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non port: devel/Makefile

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024
14:56 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: new ports required for 16.9.0
commit hash: b62e99dd6b3093be7c678d01aa102d4e00852c7c commit hash: b62e99dd6b3093be7c678d01aa102d4e00852c7c commit hash: b62e99dd6b3093be7c678d01aa102d4e00852c7c commit hash: b62e99dd6b3093be7c678d01aa102d4e00852c7c b62e99d
07:09 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rye: New port: Hassle-free Python experience
commit hash: 309e13f882d5fea835c271e8c9887bf65223fb03 commit hash: 309e13f882d5fea835c271e8c9887bf65223fb03 commit hash: 309e13f882d5fea835c271e8c9887bf65223fb03 commit hash: 309e13f882d5fea835c271e8c9887bf65223fb03 309e13f
Monday, 19 Feb 2024
04:45 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/nextest: New port: Next-generation test runner for Rust
commit hash: 7152407cc9a69edb833b10457e4b328023292211 commit hash: 7152407cc9a69edb833b10457e4b328023292211 commit hash: 7152407cc9a69edb833b10457e4b328023292211 commit hash: 7152407cc9a69edb833b10457e4b328023292211 7152407
00:28 Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pnio-dcp: New port: Library to PROFINET Discovery and basic DCP

A simple Python library to send and receive messages with the Profinet
Discovery and basic Configuration Protocol (DCP) protocol. It can send requests
and parse the corresponding responses to identify devices over the network, get
and set their parameters or reset them to factory settings.
commit hash: 1472a559157fb57b848ecf1db367bde505d0f4bb commit hash: 1472a559157fb57b848ecf1db367bde505d0f4bb commit hash: 1472a559157fb57b848ecf1db367bde505d0f4bb commit hash: 1472a559157fb57b848ecf1db367bde505d0f4bb 1472a55
Sunday, 18 Feb 2024
19:28 Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libiec61850: New port: open-source library for the IEC 61850 protocols

libiec61850 is an open-source (GPLv3) implementation of an IEC 61850 client and
server library implementing the protocols MMS, GOOSE and SV. It is implemented
in C (according to the C99 standard) to provide maximum portability. It can be
used to implement IEC 61850 compliant client and server applications on
embedded systems and PCs running FreeBSD, Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Included
is a set of simple example applications that can be used as a starting point to
implement own IEC 61850 compliant devices or to communicate with IEC 61850
devices. The library has been successfully used in many commercial software
products and devices.
commit hash: 857e6ea25c9022f36be11745ee32a6ca3dfac549 commit hash: 857e6ea25c9022f36be11745ee32a6ca3dfac549 commit hash: 857e6ea25c9022f36be11745ee32a6ca3dfac549 commit hash: 857e6ea25c9022f36be11745ee32a6ca3dfac549 857e6ea
19:26 Jose Alonso Cardenas Marquez (acm) search for other commits by this committer
devel/argtable3: New port: ANSI C library that parses GNU-style command-line

Argtable3 is an open source ANSI C library that parses GNU-style command-line
options with the getopt library. It simplifies command-line parsing by defining
a declarative-style API that you can use to specify what your command-line
syntax looks like. Argtable3 will automatically generate consistent error
handling logic and textual descriptions of the command line syntax, which are
essential but tedious to implement for a robust CLI program.
commit hash: ae019109714da1f499ea9c73be29c74dab44377f commit hash: ae019109714da1f499ea9c73be29c74dab44377f commit hash: ae019109714da1f499ea9c73be29c74dab44377f commit hash: ae019109714da1f499ea9c73be29c74dab44377f ae01910
12:03 Michael Gmelin (grembo) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pytest-httpx: New port

Send responses to py-httpx using pytest
commit hash: 2dde972e0c66c104b180430e3dcb6c076680e16b commit hash: 2dde972e0c66c104b180430e3dcb6c076680e16b commit hash: 2dde972e0c66c104b180430e3dcb6c076680e16b commit hash: 2dde972e0c66c104b180430e3dcb6c076680e16b 2dde972
11:47 Michael Gmelin (grembo) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-inotifyrecursive: New port

Recursive inotify watches based on inotify-simple
commit hash: ad10c20b45651a8c110d5b07657d50828b5d8f15 commit hash: ad10c20b45651a8c110d5b07657d50828b5d8f15 commit hash: ad10c20b45651a8c110d5b07657d50828b5d8f15 commit hash: ad10c20b45651a8c110d5b07657d50828b5d8f15 ad10c20
11:45 Michael Gmelin (grembo) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-inotify-simple: New port

Simple wrapper around inotify
commit hash: 70d529b486a8e1a6e9ce3222d36cdebf808d3ca1 commit hash: 70d529b486a8e1a6e9ce3222d36cdebf808d3ca1 commit hash: 70d529b486a8e1a6e9ce3222d36cdebf808d3ca1 commit hash: 70d529b486a8e1a6e9ce3222d36cdebf808d3ca1 70d529b
11:29 Michael Gmelin (grembo) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pathvalidate: New port

Python library to sanitize/validate filenames/-paths
commit hash: 775ff5dfef3d317706f73151e2bef856aa1e7d3b commit hash: 775ff5dfef3d317706f73151e2bef856aa1e7d3b commit hash: 775ff5dfef3d317706f73151e2bef856aa1e7d3b commit hash: 775ff5dfef3d317706f73151e2bef856aa1e7d3b 775ff5d
04:53 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: new ports required for version 16.8
commit hash: 201310e3e324052d346672ea4c5e89b39a72d654 commit hash: 201310e3e324052d346672ea4c5e89b39a72d654 commit hash: 201310e3e324052d346672ea4c5e89b39a72d654 commit hash: 201310e3e324052d346672ea4c5e89b39a72d654 201310e
Friday, 16 Feb 2024
05:16 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/uv: New port: Extremely fast Python package installer and resolver,
written in Rust
commit hash: 95a130926b1b57f90d92168e257ed95c27357c75 commit hash: 95a130926b1b57f90d92168e257ed95c27357c75 commit hash: 95a130926b1b57f90d92168e257ed95c27357c75 commit hash: 95a130926b1b57f90d92168e257ed95c27357c75 95a1309
Thursday, 15 Feb 2024
17:45 Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-fireREST: Add new port

This port provides an interface to Cisco Firepower Management Center
commit hash: 0ec5a69f8097792da685e7428eee2e2068ec1d8f commit hash: 0ec5a69f8097792da685e7428eee2e2068ec1d8f commit hash: 0ec5a69f8097792da685e7428eee2e2068ec1d8f commit hash: 0ec5a69f8097792da685e7428eee2e2068ec1d8f 0ec5a69
Wednesday, 14 Feb 2024
15:05 Antoine Brodin (antoine) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-acstore: new port

ACStore, or Attribute Container Storage, provides a stand-alone implementation
to read and write Attribute Container stores, such as Plaso storage files.
commit hash: b049ad01adf72b44eb8581f1af18787f82069459 commit hash: b049ad01adf72b44eb8581f1af18787f82069459 commit hash: b049ad01adf72b44eb8581f1af18787f82069459 commit hash: b049ad01adf72b44eb8581f1af18787f82069459 b049ad0
13:17 Antoine Brodin (antoine) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libvsapm: new port

Library and tools to access the APM volume system format
commit hash: 2b7bec35c87d2b05e321df7fc52c7e2fd0bf0b14 commit hash: 2b7bec35c87d2b05e321df7fc52c7e2fd0bf0b14 commit hash: 2b7bec35c87d2b05e321df7fc52c7e2fd0bf0b14 commit hash: 2b7bec35c87d2b05e321df7fc52c7e2fd0bf0b14 2b7bec3
Monday, 12 Feb 2024
23:07 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-expecttest: New port:Implementation of expect tests
commit hash: e4dafddcdb495751bc4184f10f54b6120b80703c commit hash: e4dafddcdb495751bc4184f10f54b6120b80703c commit hash: e4dafddcdb495751bc4184f10f54b6120b80703c commit hash: e4dafddcdb495751bc4184f10f54b6120b80703c e4dafdd
Sunday, 11 Feb 2024
17:25 Nicola Vitale (nivit) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pydbus: Add new port

Pythonic DBus library.
commit hash: 0cb8cd0d1c3f18d0525bba413e56322fca6176d4 commit hash: 0cb8cd0d1c3f18d0525bba413e56322fca6176d4 commit hash: 0cb8cd0d1c3f18d0525bba413e56322fca6176d4 commit hash: 0cb8cd0d1c3f18d0525bba413e56322fca6176d4 0cb8cd0
Thursday, 8 Feb 2024
08:28 Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-sqids: new port had been added (+)

Python module to generate YouTube-like IDs from numbers.

commit hash: 5a63c352e6a95d72a9ccc4a77ccacf9606848cf6 commit hash: 5a63c352e6a95d72a9ccc4a77ccacf9606848cf6 commit hash: 5a63c352e6a95d72a9ccc4a77ccacf9606848cf6 commit hash: 5a63c352e6a95d72a9ccc4a77ccacf9606848cf6 5a63c35
Monday, 5 Feb 2024
14:42 Juraj Lutter (otis) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-click-repl: Add new port

Add python shell-like interface to click.

commit hash: 7a26d18238f080cdb858733218ba9281ef3fd401 commit hash: 7a26d18238f080cdb858733218ba9281ef3fd401 commit hash: 7a26d18238f080cdb858733218ba9281ef3fd401 commit hash: 7a26d18238f080cdb858733218ba9281ef3fd401 7a26d18
14:42 Juraj Lutter (otis) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-click-didyoumean: Add new port

This ports enables "git-like" did-you-mean feature in click.

commit hash: 7c40c0f9dbde3dbee905b8a66abb2e7113a00f50 commit hash: 7c40c0f9dbde3dbee905b8a66abb2e7113a00f50 commit hash: 7c40c0f9dbde3dbee905b8a66abb2e7113a00f50 commit hash: 7c40c0f9dbde3dbee905b8a66abb2e7113a00f50 7c40c0f
Saturday, 3 Feb 2024
00:58 Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-clldutils: Add new port.

Originally, clldutils started out as a library for functionality often
used in clld web apps. Over time, it turned into a toolbox for various
data curation tasks, with a focus on cross-linguistic data.
commit hash: ca41103d32ee6a8fb8f1fdc644032c0743944f49 commit hash: ca41103d32ee6a8fb8f1fdc644032c0743944f49 commit hash: ca41103d32ee6a8fb8f1fdc644032c0743944f49 commit hash: ca41103d32ee6a8fb8f1fdc644032c0743944f49 ca41103
Thursday, 1 Feb 2024
17:53 Olivier Cochard (olivier) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cbmc: add new port

Bounded Model Checker for C and C++ programs

Sponsored by:	Netflix
commit hash: 7f087b720e52d51b22db0da2d7565418a0e428ef commit hash: 7f087b720e52d51b22db0da2d7565418a0e428ef commit hash: 7f087b720e52d51b22db0da2d7565418a0e428ef commit hash: 7f087b720e52d51b22db0da2d7565418a0e428ef 7f087b7
Tuesday, 30 Jan 2024
21:30 Brooks Davis (brooks) search for other commits by this committer
devel/llvm18: actually connect to build...
commit hash: ae52053e37be222fa53ba9951b4d55acafad1007 commit hash: ae52053e37be222fa53ba9951b4d55acafad1007 commit hash: ae52053e37be222fa53ba9951b4d55acafad1007 commit hash: ae52053e37be222fa53ba9951b4d55acafad1007 ae52053e
Monday, 29 Jan 2024
07:47 Hiroki Tagato (tagattie) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron28: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,

Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

commit hash: f88751e60ac087f27ad0aa9393839272b6d8bdd7 commit hash: f88751e60ac087f27ad0aa9393839272b6d8bdd7 commit hash: f88751e60ac087f27ad0aa9393839272b6d8bdd7 commit hash: f88751e60ac087f27ad0aa9393839272b6d8bdd7 f88751e
Saturday, 27 Jan 2024
10:52 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libasyncplusplus: Remove from the category Makefile

Reported by:	antoine
Pointy hat to:	arrowd
commit hash: 372d7fa7b2877affa00294d8856bcb8839d66261 commit hash: 372d7fa7b2877affa00294d8856bcb8839d66261 commit hash: 372d7fa7b2877affa00294d8856bcb8839d66261 commit hash: 372d7fa7b2877affa00294d8856bcb8839d66261 372d7fa
03:38 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-syrupy: New port: Zero-dependency pytest snapshot plugin
commit hash: 52fcf1bf53b89683d5083b2ead00429caf73210d commit hash: 52fcf1bf53b89683d5083b2ead00429caf73210d commit hash: 52fcf1bf53b89683d5083b2ead00429caf73210d commit hash: 52fcf1bf53b89683d5083b2ead00429caf73210d 52fcf1b
03:38 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-qcs-sdk-python: New port: Python interface for the QCS Rust SDK
commit hash: 7fa3dd298f454303c403646290d8163ea16ed4f5 commit hash: 7fa3dd298f454303c403646290d8163ea16ed4f5 commit hash: 7fa3dd298f454303c403646290d8163ea16ed4f5 commit hash: 7fa3dd298f454303c403646290d8163ea16ed4f5 7fa3dd2
Friday, 26 Jan 2024
22:07 Dan Langille (dvl) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-FFI-Platypus-Lang-Rust: new port

Documentation and tools for using Platypus with the Rust programming
commit hash: f4b43ba8f017000cb97446c7201b0ee10119707f commit hash: f4b43ba8f017000cb97446c7201b0ee10119707f commit hash: f4b43ba8f017000cb97446c7201b0ee10119707f commit hash: f4b43ba8f017000cb97446c7201b0ee10119707f f4b43ba
Wednesday, 24 Jan 2024
15:20 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
Revert "devel/appstream{,-qt,-compose}: Combine into a single port with

The current subpackages implementation does not support USES.<subpackage>, which
causes a lot of extra dependencies to be added to the main subpackage.

This reverts commit f292ea6fb5fc10359f130a4e25a3b60ab0df7c6e.

PR:		276584
commit hash: c6730766301df328d64ded996bacc0c9d27e5573 commit hash: c6730766301df328d64ded996bacc0c9d27e5573 commit hash: c6730766301df328d64ded996bacc0c9d27e5573 commit hash: c6730766301df328d64ded996bacc0c9d27e5573 c673076
01:59 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/ob-rust: New port: Org-Babel support for evaluating Rust code

PR:		276338
Submitted by:	Pat Maddox <>
commit hash: 9f78131c88452cfa250b2676c1ccb51479c47aac commit hash: 9f78131c88452cfa250b2676c1ccb51479c47aac commit hash: 9f78131c88452cfa250b2676c1ccb51479c47aac commit hash: 9f78131c88452cfa250b2676c1ccb51479c47aac 9f78131
01:51 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rust-script: New port: Run Rust files and expressions as scripts without
setup or compilation

PR:		276342
Submitted by:	Pat Maddox <>
commit hash: 287cc197bf62e523654f0f4ec5d51ba3a5e68b33 commit hash: 287cc197bf62e523654f0f4ec5d51ba3a5e68b33 commit hash: 287cc197bf62e523654f0f4ec5d51ba3a5e68b33 commit hash: 287cc197bf62e523654f0f4ec5d51ba3a5e68b33 287cc19
01:37 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rust-mode: New port: Emacs major-mode for editing Rust source code

PR:		276340
Submitted by:	Pat Maddox <>
commit hash: 8099c6d33d7690d53b135eedab5043fb9589a1ea commit hash: 8099c6d33d7690d53b135eedab5043fb9589a1ea commit hash: 8099c6d33d7690d53b135eedab5043fb9589a1ea commit hash: 8099c6d33d7690d53b135eedab5043fb9589a1ea 8099c6d
Tuesday, 23 Jan 2024
13:47 Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
devel/jujutsu: Add new port

Jujutsu is a version control system that abstracts the user interface
from and version control algorithms from the storage systems used to
serve your content.

This allows it to serve as a VCS with many possible physical backends,
that may have their own data or networking models—like Mercurial or
Breezy, or hybrid systems like Google's cloud-based design, Piper/CitC.

This version of jujutsu supports Git repositories and its native
storage backend.
commit hash: 7900ee782cc42b2ba50f829b50e1a69857478739 commit hash: 7900ee782cc42b2ba50f829b50e1a69857478739 commit hash: 7900ee782cc42b2ba50f829b50e1a69857478739 commit hash: 7900ee782cc42b2ba50f829b50e1a69857478739 7900ee7
Friday, 19 Jan 2024
14:52 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer Author: Alastair Hogge
devel/py-pytest-drop-dup-tests: Pytest plugin to drop duplicated tests during

Differential Revision:
commit hash: 3f1c1f734dfc4eb07a5e67216792115606a19634 commit hash: 3f1c1f734dfc4eb07a5e67216792115606a19634 commit hash: 3f1c1f734dfc4eb07a5e67216792115606a19634 commit hash: 3f1c1f734dfc4eb07a5e67216792115606a19634 3f1c1f7
07:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libuiohook: New port: C library to provide global keyboard and mouse hooks
from userland
commit hash: 2417cb6450eb28a8fc1e079776304bdef981cb30 commit hash: 2417cb6450eb28a8fc1e079776304bdef981cb30 commit hash: 2417cb6450eb28a8fc1e079776304bdef981cb30 commit hash: 2417cb6450eb28a8fc1e079776304bdef981cb30 2417cb6
Thursday, 18 Jan 2024
18:14 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer Author: Christopher Hall
devel/py-pyinstaller-hooks-contrib: The PyInstaller community hooks repository.

This repository is a collection of hooks for many packages, and allows
PyInstaller to work with these packages seamlessly.

Differential Revision:

Co-authored-by:	Alastair Hogge <>

PR:		276396
commit hash: 05b066f1d9e1ce81942c3ff11aa7898653b75a95 commit hash: 05b066f1d9e1ce81942c3ff11aa7898653b75a95 commit hash: 05b066f1d9e1ce81942c3ff11aa7898653b75a95 commit hash: 05b066f1d9e1ce81942c3ff11aa7898653b75a95 05b066f
Monday, 15 Jan 2024
20:17 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer
devel/appstream{,-qt,-compose}: Combine into a single port with SUBPACKAGES.

The Qt part was a bit complex as it had two FLAVORS. To work this out the
slave devel/appstream-qt port wasn't removed but instead switched to build
the master port without SUBPACKAGES and against Qt5 only.

The Qt subpackage of the master port is fixed to Qt6 instead. This will make it
possible to just remove Qt5 slave port when we get rid of Qt5 altogether.

Reviewed by: mat

Differential Revision:
commit hash: f292ea6fb5fc10359f130a4e25a3b60ab0df7c6e commit hash: f292ea6fb5fc10359f130a4e25a3b60ab0df7c6e commit hash: f292ea6fb5fc10359f130a4e25a3b60ab0df7c6e commit hash: f292ea6fb5fc10359f130a4e25a3b60ab0df7c6e f292ea6
Wednesday, 10 Jan 2024
19:51 John Baldwin (jhb) search for other commits by this committer
devel/freebsd-gcc9: Remove old GCC system toolchain

FreeBSD 13.0 and later can be compiled with devel/freebsd-gcc12
or devel/freebsd-gcc13 and GCC 9 is unsupported upstream.

PR:		269659
Reviewed by:	diizzy, brooks, emaste
Differential Revision:
commit hash: 4c019c2a4e490d7d4bae0621e1c89224105e6551 commit hash: 4c019c2a4e490d7d4bae0621e1c89224105e6551 commit hash: 4c019c2a4e490d7d4bae0621e1c89224105e6551 commit hash: 4c019c2a4e490d7d4bae0621e1c89224105e6551 4c019c2
Tuesday, 9 Jan 2024
23:02 Norikatsu Shigemura (nork) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Tie-Sub: Add new port

The module ties the subroutine to a hash.  The subroutine is executed
at fetch hash.

Approved by:	hrs (mentor)
commit hash: a5d69a42ba69460485f8bd9c3359c3fa3954e051 commit hash: a5d69a42ba69460485f8bd9c3359c3fa3954e051 commit hash: a5d69a42ba69460485f8bd9c3359c3fa3954e051 commit hash: a5d69a42ba69460485f8bd9c3359c3fa3954e051 a5d69a4
Sunday, 7 Jan 2024
20:22 Joel Bodenmann (jbo) search for other commits by this committer Author: Dmitry Wagin
devel/jetbrains-restarter: New port

Cross-platform restarter used by other IntelliJ based devel/jetbrains-* ports.

PR:			275922
Approved by:		tcberner (mentor)
Differential Revision:
commit hash: dd4d36a686d93e9fef6f3b7ec49b92ee29350a13 commit hash: dd4d36a686d93e9fef6f3b7ec49b92ee29350a13 commit hash: dd4d36a686d93e9fef6f3b7ec49b92ee29350a13 commit hash: dd4d36a686d93e9fef6f3b7ec49b92ee29350a13 dd4d36a
Saturday, 6 Jan 2024
09:44 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pygithub: Rename port to match upstream

- Update version 1.57=>2.1.1


PR:		276122
commit hash: cf6c371912524933a5d8780062b15d82001e17ad commit hash: cf6c371912524933a5d8780062b15d82001e17ad commit hash: cf6c371912524933a5d8780062b15d82001e17ad commit hash: cf6c371912524933a5d8780062b15d82001e17ad cf6c371
08:06 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pytest-socket: New port: Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during
commit hash: 98e9111bf64f41fcebe07ca65db01a6254cdf7d3 commit hash: 98e9111bf64f41fcebe07ca65db01a6254cdf7d3 commit hash: 98e9111bf64f41fcebe07ca65db01a6254cdf7d3 commit hash: 98e9111bf64f41fcebe07ca65db01a6254cdf7d3 98e9111
01:55 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-apispec-webframeworks: New port: Web framework plugins for apispec
commit hash: 5010ffc75ceb8d55a0d4a4770790a27a8a28df33 commit hash: 5010ffc75ceb8d55a0d4a4770790a27a8a28df33 commit hash: 5010ffc75ceb8d55a0d4a4770790a27a8a28df33 commit hash: 5010ffc75ceb8d55a0d4a4770790a27a8a28df33 5010ffc
Wednesday, 3 Jan 2024
13:58 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: add new ports required for 16.7
commit hash: d4a2cc3cca9e7f618cc55b1b9db0eb97cd41e8b2 commit hash: d4a2cc3cca9e7f618cc55b1b9db0eb97cd41e8b2 commit hash: d4a2cc3cca9e7f618cc55b1b9db0eb97cd41e8b2 commit hash: d4a2cc3cca9e7f618cc55b1b9db0eb97cd41e8b2 d4a2cc3
12:58 Jan Beich (jbeich) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tomlplusplus: add new port

TOML config parser and serializer for C++

- Header-only (optional!)
- Supports the latest TOML release v1.0.0, plus
  optional support for some unreleased TOML features
- Passes all tests in the toml-test suite
- Supports serializing to JSON and YAML
- Proper UTF-8 handling (incl. BOM)
- C++17 (plus some C++20 features where available, e.g. experimental support for
char8_t strings)
- Doesn't require RTTI
- Works with or without exceptions
commit hash: 164e369102861ba4d2d6b5be8589a296c0673449 commit hash: 164e369102861ba4d2d6b5be8589a296c0673449 commit hash: 164e369102861ba4d2d6b5be8589a296c0673449 commit hash: 164e369102861ba4d2d6b5be8589a296c0673449 164e369
12:58 Jan Beich (jbeich) search for other commits by this committer
devel/hyprlang: add new port

The hypr configuration language is an extremely efficient, yet easy to
work with, configuration language for linux applications.

It's user-friendly, easy to grasp, and easy to implement.
commit hash: 1c60f593c930a1ebaea20094201fd87bf82c7f2e commit hash: 1c60f593c930a1ebaea20094201fd87bf82c7f2e commit hash: 1c60f593c930a1ebaea20094201fd87bf82c7f2e commit hash: 1c60f593c930a1ebaea20094201fd87bf82c7f2e 1c60f59
Sunday, 31 Dec 2023
08:25 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/bitsery: New port: Binary serialization library
commit hash: 965d752301fd5bbe033010a8c911dfedfdb2a170 commit hash: 965d752301fd5bbe033010a8c911dfedfdb2a170 commit hash: 965d752301fd5bbe033010a8c911dfedfdb2a170 commit hash: 965d752301fd5bbe033010a8c911dfedfdb2a170 965d752
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
lang/php80: Sunset
commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46 commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46 commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46 commit hash: beced896adede7791902c084864668404d24aa46 beced89
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-dj41-graphene-django: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/py-dj41-graphene-django: Extended support of Django 4.1 ends
December 2023, upgrade to the Django 4.2+ version of this port. See
commit hash: ff584098a6329b850b3efb9c2e8db90ad133ff82 commit hash: ff584098a6329b850b3efb9c2e8db90ad133ff82 commit hash: ff584098a6329b850b3efb9c2e8db90ad133ff82 commit hash: ff584098a6329b850b3efb9c2e8db90ad133ff82 ff58409
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-dj41-django-rq: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/py-dj41-django-rq: Extended support of Django 4.1 ends December
2023, upgrade to the Django 4.2+ version of this port. See
commit hash: 18eba99d804037b59b43d5b2136f7a2dcb571ab6 commit hash: 18eba99d804037b59b43d5b2136f7a2dcb571ab6 commit hash: 18eba99d804037b59b43d5b2136f7a2dcb571ab6 commit hash: 18eba99d804037b59b43d5b2136f7a2dcb571ab6 18eba99
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/varconf: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/varconf: There has been no release for most of the Worldforge
libraries in the past 10 years.
commit hash: 2530365626d0f296a1b26c2f414c6ab443b4700e commit hash: 2530365626d0f296a1b26c2f414c6ab443b4700e commit hash: 2530365626d0f296a1b26c2f414c6ab443b4700e commit hash: 2530365626d0f296a1b26c2f414c6ab443b4700e 2530365
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-macie: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-macie: Deprecated by upstream
commit hash: e5282395ec41b23042575f07f7d1e636306a5201 commit hash: e5282395ec41b23042575f07f7d1e636306a5201 commit hash: e5282395ec41b23042575f07f7d1e636306a5201 commit hash: e5282395ec41b23042575f07f7d1e636306a5201 e528239
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sso: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-sso: SSO is included as part of aws-sdk-core.
Use devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-core instead
commit hash: 877edb465112ca8dba4f53f399648235a4b80eb8 commit hash: 877edb465112ca8dba4f53f399648235a4b80eb8 commit hash: 877edb465112ca8dba4f53f399648235a4b80eb8 commit hash: 877edb465112ca8dba4f53f399648235a4b80eb8 877edb4
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/libwfut: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/libwfut: There has been no release for most of the Worldforge
libraries in the past 10 years.
commit hash: a32f1435ca2b00881a08741ef27ef9e23bdf37f0 commit hash: a32f1435ca2b00881a08741ef27ef9e23bdf37f0 commit hash: a32f1435ca2b00881a08741ef27ef9e23bdf37f0 commit hash: a32f1435ca2b00881a08741ef27ef9e23bdf37f0 a32f143
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/fuel: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/fuel: Depends on deprecated www/qt5-webkit
commit hash: 260c36aa962f6359556f93552ff3b3bc4d46fa6e commit hash: 260c36aa962f6359556f93552ff3b3bc4d46fa6e commit hash: 260c36aa962f6359556f93552ff3b3bc4d46fa6e commit hash: 260c36aa962f6359556f93552ff3b3bc4d46fa6e 260c36a
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/strace: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/strace: BROKEN on all supported versions after EOL of 12
commit hash: f88f6fcef1df84d17b2f15fdbea7a8484ba46d2d commit hash: f88f6fcef1df84d17b2f15fdbea7a8484ba46d2d commit hash: f88f6fcef1df84d17b2f15fdbea7a8484ba46d2d commit hash: f88f6fcef1df84d17b2f15fdbea7a8484ba46d2d f88f6fc
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/atlas-devel: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/atlas-devel: There has been no release for most of the
Worldforge libraries in the past 10 years.
commit hash: a6e709a5e2d7355269f5c31172f715fc56f872b7 commit hash: a6e709a5e2d7355269f5c31172f715fc56f872b7 commit hash: a6e709a5e2d7355269f5c31172f715fc56f872b7 commit hash: a6e709a5e2d7355269f5c31172f715fc56f872b7 a6e709a
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cook: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/cook: Upstream last release was in 2008
commit hash: 701c19905da155bc23376e8c86e7d290580f9e83 commit hash: 701c19905da155bc23376e8c86e7d290580f9e83 commit hash: 701c19905da155bc23376e8c86e7d290580f9e83 commit hash: 701c19905da155bc23376e8c86e7d290580f9e83 701c199
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/mercator: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/mercator: There has been no release for most of the Worldforge
libraries in the past 10 years.
commit hash: 6d6c165c33ec07021d52820a49eabffbb78ac9f9 commit hash: 6d6c165c33ec07021d52820a49eabffbb78ac9f9 commit hash: 6d6c165c33ec07021d52820a49eabffbb78ac9f9 commit hash: 6d6c165c33ec07021d52820a49eabffbb78ac9f9 6d6c165
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/tmake: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/tmake: Last release in 2004 and dead upstream, superseded by
commit hash: aa7291ff8284c08c6f816f5a18d187c7c0a99405 commit hash: aa7291ff8284c08c6f816f5a18d187c7c0a99405 commit hash: aa7291ff8284c08c6f816f5a18d187c7c0a99405 commit hash: aa7291ff8284c08c6f816f5a18d187c7c0a99405 aa7291f
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/eris: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/eris: There has been no release for most of the Worldforge
libraries in the past 10 years.
commit hash: 11a96cb88a5a2a7af1ae88462defcfd843625c66 commit hash: 11a96cb88a5a2a7af1ae88462defcfd843625c66 commit hash: 11a96cb88a5a2a7af1ae88462defcfd843625c66 commit hash: 11a96cb88a5a2a7af1ae88462defcfd843625c66 11a96cb
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/zanata-platform: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/zanata-platform: Depends on expired java/wildfly10, last
release from 2018
commit hash: 464f86428359e30742982ec9e9be1daef4c4101b commit hash: 464f86428359e30742982ec9e9be1daef4c4101b commit hash: 464f86428359e30742982ec9e9be1daef4c4101b commit hash: 464f86428359e30742982ec9e9be1daef4c4101b 464f864
00:06 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/atlas: Remove expired port

2023-12-31 devel/atlas: There has been no release for most of the Worldforge
libraries in the past 10 years
commit hash: ba4406f224fbb3b370bc9f644eaf43ae7db18d1e commit hash: ba4406f224fbb3b370bc9f644eaf43ae7db18d1e commit hash: ba4406f224fbb3b370bc9f644eaf43ae7db18d1e commit hash: ba4406f224fbb3b370bc9f644eaf43ae7db18d1e ba4406f
Saturday, 30 Dec 2023
20:59 Jason E. Hale (jhale) search for other commits by this committer
devel/xsd: Update to 4.2.0

Add two new support ports: devel/libxsd and devel/libxsd-frontend.

The runtime library was moved out of devel/xsd to devel/libxsd which is
why the headers are gone. The compiler frontend, which following a
previous comment in the devel/xsd Makefile suggesting that it should be a
separate port, but more out of necessity for compatibility with the
build2 build system, is now devel/libxsd-frontend.

The examples are now a separate distribution and I didn't really see any
urgent need to reincorporate them, as they would require yet another port
that the majority of our userbase would probably not be interested in as
xsd is ultimately just a build dependency for textproc/libkolabxml.

Update devel/libcutl to 1.11.0 due to header relocation.

Update textproc/libkolabxml to HEAD for C++11 compatibility.

Differential Revision:
commit hash: 8c77316ede832a0c503e1434a36ba3822efefbd7 commit hash: 8c77316ede832a0c503e1434a36ba3822efefbd7 commit hash: 8c77316ede832a0c503e1434a36ba3822efefbd7 commit hash: 8c77316ede832a0c503e1434a36ba3822efefbd7 8c77316
10:17 Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Alien-cmake3: new port had been added (+)

This module provides an external dependency on the
popular CMake build tool version 3.x or better.
commit hash: 2186f43a43bf95a3c375f44022ce6a22cff4d43d commit hash: 2186f43a43bf95a3c375f44022ce6a22cff4d43d commit hash: 2186f43a43bf95a3c375f44022ce6a22cff4d43d commit hash: 2186f43a43bf95a3c375f44022ce6a22cff4d43d 2186f43
Tuesday, 26 Dec 2023
19:30 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-test-utils: New port: Collection of utility functions and classes for
integration tests
commit hash: f7ecd77fc255a3c22d46915e450d2f3f4b906eef commit hash: f7ecd77fc255a3c22d46915e450d2f3f4b906eef commit hash: f7ecd77fc255a3c22d46915e450d2f3f4b906eef commit hash: f7ecd77fc255a3c22d46915e450d2f3f4b906eef f7ecd77
06:17 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-easydict: New port: Access dict values as attributes, which works
commit hash: 89ef12c18e97e4ce2d0b6b2f9a823081679f1d43 commit hash: 89ef12c18e97e4ce2d0b6b2f9a823081679f1d43 commit hash: 89ef12c18e97e4ce2d0b6b2f9a823081679f1d43 commit hash: 89ef12c18e97e4ce2d0b6b2f9a823081679f1d43 89ef12c
Monday, 25 Dec 2023
16:10 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-networkmonitor: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-networkmonitor 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor.
commit hash: 5f3f0e56c00513eead6fcb56c443a1837f16dc43 commit hash: 5f3f0e56c00513eead6fcb56c443a1837f16dc43 commit hash: 5f3f0e56c00513eead6fcb56c443a1837f16dc43 commit hash: 5f3f0e56c00513eead6fcb56c443a1837f16dc43 5f3f0e5
14:16 Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
devel/p5-Module-Extract-VERSION: new port had been added (+)

It allows to pull the version number for the Perl module out of its
source.  It assumes that there is only one $VERSION in the file and
the entire $VERSION statement is on the same line.
commit hash: c1a7fa9a720f4609868904538058cfe5479dd33c commit hash: c1a7fa9a720f4609868904538058cfe5479dd33c commit hash: c1a7fa9a720f4609868904538058cfe5479dd33c commit hash: c1a7fa9a720f4609868904538058cfe5479dd33c c1a7fa9
08:56 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-neptunegraph: Add rubygem-aws-sdk-neptunegraph 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for Amazon Neptune Graph.
commit hash: 4e08f7df3186f6abf0f69fb94ee7c1d67ddecf75 commit hash: 4e08f7df3186f6abf0f69fb94ee7c1d67ddecf75 commit hash: 4e08f7df3186f6abf0f69fb94ee7c1d67ddecf75 commit hash: 4e08f7df3186f6abf0f69fb94ee7c1d67ddecf75 4e08f7d
08:56 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-expandvars: Add py-expandvars 0.12.0

expandvars is inspired by GNU bash's variable expansion features. It can be used
as an alternative to Python's os.path.expandvars function.

A good use case is reading config files with the flexibility of reading values
from environment variables using advanced features like returning a default
value if some variable is not defined.
commit hash: 92223841af27c549e0c452611f5f37b99a635ab2 commit hash: 92223841af27c549e0c452611f5f37b99a635ab2 commit hash: 92223841af27c549e0c452611f5f37b99a635ab2 commit hash: 92223841af27c549e0c452611f5f37b99a635ab2 9222384
08:56 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-optree: Add py-optree 0.10.0

OpTree provides optimized PyTree utilities.

A PyTree is a recursive structure that can be an arbitrarily nested Python
container (e.g., tuple, list, dict, OrderedDict, NamedTuple, etc.) or an opaque
Python object. The key concepts of tree operations are tree flattening and its
inverse (tree unflattening). Additional tree operations can be performed based
on these two basic functions.
commit hash: 2852bacb2eb02d3c3fd2ca75258cce968634f814 commit hash: 2852bacb2eb02d3c3fd2ca75258cce968634f814 commit hash: 2852bacb2eb02d3c3fd2ca75258cce968634f814 commit hash: 2852bacb2eb02d3c3fd2ca75258cce968634f814 2852bac
Wednesday, 20 Dec 2023
12:54 Joel Bodenmann (jbo) search for other commits by this committer Author: Marian Cingel
devel/laminar: New port

Laminar is a lightweight client-server CI service written in C++ and
configured by environment variables. It comes with a built-in webserver
and uses simple .run shell scripts as jobs.

PR:			273827
Approved by:		tcberner (mentor)
Differential Revision:
commit hash: 181bdf41a334781d1a858ec8f26d679ec9871374 commit hash: 181bdf41a334781d1a858ec8f26d679ec9871374 commit hash: 181bdf41a334781d1a858ec8f26d679ec9871374 commit hash: 181bdf41a334781d1a858ec8f26d679ec9871374 181bdf4
Tuesday, 19 Dec 2023
16:10 Gleb Popov (arrowd) search for other commits by this committer Author: Peter
devel/libasyncplusplus: Lightweight concurrency framework for C++
commit hash: 3d7543db900a7eff60e0b79bcd596209197ccaeb commit hash: 3d7543db900a7eff60e0b79bcd596209197ccaeb commit hash: 3d7543db900a7eff60e0b79bcd596209197ccaeb commit hash: 3d7543db900a7eff60e0b79bcd596209197ccaeb 3d7543d
Saturday, 16 Dec 2023
18:40 Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pyproject-api: new port to interact with the python pyproject.toml

API to interact with the python pyproject.toml based projects.
See <>.
commit hash: f4a9b408dd8c0d5b94d626e31d2519769de849da commit hash: f4a9b408dd8c0d5b94d626e31d2519769de849da commit hash: f4a9b408dd8c0d5b94d626e31d2519769de849da commit hash: f4a9b408dd8c0d5b94d626e31d2519769de849da f4a9b40
Thursday, 14 Dec 2023
20:48 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-astroid253: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/py-astroid instead.

PR:		275478
Approved by:	amdmi3 (maintainer)
commit hash: cc308b0901ce1ba882009bb443d6df2f9c1c058e commit hash: cc308b0901ce1ba882009bb443d6df2f9c1c058e commit hash: cc308b0901ce1ba882009bb443d6df2f9c1c058e commit hash: cc308b0901ce1ba882009bb443d6df2f9c1c058e cc308b0
20:42 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages23: Remove obsoleted port

Use devel/rubygem-cucumber-messages instead.
commit hash: e9df1d52fbb6efa52a22625ddc64e6a71d528f9a commit hash: e9df1d52fbb6efa52a22625ddc64e6a71d528f9a commit hash: e9df1d52fbb6efa52a22625ddc64e6a71d528f9a commit hash: e9df1d52fbb6efa52a22625ddc64e6a71d528f9a e9df1d5
20:41 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pycrdt-websocket: Add py-pycrdt-websocket 0.12.5

Pycrdt-websocket is a Python library for building WebSocket servers and clients
that connect and synchronize shared documents. It can be used to create
collaborative web applications.

The following diagram illustrates a typical architecture. The goal is to share a
document among several clients.

Each client has an instance of a Doc, representing their view of a document. A
shared document also lives in a room on the server side. Conceptually, a room
can be seen as the place where clients collaborate on a document. The WebSocket
to which a client connects points to the corresponding room through the endpoint
path. In the example below, clients A and B connect to a WebSocket at path
room-1, and thus both clients find themselves in a room called room-1. All the
Doc synchronization logic is taken care of by the WebsocketProvider.

Each update to a shared document can be persisted to disk using a store, which
can be a file or a database.
commit hash: 7335a129b2eaeb23180b1b0e4f6c581f3e02d9d7 commit hash: 7335a129b2eaeb23180b1b0e4f6c581f3e02d9d7 commit hash: 7335a129b2eaeb23180b1b0e4f6c581f3e02d9d7 commit hash: 7335a129b2eaeb23180b1b0e4f6c581f3e02d9d7 7335a12
20:41 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-pycrdt: Add py-pycrdt 0.7.1

Pycrdt is a Python CRDT library that provides bindings for Yrs, the Rust port of
the Yjs framework.

Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) allow creating shared documents that
can automatically merge changes made concurrently on different "copies" of the
data. When the data lives on different machines, they make it possible to build
distributed systems that work with local data, leaving the synchronization and
conflict resolution with remote data to the CRDT algorithm, which ensures that
all data replicas eventually converge to the same state.
commit hash: 3df1ab5ea198a58c97ddf4fcabdc013502d9a6ca commit hash: 3df1ab5ea198a58c97ddf4fcabdc013502d9a6ca commit hash: 3df1ab5ea198a58c97ddf4fcabdc013502d9a6ca commit hash: 3df1ab5ea198a58c97ddf4fcabdc013502d9a6ca 3df1ab5
17:03 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/protobuf3: Add protobuf3 3.21.12 (copied from protobuf)

commit hash: ff78a16bf827b34df61bc3d37992fb7f9811bb75 commit hash: ff78a16bf827b34df61bc3d37992fb7f9811bb75 commit hash: ff78a16bf827b34df61bc3d37992fb7f9811bb75 commit hash: ff78a16bf827b34df61bc3d37992fb7f9811bb75 ff78a16b
12:22 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: fix database migration error

Database migration step requires vite_ruby 3.3 even if a higher version is
Following error is fixed:
E, [2023-12-14T14:15:11.286071 #1116] ERROR -- : Failed to check mode for Vite:
vite-plugin-ruby@^3.2.2 might not be compatible with vite_ruby-3.5.0

You may disable this check if needed:

You may upgrade both by running:

    bundle exec vite upgrade

rake aborted!
ArgumentError: vite-plugin-ruby@^3.2.2 might not be compatible with

You may disable this check if needed:

You may upgrade both by running:

    bundle exec vite upgrade
/usr/local/www/gitlab-ce/config/environment.rb:7:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate => db:load_config => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
commit hash: ace1d95ae944db6dacc492e4fe12afdb2a771e0c commit hash: ace1d95ae944db6dacc492e4fe12afdb2a771e0c commit hash: ace1d95ae944db6dacc492e4fe12afdb2a771e0c commit hash: ace1d95ae944db6dacc492e4fe12afdb2a771e0c ace1d95
11:48 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
www/gitlab-ce: fix build problem due to json upgrade

Fixes a regression from c7de4cbee4139154462556de356afb6534d5ea7a
commit hash: add98e12a4e1ebcd7995f534466a613d93acf751 commit hash: add98e12a4e1ebcd7995f534466a613d93acf751 commit hash: add98e12a4e1ebcd7995f534466a613d93acf751 commit hash: add98e12a4e1ebcd7995f534466a613d93acf751 add98e1
06:43 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-view_component-rails61: Remove expired port

commit hash: 22a581780bbe19b35e294183f4d0323d4d540d82 commit hash: 22a581780bbe19b35e294183f4d0323d4d540d82 commit hash: 22a581780bbe19b35e294183f4d0323d4d540d82 commit hash: 22a581780bbe19b35e294183f4d0323d4d540d82 22a5817
05:31 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-rails-i18n-rails71: Add rubygem-rails-i18n-rails71 7.0.8 (copied
from rubygem-rails-i18n-rails70)
commit hash: e3ba874bbafff1f1af177c31e6eb27e08a185a74 commit hash: e3ba874bbafff1f1af177c31e6eb27e08a185a74 commit hash: e3ba874bbafff1f1af177c31e6eb27e08a185a74 commit hash: e3ba874bbafff1f1af177c31e6eb27e08a185a74 e3ba874
05:31 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-cucumber-core12: Add rubygem-cucumber-core12 12.0.0 (copied from

commit hash: b996e3beb6c8c4574c22a83d74d66c92e4ea3eb8 commit hash: b996e3beb6c8c4574c22a83d74d66c92e4ea3eb8 commit hash: b996e3beb6c8c4574c22a83d74d66c92e4ea3eb8 commit hash: b996e3beb6c8c4574c22a83d74d66c92e4ea3eb8 b996e3b
05:31 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplacedeployment: Add
rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplacedeployment 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Deployment Service.
commit hash: 922b29072f0a81235565c1f96b32ab712b19021e commit hash: 922b29072f0a81235565c1f96b32ab712b19021e commit hash: 922b29072f0a81235565c1f96b32ab712b19021e commit hash: 922b29072f0a81235565c1f96b32ab712b19021e 922b290
05:31 Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplaceagreement: Add
rubygem-aws-sdk-marketplaceagreement 1.0.0

Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Marketplace Agreement Service.
commit hash: 9e9ea27b8858e811cd4044d09895278af3441d36 commit hash: 9e9ea27b8858e811cd4044d09895278af3441d36 commit hash: 9e9ea27b8858e811cd4044d09895278af3441d36 commit hash: 9e9ea27b8858e811cd4044d09895278af3441d36 9e9ea27
Tuesday, 12 Dec 2023
23:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/glaze: New port: Fast, in memory, JSON and interface library for modern
commit hash: fc0716260e6398774a33c355089efd1cc7c7be1d commit hash: fc0716260e6398774a33c355089efd1cc7c7be1d commit hash: fc0716260e6398774a33c355089efd1cc7c7be1d commit hash: fc0716260e6398774a33c355089efd1cc7c7be1d fc07162
23:14 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/ut: New port: C++20 micro/Unit Testing Framework
commit hash: af82f6c61834d77d92a6661f84b83f1cc7bc385a commit hash: af82f6c61834d77d92a6661f84b83f1cc7bc385a commit hash: af82f6c61834d77d92a6661f84b83f1cc7bc385a commit hash: af82f6c61834d77d92a6661f84b83f1cc7bc385a af82f6c
Monday, 11 Dec 2023
07:04 Hiroki Tagato (tagattie) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron27: add port: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript,

Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It's easier than you think.

If you can build a website, you can build a desktop app. Electron is a
framework for creating native applications with web technologies like
JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It takes care of the hard parts so you can
focus on the core of your application.

commit hash: a9b2d87e04b9e496316cb88f1f7dcff653981375 commit hash: a9b2d87e04b9e496316cb88f1f7dcff653981375 commit hash: a9b2d87e04b9e496316cb88f1f7dcff653981375 commit hash: a9b2d87e04b9e496316cb88f1f7dcff653981375 a9b2d87
02:33 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/dra: New port: Command line tool to download release assets from GitHub
commit hash: 5f6966cea81889175ad647817f73cd3913032132 commit hash: 5f6966cea81889175ad647817f73cd3913032132 commit hash: 5f6966cea81889175ad647817f73cd3913032132 commit hash: 5f6966cea81889175ad647817f73cd3913032132 5f6966c
Saturday, 9 Dec 2023
17:31 Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer
devel/R-cran-mlbench: New port: Machine Learning Benchmark Problems

A collection of artificial and real-world machine learning benchmark
problems, including, e.g., several data sets from the UCI repository.

commit hash: 7769baac3fafac2044f50aec036a13b9300c2470 commit hash: 7769baac3fafac2044f50aec036a13b9300c2470 commit hash: 7769baac3fafac2044f50aec036a13b9300c2470 commit hash: 7769baac3fafac2044f50aec036a13b9300c2470 7769baa
Thursday, 7 Dec 2023
13:52 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-importlib-metadata6: New port

6.X line for devel/py-importlib-metadata
commit hash: 6c5d59825ae15cd5b14f44a4999e45ee5aa5bb8c commit hash: 6c5d59825ae15cd5b14f44a4999e45ee5aa5bb8c commit hash: 6c5d59825ae15cd5b14f44a4999e45ee5aa5bb8c commit hash: 6c5d59825ae15cd5b14f44a4999e45ee5aa5bb8c 6c5d598
05:12 Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
devel/py-ariadne: New port

Ariadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.

- Schema-first: Ariadne enables Python developers to use schema-first
  approach to the API implementation. This is the leading approach used
  by the GraphQL community and supported by dozens of frontend and
  backend developer tools, examples, and learning resources. Ariadne
  makes all of this immediately available to you and other members of
  your team.
- Simple: Ariadne offers small, consistent and easy to memorize API that
  lets developers focus on business problems, not the boilerplate.
- Open: Ariadne was designed to be modular and open for customization.
  If you are missing or unhappy with something, extend or easily swap
  with your own.
commit hash: 8cb77295b753892abb72056ae2938092adf2e46d commit hash: 8cb77295b753892abb72056ae2938092adf2e46d commit hash: 8cb77295b753892abb72056ae2938092adf2e46d commit hash: 8cb77295b753892abb72056ae2938092adf2e46d 8cb7729
Wednesday, 6 Dec 2023
11:32 Matthias Fechner (mfechner) search for other commits by this committer
devel/rubygem-font-awesome-rails-rails50: Remove expired port

commit hash: 1d81a7e65daa5118c60b9d58c8e7564e4ab44739 commit hash: 1d81a7e65daa5118c60b9d58c8e7564e4ab44739 commit hash: 1d81a7e65daa5118c60b9d58c8e7564e4ab44739 commit hash: 1d81a7e65daa5118c60b9d58c8e7564e4ab44739 1d81a7e
08:34 Yuri Victorovich (yuri) search for other commits by this committer
devel/cargo-leptos: New port: Build tool for Leptos
commit hash: d57a48fd09abac27db12ace1add365e362a521ab commit hash: d57a48fd09abac27db12ace1add365e362a521ab commit hash: d57a48fd09abac27db12ace1add365e362a521ab commit hash: d57a48fd09abac27db12ace1add365e362a521ab d57a48f
Sunday, 3 Dec 2023
20:59 Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
devel/dolphin-plugins-devel: new port -- Dolphin Plugins 24.02-beta1
commit hash: 8351ef27edd34a0b831cb0781615c058592e9b30 commit hash: 8351ef27edd34a0b831cb0781615c058592e9b30 commit hash: 8351ef27edd34a0b831cb0781615c058592e9b30 commit hash: 8351ef27edd34a0b831cb0781615c058592e9b30 8351ef2
12:48 Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
devel/electron24: Remove expired port

2023-12-03 devel/electron24: Upstream EOL reached on 2023-10-10
commit hash: 5ad03236da0cc00391c3c7e2797095cb794e0236 commit hash: 5ad03236da0cc00391c3c7e2797095cb794e0236 commit hash: 5ad03236da0cc00391c3c7e2797095cb794e0236 commit hash: 5ad03236da0cc00391c3c7e2797095cb794e0236 5ad0323
Saturday, 2 Dec 2023
23:38 Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
KDE: Add Ports for the upcoming KDE Plasma Desktop 6 (beta1)

KDE's 6th Megarelease - Beta 1

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

En route to the new Plasma, Frameworks and Gear

Every few years we port the key components of our software to a new
version of Qt, taking the opportunity to remove cruft and leverage the
updated features the most recent version of Qt has to offer us.

It has been nearly 10 years since the last big release of our flagship
Plasma desktop environment, and the time has come again. KDE is making
available today the Beta version of all the software we will include in
a megarelease scheduled for the end of February 2024.

To ensure all parts of KDE's software stack are working together, we are
releasing all our major bundles at the same time. Today sees the
continuation of that journey with the Beta releases of Plasma 6, KDE
Frameworks 6 and the KDE Gear bundle of apps.

| This is a very early preview intended for developers and testers only.  |
| We hope it will be picked up by rolling unstable distros, but it is far |
| from being ready for day-to-day use yet.                                |

Obtained from:

Further port changes:
 * graphics/libkexiv2-devel has been added
commit hash: a5d64462f20a63f92a2dc1f28d36a2249f73520f commit hash: a5d64462f20a63f92a2dc1f28d36a2249f73520f commit hash: a5d64462f20a63f92a2dc1f28d36a2249f73520f commit hash: a5d64462f20a63f92a2dc1f28d36a2249f73520f a5d6446
13:19 Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
KDE: Add KDE Frameworks 6 ports

KDE's 6th Megarelease - Alpha

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

En route to the new Plasma, Frameworks and Gear

Every few years we port the key components of our software to a new
version of Qt, taking the opportunity to remove cruft and leverage the
updated features the most recent version of Qt has to offer us.

It has been nearly 10 years since the last big release of our flagship
Plasma desktop environment, and the time has come again. KDE is making
available today the Alpha version of all the software we will include in
a megarelease scheduled for the end of February 2024.

Obtained from:

Further ports specific changes:
 * multimedia/phonon: is now flavored for Qt5 and Qt6
commit hash: 633534bf76831ac5b3e0d6afa47923d621a4f8f5 commit hash: 633534bf76831ac5b3e0d6afa47923d621a4f8f5 commit hash: 633534bf76831ac5b3e0d6afa47923d621a4f8f5 commit hash: 633534bf76831ac5b3e0d6afa47923d621a4f8f5 633534b

Number of commits found: 11319 (showing only 100 on this page)

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