 959ca8c5c854e183b3c1b44cbcf0c858d236f520 commit hash: 959ca8c5c854e183b3c1b44cbcf0c858d236f520 commit hash: 959ca8c5c854e183b3c1b44cbcf0c858d236f520 959ca8c
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ssmsap: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-ssmsap 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Systems Manager for SAP (SsmSap).
commit hash: a074d043d9476c89b9bc8620391f4b12921ca56b commit hash: a074d043d9476c89b9bc8620391f4b12921ca56b commit hash: a074d043d9476c89b9bc8620391f4b12921ca56b commit hash: a074d043d9476c89b9bc8620391f4b12921ca56b a074d04
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s31114: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-s31114 1.114.0 (copied from

commit hash: 34a988a9678fac2c17f004ea466326f1e6790fc8 commit hash: 34a988a9678fac2c17f004ea466326f1e6790fc8 commit hash: 34a988a9678fac2c17f004ea466326f1e6790fc8 commit hash: 34a988a9678fac2c17f004ea466326f1e6790fc8 34a988a
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkvoice: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkvoice 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Voice.
commit hash: 8e2b3096d09d6b0056d4e2680ffbe0a330f5ba13 commit hash: 8e2b3096d09d6b0056d4e2680ffbe0a330f5ba13 commit hash: 8e2b3096d09d6b0056d4e2680ffbe0a330f5ba13 commit hash: 8e2b3096d09d6b0056d4e2680ffbe0a330f5ba13 8e2b309
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core3159: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-core3159 3.159.0  (copied
from rubygem-aws-sdk-core)

- Clean up pkg-descr: remove legacy Homepage link which points to the root of
GitHub repository
commit hash: 8e3da74b38d8705afc414c498e7f92514c41025d commit hash: 8e3da74b38d8705afc414c498e7f92514c41025d commit hash: 8e3da74b38d8705afc414c498e7f92514c41025d commit hash: 8e3da74b38d8705afc414c498e7f92514c41025d 8e3da74
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotroborunner: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-iotroborunner 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT RoboRunner.
commit hash: 96ef588901659723dcd30cfc1a6a4437c28f3270 commit hash: 96ef588901659723dcd30cfc1a6a4437c28f3270 commit hash: 96ef588901659723dcd30cfc1a6a4437c28f3270 commit hash: 96ef588901659723dcd30cfc1a6a4437c28f3270 96ef588
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Explorer.
commit hash: fc92759515657976651b94303677e00e7014290d commit hash: fc92759515657976651b94303677e00e7014290d commit hash: fc92759515657976651b94303677e00e7014290d commit hash: fc92759515657976651b94303677e00e7014290d fc92759
13:42 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pecl-jsond: Cleanup

- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: 0a10e74210021c8e2611965ba2b364ede04cf3e5 commit hash: 0a10e74210021c8e2611965ba2b364ede04cf3e5 commit hash: 0a10e74210021c8e2611965ba2b364ede04cf3e5 commit hash: 0a10e74210021c8e2611965ba2b364ede04cf3e5 0a10e74
13:37 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pecl-propro2: Cleanup

- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28

Sponsored by:	Bounce Experts
commit hash: dace453ef82fcb5caa10ceaed51eefc906265f73 commit hash: dace453ef82fcb5caa10ceaed51eefc906265f73 commit hash: dace453ef82fcb5caa10ceaed51eefc906265f73 commit hash: dace453ef82fcb5caa10ceaed51eefc906265f73 dace453
Sunday, 27 Nov 2022
10:12 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/random123: New port: Counter-based random number generators for C, C++ and
commit hash: 6c2798989f0eb8c5d62fdb47b891ce41ee38499d commit hash: 6c2798989f0eb8c5d62fdb47b891ce41ee38499d commit hash: 6c2798989f0eb8c5d62fdb47b891ce41ee38499d commit hash: 6c2798989f0eb8c5d62fdb47b891ce41ee38499d 6c27989
Thursday, 24 Nov 2022
21:03 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
biology/cytoscape: Unbreak by re-adding and using maven-3.6.3

Cytoscape was broken by the maven update.
commit hash: e588390193cab002aadaeb95ed1f89dc6966bf18 commit hash: e588390193cab002aadaeb95ed1f89dc6966bf18 commit hash: e588390193cab002aadaeb95ed1f89dc6966bf18 commit hash: e588390193cab002aadaeb95ed1f89dc6966bf18 e588390
11:09 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libmcfp: New port: C++ header only library to parse command line arguments
commit hash: a2130025a44cb526e9a42f81e3a97de0d2c50092 commit hash: a2130025a44cb526e9a42f81e3a97de0d2c50092 commit hash: a2130025a44cb526e9a42f81e3a97de0d2c50092 commit hash: a2130025a44cb526e9a42f81e3a97de0d2c50092 a213002
Wednesday, 23 Nov 2022
19:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cocoon: New port

Cocoon makes it easier to handle nested forms.

Nested forms are forms that handle nested models and attributes in one
form; e.g. a project with its tasks or an invoice with its line items.

Cocoon is form builder-agnostic, so it works with standard Rails,
Formtastic, or SimpleForm. It is compatible with rails 3, 4 and 5.

This project is not related to Apache Cocoon.

Sponsored by:	Nepustil
commit hash: 377e806f2b0b8391bd7d695f73da31dcdcea45b9 commit hash: 377e806f2b0b8391bd7d695f73da31dcdcea45b9 commit hash: 377e806f2b0b8391bd7d695f73da31dcdcea45b9 commit hash: 377e806f2b0b8391bd7d695f73da31dcdcea45b9 377e806
18:37 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-xorcist: New port

Blazing-fast-cross-platform-monkey-patch-free string XOR. Yes, that
means JRubys too.

Supported platforms: MRI (v2+), JRuby (v9.2+), Truffle (v21+),
Truffle+GraalVM (v21+).
Sponsored by:	Nepustil
commit hash: aec0b9091841ca7eaa85afec47ac50e0f70910ed commit hash: aec0b9091841ca7eaa85afec47ac50e0f70910ed commit hash: aec0b9091841ca7eaa85afec47ac50e0f70910ed commit hash: aec0b9091841ca7eaa85afec47ac50e0f70910ed aec0b90
08:29 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/babelflow: New port: Embedded Domain Specific Language to describe task
graph abstraction
commit hash: db4ca9fd32f003669f4be2616631f4c4484d050d commit hash: db4ca9fd32f003669f4be2616631f4c4484d050d commit hash: db4ca9fd32f003669f4be2616631f4c4484d050d commit hash: db4ca9fd32f003669f4be2616631f4c4484d050d db4ca9f
Tuesday, 22 Nov 2022
19:23 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-i18n-tasks-rails61: New port

i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations.

This gem analyses code statically for key usages, such as
I18n.t('some.key'), in order to:

* Report keys that are missing or unused.
* Pre-fill missing keys, optionally from Google Translate or DeepL Pro.
* Remove unused keys.

Thus addressing the two main problems of i18n gem design:

* Missing keys only blow up at runtime.
* Keys no longer in use may accumulate and introduce overhead, without
  you knowing it.
Sponsored by:	Nepustil
commit hash: f81151b98dee21afbe220196e7b73403b3efb3c2 commit hash: f81151b98dee21afbe220196e7b73403b3efb3c2 commit hash: f81151b98dee21afbe220196e7b73403b3efb3c2 commit hash: f81151b98dee21afbe220196e7b73403b3efb3c2 f81151b
18:47 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-better_html-rails61: New port

Better HTML for Rails. Provides sane html helpers that make it easier to
do the right thing.

Sponsored by:	Nepustil
commit hash: 2a9f897c6f785074d6afe2d19f978c787f52dc1a commit hash: 2a9f897c6f785074d6afe2d19f978c787f52dc1a commit hash: 2a9f897c6f785074d6afe2d19f978c787f52dc1a commit hash: 2a9f897c6f785074d6afe2d19f978c787f52dc1a 2a9f897
13:04 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-smart_properties: New port

SmartProperties are a more flexible and feature-rich alternative to
traditional Ruby accessors. They provide support for input conversion,
input validation, specifying default values and presence checking.

Sponsored by:	Nepustil
commit hash: 36f9207f15e8014cb1f3cde1456a1ab4caee8d48 commit hash: 36f9207f15e8014cb1f3cde1456a1ab4caee8d48 commit hash: 36f9207f15e8014cb1f3cde1456a1ab4caee8d48 commit hash: 36f9207f15e8014cb1f3cde1456a1ab4caee8d48 36f9207
09:38 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: new ports required for version 15.5
commit hash: a892bde8307d021f944c5568a14d01c1c727993d commit hash: a892bde8307d021f944c5568a14d01c1c727993d commit hash: a892bde8307d021f944c5568a14d01c1c727993d commit hash: a892bde8307d021f944c5568a14d01c1c727993d a892bde
Monday, 21 Nov 2022
13:45 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-strong_migrations61: New port

This gem catches the following unsafe migrations:
  - adding a column with a non-null default value to an existing table
  - changing the type of a column
  - renaming a table
  - renaming a column
  - removing a column
  - adding an index non-concurrently (Postgres only)
  - adding a json column to an existing table (Postgres only)

Sponsored by:	Nepustil
commit hash: 39b1173e431f001d358413a0d3e873b22413a8bb commit hash: 39b1173e431f001d358413a0d3e873b22413a8bb commit hash: 39b1173e431f001d358413a0d3e873b22413a8bb commit hash: 39b1173e431f001d358413a0d3e873b22413a8bb 39b1173

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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