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Port details on branch 2022Q3
f3d Fast and minimalist 3D viewer
2.4.0_2 graphics on this many watch lists=0 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.3.0Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2020-07-10 06:02:40
Last Update: 2024-04-17 11:28:34
Commit Hash: 96261a1
F3D is a VTK-based 3D viewer following the KISS principle, so it is minimalist, efficient, has no GUI, has simple interaction mechanisms and is fully controllable using arguments in the command line. It supports a range of file formats, rendering and texturing options.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (98 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. /usr/local/share/licenses/f3d-2.4.0_2/
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/f3d-2.4.0_2/LICENSE
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/f3d-2.4.0_2/BSD3CLAUSE
  5. bin/f3d
  6. etc/f3d/config.d/10_alembic.json
  7. etc/f3d/config.d/10_assimp.json
  8. etc/f3d/config.d/10_draco.json
  9. etc/f3d/config.d/10_exodus.json
  10. etc/f3d/config.d/10_global.json
  11. etc/f3d/config.d/10_native.json
  12. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_alembic.json
  13. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_assimp.json
  14. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_draco.json
  15. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_exodus.json
  16. etc/f3d/config.d/10_occt.json
  17. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_global.json
  18. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_native.json
  19. etc/f3d/thumbnail.d/10_occt.json
  20. include/f3d/camera.h
  21. include/f3d/engine.h
  22. include/f3d/exception.h
  23. include/f3d/export.h
  24. include/f3d/image.h
  25. include/f3d/interactor.h
  26. include/f3d/loader.h
  27. include/f3d/log.h
  28. include/f3d/options.h
  29. include/f3d/plugin.h
  30. include/f3d/reader.h
  31. include/f3d/types.h
  32. include/f3d/utils.h
  33. include/f3d/vtkF3DFaceVaryingPointDispatcher.h
  34. include/f3d/vtkextModule.h
  35. include/f3d/window.h
  36. lib/cmake/f3d/application-config.cmake
  37. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dConfig.cmake
  38. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dConfigVersion.cmake
  39. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dEmbed.cmake
  40. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dLibraryTargets-release.cmake
  41. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dLibraryTargets.cmake
  42. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dTargets-release.cmake
  43. lib/cmake/f3d/f3dTargets.cmake
  44. lib/cmake/f3d/library-config.cmake
  45. lib/cmake/f3d_vtkext/f3d_vtkext-targets-release.cmake
  46. lib/cmake/f3d_vtkext/f3d_vtkext-targets.cmake
  47. lib/cmake/f3d_vtkext/f3d_vtkext-vtk-module-properties.cmake
  48. lib/
  49. lib/
  50. lib/
  51. lib/
  52. lib/libvtkextAlembic.a
  53. lib/libvtkextAssimp.a
  54. lib/libvtkextDraco.a
  55. lib/libvtkextNative.a
  56. lib/libvtkextOCCT.a
  57. lib/libvtkextPrivate.a
  58. lib/vtk/hierarchy/f3d_vtkext/vtkext-hierarchy.txt
  59. share/applications/f3d-plugin-alembic.desktop
  60. share/applications/f3d-plugin-assimp.desktop
  61. share/applications/f3d-plugin-draco.desktop
  62. share/applications/f3d-plugin-exodus.desktop
  63. share/applications/f3d-plugin-native.desktop
  64. share/applications/f3d-plugin-occt.desktop
  65. share/applications/f3d.desktop
  66. share/bash-completion/completions/f3d
  67. share/doc/F3D/
  68. share/doc/F3D/
  69. share/f3d/plugins/alembic.json
  70. share/f3d/plugins/assimp.json
  71. share/f3d/plugins/draco.json
  72. share/f3d/plugins/exodus.json
  73. share/f3d/plugins/native.json
  74. share/f3d/plugins/occt.json
  75. share/fish/vendor_completions.d/
  76. share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/f3d.png
  77. share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/f3d.png
  78. share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/f3d.png
  79. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/f3d.svg
  80. share/metainfo/app.f3d.F3D.metainfo.xml
  81. share/mime/packages/f3d-3d-formats.xml
  82. share/mime/packages/f3d-3d-image-formats.xml
  83. share/mime/packages/f3d-alembic-formats.xml
  84. share/mime/packages/f3d-assimp-formats.xml
  85. share/mime/packages/f3d-draco-formats.xml
  86. share/mime/packages/f3d-exodus-formats.xml
  87. share/mime/packages/f3d-occt-formats.xml
  88. share/mime/packages/f3d-vtk-formats.xml
  89. share/thumbnailers/f3d-plugin-alembic.thumbnailer
  90. share/thumbnailers/f3d-plugin-assimp.thumbnailer
  91. share/thumbnailers/f3d-plugin-draco.thumbnailer
  92. share/thumbnailers/f3d-plugin-exodus.thumbnailer
  93. share/thumbnailers/f3d-plugin-native.thumbnailer
  94. share/thumbnailers/f3d-plugin-occt.thumbnailer
  95. share/zsh/site-functions/_f3d
  96. @owner
  97. @group
  98. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • f3d>0:graphics/f3d
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/graphics/f3d/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install graphics/f3d
  • pkg install f3d
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1712209039 SHA256 (f3d-app-f3d-v2.4.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 3286ad1b324b995fd95818679b4ced80ebc3cc3b4bd4c8e6964695c05c934c8f SIZE (f3d-app-f3d-v2.4.0_GH0.tar.gz) = 44886935

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. cmake : devel/cmake-core
  2. ninja : devel/ninja
  3. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  4. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  5. xorgproto>=0 : x11/xorgproto
  6. ice.pc : x11/libICE
  7. sm.pc : x11/libSM
  8. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  9. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
Runtime dependencies:
  1. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  2. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  3. ice.pc : x11/libICE
  4. sm.pc : x11/libSM
  5. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  6. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
Library dependencies:
  1. : multimedia/ffmpeg4
  2. : x11-fonts/fontconfig
  3. : graphics/freeimage
  4. : print/freetype2
  5. : science/hdf5
  6. : devel/libinotify
  7. : science/netcdf
  8. : devel/onetbb
  9. : math/vtk9
  10. : graphics/alembic
  11. : math/Imath
  12. : multimedia/assimp
  13. : archivers/draco
  14. : cad/opencascade
  15. : graphics/libglvnd
  16. : x11-toolkits/tk86
  17. : lang/tcl86
This port is required by:
for Libraries
  1. graphics/py-f3d

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for f3d-2.4.0_2: ====> Build modules: EXTERNAL_RENDERING=off: External rendering module RAYTRACING=off: Raytracing module ====> Build and/or install plugins ALEMBIC=on: Alembic plugin (for ABC files) ASSIMP=on: Assimp plugin (for FBX, OFF, DAE and DXF files) DRACO=on: Draco plugin EXODUS=on: ExodusII plugin OCCT=on: OpenCASCADE plugin (for STEP and IGES files) ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
cmake:testing compiler:c++17-lang desktop-file-utils gl localbase:ldflags shared-mime-info tcl tk xorg localbase:ldflags
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
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There are no commits on branch 2022Q3 for this port