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NOW FIXED. We had a known problem with lists of packages - they were out of date. The fix has been applied to production. See packages-import/issues/3 & packages-import/issues/4
Port details
keepassx2 Cross Platform Password Manager
2.0.3_2,2 security Deleted on this many watch lists=3 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 2.0.3_2,2Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Deprecated DEPRECATED: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
Expired This port expired on: 2019-03-15
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2013-10-30 12:47:32
Last Update: 2019-03-16 21:55:51
SVN Revision: 495967
People watching this port, also watch:: zsh, rsync, bsdstats, pkg, git
KeePassX is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish). WWW:
Homepage    cgit ¦ GitHub ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (179 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @desktop-file-utils
  2. @shared-mime-info share/mime
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/LICENSE
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/BOOST-1.0
  6. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/BSD3CLAUSE
  7. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/CC0-1.0
  8. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/GPLv2
  9. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/GPLv3
  10. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/LGPL21
  11. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/LGPL3
  12. /usr/local/share/licenses/keepassx2-2.0.3_2,2/NOKIA-LGPL-EXCEPTION
  13. bin/keepassx
  14. lib/keepassx/
  15. share/applications/keepassx.desktop
  16. share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/keepassx.png
  17. share/icons/hicolor/128x128/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  18. share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/keepassx.png
  19. share/icons/hicolor/16x16/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  20. share/icons/hicolor/22x22/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  21. share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/keepassx.png
  22. share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/keepassx.png
  23. share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/keepassx.png
  24. share/icons/hicolor/32x32/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  25. share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/keepassx.png
  26. share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/keepassx.png
  27. share/icons/hicolor/64x64/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  28. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/keepassx.svgz
  29. share/keepassx/icons/application/128x128/apps/keepassx.png
  30. share/keepassx/icons/application/128x128/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  31. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/application-exit.png
  32. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/auto-type.png
  33. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/configure.png
  34. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/database-change-key.png
  35. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-close.png
  36. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-edit.png
  37. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-encrypt.png
  38. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-new.png
  39. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-open.png
  40. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-save-as.png
  41. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/document-save.png
  42. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/edit-clear-locationbar-ltr.png
  43. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/edit-clear-locationbar-rtl.png
  44. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/entry-clone.png
  45. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/entry-delete.png
  46. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/entry-edit.png
  47. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/entry-new.png
  48. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/group-delete.png
  49. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/group-edit.png
  50. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/group-new.png
  51. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/help-about.png
  52. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/password-copy.png
  53. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/password-generate.png
  54. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/password-show-off.png
  55. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/password-show-on.png
  56. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/system-search.png
  57. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/actions/username-copy.png
  58. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/apps/keepassx.png
  59. share/keepassx/icons/application/16x16/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  60. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/dialog-close.png
  61. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/dialog-ok.png
  62. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/document-encrypt.png
  63. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/document-open.png
  64. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/document-save.png
  65. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/entry-delete.png
  66. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/entry-edit.png
  67. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/entry-new.png
  68. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/password-copy.png
  69. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/system-search.png
  70. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/actions/username-copy.png
  71. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  72. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/status/dialog-error.png
  73. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/status/dialog-information.png
  74. share/keepassx/icons/application/22x22/status/dialog-warning.png
  75. share/keepassx/icons/application/24x24/apps/keepassx.png
  76. share/keepassx/icons/application/256x256/apps/keepassx.png
  77. share/keepassx/icons/application/32x32/apps/keepassx.png
  78. share/keepassx/icons/application/32x32/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  79. share/keepassx/icons/application/48x48/apps/keepassx.png
  80. share/keepassx/icons/application/64x64/apps/keepassx.png
  81. share/keepassx/icons/application/64x64/mimetypes/application-x-keepassx.png
  82. share/keepassx/icons/application/scalable/apps/keepassx.svgz
  83. share/keepassx/icons/database/C00_Password.png
  84. share/keepassx/icons/database/C01_Package_Network.png
  85. share/keepassx/icons/database/C02_MessageBox_Warning.png
  86. share/keepassx/icons/database/C03_Server.png
  87. share/keepassx/icons/database/C04_Klipper.png
  88. share/keepassx/icons/database/C05_Edu_Languages.png
  89. share/keepassx/icons/database/C06_KCMDF.png
  90. share/keepassx/icons/database/C07_Kate.png
  91. share/keepassx/icons/database/C08_Socket.png
  92. share/keepassx/icons/database/C09_Identity.png
  93. share/keepassx/icons/database/C10_Kontact.png
  94. share/keepassx/icons/database/C11_Camera.png
  95. share/keepassx/icons/database/C12_IRKickFlash.png
  96. share/keepassx/icons/database/C13_KGPG_Key3.png
  97. share/keepassx/icons/database/C14_Laptop_Power.png
  98. share/keepassx/icons/database/C15_Scanner.png
  99. share/keepassx/icons/database/C16_Mozilla_Firebird.png
  100. share/keepassx/icons/database/C17_CDROM_Unmount.png
  101. share/keepassx/icons/database/C18_Display.png
  102. share/keepassx/icons/database/C19_Mail_Generic.png
  103. share/keepassx/icons/database/C20_Misc.png
  104. share/keepassx/icons/database/C21_KOrganizer.png
  105. share/keepassx/icons/database/C22_ASCII.png
  106. share/keepassx/icons/database/C23_Icons.png
  107. share/keepassx/icons/database/C24_Connect_Established.png
  108. share/keepassx/icons/database/C25_Folder_Mail.png
  109. share/keepassx/icons/database/C26_FileSave.png
  110. share/keepassx/icons/database/C27_NFS_Unmount.png
  111. share/keepassx/icons/database/C28_QuickTime.png
  112. share/keepassx/icons/database/C29_KGPG_Term.png
  113. share/keepassx/icons/database/C30_Konsole.png
  114. share/keepassx/icons/database/C31_FilePrint.png
  115. share/keepassx/icons/database/C32_FSView.png
  116. share/keepassx/icons/database/C33_Run.png
  117. share/keepassx/icons/database/C34_Configure.png
  118. share/keepassx/icons/database/C35_KRFB.png
  119. share/keepassx/icons/database/C36_Ark.png
  120. share/keepassx/icons/database/C37_KPercentage.png
  121. share/keepassx/icons/database/C38_Samba_Unmount.png
  122. share/keepassx/icons/database/C39_History.png
  123. share/keepassx/icons/database/C40_Mail_Find.png
  124. share/keepassx/icons/database/C41_VectorGfx.png
  125. share/keepassx/icons/database/C42_KCMMemory.png
  126. share/keepassx/icons/database/C43_EditTrash.png
  127. share/keepassx/icons/database/C44_KNotes.png
  128. share/keepassx/icons/database/C45_Cancel.png
  129. share/keepassx/icons/database/C46_Help.png
  130. share/keepassx/icons/database/C47_KPackage.png
  131. share/keepassx/icons/database/C48_Folder.png
  132. share/keepassx/icons/database/C49_Folder_Blue_Open.png
  133. share/keepassx/icons/database/C50_Folder_Tar.png
  134. share/keepassx/icons/database/C51_Decrypted.png
  135. share/keepassx/icons/database/C52_Encrypted.png
  136. share/keepassx/icons/database/C53_Apply.png
  137. share/keepassx/icons/database/C54_Signature.png
  138. share/keepassx/icons/database/C55_Thumbnail.png
  139. share/keepassx/icons/database/C56_KAddressBook.png
  140. share/keepassx/icons/database/C57_View_Text.png
  141. share/keepassx/icons/database/C58_KGPG.png
  142. share/keepassx/icons/database/C59_Package_Development.png
  143. share/keepassx/icons/database/C60_KFM_Home.png
  144. share/keepassx/icons/database/C61_Services.png
  145. share/keepassx/icons/database/C62_Tux.png
  146. share/keepassx/icons/database/C63_Feather.png
  147. share/keepassx/icons/database/C64_Apple.png
  148. share/keepassx/icons/database/C65_W.png
  149. share/keepassx/icons/database/C66_Money.png
  150. share/keepassx/icons/database/C67_Certificate.png
  151. share/keepassx/icons/database/C68_BlackBerry.png
  152. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_cs.qm
  153. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_da.qm
  154. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_de.qm
  155. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_el.qm
  156. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_en_plurals.qm
  157. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_es.qm
  158. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_fr.qm
  159. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_id.qm
  160. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_it.qm
  161. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_ja.qm
  162. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_ko.qm
  163. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_lt.qm
  164. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_nl_NL.qm
  165. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_pl.qm
  166. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_pt_BR.qm
  167. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_pt_PT.qm
  168. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_ru.qm
  169. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_sl_SI.qm
  170. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_sv.qm
  171. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_uk.qm
  172. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_zh_CN.qm
  173. share/keepassx/translations/keepassx_zh_TW.qm
  174. share/mime/packages/keepassx.xml
  175. @dir share/icons/hicolor/16x16/actions
  176. @dir share/icons/hicolor/22x22/actions
  177. @dir share/icons/hicolor/22x22/status
  178. @postexec /usr/sbin/service ldconfig restart > /dev/null
  179. @postunexec /usr/sbin/service ldconfig restart > /dev/null
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • keepassx2>0:security/keepassx2
  • keepassx-0.*
  • keepassx-devel-*
  • keepassxc-*
No installation instructions:
This port has been deleted.
PKGNAME: keepassx2
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1476902766 SHA256 (keepassx-2.0.3.tar.gz) = 23ffb4ae360c58aa139943442d175bc6b8f08e6a876ae76c4543ab983a6647c5 SIZE (keepassx-2.0.3.tar.gz) = 1540235

No package information for this port in our database
Sometimes this happens. Not all ports have packages. Perhaps there is a build error. Check the fallout link: pkg-fallout
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. cmake : devel/cmake
  2. ninja : devel/ninja
  3. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  4. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  5. gtk-update-icon-cache : graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
  6. xorgproto>=0 : x11/xorgproto
  7. ice.pc : x11/libICE
  8. sm.pc : x11/libSM
  9. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  10. xcursor.pc : x11/libXcursor
  11. xext.pc : x11/libXext
  12. xfixes.pc : x11/libXfixes
  13. xi.pc : x11/libXi
  14. xrandr.pc : x11/libXrandr
  15. xrender.pc : x11/libXrender
  16. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
  17. xtst.pc : x11/libXtst
  18. lrelease : devel/qt4-linguisttools
  19. moc : devel/qt4-moc
  20. qmake : devel/qt4-qmake
  21. rcc : devel/qt4-rcc
  22. uic : devel/qt4-uic
Runtime dependencies:
  1. update-desktop-database : devel/desktop-file-utils
  2. update-mime-database : misc/shared-mime-info
  3. gtk-update-icon-cache : graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
  4. ice.pc : x11/libICE
  5. sm.pc : x11/libSM
  6. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  7. xcursor.pc : x11/libXcursor
  8. xext.pc : x11/libXext
  9. xfixes.pc : x11/libXfixes
  10. xi.pc : x11/libXi
  11. xrandr.pc : x11/libXrandr
  12. xrender.pc : x11/libXrender
  13. xt.pc : x11-toolkits/libXt
  14. xtst.pc : x11/libXtst
  15. lrelease : devel/qt4-linguisttools
Library dependencies:
  1. : security/libgcrypt
  2. : accessibility/atk
  3. : graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
  4. : devel/glib20
  5. : devel/gettext-runtime
  6. : x11-toolkits/pango
  7. : devel/qt4-corelib
  8. : x11-toolkits/qt4-gui
  9. : devel/qt4-testlib
  10. : textproc/qt4-xml
There are no ports dependent upon this port

Configuration Options:
No options to configure
Options name:
cmake compiler:features desktop-file-utils qt:4 shared-mime-info gnome
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (1 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 21

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
16 Mar 2019 21:55:51
Revision:495967Original commit files touched by this commit
tcberner search for other commits by this committer
Qt4 deprecation: Remove Qt4 and its consumes.

2019-03-15 accessibility/qt4-accessible: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 astro/qlandkartegt: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 astro/stellarium-qt4: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 astro/xglobe: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/acoustid-fingerprinter: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/cueplayer: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/esperanza: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/lastfm-desktop: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/minitunes: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/mixxx20: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/mumble: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/murmur: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
2019-03-15 audio/puddletag: Qt4 has been EOL since december 2015
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
02 Dec 2018 15:41:48
Revision:486467Original commit files touched by this commit
rene search for other commits by this committer
Mark QT4 ports/functionality for removal on 2019-03-15

While here, chase some KDE4 ports and functionality, these are scheduled for
removal on 2018-12-31. Change the default option/flavor to QT5 where applicable
or use alternative toolkits like GTK.

Submitted by:	tcberner
Reviewed by:	adridg, jhale, rene, tcberner
Approved by:	portmgr (implicit, flavor hook)
Differential Revision:
11 Sep 2018 18:34:28
Revision:479538Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Change x11/xorgproto to become a build dep

Change x11/xorgproto to become a build time dependency when added to
USE_XORG.  Change the dependency to be on the port, rather than a file the
port installs.
Fix fallout.
Bump portrevision on depending ports.

PR:		230909
Reviewed by:	eadler
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine)
exp-run:	antoine
Differential Revision:
31 Jul 2018 18:41:30
Revision:476013Original commit files touched by this commit
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Switch to xorgproto instead of individual packages

Upstream used to distribute protocol headers as separate packages, but has
decided to merge those to a common package, named xorgproto.  This update
tracks that change.

* Add a new port, x11/xorgproto, with are protocol headers for xorg.
* Hook the new protocol port to the build and to infrastructure in
* Update all ports with a dependency on any of the old *proto packages to
  instead depend on xorgproto.  Bump portrevision.
* Delete the old *proto packages, update MOVED.

PR:		230023
Submitted by:	zeising
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine)
exp-run by:	antoine
28 Jun 2018 17:39:55
Revision:473503Original commit files touched by this commit
tcberner search for other commits by this committer
Replace by Uses/ and Uses/

From now on, ports that depend on Qt4 will have to set
	USES=		qt:4
	USE_QT=		foo bar
ports depending on Qt5 will use
	USES=		qt:5
	USE_QT=		foo bar

PR:		229225
Exp-run by:	antoine
Reviewed by:	mat
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine)
Differential Revision:	-
14 Mar 2017 13:21:21
Revision:436151Original commit files touched by this commit
lme search for other commits by this committer
Add new port security/keepassxc:

KeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX with the goal to extend and improve
it with new features and bugfixes to provide a feature-rich, fully
cross-platform and modern open-source password manager.

Additional features compared to KeePassX:
  * Auto-Type on all three major platforms (Linux, Windows, OS X)
  * Stand-alone password generator
  * Password strength meter
  * Using website favicons as entry icons
  * Merging of databases
  * Automatic reload when the database changed on disk
  * KeePassHTTP support for use with PassIFox in Mozilla Firefox and
    chromeIPass in Google Chrome or Chromium.
  * Many bug fixes


PR:		217404
Submitted by:	Andrew Romanenko <> (original), Eric Camachat
<> (Update to 2.1.3)
20 Oct 2016 01:16:16
Revision:424298Original commit files touched by this commit
cpm search for other commits by this committer
security/keepassx2: Update to 2.0.3

- Update to 2.0.3
- Add LICENSE block
- Register conflicts between keepassx2 and keepassx-devel
- Use CMAKE arguments for ZLIB_SUPPORTS_GZIP instead patch-CMakeLists.txt

PR:		212944
Submitted by:	Eric Camachat <>
Approved by:	koobs (mentor)
MFH:		2016Q4
09 Jun 2016 13:28:15
Revision:416602Original commit files touched by this commit
arved search for other commits by this committer
Fix wrongly use of QT_BINDIR PLIST_SUB

PR:		210101
Submitted by:	Tobias Berner
Approved by:	maintainer
01 Apr 2016 14:25:18
Revision:412349Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories r, s, t, and u.

With hat:	portmgr
Sponsored by:	Absolight
22 Feb 2016 11:23:35
Revision:409331Original commit files touched by this commit
junovitch search for other commits by this committer
security/keepassx2: update 2.0 -> 2.0.2

PR:		207126
Submitted by:	Thibault Payet <>
Approved by:	Eric Camachat <> (maintainer)
08 Dec 2015 20:40:41
Revision:403347Original commit files touched by this commit
cy search for other commits by this committer
Update 2.0-beta2 --> 2.0

Approved by: (maintainer)
24 Oct 2015 13:10:51
Revision:400119Original commit files touched by this commit
riggs search for other commits by this committer
Un-break build on systems where cxx does not support c++11

PR:		203992
Submitted by: (maintainer)
21 Oct 2015 14:16:25
Revision:399909Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Update to 2.0-beta2.

- Bump PORTEPOCH as version goes backwards
- Remove unneeded variables
- Pet portlint

PR:		203913
Submitted by:	maintainer
Sponsored by:	Absolight
29 Jan 2015 02:17:30
Revision:378100Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Add missing plist files and empty dirs, drop @dirrm*

PR:		197147
Submitted by:	amdmi3
Approved by: (maintainer)
02 Jan 2015 18:46:34
Revision:376062Original commit files touched by this commit
pi search for other commits by this committer
security/libgcrypt: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2, bump depends

- src/sexp.c (do_vsexp_sscan): Return error for invalid args.
- cipher/md.c (_gcry_md_info): Fix a segv in case of calling
  with wrong parameters.
- cipher/primegen.c (_gcry_generate_elg_prime): Change to return an
  error code, possible NULL deref in call to prime generator.
- cipher/dsa.c (generate): Take care of new return code.
- cipher/elgamal.c (generate): Change to return an error code.  Take
	care of _gcry_generate_elg_prime return code.
- ecc: Support the non-standard 0x40 compression flag for EdDSA.
- mpi: Extend the internal mpi_get_buffer.
- mpi: Fix regression for powerpc-apple-darwin detection.
- Fix bug inhibiting the use of the sentinel attribute in src/
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
05 Aug 2014 22:13:29
Revision:364143Original commit files touched by this commit
tijl search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION on more ports that depend on libgcrypt after the update
in r363436 and remove the UPDATING entry because it did not guarantee
that all ports were updated nor that they were updated in the right order.
Also remove again.

PR:		192342
Approved by:	portmgr (implicit, bump unstaged ports)
14 Jul 2014 18:42:04
Revision:361812Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer

With hat:	portmgr
05 May 2014 09:45:37
Revision:352986Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Convert all :U to :tu and :L to :tl

Since FreeBSD 8.4 and FreeBSD 9.1 make(1) do support :tu and :tl as a
replacement for :U and :L (which has been marked as deprecated)

bmake which is the default on FreeBSD 10+ only support by default
:tu/:tl a hack has been added at the time to support :U and :L to ease
migration. This hack is now not necessary anymore

Note that this makes the ports tree incompatible with make(1) from
FreeBSD 8.3 or earlier

With hat:	portmgr
02 May 2014 16:29:02
Revision:352825Original commit files touched by this commit
vg search for other commits by this committer
Up to 2.0 alpha6, changes:
* Add option to lock databases after user inactivity
* Add compatibility with libgcrypt 1.6
* Display passwords in monospace font
* Use an icon for the button that shows/masks passwords
* Add an option to show passwords by default
* Improve password generator design
* On Linux link .kdbx files with KeePassX
* Remember window size
* Disallow global auto-typing when the database is locked
* Support copying entries and groups using drag'n'drop
* Open last used databases on startup
* Made the kdbx file parser more robust
* Only edit entries on doubleclick (not single) or with enter key
* Allow removing multiple entries
* Added option to minimize window when copying data to clipboard
* Save password generator settings
* Fixed auto-type producing wrong chars in some keyboard configurations
* Added some more actions to the toolbar

PR:		ports/189220
Submitted by:	myself
Approved by:	maintainer (via email)
01 Mar 2014 21:23:14
Revision:346721Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Replace USE_GCC=4.2+ by USE_GCC=any. [1]
And USE_GMAKE by USES=gmake where touching a port because of the above.

Approved by:	portmgr (bapt) [1]
30 Oct 2013 12:47:21
Revision:332100Original commit files touched by this commit
vg search for other commits by this committer
This is a next generation of security/keepassx which supporting a *.kdbx.

PR:		ports/173282
Submitted by:	Eric Camachat <>
Approved by:	eadler, osa, rm (mentors, implicit)

Number of commits found: 21