non port: devel/Makefile |
Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page) |
Tuesday, 10 Jan 2023
08:35 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/ftxui: New port: C++ Functional Terminal User Interface library
b58ddb1 |
Monday, 9 Jan 2023
09:58 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-xarray-simlab: New port: Xarray extension and framework for computer
model simulations
0c1596d |
09:58 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-zarr: New port: Implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional
arrays for Python
285dc37 |
08:28 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/cargo-bloat: New port: Find out what takes most of the space in your
4dd3123 |
08:22 Felix Palmen (zirias)
devel/exomizer: Add new port
Exomizer is a cruncher for old 8-bit computers, with focus on the MOS
6502 CPU. It can create self-decrunching executables for a variety of
these systems, as well as plain crunched data. Some decrunching code
for the target systems is bundled.
Approved by: tcberner (mentor)
Differential Revision:
9e0e0d7 |
03:24 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-ipydatawidgets: New port: Set of widgets to facilitate reuse of large
datasets across widgets
1355fac |
00:19 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-traittypes: New port: Traitlets types for NumPy, SciPy and friends
b3bf2cc |
00:19 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/git-branchless: New port: High-velocity, monorepo-scale workflow for Git
d0dfeab |
Sunday, 8 Jan 2023
11:53 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/git-cliff: New port: Highly customizable changelog generator
f077c65 |
11:05 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/git-workspace: New port: Sync personal and work git repositories from
multiple providers
2b04c2c |
10:08 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/caf: Merge into devel/actor-framework and remove
Reported by:; fluffy@
f8cdacd |
Saturday, 7 Jan 2023
07:57 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/actor-framework: New port: Open Source implementation of the Actor Model
in C++
c0c9342 |
Friday, 6 Jan 2023
18:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/fnm: New port: Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
0c830c5 |
18:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/gitoxide: New port: Idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation
of Git
42b4191 |
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/tagref: New port: Tagref helps you maintain cross-references in your code
3ecce0c |
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/parol: New port: LL(k) parser generator for Rust
df4348d |
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/parol-ls: New port: Language server for Parol, a LL(k) parser generator
6838ebb |
07:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/amber: New port: Code search/replace tool
60288bd |
Thursday, 5 Jan 2023
10:46 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/tree-sitter-graph: New port: Construct graphs from parsed source code
0e19694 |
05:59 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/patsh: New port: Command-line tool for patching shell scripts inspired by
22b29e9 |
05:59 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/dura: New port: Background process that watches Git repositories and backs
up data
e7288c9 |
Tuesday, 3 Jan 2023
06:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/glitter: New port: Tool for generating and structuring Git commit messages
6086584 |
06:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/tarpaulin: New port: Code coverage tool for Rust projects
e23adc8 |
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/argc: New port: Easily parse command line arguments in bash
1a2c45c |
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/bacon: New port: Background rust code check
8091a4e |
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/bunyan: New port: CLI to pretty print logs in bunyan format
bdaa683 |
00:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/cbfmt: New port: Tool to format codeblocks inside markdown and org
60e0f8e |
Monday, 2 Jan 2023
21:03 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/convco: New port: Conventional commit CLI
ce6e663 |
10:11 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/cocogitto: New port: Conventional commits toolbox
a509f1e |
Sunday, 1 Jan 2023
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/typeshare: New port: Tool to synchronize type definitions between Rust and
other languages
d76c09b |
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/selene: New port: Command line tool to help write correct and idiomatic
Lua code
c2fa33b |
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/spr: New port: Submit pull requests for amendable, rebaseable commits to
5870d50 |
22:21 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/the-way: New port: Code snippets manager for your terminal
0ca55cc |
12:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/snazy: New port: Snazzy json log viewer
ba1a7a5 |
12:23 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/treefmt: New port: One CLI to format the code tree
738b46a |
12:09 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/tokio-console: New port: Debugger for async rust
2aaf40c |
11:33 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/twiggy: New port: Code size profiler for Wasm
bb98630 |
10:08 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/ghostie: New port: Github notifications in your terminal
249fad6 |
Saturday, 31 Dec 2022
10:35 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/fcppt: New port: Freundlich's C++ toolkit
f9b388ab1 |
10:22 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/catch2: New port: Test framework for C++ (3.x series)
PR: 264652
08a9d78 |
10:22 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-mutmut: New port: Mutation testing for Python 3
f862f90 |
01:29 Rene Ladan (rene)
cleanup: Remove expired ports:
2022-12-31 devel/unittest-cpp: Upstream have declared hiatus status since 2+
years back. Please consider using devel/googletest instead
c19abfc |
Friday, 30 Dec 2022
18:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/py-libcst03: Add py-libcst03 0.3.23 (copied from py-libcst)
5199547 |
10:44 Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) Author: Erik Jensen
devel/root: Revive port: Data analysis framework made at CERN
- Submitter becomes maintainer
ROOT is a framework for data processing, born at CERN, at the heart of
the research on high-energy physics. Every day, thousands of physicists
use ROOT applications to analyze their data or to perform simulations.
PR: 267717
3ad0e64 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s31114: Remove obsoleted port
Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s3 instead.
46a9507 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-google-protobuf319: Remove obsoleted port
Use devel/rubygem-google-protobuf instead.
1fe5461 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-xxhash: Add rubygem-xxash 0.5.0
Ruby wrapper for xxHash
c28b3a0 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core3131: Remove obsoleted port
Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core instead.
c32db74 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core3159: Remove obsoleted port
Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core instead.
2db37ca |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails18: Add rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails18 1.8.1
(copied from rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails)
ed5caff |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-google-iam-v1: Add rubygem-google-iam-v1 0.2.0
This is an add-on interface used by some Google API clients to provide IAM
policy calls.
521aea5 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-timecop: Add rubygem-timecop 0.9.6
timecop is a gem providing "time travel" and "time freezing" capabilities,
making it dead simple to test time-dependent code. It provides a unified method
to mock,, and in a single call.
- Freeze time to a specific point.
- Travel back to a specific point in time, but allow time to continue moving
forward from there.
- Scale time by a given scaling factor that will cause time to move at an
accelerated pace.
- No dependencies, can be used with any ruby project
- Timecop api allows arguments to be passed into #freeze and #travel as one of
the following:
- Time instance
- DateTime instance
- Date instance
- individual arguments (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
- a single integer argument that is interpreted as an offset in seconds from
- Nested calls to Timecop#travel and Timecop#freeze are supported -- each block
will maintain its interpretation of now.
- Works with regular Ruby projects, and Ruby on Rails projects
bbe8303 |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages19: Add rubygem-cucumber-messages19 19.1.4
(copied from rubygem-cucumber-messages)
77cc71b |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/py-pytest-random-order: Add py-pytest-random-order 1.0.4
pytest-random-order is a pytest plugin that randomises the order of tests. This
can be useful to detect a test that passes just because it happens to run after
an unrelated test that leaves the system in a favourable state.
The plugin allows user to control the level of randomness they want to introduce
and to disable reordering on subsets of tests. Tests can be rerun in a specific
order by passing a seed value reported in a previous test run.
6b1d91b |
09:04 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/py-shtab: Add py-shtab 1.5.8
What: Automatically generate shell tab completion scripts for Python CLI apps
Why: Speed & correctness. Alternatives like argcomplete and pyzshcomplete are
slow and have side-effects
How: shtab processes an argparse.ArgumentParser object to generate a tab
completion script for your shell
- Outputs tab completion scripts for
- bash
- zsh
- tcsh
- Supports
- argparse
- docopt (via argopt)
- Supports arguments, options and subparsers
- Supports choices (e.g. --say={hello,goodbye})
- Supports file and directory path completion
- Supports custom path completion (e.g. --file={*.txt})
d69de92 |
09:03 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/p5-Avro: Add p5-Avro 1.11.1
Apache Avro is a data serialization system providing rich data structures and a
compact, fast, binary data form.
a314895 |
Wednesday, 28 Dec 2022
07:56 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-lsprotocol: New port: Python implementation of the Language Server
26e5532 |
04:06 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/ruff: New port: Extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust
5c9c8f3 |
Tuesday, 27 Dec 2022
02:38 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-beartype: New port: Fast runtime type checking in pure Python
6682a49 |
Monday, 26 Dec 2022
21:50 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-backoff: New port: Function decoration for backoff and retry
37e9290 |
21:00 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-property-cached: New port: Decorator for caching properties in classes
e9c2fa18 |
Sunday, 25 Dec 2022
19:36 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
*/*php74*: Sunset php 7.4
As per upstream php 7.4 has reached it's EOL on 2022-11-22. Remove php74
from the tree. Default version of php has already been switched to 8.1.
Approved by: portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
0d310d7 |
01:22 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-gelidum: New port: Freeze your python object
1b6885c |
Monday, 19 Dec 2022
08:52 Thierry Thomas (thierry)
devel/libgpr: adding the library from GPRbuild
07c2e29 |
Sunday, 18 Dec 2022
21:13 Thierry Thomas (thierry)
devel/gprbuild: resurrect
e144cea |
Saturday, 17 Dec 2022
10:09 Mikael Urankar (mikael)
devel/electron21: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,
Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
It's easier than you think.
If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.
09c1114 |
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-click-default-group-wheel: New port: Extends click.Group to invoke
command without explicit subcommand name
803a6b6 |
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-hupper: New port: Integrated process monitor for developing and
reloading daemons
f9f17ca |
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) Author: Goran Mekić
devel/py-asgi-lifespan: New port: Programmatic startup/shutdown of ASGI apps
PR: 257334
b4c9bc9 |
09:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-janus: New port: Mixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio
tasks & threads
0e592ff |
Friday, 16 Dec 2022
03:32 Sergey A. Osokin (osa)
devel/Makefile: connect devel/libnjs to build
51eb528 |
Thursday, 15 Dec 2022
01:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/pydeps: New port: Display Python module dependencies
105841e |
Thursday, 8 Dec 2022
17:42 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/pecl-hrtime: Cleanup
- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
0896200 |
Tuesday, 6 Dec 2022
23:38 Guangyuan Yang (ygy) Author: Dmitry Wagin
devel/jetbrains-pty4j: New Port
Pseudo terminal support for devel/jetbrains-*.
PR: 268152
aeef2f0 |
10:03 Nicola Vitale (nivit)
devel/py-ttkbootstrap: New port: style theme extension for Tkinter
A supercharged theme extension for Tkinter that enables on-demand modern
flat style themes inspired by Bootstrap.
5a98dad |
Monday, 5 Dec 2022
14:45 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/pecl-jsmin: Cleanup
- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28
Approved by: portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
aa29029 |
Saturday, 3 Dec 2022
23:36 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/py-PYB11Generator: New port: Code generator for the pybind11 C++ <->
Python language binding tool
d0e8fef |
Friday, 2 Dec 2022
23:38 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/rationl: New port: Expressive regular expression library written in C
408586d |
15:44 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/trompeloeil: New port: Header only C++14 mocking framework
9ac3a78 |
Thursday, 1 Dec 2022
13:38 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/pecl-APCu_bc: Cleanup
- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28
Approved by: portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
00e5d34 |
Wednesday, 30 Nov 2022
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-scheduler: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-scheduler 1.0.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon EventBridge Scheduler.
959ca8c |
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-ssmsap: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-ssmsap 1.0.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Systems Manager for SAP (SsmSap).
a074d04 |
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-s31114: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-s31114 1.114.0 (copied from
34a988a |
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkvoice: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-chimesdkvoice 1.0.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Chime SDK Voice.
8e2b309 |
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core3159: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-core3159 3.159.0 (copied
from rubygem-aws-sdk-core)
- Clean up pkg-descr: remove legacy Homepage link which points to the root of
GitHub repository
8e3da74 |
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-iotroborunner: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-iotroborunner 1.0.0
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS IoT RoboRunner.
96ef588 |
21:23 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet)
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-resourceexplorer2
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Resource Explorer.
fc92759 |
13:42 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/pecl-jsond: Cleanup
- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28
Approved by: portmgr (blanket infrastructure)
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
0a10e74 |
13:37 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/pecl-propro2: Cleanup
- Requires php74 which was EOL on 2022-11-28
Sponsored by: Bounce Experts
dace453 |
Sunday, 27 Nov 2022
10:12 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/random123: New port: Counter-based random number generators for C, C++ and
6c27989 |
Thursday, 24 Nov 2022
21:03 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
biology/cytoscape: Unbreak by re-adding and using maven-3.6.3
Cytoscape was broken by the maven update.
e588390 |
11:09 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/libmcfp: New port: C++ header only library to parse command line arguments
a213002 |
Wednesday, 23 Nov 2022
19:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/rubygem-cocoon: New port
Cocoon makes it easier to handle nested forms.
Nested forms are forms that handle nested models and attributes in one
form; e.g. a project with its tasks or an invoice with its line items.
Cocoon is form builder-agnostic, so it works with standard Rails,
Formtastic, or SimpleForm. It is compatible with rails 3, 4 and 5.
This project is not related to Apache Cocoon.
Sponsored by: Nepustil
377e806 |
18:37 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/rubygem-xorcist: New port
Blazing-fast-cross-platform-monkey-patch-free string XOR. Yes, that
means JRubys too.
Supported platforms: MRI (v2+), JRuby (v9.2+), Truffle (v21+),
Truffle+GraalVM (v21+).
Sponsored by: Nepustil
aec0b90 |
08:29 Yuri Victorovich (yuri)
devel/babelflow: New port: Embedded Domain Specific Language to describe task
graph abstraction
db4ca9f |
Tuesday, 22 Nov 2022
19:23 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/rubygem-i18n-tasks-rails61: New port
i18n-tasks helps you find and manage missing and unused translations.
This gem analyses code statically for key usages, such as
I18n.t('some.key'), in order to:
* Report keys that are missing or unused.
* Pre-fill missing keys, optionally from Google Translate or DeepL Pro.
* Remove unused keys.
Thus addressing the two main problems of i18n gem design:
* Missing keys only blow up at runtime.
* Keys no longer in use may accumulate and introduce overhead, without
you knowing it.
Sponsored by: Nepustil
f81151b |
18:47 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/rubygem-better_html-rails61: New port
Better HTML for Rails. Provides sane html helpers that make it easier to
do the right thing.
Sponsored by: Nepustil
2a9f897 |
13:04 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/rubygem-smart_properties: New port
SmartProperties are a more flexible and feature-rich alternative to
traditional Ruby accessors. They provide support for input conversion,
input validation, specifying default values and presence checking.
Sponsored by: Nepustil
36f9207 |
09:38 Matthias Fechner (mfechner)
www/gitlab-ce: new ports required for version 15.5
a892bde |
Monday, 21 Nov 2022
13:45 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh)
devel/rubygem-strong_migrations61: New port
This gem catches the following unsafe migrations:
- adding a column with a non-null default value to an existing table
- changing the type of a column
- renaming a table
- renaming a column
- removing a column
- adding an index non-concurrently (Postgres only)
- adding a json column to an existing table (Postgres only)
Sponsored by: Nepustil
39b1173 |
Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page) |