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non port: devel/Makefile

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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Friday, 6 Oct 2023
09:26 Hiroki Tagato (tagattie) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron26: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,

Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

commit hash: 9ad518445347eaa9f419ceb95e813e8e66d2888d commit hash: 9ad518445347eaa9f419ceb95e813e8e66d2888d commit hash: 9ad518445347eaa9f419ceb95e813e8e66d2888d commit hash: 9ad518445347eaa9f419ceb95e813e8e66d2888d 9ad5184
08:02 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

commit hash: 7214ac3a354bfc12259d9e8e09ae126bdf2be476 commit hash: 7214ac3a354bfc12259d9e8e09ae126bdf2be476 commit hash: 7214ac3a354bfc12259d9e8e09ae126bdf2be476 commit hash: 7214ac3a354bfc12259d9e8e09ae126bdf2be476 7214ac3
08:01 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

commit hash: 0eab4df0b639c46b402ad1f15442c1a9bbc8cce9 commit hash: 0eab4df0b639c46b402ad1f15442c1a9bbc8cce9 commit hash: 0eab4df0b639c46b402ad1f15442c1a9bbc8cce9 commit hash: 0eab4df0b639c46b402ad1f15442c1a9bbc8cce9 0eab4df
07:54 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

commit hash: 150c13659d5d75f84e3cc3fedc6941bca2eace24 commit hash: 150c13659d5d75f84e3cc3fedc6941bca2eace24 commit hash: 150c13659d5d75f84e3cc3fedc6941bca2eace24 commit hash: 150c13659d5d75f84e3cc3fedc6941bca2eace24 150c136
07:48 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

commit hash: 1839226508f5b406f3455f18ab6ec5fdda450edd commit hash: 1839226508f5b406f3455f18ab6ec5fdda450edd commit hash: 1839226508f5b406f3455f18ab6ec5fdda450edd commit hash: 1839226508f5b406f3455f18ab6ec5fdda450edd 1839226
07:43 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

commit hash: 67496e278a2f7e842e7b615e3bf316615210aadb commit hash: 67496e278a2f7e842e7b615e3bf316615210aadb commit hash: 67496e278a2f7e842e7b615e3bf316615210aadb commit hash: 67496e278a2f7e842e7b615e3bf316615210aadb 67496e2
07:29 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

commit hash: b3613b352d735849b519d0aed6c5cd482c4c0592 commit hash: b3613b352d735849b519d0aed6c5cd482c4c0592 commit hash: b3613b352d735849b519d0aed6c5cd482c4c0592 commit hash: b3613b352d735849b519d0aed6c5cd482c4c0592 b3613b3
Thursday, 5 Oct 2023
12:13 Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
devel/zug: Add port

Zug is a C++ library providing transducers. Transducers are composable
sequential transformations independent of the source. They are extremely
lightweight, and can be used to express algorithms over pull-based
sequences (iterators, files) but also push based sequences (signals,
events, asynchronous streams) in a generic way.
commit hash: 8038f458a512152d9b150f9c2c613d06f872a52c commit hash: 8038f458a512152d9b150f9c2c613d06f872a52c commit hash: 8038f458a512152d9b150f9c2c613d06f872a52c commit hash: 8038f458a512152d9b150f9c2c613d06f872a52c 8038f45
12:13 Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
devel/lager: Add port

Lager is a C++ library to assist value-oriented design by implementing
the unidirectional data-flow architecture. It is heavily inspired by
Elm and Redux, and enables composable designs by promoting the use of
simple value types and testable application logic via pure functions.
And you get time-travel for free!
commit hash: 0e25aeca34ab0cc87594b9c5a49d928d2b14f96d commit hash: 0e25aeca34ab0cc87594b9c5a49d928d2b14f96d commit hash: 0e25aeca34ab0cc87594b9c5a49d928d2b14f96d commit hash: 0e25aeca34ab0cc87594b9c5a49d928d2b14f96d 0e25aec
12:13 Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
devel/immer: Add port

Immer is a library of persistent and immutable data structures written
in C++. These enable whole new kinds of architectures for interactive
and concurrent programs of striking simplicity, correctness, and
commit hash: 391e3102b557b20212e7ae2951dd2c85c0551ad8 commit hash: 391e3102b557b20212e7ae2951dd2c85c0551ad8 commit hash: 391e3102b557b20212e7ae2951dd2c85c0551ad8 commit hash: 391e3102b557b20212e7ae2951dd2c85c0551ad8 391e310
01:53 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-setuptools-git-versioning: Add py-setuptools-git-versioning 1.13.5

Use git repo data (latest tag, current commit hash, etc) for building a version
number according PEP 440.

- Can be installed & configured through both and PEP 518's
- Does not require to change source code of the project
- Tag-, file-, and callback-based versioning schemas are supported
- Templates for tag, dev and dirty versions are separated
- Templates support a lot of substitutions including git and environment
- Well-documented
commit hash: 1860118328b25ff01d71c5995c8dc44248f4afe3 commit hash: 1860118328b25ff01d71c5995c8dc44248f4afe3 commit hash: 1860118328b25ff01d71c5995c8dc44248f4afe3 commit hash: 1860118328b25ff01d71c5995c8dc44248f4afe3 1860118
01:53 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyleri: Add py-pyleri 1.4.2

Pyleri is an easy-to-use parser created for SiriDB. We first used lrparsing and
wrote jsleri for auto-completion and suggestions in our web console. Later we
found small issues within the lrparsing module and also had difficulties keeping
the language the same in all projects. That is when we decided to create Pyleri
which can export a created grammar to JavaScript, C, Python, Go and Java.
commit hash: a928c993fdd68ccc89d80bb5089148a866f40ccb commit hash: a928c993fdd68ccc89d80bb5089148a866f40ccb commit hash: a928c993fdd68ccc89d80bb5089148a866f40ccb commit hash: a928c993fdd68ccc89d80bb5089148a866f40ccb a928c99
Wednesday, 4 Oct 2023
20:01 Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer Author: Alastair Hogge
devel/alire: New Port, alr, Ada LIbrary REpository (ALIRE) management tool

ALIRE: Ada LIbrary REpository tool, alr.

A catalog of ready-to-use Ada/SPARK libraries plus a command-line tool
(alr) to obtain, build, and incorporate them into your own projects. It
aims to fulfill a similar role to Rust’s cargo or OCaml’s opam.

Design principles:

alr is tailored to userspace, in a similar way to Python’s virtualenv. A
project or workspace will contain all its dependencies.

Properties and dependencies of projects are managed through a TOML file.
This file exists locally for working copies of projects, and the Alire
community index stores the files corresponding to its projects.

The complete build environment is automatically set up by Alire, thus
freeing the user from concerns about installation paths. The user simply
adds dependencies to the alire.toml manifest, either from the
command-line (alr with) or a text editor, Alire handles the rest.


PR:		273092
Differential Revision:
commit hash: 930f7ed0ac0ad777d9a83b030f7dabe9b6fc883c commit hash: 930f7ed0ac0ad777d9a83b030f7dabe9b6fc883c commit hash: 930f7ed0ac0ad777d9a83b030f7dabe9b6fc883c commit hash: 930f7ed0ac0ad777d9a83b030f7dabe9b6fc883c 930f7ed
19:59 Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer Author: Jesús Daniel Colmenares Oviedo
devel/py-red-black-tree-mod: New port: Flexible python implementation of red
black trees

red-black-tree-mod is a pair of python modules implementing red
black trees.

Red-black trees are a little slower than treaps, but they give a
nice low standard deviation in operation times, and this code is
rather flexible.

A module is provided for red black trees that enforce uniqueness.
They allow for set-like use and dictionary-like use.


PR:		274204
commit hash: 1e48f38662e1eec3535a82dd6c6d1c964b937b92 commit hash: 1e48f38662e1eec3535a82dd6c6d1c964b937b92 commit hash: 1e48f38662e1eec3535a82dd6c6d1c964b937b92 commit hash: 1e48f38662e1eec3535a82dd6c6d1c964b937b92 1e48f38
Monday, 2 Oct 2023
19:23 Danilo G. Baio (dbaio) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pymsteams: New port

Python Wrapper Library to send requests to Microsoft Teams Webhooks. Microsoft
refers to these messages as Connector Cards. A message can be sent with only
the main Connector Card, or additional sections can be included into the
commit hash: bf0f89714f5b0c44d3facb2c0926dbb8ce7779da commit hash: bf0f89714f5b0c44d3facb2c0926dbb8ce7779da commit hash: bf0f89714f5b0c44d3facb2c0926dbb8ce7779da commit hash: bf0f89714f5b0c44d3facb2c0926dbb8ce7779da bf0f897
Sunday, 1 Oct 2023
23:58 Danilo G. Baio (dbaio) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pycomposefile: New port

Structured deserialization of Docker Compose files.

A Python library mainly used for the azure-cli application.
commit hash: 2793f7a2da6894ac5193bbb95263a7801835ccb2 commit hash: 2793f7a2da6894ac5193bbb95263a7801835ccb2 commit hash: 2793f7a2da6894ac5193bbb95263a7801835ccb2 commit hash: 2793f7a2da6894ac5193bbb95263a7801835ccb2 2793f7a
Saturday, 30 Sep 2023
23:26 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-zc.lockfile: Add py-zc.lockfile 3.0.post1

The zc.lockfile package provides a basic portable implementation of interprocess
locks using lock files. The purpose if not specifically to lock files, but to
simply provide locks with an implementation based on file-locking primitives. Of
course, these locks could be used to mediate access to other files. For example,
the ZODB file storage implementation uses file locks to mediate access to
file-storage database files. The database files and lock file files are separate
commit hash: f0c874797fd2e873d64cd531d7f3723d20e0fd6b commit hash: f0c874797fd2e873d64cd531d7f3723d20e0fd6b commit hash: f0c874797fd2e873d64cd531d7f3723d20e0fd6b commit hash: f0c874797fd2e873d64cd531d7f3723d20e0fd6b f0c8747
12:39 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
devel/linux-c7-devtoolset: Add the port.

Reviewed by: tijl

Differential Revision:
commit hash: 9d8ed559a7e1df9a04de2c72c3940c1ba64fa2ec commit hash: 9d8ed559a7e1df9a04de2c72c3940c1ba64fa2ec commit hash: 9d8ed559a7e1df9a04de2c72c3940c1ba64fa2ec commit hash: 9d8ed559a7e1df9a04de2c72c3940c1ba64fa2ec 9d8ed55
07:03 Guido Falsi (madpilot) search for other commits by this committer
devel/php-composer: Update to 2.6.4

The main composer port contains old and long EOLed/deprecated version
1.x of the software.

Move the devel/php-composer2 port over, dropping it, and update to
latest version.

Please check UPDATING entry 20230930, to correctly update use
"pkg install phpXX-composer" (replacing XX with the PHP shorthand
version you're using)

PR:		274160
Approved by:	Naram Qashat <> (maintainer)
Security:	33922b84-5f09-11ee-b63d-0897988a1c07
commit hash: 8ed8145684356244c2a05ff696bf9f3bc9262a21 commit hash: 8ed8145684356244c2a05ff696bf9f3bc9262a21 commit hash: 8ed8145684356244c2a05ff696bf9f3bc9262a21 commit hash: 8ed8145684356244c2a05ff696bf9f3bc9262a21 8ed8145
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/ Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/ PEAR Channel is no longer
commit hash: b2b6ef8a24772d7fd5d8d13c3466a15a3a28b7e4 commit hash: b2b6ef8a24772d7fd5d8d13c3466a15a3a28b7e4 commit hash: b2b6ef8a24772d7fd5d8d13c3466a15a3a28b7e4 commit hash: b2b6ef8a24772d7fd5d8d13c3466a15a3a28b7e4 b2b6ef8
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pmdk: Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/pmdk: FreeBSD has been deprecated since 1.13.X and support has
been dropped on 2.0
commit hash: a09f6b9ab72237027837ba8a0e45fcfb1869ca4d commit hash: a09f6b9ab72237027837ba8a0e45fcfb1869ca4d commit hash: a09f6b9ab72237027837ba8a0e45fcfb1869ca4d commit hash: a09f6b9ab72237027837ba8a0e45fcfb1869ca4d a09f6b9
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron23: Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/electron23: EOLed upstream, switch to newer version
commit hash: 577557c7b46069942b061e1117398f047fb4dfc1 commit hash: 577557c7b46069942b061e1117398f047fb4dfc1 commit hash: 577557c7b46069942b061e1117398f047fb4dfc1 commit hash: 577557c7b46069942b061e1117398f047fb4dfc1 577557c
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libtar: Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/libtar: Abandonware since 2013 and multiple CVEs over the years
commit hash: ec06439348f56e0518066bad65ba5a5287e3de69 commit hash: ec06439348f56e0518066bad65ba5a5287e3de69 commit hash: ec06439348f56e0518066bad65ba5a5287e3de69 commit hash: ec06439348f56e0518066bad65ba5a5287e3de69 ec06439
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pear-htmlpurifier: Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/pear-htmlpurifier: Unfetchable as the pear channel no longer
commit hash: 79a32e6ef3a4b8bd1ad1c133cc5ade2b2bd1ffd6 commit hash: 79a32e6ef3a4b8bd1ad1c133cc5ade2b2bd1ffd6 commit hash: 79a32e6ef3a4b8bd1ad1c133cc5ade2b2bd1ffd6 commit hash: 79a32e6ef3a4b8bd1ad1c133cc5ade2b2bd1ffd6 79a32e6
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/capstone3: Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/capstone3: Use more recent upstream version from devel/capstone
commit hash: 01356d2100ab5bfc1caec6b489fc19d141041d4e commit hash: 01356d2100ab5bfc1caec6b489fc19d141041d4e commit hash: 01356d2100ab5bfc1caec6b489fc19d141041d4e commit hash: 01356d2100ab5bfc1caec6b489fc19d141041d4e 01356d2
02:22 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/directfb: Remove expired port

2023-09-30 devel/directfb: Last upstream release was in 2015
commit hash: 1f5c2da8e1552ad53ce365a1579f51f46a01963f commit hash: 1f5c2da8e1552ad53ce365a1579f51f46a01963f commit hash: 1f5c2da8e1552ad53ce365a1579f51f46a01963f commit hash: 1f5c2da8e1552ad53ce365a1579f51f46a01963f 1f5c2da
00:44 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-bedrock: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-bedrock 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Bedrock.
commit hash: 9c05c9b736227552ea2dd27359e6f767c8a793e7 commit hash: 9c05c9b736227552ea2dd27359e6f767c8a793e7 commit hash: 9c05c9b736227552ea2dd27359e6f767c8a793e7 commit hash: 9c05c9b736227552ea2dd27359e6f767c8a793e7 9c05c9b
00:44 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-bedrockruntime: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-bedrockruntime 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Bedrock Runtime.
commit hash: 50dbc1b8e34ce677f20f53e34f1f674630b2c0f3 commit hash: 50dbc1b8e34ce677f20f53e34f1f674630b2c0f3 commit hash: 50dbc1b8e34ce677f20f53e34f1f674630b2c0f3 commit hash: 50dbc1b8e34ce677f20f53e34f1f674630b2c0f3 50dbc1b
Thursday, 28 Sep 2023
04:57 Li-Wen Hsu (lwhsu) search for other commits by this committer Author: Jesús Daniel Colmenares Oviedo
Add devel/py-pyaml-env: Provides yaml file parsing with environment variable

pyaml-env is a very small library that parses a yaml configuration
file and it resolves the environment variables, so that no secrets
are kept in text.


PR:		274127
commit hash: c73b2dcc4a1b160a8c36a5ed3799613ca75663ab commit hash: c73b2dcc4a1b160a8c36a5ed3799613ca75663ab commit hash: c73b2dcc4a1b160a8c36a5ed3799613ca75663ab commit hash: c73b2dcc4a1b160a8c36a5ed3799613ca75663ab c73b2dc
Wednesday, 27 Sep 2023
08:55 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-mustache0: Remove expired port

2023-09-27 devel/rubygem-mustache0: Use devel/mustache
commit hash: 2214865c77eea562cd076c6b366605c4695c52be commit hash: 2214865c77eea562cd076c6b366605c4695c52be commit hash: 2214865c77eea562cd076c6b366605c4695c52be commit hash: 2214865c77eea562cd076c6b366605c4695c52be 2214865
Sunday, 24 Sep 2023
09:27 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: added new ports required for version 16.4
commit hash: 31113c67e38b421e623cc85d75b26f73a96f8cb5 commit hash: 31113c67e38b421e623cc85d75b26f73a96f8cb5 commit hash: 31113c67e38b421e623cc85d75b26f73a96f8cb5 commit hash: 31113c67e38b421e623cc85d75b26f73a96f8cb5 31113c6
Friday, 22 Sep 2023
23:22 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-s3fs: Add py-s3fs 2023.9.1

S3FS builds on aiobotocore to provide a convenient Python filesystem interface
for S3.
commit hash: f958646927f5ae4c0d17d1fd65f1e1ce0ea3d2fd commit hash: f958646927f5ae4c0d17d1fd65f1e1ce0ea3d2fd commit hash: f958646927f5ae4c0d17d1fd65f1e1ce0ea3d2fd commit hash: f958646927f5ae4c0d17d1fd65f1e1ce0ea3d2fd f958646
23:22 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pydantic-yaml: Add py-pydantic-yaml 1.1.3

Pydantic-YAML adds YAML capabilities to Pydantic, which is an excellent Python
library for data validation and settings management.
commit hash: 06a6067d81c2b3db1b4b2f7c5d2b997cab35d27e commit hash: 06a6067d81c2b3db1b4b2f7c5d2b997cab35d27e commit hash: 06a6067d81c2b3db1b4b2f7c5d2b997cab35d27e commit hash: 06a6067d81c2b3db1b4b2f7c5d2b997cab35d27e 06a6067
23:22 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pydantic-vault: Add py-pydantic-vault 0.8.0

Pydantic-Vault is a simple extension to Pydantic BaseSettings that can retrieve
secrets stored in Hashicorp Vault

With Pydantic and Pydantic-Vault, you can easily declare your configuration in a
type-hinted class, and load configuration from environment variables or Vault
secrets. Pydantic-Vault will work the same when developing locally (where you
probably login with the Vault CLI and your own user account) and when deploying
in production (using a Vault Approle or Kubernetes authentication for example).
commit hash: 1432dd292312a52cb8cf72ff931894814044410a commit hash: 1432dd292312a52cb8cf72ff931894814044410a commit hash: 1432dd292312a52cb8cf72ff931894814044410a commit hash: 1432dd292312a52cb8cf72ff931894814044410a 1432dd2
23:22 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-gcsfs: Add py-gcsfs 2023.9.1

Pythonic file-system for Google Cloud Storage
commit hash: b0b339bf1c28135f19995fc76aaf3b94fe32b16e commit hash: b0b339bf1c28135f19995fc76aaf3b94fe32b16e commit hash: b0b339bf1c28135f19995fc76aaf3b94fe32b16e commit hash: b0b339bf1c28135f19995fc76aaf3b94fe32b16e b0b339b
23:22 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-aiobotocore: Add py-aiobotocore 2.6.0

Async client for amazon services using botocore and aiohttp/asyncio.

This library is a mostly full featured asynchronous version of botocore.
commit hash: 5042956ee0c5ba59f33ebc7173e6d265830abc66 commit hash: 5042956ee0c5ba59f33ebc7173e6d265830abc66 commit hash: 5042956ee0c5ba59f33ebc7173e6d265830abc66 commit hash: 5042956ee0c5ba59f33ebc7173e6d265830abc66 5042956
18:29 Matthew Seaman (matthew) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-assertpy: New port

Simple assertions library for unit testing in Python
commit hash: fe5230eba98968dab8737a7f159c9efd149ff014 commit hash: fe5230eba98968dab8737a7f159c9efd149ff014 commit hash: fe5230eba98968dab8737a7f159c9efd149ff014 commit hash: fe5230eba98968dab8737a7f159c9efd149ff014 fe5230e
03:11 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-sus: Add rubygem-sus 0.23.0

Sus(picious) is an opinionated test framework designed with several goals:
- As fast as possible, aiming for ~10,000 assertions per second per core.
- Isolated tests which parallelise easily (including class definitions).
- Native support for balanced (work-stealing) multi-core execution.
- Incredible test output with detailed failure logging (including nested
  assertions and predicates).

- Flexibility at the expense of performance.
- Backwards compatibility.
commit hash: d600ef293fb4c1dd479e811803d151ade7a486f4 commit hash: d600ef293fb4c1dd479e811803d151ade7a486f4 commit hash: d600ef293fb4c1dd479e811803d151ade7a486f4 commit hash: d600ef293fb4c1dd479e811803d151ade7a486f4 d600ef2
03:11 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-bump2version: Add py-bump2version 1.0.1

bump2version is a maintained fork of the excellent bumpversion project.

Version-bump your software with a single command!

A small command line tool to simplify releasing software by updating all version
strings in your source code by the correct increment. Also creates commits and
- version formats are highly configurable
- works without any VCS, but happily reads tag information from and writes
  commits and tags to Git and Mercurial if available
- just handles text files, so it's not specific to any programming language
- supports Python 3 and PyPy3
commit hash: a0e9c8d867b3863c602f2fa2974510173e2a4381 commit hash: a0e9c8d867b3863c602f2fa2974510173e2a4381 commit hash: a0e9c8d867b3863c602f2fa2974510173e2a4381 commit hash: a0e9c8d867b3863c602f2fa2974510173e2a4381 a0e9c8d
Sunday, 17 Sep 2023
15:26 Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer Author: Jonathan Schleifer
devel/objfw: Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language

ObjFW is a highly portable, lightweight, general purpose, open source
Objective-C framework with full Objective-C 2.0, blocks and ARC support,
providing not only basic classes like strings, arrays and dictionaries,
but also providing abstractions for OS-dependant functionality like
asynchronous sockets.

While a lot of the core API is similar to Foundation, it breaks with
Foundation's API on purpose in many places to embrace new features which
Foundation can't use completely due to its backwards compatibility. One
such example are exceptions, which are a first class citizen in ObjFW
and not merely to inform the programmer of his wrongdoings like in

ObjFW runs on a huge list of platforms and offers the same API on all of
them so that software written using ObjFW runs on all platforms
supported by ObjFW without #ifdef hells or the like. It does not only
run on almost any POSIX system that supports GCC >= 4, but it also works
on Windows and niche platforms like the PlayStation Portable.


PR:		273835
commit hash: 6e494f266b58d150da50f2818f7ee3a3dd1e8ad5 commit hash: 6e494f266b58d150da50f2818f7ee3a3dd1e8ad5 commit hash: 6e494f266b58d150da50f2818f7ee3a3dd1e8ad5 commit hash: 6e494f266b58d150da50f2818f7ee3a3dd1e8ad5 6e494f2
08:46 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/capslock: New port: Capability analysis CLI for Go packages
commit hash: 7f73d07ff13f271d0e80bdc9fbf09de92414d721 commit hash: 7f73d07ff13f271d0e80bdc9fbf09de92414d721 commit hash: 7f73d07ff13f271d0e80bdc9fbf09de92414d721 commit hash: 7f73d07ff13f271d0e80bdc9fbf09de92414d721 7f73d07
Tuesday, 12 Sep 2023
19:24 Emanuel Haupt (ehaupt) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libzakalwe: Add new port

A Shared tools library required by the Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator.
commit hash: 2ded8fa10c76265b9d9a27cf75b817a977074848 commit hash: 2ded8fa10c76265b9d9a27cf75b817a977074848 commit hash: 2ded8fa10c76265b9d9a27cf75b817a977074848 commit hash: 2ded8fa10c76265b9d9a27cf75b817a977074848 2ded8fa
Monday, 11 Sep 2023
03:40 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-fire: New port: Library for automatically generating command line
interfaces (CLIs)
commit hash: 7b33455435ad97129eef454f31f64ba5e19fe943 commit hash: 7b33455435ad97129eef454f31f64ba5e19fe943 commit hash: 7b33455435ad97129eef454f31f64ba5e19fe943 commit hash: 7b33455435ad97129eef454f31f64ba5e19fe943 7b33455
03:07 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-tag-expressions4: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-tag-expressions instead.
commit hash: 6469e85dbd3f5d30fd71dbf61366d3c78a3d6c3c commit hash: 6469e85dbd3f5d30fd71dbf61366d3c78a3d6c3c commit hash: 6469e85dbd3f5d30fd71dbf61366d3c78a3d6c3c commit hash: 6469e85dbd3f5d30fd71dbf61366d3c78a3d6c3c 6469e85
03:03 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-semver_dialects12: Add rubygem-semver_dialects12 1.2.1 (copied
from rubygem-semver_dialects)

commit hash: 161e648667296635e8fec67f8a27b09a302d2a39 commit hash: 161e648667296635e8fec67f8a27b09a302d2a39 commit hash: 161e648667296635e8fec67f8a27b09a302d2a39 commit hash: 161e648667296635e8fec67f8a27b09a302d2a39 161e648
03:03 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-setoptconf: Add py-setoptconf 0.3.0

setoptconf is a Python library that can be used to retrieve program settings
from a variety of common sources:
- Command Line
- Environment Variables
- INI Files
- JSON Files
- YAML Files
- Python Objects/Modules

The goal of this project is to define your desired settings in a simple and
consistent way, and then point setoptconf at as many of the sources as you'd
like to use, and let it comb them all, looking for your settings.
commit hash: 11bb9c7a8ffe63896275b64843362f2778307078 commit hash: 11bb9c7a8ffe63896275b64843362f2778307078 commit hash: 11bb9c7a8ffe63896275b64843362f2778307078 commit hash: 11bb9c7a8ffe63896275b64843362f2778307078 11bb9c7
03:03 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pytest-cases: Add py-pytest-cases 3.6.14

Did you ever think that most of your test functions were actually the same test
code, but with different data inputs and expected results/exceptions?
- pytest-cases leverages pytest and its great @pytest.mark.parametrize
  decorator, so that you can separate your test cases from your test functions.
- In addition, pytest-cases provides several useful goodies to empower pytest.
  In particular it improves the fixture mechanism to support "fixture unions".
  This is a major change in the internal pytest engine, unlocking many
  possibilities such as using fixture references as parameter values in a test
  function. See here.

pytest-cases is fully compliant with pytest-harvest so you can easily monitor
the execution times and created artifacts. With it, it becomes very easy to
create a complete data science benchmark, for example comparing various models
on various datasets.
commit hash: 62cbc4c2937d93d6082811b6436294d551456e7a commit hash: 62cbc4c2937d93d6082811b6436294d551456e7a commit hash: 62cbc4c2937d93d6082811b6436294d551456e7a commit hash: 62cbc4c2937d93d6082811b6436294d551456e7a 62cbc4c
03:00 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyroma: Add py-pyroma 4.2

Pyroma rhymes with aroma, and is a product aimed at giving a rating of how well
a Python project complies with the best practices of the Python packaging
ecosystem, primarily PyPI, pip, Distribute etc, as well as a list of issues that
could be improved.

The aim of this is both to help people make a project that is nice and usable,
but also to improve the quality of Python third-party software, making it easier
and more enjoyable to use the vast array of available modules for Python.

It's written so that there are a library with methods to call from Python, as
well as a script, also called pyroma.
commit hash: e086206534dc44a9dc6ef1a165efd2443a29aa0b commit hash: e086206534dc44a9dc6ef1a165efd2443a29aa0b commit hash: e086206534dc44a9dc6ef1a165efd2443a29aa0b commit hash: e086206534dc44a9dc6ef1a165efd2443a29aa0b e086206
03:00 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-prospector: Add py-prospector 1.9.0

Prospector is a tool to analyze Python code and output information about errors,
potential problems, convention violations and complexity.

It brings together the functionality of other Python analysis tools such as
Pylint, pycodestyle, and McCabe complexity. See the Supported Tools
documentation section for a complete list.

The primary aim of Prospector is to be useful 'out of the box'. A common
complaint of other Python analysis tools is that it takes a long time to filter
through which errors are relevant or interesting to your own coding style.
Prospector provides some default profiles, which hopefully will provide a good
starting point and will be useful straight away, and adapts the output depending
on the libraries your project uses.
commit hash: a4f84fcf37f1d2ef51709c15e20fb8b9513352f4 commit hash: a4f84fcf37f1d2ef51709c15e20fb8b9513352f4 commit hash: a4f84fcf37f1d2ef51709c15e20fb8b9513352f4 commit hash: a4f84fcf37f1d2ef51709c15e20fb8b9513352f4 a4f84fc
03:00 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pylint-flask: Add py-pylint-flask 0.6

pylint-flask is Pylint plugin for improving code analysis when editing code
using Flask. It is inspired by pylint-django.
commit hash: 1e5b7707425ae19b263accb90a9a4abf2189e7a7 commit hash: 1e5b7707425ae19b263accb90a9a4abf2189e7a7 commit hash: 1e5b7707425ae19b263accb90a9a4abf2189e7a7 commit hash: 1e5b7707425ae19b263accb90a9a4abf2189e7a7 1e5b770
03:00 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-decopatch: Add py-decopatch 1.4.10

Because of a tiny oddity in the python language, writing decorators without help
can be a pain because you have to handle the no-parenthesis usage explicitly.
decopatch provides a simple way to solve this issue so that writing decorators
is simple and straightforward.
commit hash: 3892971a0e909dd1a12cba705dfb696f80cda8e2 commit hash: 3892971a0e909dd1a12cba705dfb696f80cda8e2 commit hash: 3892971a0e909dd1a12cba705dfb696f80cda8e2 commit hash: 3892971a0e909dd1a12cba705dfb696f80cda8e2 3892971
02:48 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
*/Makefile: Sort SUBDIRs
commit hash: d7a909689f81f7637f4abe242adc2b89ecdc4858 commit hash: d7a909689f81f7637f4abe242adc2b89ecdc4858 commit hash: d7a909689f81f7637f4abe242adc2b89ecdc4858 commit hash: d7a909689f81f7637f4abe242adc2b89ecdc4858 d7a9096
Sunday, 10 Sep 2023
16:13 Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer Author: Jesús Daniel Colmenares Oviedo
devel/py-strictyaml: New port: Strict, typed YAML parser

StrictYAML is a type-safe YAML parser that parses and validates a
restricted subset of the YAML specification.


* Beautiful API.
* Refusing to parse the ugly, hard to read and insecure features
  of YAML like the Norway problem.
* Strict validation of markup and straightforward type casting.
* Clear, readable exceptions with code snippets and line numbers.
* Acting as a near-drop in replacement for pyyaml, ruamel.yaml or
* Ability to read in YAML, make changes and write it out again
  with comments preserved.
* Not speed, currently.


PR:		273232
commit hash: 7219a47f1ab385e6977fb04aba301549d976965d commit hash: 7219a47f1ab385e6977fb04aba301549d976965d commit hash: 7219a47f1ab385e6977fb04aba301549d976965d commit hash: 7219a47f1ab385e6977fb04aba301549d976965d 7219a47
16:12 Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer Author: Thomas Hurst
devel/libjodycode: Add new port

libjodycode is a library containing code shared among several of the programs
written by Jody Bruchon such as imagepile, jdupes, winregfs, and zeromerge.


PR:		273400
commit hash: dc98a8ffaa73c7f5c9721ad7b756eb91938f3c46 commit hash: dc98a8ffaa73c7f5c9721ad7b756eb91938f3c46 commit hash: dc98a8ffaa73c7f5c9721ad7b756eb91938f3c46 commit hash: dc98a8ffaa73c7f5c9721ad7b756eb91938f3c46 dc98a8f
16:12 Robert Clausecker (fuz) search for other commits by this committer Author: Alastair Hogge
devel/matreshka: revive port

Restore Matreshka Project, partially, the i386 build is running out of
stack space and failing.

 * port{clippy,fmt,lint} maintenance
 * switch to new home
 * update to 21.0

PR:		273241
commit hash: 959ad650bfd42b0d76bc1685893d7c35ba49b758 commit hash: 959ad650bfd42b0d76bc1685893d7c35ba49b758 commit hash: 959ad650bfd42b0d76bc1685893d7c35ba49b758 commit hash: 959ad650bfd42b0d76bc1685893d7c35ba49b758 959ad65
13:15 Kai Knoblich (kai) search for other commits by this committer
net-mgmt/netbox: Create Django 4.2 consumers

* Django 3.2 is currently the "default" version in the ports tree due
  its long term support until April 2024.  Thus ports that are assigned
  to that version will exist until then.

The following ports are required to make the upgrade of
net-mgmt/netbox to the 3.6 release possible because it requires
Django 4.2.

All of the ports listed below were created on the basis of their
respective original ports:

- devel/py-dj42-django-rq
- devel/py-dj42-graphene-django
- www/py-dj42-django-auth-ldap
- www/py-dj42-django-cors-headers
- www/py-dj42-django-debug-toolbar
- www/py-dj42-django-filter
- www/py-dj42-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar
- www/py-dj42-django-js-asset
- www/py-dj42-django-mptt
- www/py-dj42-django-prometheus
- www/py-dj42-django-redis
- www/py-dj42-django-rich
- www/py-dj42-django-tables2
- www/py-dj42-django-taggit
- www/py-dj42-django-timezone-field
- www/py-dj42-djangorestframework
- www/py-dj42-drf-spectacular
- www/py-dj42-drf-spectacular-sidecar

Differential Revision:
commit hash: 178f4991ec22c5c9164d973f091ef067ca28bcb6 commit hash: 178f4991ec22c5c9164d973f091ef067ca28bcb6 commit hash: 178f4991ec22c5c9164d973f091ef067ca28bcb6 commit hash: 178f4991ec22c5c9164d973f091ef067ca28bcb6 178f499
Friday, 8 Sep 2023
15:57 Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
devel/opentelemetry-proto: New port: OTLP spec and Protobuf definitions

OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) specification and Protobuf definitions
commit hash: b0424fbc782b0ab6cb82d6da2c8d38cab24ab9c1 commit hash: b0424fbc782b0ab6cb82d6da2c8d38cab24ab9c1 commit hash: b0424fbc782b0ab6cb82d6da2c8d38cab24ab9c1 commit hash: b0424fbc782b0ab6cb82d6da2c8d38cab24ab9c1 b0424fb
Wednesday, 6 Sep 2023
17:23 Sergey A. Osokin (osa) search for other commits by this committer
devel/opentelemetry-cpp: New port

Add OpenTelemetry C++ client, connect to the build.
commit hash: 2f4b571642a1a8609e064528219601d8016c2faf commit hash: 2f4b571642a1a8609e064528219601d8016c2faf commit hash: 2f4b571642a1a8609e064528219601d8016c2faf commit hash: 2f4b571642a1a8609e064528219601d8016c2faf 2f4b571
15:41 Koichiro Iwao (meta) search for other commits by this committer Author: Michael Zhilin
devel/maven39: new port: version 3.9 of devel/maven

java/eclipse requires Maven 3.9+ and actual version of devel/maven is 3.8.
This patch adds devel/maven39 to manage this requirement.


Co-authored-by: Michael Osipov <>

PR:		272863
commit hash: a70b25ff2f5451019085b6cd68f7aa2c05749d52 commit hash: a70b25ff2f5451019085b6cd68f7aa2c05749d52 commit hash: a70b25ff2f5451019085b6cd68f7aa2c05749d52 commit hash: a70b25ff2f5451019085b6cd68f7aa2c05749d52 a70b25f
Tuesday, 5 Sep 2023
13:54 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: new ports required for gitlab-ce 16.3
commit hash: ec7786ce5ff9cc09b4648daa531d1de7a3f4f917 commit hash: ec7786ce5ff9cc09b4648daa531d1de7a3f4f917 commit hash: ec7786ce5ff9cc09b4648daa531d1de7a3f4f917 commit hash: ec7786ce5ff9cc09b4648daa531d1de7a3f4f917 ec7786c
Monday, 4 Sep 2023
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-cucumber-expressions15: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-cucumber-expressions instead.
commit hash: 7d7a32505e42d7e30184aab68b9c830dbd290932 commit hash: 7d7a32505e42d7e30184aab68b9c830dbd290932 commit hash: 7d7a32505e42d7e30184aab68b9c830dbd290932 commit hash: 7d7a32505e42d7e30184aab68b9c830dbd290932 7d7a325
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages18: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages instead.
commit hash: e99bb60d2b117e43870b8c171c230c8e895e904b commit hash: e99bb60d2b117e43870b8c171c230c8e895e904b commit hash: e99bb60d2b117e43870b8c171c230c8e895e904b commit hash: e99bb60d2b117e43870b8c171c230c8e895e904b e99bb60
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-neptunedata: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-neptunedata 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Neptune Data.
commit hash: 77d53ff3aae9da6da04b5a8ea8976b5300a5dce9 commit hash: 77d53ff3aae9da6da04b5a8ea8976b5300a5dce9 commit hash: 77d53ff3aae9da6da04b5a8ea8976b5300a5dce9 commit hash: 77d53ff3aae9da6da04b5a8ea8976b5300a5dce9 77d53ff
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-pcaconnectorad: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-pcaconnectorad 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for PCAConnectorAD.
commit hash: 8c9773e2578a366ae58ac9bd6f4f2f044be2af5c commit hash: 8c9773e2578a366ae58ac9bd6f4f2f044be2af5c commit hash: 8c9773e2578a366ae58ac9bd6f4f2f044be2af5c commit hash: 8c9773e2578a366ae58ac9bd6f4f2f044be2af5c 8c9773e
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-bcp47_spec: Add rubygem-bcp47_spec 0.2.1

bcp47_spec provides a subset of the BCP 47 specification
commit hash: 58ca5c27cd500cdadca518c359ecfb9ac60e79f6 commit hash: 58ca5c27cd500cdadca518c359ecfb9ac60e79f6 commit hash: 58ca5c27cd500cdadca518c359ecfb9ac60e79f6 commit hash: 58ca5c27cd500cdadca518c359ecfb9ac60e79f6 58ca5c2
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-grape17: Add rubygem-grape17 1.7.1 (copied from rubygem-grape)

commit hash: d3941259514dc3b8f4d8815eb65d2e6f314e4b3c commit hash: d3941259514dc3b8f4d8815eb65d2e6f314e4b3c commit hash: d3941259514dc3b8f4d8815eb65d2e6f314e4b3c commit hash: d3941259514dc3b8f4d8815eb65d2e6f314e4b3c d394125
21:30 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-anyio3: Add py-anyio3 3.7.1 (copied from py-anyio)

commit hash: 41c8aa935cda66c8ab735628f12eeda7802e8471 commit hash: 41c8aa935cda66c8ab735628f12eeda7802e8471 commit hash: 41c8aa935cda66c8ab735628f12eeda7802e8471 commit hash: 41c8aa935cda66c8ab735628f12eeda7802e8471 41c8aa9
09:02 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-MooseX-Test-Role: Add p5-MooseX-Test-Role 0.08

MooseX::Test::Role provides functions for testing roles. It supports roles
created with Moose::Role, Moo::Role or Role::Tiny.
commit hash: a72e8b63829ab6ef2d15bd8d3a94ef91d8db4766 commit hash: a72e8b63829ab6ef2d15bd8d3a94ef91d8db4766 commit hash: a72e8b63829ab6ef2d15bd8d3a94ef91d8db4766 commit hash: a72e8b63829ab6ef2d15bd8d3a94ef91d8db4766 a72e8b6
05:57 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/snitch: New port: Lightweight C++20 testing framework
commit hash: 320594ea6efc416aef63a6121cfff365c8beb6b6 commit hash: 320594ea6efc416aef63a6121cfff365c8beb6b6 commit hash: 320594ea6efc416aef63a6121cfff365c8beb6b6 commit hash: 320594ea6efc416aef63a6121cfff365c8beb6b6 320594e
Friday, 1 Sep 2023
17:16 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer Author: Neal Nelson
devel/py-lief: New Port

The purpose of this project is to provide a cross platform library which
can parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats.

Main features:

- Parsing: LIEF can parse ELF, PE, MachO, OAT, DEX, VDEX, ART and
  provides a user-friendly API to access to format internals.
- Modify: LIEF enables to modify some parts of these formats
- Abstract: Three formats have common features like sections, symbols,
  entry point... LIEF factors them.
- API: LIEF can be used in C, C++ and Python

PR:		257041
commit hash: 2cde3efd909901be11505bac4617e88ad1d7a34b commit hash: 2cde3efd909901be11505bac4617e88ad1d7a34b commit hash: 2cde3efd909901be11505bac4617e88ad1d7a34b commit hash: 2cde3efd909901be11505bac4617e88ad1d7a34b 2cde3ef
Thursday, 31 Aug 2023
20:46 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
cleanup: Remove expired ports:

2023-08-31 devel/py-typed-ast: This project is no longer maintained. Use the
standard library ast module instead
2023-08-31 devel/py-retype: This project is no longer supported/maintained
commit hash: a2b527668f428aa4436239b2b59155bf171f8f31 commit hash: a2b527668f428aa4436239b2b59155bf171f8f31 commit hash: a2b527668f428aa4436239b2b59155bf171f8f31 commit hash: a2b527668f428aa4436239b2b59155bf171f8f31 a2b5276
08:43 Vanilla I. Shu (vanilla) search for other commits by this committer
devel/pecl-excimer: add new ports

PR:		273183
Reported by:	Miroslav Lachman <000.fbsd at>
commit hash: 92f7e6f5f8159102fcb5083fba2e6dd6241c3139 commit hash: 92f7e6f5f8159102fcb5083fba2e6dd6241c3139 commit hash: 92f7e6f5f8159102fcb5083fba2e6dd6241c3139 commit hash: 92f7e6f5f8159102fcb5083fba2e6dd6241c3139 92f7e6f
Wednesday, 30 Aug 2023
07:29 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: add new ports required for gitlab-ce 16.3
commit hash: c8836dc3cd1e350e79ffd3aac08a8dfbb550be56 commit hash: c8836dc3cd1e350e79ffd3aac08a8dfbb550be56 commit hash: c8836dc3cd1e350e79ffd3aac08a8dfbb550be56 commit hash: c8836dc3cd1e350e79ffd3aac08a8dfbb550be56 c8836dc
Monday, 28 Aug 2023
05:18 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cargo-depgraph: New port: Create dependency graphs for cargo projects
using 'cargo metadata'
commit hash: bbd048670f528d2c542ae3d8b75c1d89ea5a59e0 commit hash: bbd048670f528d2c542ae3d8b75c1d89ea5a59e0 commit hash: bbd048670f528d2c542ae3d8b75c1d89ea5a59e0 commit hash: bbd048670f528d2c542ae3d8b75c1d89ea5a59e0 bbd0486
Sunday, 27 Aug 2023
11:31 Ruslan Makhmatkhanov (rm) search for other commits by this committer
zope ports: remove leaf zope ports that have no sense in absence of zope itself

With hat: zope
commit hash: 38d36e52f825a4e943762e4453ec1ebea13a10c7 commit hash: 38d36e52f825a4e943762e4453ec1ebea13a10c7 commit hash: 38d36e52f825a4e943762e4453ec1ebea13a10c7 commit hash: 38d36e52f825a4e943762e4453ec1ebea13a10c7 38d36e5
11:08 Ruslan Makhmatkhanov (rm) search for other commits by this committer
zope ports: remove leaf zope ports that have no sence in absence of zope itself

With hat:   zope
commit hash: a9fab6656cc8b301a235c967ed2459adb58f346b commit hash: a9fab6656cc8b301a235c967ed2459adb58f346b commit hash: a9fab6656cc8b301a235c967ed2459adb58f346b commit hash: a9fab6656cc8b301a235c967ed2459adb58f346b a9fab66
08:27 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-querystring-parser: New port: QueryString parser for Python/Django
commit hash: ac5db88cdfcddd4fd70dd602d7565e8ef7798763 commit hash: ac5db88cdfcddd4fd70dd602d7565e8ef7798763 commit hash: ac5db88cdfcddd4fd70dd602d7565e8ef7798763 commit hash: ac5db88cdfcddd4fd70dd602d7565e8ef7798763 ac5db88
Saturday, 26 Aug 2023
23:19 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-regress: Add py-regress 0.4.0

regress is a backtracking regular expression engine implemented in Rust, which
targets JavaScript regular expression syntax.

It's fast, Unicode-aware, has few dependencies, and has a big test suite. It
makes fewer guarantees than the regex crate but it enables more syntactic
features, such as backreferences and lookaround assertions.
commit hash: 34f7297957d105d8ba5ab0b036957bcaab478069 commit hash: 34f7297957d105d8ba5ab0b036957bcaab478069 commit hash: 34f7297957d105d8ba5ab0b036957bcaab478069 commit hash: 34f7297957d105d8ba5ab0b036957bcaab478069 34f7297
09:25 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-rapidfuzz2: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/py-rapidfuzz instead.
commit hash: 73a9f8a50552ee3bbd742b21c4bcf9487ba5b07f commit hash: 73a9f8a50552ee3bbd742b21c4bcf9487ba5b07f commit hash: 73a9f8a50552ee3bbd742b21c4bcf9487ba5b07f commit hash: 73a9f8a50552ee3bbd742b21c4bcf9487ba5b07f 73a9f8a
09:25 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-gpep517: Remove obsoleted port

It is no longer needed after Python 3.7 removal.
commit hash: 07aadecce77fb82782c96c525891f2c64fdc5e5b commit hash: 07aadecce77fb82782c96c525891f2c64fdc5e5b commit hash: 07aadecce77fb82782c96c525891f2c64fdc5e5b commit hash: 07aadecce77fb82782c96c525891f2c64fdc5e5b 07aadec
Thursday, 24 Aug 2023
10:29 Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Data-Dumper-Interp: Add new port

This Data::Dumper wrapper optimizes output for human consumption and
avoids side-effects which interfere with debugging.

The namesake feature is interpolating Data::Dumper output into strings,
but simple functions are also provided to format a scalar, array, or hash.
commit hash: a457202aa54759d0f008561d8bec9cdae43932fd commit hash: a457202aa54759d0f008561d8bec9cdae43932fd commit hash: a457202aa54759d0f008561d8bec9cdae43932fd commit hash: a457202aa54759d0f008561d8bec9cdae43932fd a457202
Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023
15:08 Jan Beich (jbeich) search for other commits by this committer
devel/xdg-dbus-proxy: add new port

xdg-dbus-proxy is a filtering proxy for D-Bus connections. It was originally
part of the flatpak project, but it has been broken out as a standalone module
to facilitate using it in other contexts.
commit hash: bdb7ade9b3d11cfaf59015e5862696a4e323de40 commit hash: bdb7ade9b3d11cfaf59015e5862696a4e323de40 commit hash: bdb7ade9b3d11cfaf59015e5862696a4e323de40 commit hash: bdb7ade9b3d11cfaf59015e5862696a4e323de40 bdb7ade
Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023
19:03 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pytest-freezegun: Remove expired port

2023-08-16 devel/py-pytest-freezegun: Use devel/py-pytest-freezer as upstream is
commit hash: 888531aec072774b78483b6e0020bced9bc91731 commit hash: 888531aec072774b78483b6e0020bced9bc91731 commit hash: 888531aec072774b78483b6e0020bced9bc91731 commit hash: 888531aec072774b78483b6e0020bced9bc91731 888531a
18:57 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
devel/lua-language-server: Remove expired port

2023-08-15 devel/lua-language-server: Versions after 3.6.9 dump core (and do not
commit hash: c2cdd7dd7edc07f6806e1f4e4010178ed0ea4400 commit hash: c2cdd7dd7edc07f6806e1f4e4010178ed0ea4400 commit hash: c2cdd7dd7edc07f6806e1f4e4010178ed0ea4400 commit hash: c2cdd7dd7edc07f6806e1f4e4010178ed0ea4400 c2cdd7d
Monday, 21 Aug 2023
17:02 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-jaraco: Remove obsoleted port
commit hash: 21cb1ed224a2e69f3de668169a482a292a8f26e5 commit hash: 21cb1ed224a2e69f3de668169a482a292a8f26e5 commit hash: 21cb1ed224a2e69f3de668169a482a292a8f26e5 commit hash: 21cb1ed224a2e69f3de668169a482a292a8f26e5 21cb1ed
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-prettier_print: Add rubygem-prettier_print 1.2.1

PrettierPrint is a drop-in replacement for the prettyprint gem with more
commit hash: f39da65bc4fe3935c3fe043472808350310fe4a1 commit hash: f39da65bc4fe3935c3fe043472808350310fe4a1 commit hash: f39da65bc4fe3935c3fe043472808350310fe4a1 commit hash: f39da65bc4fe3935c3fe043472808350310fe4a1 f39da65
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-ruby_memcheck: Add rubygem-ruby_memcheck 2.1.1

ruby_memcheck provides a sane way to use Valgrind's memcheck on your native
extension gem.

Valgrind's memcheck is a great tool to find and debug memory issues (e.g. memory
leak, use-after-free, etc.). However, it doesn't work well on Ruby because Ruby
does not free all of the memory it allocates during shutdown. This results in
Valgrind reporting thousands (or more) false positives, making it very difficult
for Valgrind to actually be useful. This gem solves the problem by using
heuristics to filter out false positives.
commit hash: c5a3c98e4acbbda628a775a09f8768fe2f2e0b86 commit hash: c5a3c98e4acbbda628a775a09f8768fe2f2e0b86 commit hash: c5a3c98e4acbbda628a775a09f8768fe2f2e0b86 commit hash: c5a3c98e4acbbda628a775a09f8768fe2f2e0b86 c5a3c98
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-sorbet-runtime: Add rubygem-sorbet-runtime 0.5.10969

Sorbet is a fast and powerful type checker designed for Ruby. It aims to be easy
to add to existing codebases with gradual types, and fast to respond with errors
and suggestions.
commit hash: 72a397dc01108bdad6c0e824a094b9353c2951c8 commit hash: 72a397dc01108bdad6c0e824a094b9353c2951c8 commit hash: 72a397dc01108bdad6c0e824a094b9353c2951c8 commit hash: 72a397dc01108bdad6c0e824a094b9353c2951c8 72a397d
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-syntax_tree: Add rubygem-syntax_tree 6.1.1

Syntax Tree is a suite of tools built on top of the internal CRuby parser. It
provides the ability to generate a syntax tree from source, as well as the tools
necessary to inspect and manipulate that syntax tree. It can be used to build
formatters, linters, language servers, and more.

It is built with only standard library dependencies. It additionally ships with
a plugin system so that you can build your own syntax trees from other languages
and incorporate these tools.
commit hash: 34a7eb1c4c29a33c8748ceab001aba2eb6724673 commit hash: 34a7eb1c4c29a33c8748ceab001aba2eb6724673 commit hash: 34a7eb1c4c29a33c8748ceab001aba2eb6724673 commit hash: 34a7eb1c4c29a33c8748ceab001aba2eb6724673 34a7eb1
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pykdtree: Add py-pykdtree 1.3.7.post0

pykdtree is a kd-tree implementation for fast nearest neighbour search in
Python. The aim is to be the fastest implementation around for common use cases
(low dimensions and low number of neighbours) for both tree construction and

The implementation is based on scipy.spatial.cKDTree and libANN by combining the
best features from both and focus on implementation efficiency.

The interface is similar to that of scipy.spatial.cKDTree except only Euclidean
distance measure is supported.

Queries are optionally multithreaded using OpenMP.
commit hash: 7b98bdd020b1fa27dd7273303461332eb3010682 commit hash: 7b98bdd020b1fa27dd7273303461332eb3010682 commit hash: 7b98bdd020b1fa27dd7273303461332eb3010682 commit hash: 7b98bdd020b1fa27dd7273303461332eb3010682 7b98bdd
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-ruby-lsp: Add rubygem-ruby-lsp 0.8.1

The Ruby LSP is an implementation of the language server protocol for Ruby, used
to improve rich features in editors. It is a part of a wider goal to provide a
state-of-the-art experience to Ruby developers using modern standards for
cross-editor features, documentation and debugging.
commit hash: 8229e8b18be3cc168b4ad6c8a4af366e9b62d501 commit hash: 8229e8b18be3cc168b4ad6c8a4af366e9b62d501 commit hash: 8229e8b18be3cc168b4ad6c8a4af366e9b62d501 commit hash: 8229e8b18be3cc168b4ad6c8a4af366e9b62d501 8229e8b1
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-all-repos: Add py-all-repos 1.26.0

all-repos clones all your repositories and apply sweeping changes.
commit hash: 72093f0398ad47fef5f545d364c70ab1c6bf9852 commit hash: 72093f0398ad47fef5f545d364c70ab1c6bf9852 commit hash: 72093f0398ad47fef5f545d364c70ab1c6bf9852 commit hash: 72093f0398ad47fef5f545d364c70ab1c6bf9852 72093f0
17:01 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-contextlib-chdir: Add py-contextlib-chdir 1.0.2

contextlib-chdir provides the backport of contextlib.chdir stdlib class added in
Python 3.11.
commit hash: 664ad19ced52ff61f57992d6e661a807e60b6a69 commit hash: 664ad19ced52ff61f57992d6e661a807e60b6a69 commit hash: 664ad19ced52ff61f57992d6e661a807e60b6a69 commit hash: 664ad19ced52ff61f57992d6e661a807e60b6a69 664ad19
Sunday, 20 Aug 2023
16:26 Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel/Makefile: sort
commit hash: a548719c3b20e98270c70e42e0c00b737d0fe3ee commit hash: a548719c3b20e98270c70e42e0c00b737d0fe3ee commit hash: a548719c3b20e98270c70e42e0c00b737d0fe3ee commit hash: a548719c3b20e98270c70e42e0c00b737d0fe3ee a548719
16:26 Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-chai: Easy to use mocking, stubbing and spying framework

Chai provides a very easy to use api for mocking, stubbing and spying
your python objects, patterned after the Mocha library for Ruby.

This port is required for KDE's CI builders.
commit hash: 26a1cb5d3fd2607de3df220908438efd52d0ce03 commit hash: 26a1cb5d3fd2607de3df220908438efd52d0ce03 commit hash: 26a1cb5d3fd2607de3df220908438efd52d0ce03 commit hash: 26a1cb5d3fd2607de3df220908438efd52d0ce03 26a1cb5
Friday, 18 Aug 2023
22:51 Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-python-Levenshtein: Rename to follow upstream

While here, also upgrade to 0.21.1

Because of that rename, update all ports which uses this as a run or
build depends.
PR:		273187
commit hash: e6a46adb6f005ab6ab2cdfe9fb69d726a6b0999e commit hash: e6a46adb6f005ab6ab2cdfe9fb69d726a6b0999e commit hash: e6a46adb6f005ab6ab2cdfe9fb69d726a6b0999e commit hash: e6a46adb6f005ab6ab2cdfe9fb69d726a6b0999e e6a46ad
Thursday, 17 Aug 2023
13:12 Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
devel/yyjson: A high performance C JSON library.

Needed for upcoming update of sysutils/fastfetch.
commit hash: 70ec5e55fb58603a1cc9a8a02da81471d2e3b299 commit hash: 70ec5e55fb58603a1cc9a8a02da81471d2e3b299 commit hash: 70ec5e55fb58603a1cc9a8a02da81471d2e3b299 commit hash: 70ec5e55fb58603a1cc9a8a02da81471d2e3b299 70ec5e5
07:13 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/seer-gdb: New port: GUI frontend to gdb
commit hash: 81cd705011d9394062665ebf63c5969faa1efbf4 commit hash: 81cd705011d9394062665ebf63c5969faa1efbf4 commit hash: 81cd705011d9394062665ebf63c5969faa1efbf4 commit hash: 81cd705011d9394062665ebf63c5969faa1efbf4 81cd705
Wednesday, 16 Aug 2023
18:25 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-medicalimaging: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-medicalimaging 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Health Imaging.
commit hash: 4ba37973ad94b3de7af1b1fdb8ef167e12b72fb8 commit hash: 4ba37973ad94b3de7af1b1fdb8ef167e12b72fb8 commit hash: 4ba37973ad94b3de7af1b1fdb8ef167e12b72fb8 commit hash: 4ba37973ad94b3de7af1b1fdb8ef167e12b72fb8 4ba37973
18:25 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-entityresolution: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-entityresolution

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Entity Resolution (AWSEntityResolution).
commit hash: 5c76aaca4853a0296be1cedadec15488c9f34993 commit hash: 5c76aaca4853a0296be1cedadec15488c9f34993 commit hash: 5c76aaca4853a0296be1cedadec15488c9f34993 commit hash: 5c76aaca4853a0296be1cedadec15488c9f34993 5c76aac

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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