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Port details
ibus Intelligent Input Bus for Unix-like systems
1.5.29_1 textproc on this many watch lists=7 search for ports that depend on this port Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.5.29_1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2009-03-26 09:25:01
Last Update: 2024-07-01 20:27:23
Commit Hash: 19d6872
People watching this port, also watch:: libxml2, bitmap, flac, dbus, xf86-video-ati
License: LGPL21
Intelligent Input Bus for Unix-like systems, iBus, is the next generation input framework, developed by the developer of scim-python, includes all its function, and much more. This is the base port, you need input methods such as pinyin to input text.
Homepage    cgit ¦ Codeberg ¦ GitHub ¦ GitLab ¦ SVNWeb

Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
Expand this list (326 items)
Collapse this list.
  1. @ldconfig
  2. share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.freedesktop.ibus.gschema.xml
  3. /usr/local/share/licenses/ibus-1.5.29_1/
  4. /usr/local/share/licenses/ibus-1.5.29_1/LICENSE
  5. /usr/local/share/licenses/ibus-1.5.29_1/LGPL21
  6. bin/ibus
  7. bin/ibus-daemon
  8. bin/ibus-setup
  9. etc/xdg/autostart/ibus.desktop
  10. etc/xdg/Xwayland-session.d/10-ibus-x11
  11. etc/dconf/db/ibus.d/00-upstream-settings
  12. share/man/man5/00-upstream-settings.5.gz
  13. @postunexec rm -f %D/etc/dconf/db/ibus
  14. @postexec dconf update
  15. etc/dconf/profile/ibus
  16. include/ibus-1.0/ibus.h
  17. include/ibus-1.0/ibusaccelgroup.h
  18. include/ibus-1.0/ibusattribute.h
  19. include/ibus-1.0/ibusattrlist.h
  20. include/ibus-1.0/ibusbus.h
  21. include/ibus-1.0/ibuscomponent.h
  22. include/ibus-1.0/ibusconfig.h
  23. include/ibus-1.0/ibusconfigservice.h
  24. include/ibus-1.0/ibusdebug.h
  25. include/ibus-1.0/ibusemoji.h
  26. include/ibus-1.0/ibusengine.h
  27. include/ibus-1.0/ibusenginedesc.h
  28. include/ibus-1.0/ibusenginesimple.h
  29. include/ibus-1.0/ibusenumtypes.h
  30. include/ibus-1.0/ibuserror.h
  31. include/ibus-1.0/ibusfactory.h
  32. include/ibus-1.0/ibushotkey.h
  33. include/ibus-1.0/ibusinputcontext.h
  34. include/ibus-1.0/ibuskeymap.h
  35. include/ibus-1.0/ibuskeys.h
  36. include/ibus-1.0/ibuskeysyms-compat.h
  37. include/ibus-1.0/ibuskeysyms.h
  38. include/ibus-1.0/ibuslookuptable.h
  39. include/ibus-1.0/ibusobject.h
  40. include/ibus-1.0/ibusobservedpath.h
  41. include/ibus-1.0/ibuspanelservice.h
  42. include/ibus-1.0/ibusproperty.h
  43. include/ibus-1.0/ibusproplist.h
  44. include/ibus-1.0/ibusproxy.h
  45. include/ibus-1.0/ibusregistry.h
  46. include/ibus-1.0/ibusserializable.h
  47. include/ibus-1.0/ibusservice.h
  48. include/ibus-1.0/ibusshare.h
  49. include/ibus-1.0/ibustext.h
  50. include/ibus-1.0/ibustypes.h
  51. include/ibus-1.0/ibusunicode.h
  52. include/ibus-1.0/ibusutil.h
  53. include/ibus-1.0/ibusversion.h
  54. include/ibus-1.0/ibusxevent.h
  55. include/ibus-1.0/ibusxml.h
  56. lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/
  57. lib/girepository-1.0/IBus-1.0.typelib
  58. share/gir-1.0/IBus-1.0.gir
  59. lib/python3.11/site-packages/gi/overrides/
  60. lib/python3.11/site-packages/gi/overrides/IBus.pyc
  61. lib/python3.11/site-packages/gi/overrides/IBus.pyo
  62. lib/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules/
  63. lib/
  64. lib/
  65. lib/
  66. libdata/pkgconfig/ibus-1.0.pc
  67. libexec/ibus-extension-gtk3
  68. libexec/ibus-ui-gtk3
  69. libexec/ibus-x11
  70. libexec/ibus-dconf
  71. libexec/ibus-engine-simple
  72. libexec/ibus-portal
  73. libexec/ibus-ui-emojier
  74. @comment libexec/ibus-wayland
  75. share/man/man1/ibus-daemon.1.gz
  76. share/man/man1/ibus-setup.1.gz
  77. share/man/man1/ibus.1.gz
  78. share/man/man5/ibus.5.gz
  79. share/man/man7/ibus-emoji.7.gz
  80. share/applications/org.freedesktop.IBus.Setup.desktop
  81. share/applications/org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel.Emojier.desktop
  82. share/applications/org.freedesktop.IBus.Panel.Extension.Gtk3.desktop
  83. share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.IBus.service
  84. share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.portal.IBus.service
  85. share/ibus/component/gtkextension.xml
  86. share/ibus/component/gtkpanel.xml
  87. share/ibus/component/dconf.xml
  88. share/ibus/component/simple.xml
  89. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-af.dict
  90. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-am.dict
  91. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ar.dict
  92. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ar_SA.dict
  93. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-as.dict
  94. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ast.dict
  95. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-az.dict
  96. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-be.dict
  97. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-bg.dict
  98. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-bn.dict
  99. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-br.dict
  100. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-bs.dict
  101. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ca.dict
  102. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ccp.dict
  103. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ceb.dict
  104. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-chr.dict
  105. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-cs.dict
  106. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-cy.dict
  107. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-da.dict
  108. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-de.dict
  109. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-de_CH.dict
  110. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-el.dict
  111. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en.dict
  112. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en_001.dict
  113. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en_AU.dict
  114. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en_CA.dict
  115. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en_GB.dict
  116. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-en_IN.dict
  117. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-es.dict
  118. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-es_419.dict
  119. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-es_MX.dict
  120. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-es_US.dict
  121. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-et.dict
  122. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-eu.dict
  123. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-fa.dict
  124. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-fi.dict
  125. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-fil.dict
  126. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-fo.dict
  127. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-fr.dict
  128. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-fr_CA.dict
  129. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ga.dict
  130. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-gd.dict
  131. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-gl.dict
  132. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-gu.dict
  133. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-he.dict
  134. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-hi.dict
  135. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-hr.dict
  136. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-hu.dict
  137. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-hy.dict
  138. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ia.dict
  139. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-id.dict
  140. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-is.dict
  141. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-it.dict
  142. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ja.dict
  143. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-jv.dict
  144. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ka.dict
  145. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-kab.dict
  146. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-kk.dict
  147. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-km.dict
  148. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-kn.dict
  149. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ko.dict
  150. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-kok.dict
  151. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ku.dict
  152. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ky.dict
  153. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-lo.dict
  154. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-lt.dict
  155. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-lv.dict
  156. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-mk.dict
  157. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ml.dict
  158. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-mn.dict
  159. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-mr.dict
  160. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ms.dict
  161. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-my.dict
  162. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-nb.dict
  163. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ne.dict
  164. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-nl.dict
  165. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-nn.dict
  166. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-or.dict
  167. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-pa.dict
  168. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-pcm.dict
  169. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-pl.dict
  170. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ps.dict
  171. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-pt.dict
  172. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-pt_PT.dict
  173. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-qu.dict
  174. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ro.dict
  175. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-root.dict
  176. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ru.dict
  177. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sd.dict
  178. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-si.dict
  179. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sk.dict
  180. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sl.dict
  181. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-so.dict
  182. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sq.dict
  183. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sr.dict
  184. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sr_Cyrl.dict
  185. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sr_Cyrl_BA.dict
  186. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sr_Latn.dict
  187. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sr_Latn_BA.dict
  188. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sv.dict
  189. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sw.dict
  190. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-sw_KE.dict
  191. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ta.dict
  192. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-te.dict
  193. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-th.dict
  194. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-tk.dict
  195. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-to.dict
  196. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-tr.dict
  197. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-uk.dict
  198. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-ur.dict
  199. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-uz.dict
  200. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-vi.dict
  201. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-yo.dict
  202. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-yue.dict
  203. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-yue_Hans.dict
  204. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-zh.dict
  205. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-zh_Hant.dict
  206. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-zh_Hant_HK.dict
  207. share/ibus/dicts/emoji-zu.dict
  208. share/ibus/dicts/unicode-blocks.dict
  209. share/ibus/dicts/unicode-names.dict
  210. share/ibus/keymaps/common
  211. share/ibus/keymaps/in
  212. share/ibus/keymaps/jp
  213. share/ibus/keymaps/kr
  214. share/ibus/keymaps/modifiers
  215. share/ibus/keymaps/us
  216. share/ibus/setup/
  217. share/ibus/setup/emojilang.pyc
  218. share/ibus/setup/emojilang.pyo
  219. share/ibus/setup/
  220. share/ibus/setup/engineabout.pyc
  221. share/ibus/setup/engineabout.pyo
  222. share/ibus/setup/
  223. share/ibus/setup/enginecombobox.pyc
  224. share/ibus/setup/enginecombobox.pyo
  225. share/ibus/setup/
  226. share/ibus/setup/enginedialog.pyc
  227. share/ibus/setup/enginedialog.pyo
  228. share/ibus/setup/
  229. share/ibus/setup/enginetreeview.pyc
  230. share/ibus/setup/enginetreeview.pyo
  231. share/ibus/setup/
  232. share/ibus/setup/i18n.pyc
  233. share/ibus/setup/i18n.pyo
  234. share/ibus/setup/
  235. share/ibus/setup/icon.pyc
  236. share/ibus/setup/icon.pyo
  237. share/ibus/setup/
  238. share/ibus/setup/keyboardshortcut.pyc
  239. share/ibus/setup/keyboardshortcut.pyo
  240. share/ibus/setup/
  241. share/ibus/setup/main.pyc
  242. share/ibus/setup/main.pyo
  243. share/ibus/setup/setup.ui
  244. share/gettext/its/ibus.its
  245. share/gettext/its/ibus.loc
  246. share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/ibus-keyboard.png
  247. share/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/ibus-keyboard.png
  248. share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/ibus-keyboard.png
  249. share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/ibus-keyboard.png
  250. share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ibus-keyboard.png
  251. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ibus-engine.svg
  252. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ibus-keyboard.svg
  253. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ibus-setup.svg
  254. share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ibus.svg
  255. share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/
  256. share/locale/as/LC_MESSAGES/
  257. share/locale/bn/LC_MESSAGES/
  258. share/locale/bn_IN/LC_MESSAGES/
  259. share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/
  260. share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/
  261. share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
  262. share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/
  263. share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
  264. share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/
  265. share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
  266. share/locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/
  267. share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/
  268. share/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/
  269. share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/
  270. share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
  271. share/locale/gu/LC_MESSAGES/
  272. share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/
  273. share/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/
  274. share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
  275. share/locale/ia/LC_MESSAGES/
  276. share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/
  277. share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
  278. share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
  279. share/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/
  280. share/locale/kn/LC_MESSAGES/
  281. share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/
  282. share/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/
  283. share/locale/ml/LC_MESSAGES/
  284. share/locale/mn/LC_MESSAGES/
  285. share/locale/mr/LC_MESSAGES/
  286. share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/
  287. share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/
  288. share/locale/oc/LC_MESSAGES/
  289. share/locale/or/LC_MESSAGES/
  290. share/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/
  291. share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
  292. share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
  293. share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
  294. share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
  295. share/locale/sq/LC_MESSAGES/
  296. share/locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/
  297. share/locale/sr@latin/LC_MESSAGES/
  298. share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/
  299. share/locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/
  300. share/locale/te/LC_MESSAGES/
  301. share/locale/tg/LC_MESSAGES/
  302. share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
  303. share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/
  304. share/locale/ur/LC_MESSAGES/
  305. share/locale/vi/LC_MESSAGES/
  306. share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/
  307. share/locale/zh_HK/LC_MESSAGES/
  308. share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/
  309. share/vala/vapi/ibus-1.0.deps
  310. share/vala/vapi/ibus-1.0.vapi
  311. share/bash-completion/completions/ibus.bash
  312. share/GConf/gsettings/ibus.convert
  313. @dir share/ibus/setup
  314. @dir share/ibus/keymaps
  315. @dir share/ibus/engine
  316. @dir share/ibus/component
  317. @dir share/ibus
  318. @dir include/ibus-1.0
  319. @dir etc/dconf/db/ibus.d
  320. @postexec /usr/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 --update-cache
  321. @postexec /usr/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 --update-cache
  322. @postunexec /usr/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 --update-cache
  323. @postunexec /usr/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0 --update-cache
  324. @owner
  325. @group
  326. @mode
Collapse this list.
Dependency lines:
  • ibus>0:textproc/ibus
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/textproc/ibus/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install textproc/ibus
  • pkg install ibus
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
Flavors: there is no flavor information for this port.
TIMESTAMP = 1705892344 SHA256 (ibus-ibus-1.5.29_GH0.tar.gz) = 26ecd125a7282e74e02b66d9e0e2fd5df6350dd8c14d503a5c810ae85c174000 SIZE (ibus-ibus-1.5.29_GH0.tar.gz) = 1510966

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. py311-dbus>=0.83.0 : devel/py-dbus@py311
  2. NamesList.txt : textproc/UCD
  3. iso-codes.pc : misc/iso-codes
  4. gtkdocize : textproc/gtk-doc
  5. bash : shells/bash
  6. json-glib>=0 : devel/json-glib
  7. unicode-emoji>0 : misc/unicode-emoji
  8. cldr-emoji-annotation>0 : misc/cldr-emoji-annotation
  9. gobject-introspection>=0.6.8 : devel/gobject-introspection
  10. gmake>=4.4.1 : devel/gmake
  11. intltool-extract : textproc/intltool
  12. py311-gobject3>=0 : devel/py-gobject3@py311
  13. pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 : devel/pkgconf
  14. python3.11 : lang/python311
  15. gettext-runtime>=0.22_1 : devel/gettext-runtime
  16. msgfmt : devel/gettext-tools
  17. valac : lang/vala
  18. autoconf>=2.72 : devel/autoconf
  19. automake>=1.16.5 : devel/automake
  20. libtoolize : devel/libtool
  21. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  22. xi.pc : x11/libXi
  23. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  24. xfixes.pc : x11/libXfixes
Test dependencies:
  1. python3.11 : lang/python311
Runtime dependencies:
  1. py311-dbus>=0.83.0 : devel/py-dbus@py311
  2. iso_639.xml : misc/iso-codes
  3. setxkbmap : x11/setxkbmap
  4. gobject-introspection>=0.6.8 : devel/gobject-introspection
  5. py311-gobject3>=0 : devel/py-gobject3@py311
  6. python3.11 : lang/python311
  7. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  8. xi.pc : x11/libXi
  9. x11.pc : x11/libX11
  10. xfixes.pc : x11/libXfixes
Library dependencies:
  1. : devel/libdbusmenu
  2. : devel/dbus
  3. : x11-fonts/fontconfig
  4. : print/freetype2
  5. : devel/dbus
  6. : devel/libnotify
  7. : accessibility/at-spi2-core
  8. : graphics/cairo
  9. : devel/dconf
  10. : graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
  11. : devel/glib20
  12. : devel/gettext-runtime
  13. : x11-toolkits/gtk20
  14. : x11-toolkits/gtk30
  15. : print/harfbuzz
  16. : x11-toolkits/pango
  17. : x11-fonts/fontconfig
  18. : print/freetype2
  19. : devel/gettext-runtime
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. chinese/ibus-array
  2. chinese/ibus-chewing
  3. chinese/ibus-table-chinese

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 1 deleted port
  1. textproc/ibus-qt*
  2. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Libraries
  1. chinese/ibus-cangjie
  2. chinese/ibus-libpinyin
  3. chinese/ibus-pinyin
  4. chinese/ibus-rime
  5. japanese/ibus-anthy
  6. japanese/ibus-mozc
  7. japanese/ibus-skk
Expand this list (15 items / 8 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. korean/ibus-hangul
  3. sysutils/budgie-control-center
  4. sysutils/gnome-control-center
  5. textproc/ibus-kmfl
  6. textproc/ibus-m17n
  7. textproc/ibus-table
  8. textproc/ibus-typing-booster
  9. x11/budgie-desktop
  10. Collapse this list.
for Run
  1. chinese/ibus-array
  2. chinese/ibus-chewing
  3. chinese/ibus-pinyin
  4. chinese/ibus-table-chinese
  5. textproc/ibus-m17n
  6. textproc/ibus-uniemoji

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 3 deleted ports
  1. multimedia/devede*
  2. textproc/ibus-el*
  3. textproc/ibus-qt*
  4. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for ibus-1.5.29_1: APPINDICATOR=on: Enable appindicator support ENGINE=on: Install ibus simple engine VAPI=on: Build VALA API files GTK2=on: Install GTK2 client GTK3=on: Install GTK3 client and panel GINTRO=on: Install GObject Introspection data DCONF=on: Use dconf for configuration XIM=on: Install XIM server EMOJI=on: Install emoji dictionary DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation NLS=on: Native Language Support WAYLAND=off: Enable Wayland support ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
autoreconf compiler cpe gmake gnome libtool localbase pathfix pkgconfig python shebangfix xorg gettext vala:build
For install:
ibus installation finished. To use ibus, please do the following: If you are using bash, please add following lines to your $HOME/.bashrc: export XIM=ibus export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon" export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim" If you are using tcsh, please add following lines to your $HOME/.cshrc: setenv XIM ibus setenv GTK_IM_MODULE ibus setenv QT_IM_MODULE ibus setenv XMODIFIERS @im=ibus setenv XIM_PROGRAM ibus-daemon setenv XIM_ARGS "--daemonize --xim" If you are using KDE4, you may create a shell script in $HOME/.kde4/env ($HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/env for Plasma) and add following lines: #!/bin/sh export XIM=ibus export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus export XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon" export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim" Following input methods/engines are available in ports: chinese/ibus-chewing Chewing engine for IBus chinese/ibus-libpinyin Intelligent Pinyin engine based on libpinyin chinese/ibus-pinyin The PinYin input method japanese/ibus-anthy Anthy engine for IBus japanese/ibus-mozc Mozc engine for IBus japanese/ibus-skk SKK engine for IBus korean/ibus-hangul Hangul engine for IBus textproc/ibus-kmfl KMFL IMEngine for IBus framework textproc/ibus-m17n m17n IM engine for IBus framework textproc/ibus-table Table based IM framework for IBus textproc/ibus-typing-booster Faster typing by context sensitive completion If ibus cannot start or the panel does not appear, please ensure that you are using up-to-date python.
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Number of commits found: 104 (showing only 100 on this page)

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Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
01 Jul 2024 20:27:23
commit hash: 19d68720f1dac6176557ffa8d9c1684c4cf22608commit hash: 19d68720f1dac6176557ffa8d9c1684c4cf22608commit hash: 19d68720f1dac6176557ffa8d9c1684c4cf22608commit hash: 19d68720f1dac6176557ffa8d9c1684c4cf22608 files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
all: drop support for FreeBSD 13.2 which reached EOL today

Thanks again to jbeich for noticing various things I overlooked.

Reviewed by:	acm, ashish, eduardo, ehaupt, eugen, jbeich, martymac, mat,
nobukata, sunpoet, tagattie, yuri, arrowd, kde
Differential Revision:
30 Jan 2024 11:49:28
commit hash: 5a7c0b11446639db9107b914c752853498fb48f2commit hash: 5a7c0b11446639db9107b914c752853498fb48f2commit hash: 5a7c0b11446639db9107b914c752853498fb48f2commit hash: 5a7c0b11446639db9107b914c752853498fb48f2 files touched by this commit
Muhammad Moinur Rahman (bofh) search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: Moved man to share/man

Approved by:    portmgr (blanket)
23 Jan 2024 05:42:04
commit hash: e9c87d1e51a0519b80c3cb5561731722b62fee6ccommit hash: e9c87d1e51a0519b80c3cb5561731722b62fee6ccommit hash: e9c87d1e51a0519b80c3cb5561731722b62fee6ccommit hash: e9c87d1e51a0519b80c3cb5561731722b62fee6c files touched by this commit
Li-Wen Hsu (lwhsu) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Henry Hu
textproc/ibus: Update to 1.5.29

PR:		276139
23 Dec 2023 18:14:14
commit hash: 3572ca3e01dedf1fe5b3776bd164e123252f5ef5commit hash: 3572ca3e01dedf1fe5b3776bd164e123252f5ef5commit hash: 3572ca3e01dedf1fe5b3776bd164e123252f5ef5commit hash: 3572ca3e01dedf1fe5b3776bd164e123252f5ef5 files touched by this commit
Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: Bump consumers of x11-toolkits/gtk30

New version of gtk3 in tree
27 Jun 2023 19:34:34
commit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacbcommit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacbcommit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacbcommit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacb files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
all: remove explicit versions in USES=python for "3.x+"

The logic in USES=python will automatically convert this to 3.8+ by

Adjust two ports that only had Python 3.7 mentioned but build fine
on Python 3.8 too.

finance/quickfix: mark BROKEN with PYTHON

libtool: compile:  c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I -I. -I.. -I../.. -I../C++
-Wno-maybe-uninitialized -O2 -pipe -DLIBICONV_PLUG -fstack-protector-strong
-fno-strict-aliasing -DLIBICONV_PLUG -Wall -ansi
-Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
-Wno-overloaded-virtual -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-deprecated -std=c++0x
-MT _quickfix_la-QuickfixPython.lo -MD -MP -MF
.deps/_quickfix_la-QuickfixPython.Tpo -c QuickfixPython.cpp  -fPIC -DPIC -o
warning: unknown warning option '-Wno-maybe-uninitialized'; did you mean
'-Wno-uninitialized'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]
QuickfixPython.cpp:175:11: fatal error: 'Python.h' file not found
1 warning and 1 error generated.

Reviewed by:	portmgr, vishwin, yuri
Differential Revision:	<>
02 Mar 2023 05:23:10
commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8commit hash: fa81a4f5f8ed2bc2104eca4ebbb1b69731bae2e8 files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
accessibility/at-spi2-core: update to 2.46.0

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.46.0:
* Fix GetInterfaces documentation on org.a11y.atspi.Accessible

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.45.91:
* Send device event controller events using the same signature as other
* Document the Accessible, Action, and Cache dbus interfaces.
* Fix license of atspi-gmain.c (#87).

What's new in at-spi2-core 2.45.90:
* xml: Add some documentation.
* xml: Fix event arguments.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
31 Dec 2022 19:12:15
commit hash: 024c982f5de39cff338aa412660f5d77d6ada0dccommit hash: 024c982f5de39cff338aa412660f5d77d6ada0dccommit hash: 024c982f5de39cff338aa412660f5d77d6ada0dccommit hash: 024c982f5de39cff338aa412660f5d77d6ada0dc files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
Author: VVD
lang/vala: unify vala bindings option name to VAPI

- having a single option name for the bindings improves usability

PR:	268491
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
30 Aug 2022 10:42:27
commit hash: 6e898ffb890ee4862fc5715f5fe885c8cc70b18bcommit hash: 6e898ffb890ee4862fc5715f5fe885c8cc70b18bcommit hash: 6e898ffb890ee4862fc5715f5fe885c8cc70b18bcommit hash: 6e898ffb890ee4862fc5715f5fe885c8cc70b18b files touched by this commit
Nuno Teixeira (eduardo) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Henry Hu
textproc/ibus: Update to 1.5.27

PR:		266090
26 Aug 2022 17:02:25
commit hash: d9b0d9ac4e6b3fc91eb160e6f884d96354caa9bdcommit hash: d9b0d9ac4e6b3fc91eb160e6f884d96354caa9bdcommit hash: d9b0d9ac4e6b3fc91eb160e6f884d96354caa9bdcommit hash: d9b0d9ac4e6b3fc91eb160e6f884d96354caa9bd files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
framework: switch tree to using

PR:		249940
20 Jul 2022 14:23:14
commit hash: 5cf7e35e8664e11393fedc7d89b4d09e0fcced9bcommit hash: 5cf7e35e8664e11393fedc7d89b4d09e0fcced9bcommit hash: 5cf7e35e8664e11393fedc7d89b4d09e0fcced9bcommit hash: 5cf7e35e8664e11393fedc7d89b4d09e0fcced9b files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
textproc: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  "Choe, Cheng-Dae" whitekid
  *  -
  *  <>
  *  <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron Straup Cope
  *  Aaron Straup Cope <>
  *  Ache
  *  Adam Herzog <>
  *  Adam Weinberger <>
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
10 Apr 2022 19:11:41
commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744commit hash: d63665f7cd9c99880704a3c5bc221829cb009744 files touched by this commit
Charlie Li (vishwin) search for other commits by this committer
textproc/libxml2: bump all LIB_DEPENDS consumers

This is a separate commit to facilitate easier cherry-picking for

PR: 262853, 262940, 262877, 263126
Approved by: fluffy (mentor)
10 Oct 2021 19:44:42
commit hash: 2c672a4de941dc57142d867ba42396b1b64d2921commit hash: 2c672a4de941dc57142d867ba42396b1b64d2921commit hash: 2c672a4de941dc57142d867ba42396b1b64d2921commit hash: 2c672a4de941dc57142d867ba42396b1b64d2921 files touched by this commit
Baptiste Daroussin (bapt) search for other commits by this committer
INSTALLS_ICONS: retire the macro and rework the related dependencies

While here, make sure gtk-update-icon-cache is only on run dependency
where added as a dependency
Enforce gtk3 to depend on gtk-update-icon-cache (previously it was
inheriting the dependency)
05 Sep 2021 07:01:59
commit hash: 6f6940997664c05c96c765ba081dc5ca552a72b8commit hash: 6f6940997664c05c96c765ba081dc5ca552a72b8commit hash: 6f6940997664c05c96c765ba081dc5ca552a72b8commit hash: 6f6940997664c05c96c765ba081dc5ca552a72b8 files touched by this commit
Alexey Dokuchaev (danfe) search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: the port had been improved (+)

- Do not needlessly mention L-word in COMMENT and pkg-descr
- GConf support had been removed upstream since version 1.5.20
- Unbreak packaging when DCONF option is deselected
- Convert hand-rolled `do-test' target into TEST_* knobs

06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
09 Mar 2021 06:07:50
Revision:567891Original commit files touched by this commit
rhurlin search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: Update to 1.5.24


PR:		254072
Submitted by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
06 Feb 2021 19:10:40
Revision:564238Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Drop false dependency on gconf2 when dconf option is set
09 Nov 2020 17:08:12
Revision:554733Original commit files touched by this commit
tcberner search for other commits by this committer
Prefer graphics/ligvrsvg2-rust over graphics/librsvg2

- switch to the more modern version of librsvg2 on architectures
  supporting rust
- this will fix some graphical issues on these architectures

PR:		250276
Exp-run by:	antoine
Submitted by:	tobik
Differential Revision:
31 Oct 2020 17:55:02
Revision:553788Original commit files touched by this commit
thierry search for other commits by this committer
Upgrade to 1.5.23.

Release notes at <>.

Remark: MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE seems needed in some cases.

PR:		250491
Submitted by:	/me
Approved by:	 Henry Hu (maintainer)
25 Sep 2020 14:32:34
Revision:550038Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Fix build with newer vala
01 Mar 2020 06:28:05
Revision:527493Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: update to 1.5.22.

PR:		244301
Approved by:	maintainer
28 Jan 2020 07:24:39
Revision:524461Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Drop dependency on python27

PR:		243582
Approved by:	maintainer
14 Jan 2020 05:31:50
Revision:522989Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
misc/cldr-emoji-annotation: Update 34.12.14891_0 -> 36.12.120191002_0

Reported by:	portscout
18 Dec 2019 08:26:27
Revision:520368Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Add missing build dependency on bash

Reported by:	pkg-fallout
07 Nov 2019 20:20:00
Revision:517008Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
zeising search for other commits by this committer
Sprinkle more USES=xorg
16 Aug 2019 08:31:55
Revision:509067Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
Update Chinese Pinyin related ports:

chinese/ibus-libpinyin: 1.10.0 -> 1.11.1, enable OpenCC
chinese/libpinyin: 2.2.0 -> 2.3.0
textproc/ibus: 1.5.18 -> 1.5.20, while there also fix pkg-message for Qt

Reviewed:	Zhihao Yuan <lichray gmail com>, Henry Hu < gmail com>
Differential Revision:
14 Aug 2019 12:16:41
Revision:508910Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Convert to UCL & cleanup pkg-message (categories [t-u])
26 Jul 2019 20:46:57
Revision:507372Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
as defined in Mk/ which has moved from GCC 8.3
to GCC 9.1 under most circumstances now after revision 507371.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, everything INDEX-11 shows with a dependency on lang/gcc9 now.

PR:		238330
02 May 2019 10:18:03
Revision:500651Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove :DEFAULT where not required.
02 Mar 2019 23:54:39
Revision:494467Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
misc/cldr-emoji-annotation: Update 34.0.0_0 -> 34.12.14891_0

Bump textproc/ibus and update pkg-plist there because the cldr-emoji-annotation
change induces the plist change.

Reported by:	portscout
12 Dec 2018 01:35:36
Revision:487272Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
defined via Mk/ which has moved from GCC 7.4 t
GCC 8.2 under most circumstances.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, as a double check, everything INDEX-11 showed depending on lang/gcc7.

PR:		231590
15 Nov 2018 03:50:58
Revision:484999Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
Bump for the previous commit.
01 Oct 2018 09:36:38
Revision:481020Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Cleanup plists
01 Oct 2018 08:24:56
Revision:481010Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
ibus doesn't work with python3
22 Sep 2018 10:32:04
Revision:480377Original commit files touched by this commit
thierry search for other commits by this committer
upgrade to 1.5.18.

Release notes at

PR:		229053
Approved by:	maintainer
29 Jul 2018 22:18:46
Revision:475857Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
in the ports tree (via Mk/ and lang/gcc) which
has now moved from GCC 6 to GCC 7 by default.

This includes ports
 - featuring USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - featuring USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and those
 - with USES=compiler specifying one of openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x,
   c++11-lib, c++11-lang, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		222542
07 Jul 2018 21:06:15
Revision:474138Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
misc/cldr-emoji-annotation: Update ->

Bump textproc/ibus: plist changed there.

Reported by:	portscout
15 Mar 2018 18:54:58
Revision:464623Original commit files touched by this commit
bdrewery search for other commits by this committer
Fix plist
19 Feb 2018 11:10:43
Revision:462307Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Reduce dependency on the python2 metaport

PR:		225752
Submitted by:	Yasuhiro KIMURA
03 Dec 2017 19:23:12
Revision:455422Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
yuri search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: Update to 1.5.17

PR:		223549
Submitted by:	yuri
Approved by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer), tcberner (mentor)
Differential Revision:
30 Nov 2017 15:50:34
Revision:455210Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
mat search for other commits by this committer
Convert Python ports to FLAVORS.

  Ports using USE_PYTHON=distutils are now flavored.  They will
  automatically get flavors (py27, py34, py35, py36) depending on what
  versions they support.

  There is also a USE_PYTHON=flavors for ports that do not use distutils
  but need FLAVORS to be set.  A USE_PYTHON=noflavors can be set if
  using distutils but flavors are not wanted.

  A new USE_PYTHON=optsuffix that will add PYTHON_PKGNAMESUFFIX has been
  added to cope with Python ports that did not have the Python
  PKGNAMEPREFIX but are flavored.

  USES=python now also exports a PY_FLAVOR variable that contains the
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
15 Sep 2017 17:00:21
Revision:449907Original commit files touched by this commit
thierry search for other commits by this committer
- adds textproc/ibus-typing-booster to the list
- remove textproc/ibus-m17n from the list (removed port)
- remove the reference to Python 2.5.

PR:		222294
Submitted by:	/me
Approved by:	maintainer (Henry Hu)
10 Sep 2017 20:55:39
Revision:449591Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
(via Mk/ and lang/gcc) which has moved from
GCC 5.4 to GCC 6.4 under most circumstances.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c++11-lib, c++11-lang,
   c++14-lang, c++0x, c11, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		219275
30 Apr 2017 10:58:18
Revision:439799Original commit files touched by this commit
rakuco search for other commits by this committer
Drop machine-id path substitution in post-patch.

r431187 stopped using a non-default path for dbus's machine-id file, so the sed
call here is unnecessary and produces warnings at runtime:

  IBUS-WARNING **: Unable to load /var/db/dbus/machine-id: Failed to open file
  '/var/db/dbus/machine-id': No such file or directory

PR:		218812
Submitted by:	Tatsuki Makino <>
Approved by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
MFH:		2017Q2
01 Apr 2017 15:23:32
Revision:437439Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISIONs for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC and
lang/gcc which have moved from GCC 4.9.4 to GCC 5.4 (at least under some
circumstances such as versions of FreeBSD or platforms).

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using using Mk/ which in turn has USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c++11-lib, c++14-lang,
   c++11-lang, c++0x, c11, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		216707
26 Feb 2017 08:54:34
Revision:434850Original commit files touched by this commit
madpilot search for other commits by this committer
- Update textproc/ibus to 1.5.14
- Add EMOJI option
- Convert to USES localbase
- Use more option helpers

PR:		216991
Submitted by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
Approved by:	maintainer
02 Dec 2016 09:21:59
Revision:427548Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer redirects to, spare everyone a redirect.

Sponsored by:	Absolight
20 Nov 2016 09:38:09
Revision:426566Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISIONS for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC and
lang/gcc which have moved from GCC 4.8.5 to GCC 4.9.4 (at least under some
circumstances such as versions of FreeBSD or platforms).

In particular that is ports with USE_GCC=yes, USE_GCC=any, or one of
gcc-c++11-lib, openmp, nestedfct, c++11-lib as well as c++14-lang,
c++11-lang, c++0x, c11 requested via USES=compiler.
23 May 2016 20:35:01
Revision:415742Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
Remove NLS, DOCS, EXAMPLES and IPV6 from OPTIONS_DEFAULT, they are enabled by
default anyway and don't need to be listed

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
19 May 2016 11:09:14
Revision:415503Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Fix trailing whitespace in pkg-messages

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
01 May 2016 14:37:43
Revision:414411Original commit files touched by this commit
pi search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: use python:2 instead of python

PR:		208202
Submitted by:	Hiroo Ono <>
Approved by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
01 Apr 2016 14:25:18
Revision:412349Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories r, s, t, and u.

With hat:	portmgr
Sponsored by:	Absolight
26 Sep 2015 00:08:27
Revision:397909Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Specify correctly @post* for gtk-query-immodules
21 Sep 2015 04:56:54
Revision:397477Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.5.11.

PR:		ports/203028
Approved by:	maintainer (Henry Hu)
MFH:		2015Q3
05 Aug 2015 19:13:26
Revision:393607Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
kwm search for other commits by this committer
The FreeBSD GNOME team proudly presents GNOME 3.16 for FreeBSD.

The offical GNOME 3.16 release notes can be found at

Upgrade instructions for port users:

Delete the old tracker package with:
# pkg delete -f tracker
And user port upgrade tool of choice to upgrade.

Thanks to Antoine Brodin for running the exp-runs.

This release was made possible by the following people:
  Gustau Perez

PR:		201980
15 Jul 2015 20:58:48
Revision:392219Original commit files touched by this commit
pgollucci search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: cleanup

- Drop ISOCODES option - the port will not configure without it.
- Fix build with GTK3 without XIM selected.
- Mark port as BROKEN when VALA is selected and GINTRO is not.
- Regenerate patch.

PR:                  201511
Submitted by:
14 May 2015 16:08:36
Revision:386344Original commit files touched by this commit
riggs search for other commits by this committer
Fix build break when DOCS OPTION is deselected

PR:		200110
Submitted by: (maintainer)
03 May 2015 16:57:34
Revision:385290Original commit files touched by this commit
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: restore --disable-nls after r360404 switched to --without-nls

PR:		199016
Submitted by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
11 Apr 2015 15:48:34
Revision:383811Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Fix build WITHOUT=NLS.

Sponsored by:	Absolight
14 Feb 2015 07:07:48
Revision:378949Original commit files touched by this commit
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
Add CPE information

PR:		197580
Submitted by:	shun <>
Approved by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
Approved by:	mentors (implicit)
08 Feb 2015 18:48:05
Revision:378669Original commit files touched by this commit
pi search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: 1.5.5 -> 1.5.9

For changes see

This also fixes the build problem reported by

PR:		195219
Submitted by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
22 Dec 2014 23:04:19
Revision:375286Original commit files touched by this commit
dumbbell search for other commits by this committer
Final removal of WITH_NEW_XORG

This knob was turned on for all version of FreeBSD in r369875
(2014-10-03) and officially deprecated. Since then, it was gradually
removed from many ports when they needed an update.

x11-servers/xorg-server was the last major user of this knob. The port
was updated to xserver 1.14 in r374982 (2014-12-19). The update got rid
of the knob, clearing the path to the final removal.

This commit changes ports who were checking for WITH_NEW_XORG and remove
its handling from

While here, two sanity checks are added to warn user about WITH_KMS and
WITH_NEW_XORG which have no effect now.

Differential Revision:
Reviewed by:	antoine, bapt, kwm
Approved by:	portmgr (antoine, bapt), kwm
07 Dec 2014 10:01:37
Revision:374183Original commit files touched by this commit
mva search for other commits by this committer
- Convert textproc/ to USES=python

With hat:	python@
19 Nov 2014 11:49:06
Revision:372768Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
kwm search for other commits by this committer
The FreeBSD GNOME team proudly presents GNOME 3.14 and Cinnamon 2.2.
Gnome 3.14.1 and Cinnamon 2.2.16 are supported on FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE and up.

This commit removes the old GNOME 2 desktop, bindings and some ports that
can't be compiled. A few ports where updated to more recent versions to
allow them to compile with this update.

Apart from updating ports to newer versions

GDM is more integrated with gnome-shell now, and handles several things for
the GNOME desktop such as screen locking. If you want to use GNOME 3 via
startx, you will have to add your own lock screen/screensaver. For example
can be used for sessions started without GDM.

Shell Extensions can be installed via , we have
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
10 Sep 2014 20:50:37
Revision:367888Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Update the default version of GCC in the Ports Collection from GCC 4.7.4
to GCC 4.8.3.


PR:		192025
Tested by:	antoine (-exp runs)
Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)
18 Aug 2014 20:45:22
Revision:365351Original commit files touched by this commit
marino search for other commits by this committer
textproc/ibus: Removing unnecessary @dirrmtry from pkg-plist

This port failed to build with poudriere bulk -t because the directories
it tried to remove were considered part of MTREE (but its seems they only
belonged to dependencies to me).

Remove the entries from pkg-plist so it builds cleanly, but don't bother
to revbump because there's no practical change to the package.
Just Fix It.
03 Jul 2014 16:29:47
Revision:360404Original commit files touched by this commit
adamw search for other commits by this committer
Clean up by using OPTIONS helpers.

Approved by:	portmgr (blanket)
03 Jul 2014 13:56:31
Revision:360373Original commit files touched by this commit
tijl search for other commits by this committer
- USES=libtool pathfix
- INSTALL_TARGET=install-strip
- Add CPPFLAGS and LIBS to fix problem with DATADIRNAME
- Rename DOC option to DOCS and install documentation in standard location
11 Mar 2014 21:24:59
Revision:347935Original commit files touched by this commit
culot search for other commits by this committer
- Add patches forgotten in previous commit

Reported by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
Pointyhat to:   culot@
11 Mar 2014 07:36:20
Revision:347866Original commit files touched by this commit
culot search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.5.5 [1]
- Pet portlint(1) by changing spaces into tabs in Makefile

PR:		ports/187209 [1]
Submitted by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
04 Jan 2014 23:27:59
Revision:338683Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
With gtk 2.4.22,  immodule cache has moved from gtk.immodules to
immodules.cache.  gtk-query-immodules-2.0 has a new option,
--update-cache that does what we want too.
Use this new option.
While here, add stage support to non slave ports

Reviewed by:	kwm (immodules part)
22 Oct 2013 14:01:39
Revision:331274Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Remove manual creation and removal of share/applications, as it's now in the
mtree (categories starting with [st])

Approved by:	portmgr (bdrewery)
03 Oct 2013 01:09:54
Revision:329135Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.4.2.

PR:		ports/182526
Approved by:	Henry Hu (maintainer)
20 Sep 2013 23:17:32
Revision:327773Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add NO_STAGE all over the place in preparation for the staging support (cat:
03 Sep 2013 09:59:01
Revision:326132Original commit files touched by this commit
bapt search for other commits by this committer
Add an explicit dependency on pkgconf
17 Jun 2013 16:18:54
Revision:321140Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
- Add gtk-query-immodules to _FORCE_POST_PATTERNS to run it post-deinstall
with pkg
- Consistently use full path when running gtk-query-immodules as the path
is embedded in output (we prefer reproducible output)

This fixes leftovers reported by poudriere
====>> Files or directories modified:

PR:		ports/179230
Approved by:	portmgr (bapt)
24 Apr 2013 18:10:32
Revision:316464Original commit files touched by this commit
ak search for other commits by this committer
- Convert USE_GETTEXT to USES (part 3)

Approved by:	portmgr (bapt)
17 Jul 2012 08:47:49
Original commit files touched by this commit
jase search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.4.1 [1]
- Add patch from upstream to fix build [2]
- Convert to optionsNG, add NLS option
- Remove unnecessary bsd.port.{pre,post}.mk includes
- Remove unnecessary CPPFLAGS

PR:		ports/169728 [1]
Submitted by:	Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
Obtained from: [2]
Approved by:	flo (mentor)
01 Jun 2012 05:26:28
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- update png to 1.5.10
05 Feb 2012 02:30:50
Original commit files touched by this commit
zi search for other commits by this committer
- Resolve issue with gtk.immodules when using package [1]

PR:             ports/164587
Submitted by:   Henry Hu <> (maintainer) [1]
10 Jan 2012 21:43:44
Original commit files touched by this commit
jkim search for other commits by this committer
Install a desktop file which is no longer installed by default.

Approved by:    Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
09 Jan 2012 21:01:59
Original commit files touched by this commit
jkim search for other commits by this committer
- Add a missing patch from ports/163791. [1]
- Note korean/ibus-hangul is available as well.

PR:             ports/163961 [1]
08 Jan 2012 08:03:15
Original commit files touched by this commit
eadler search for other commits by this committer
- update to newest version of ibus (1.4.0)

PR:             ports/163791
Submitted by:   Kuan-Chung Chiu <> (maintainer)
23 Sep 2011 22:26:39
Original commit files touched by this commit
amdmi3 search for other commits by this committer
- Add LDFLAGS to CONFIGURE_ENV and MAKE_ENV (as it was done with LDFLAGS)
- Fix all ports that add {CPP,LD}FLAGS to *_ENV to modify flags instead

PR:             157936
Submitted by:   myself
Exp-runs by:    pav
Approved by:    pav
28 Jun 2011 17:15:38
Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
Add a workaround for a few keys to make them match with the FreeBSD keymap.

Submitted by:   Kuan-Chung Chiu <>
PR:             ports/157914
Approved by:    maintainer
13 Jan 2011 02:44:25
Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.3.9

PR:             ports/153906
Submitted by:   "Charlie &" <>"
Approved by:    maintainer
Feature safe:   yes
04 Nov 2010 08:22:29
Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.3.8

PR:             ports/149616
Submitted by:   Jin-Sih Lin <>
Approved by:    maintainer
13 Aug 2010 16:00:40
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.3.5

PR:             ports/148279
Submitted by:   Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
29 Jun 2010 22:30:04
Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
 * add devel/py-notify in RUN_DEPENDS; it is not installed by any port
   in the hierarchy, without it there is no panel icon and candidates
 * bump PORTREVISION because this changes the default package;
 * document new IMEngine, textproc/ibus-kmfl.

Submitted by:   Nikola Lecic <nikola.lecic>
PR:             ports/147760
Approved by:    maintainer timeout
Feature safe:   yes
08 Jun 2010 21:53:31
Original commit files touched by this commit
delphij search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.3.3.

Approved by:    maintainer (private e-mail)
31 May 2010 02:01:56
Original commit files touched by this commit
ade search for other commits by this committer
Bounce PORTREVISION for gettext-related ports.  Have fun, ya'll.
28 Mar 2010 06:47:48
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- update to 1.4.1
Reviewed by:    exp8 run on pointyhat
Supported by:   miwi
12 Feb 2010 10:52:05
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Improve pkg-message: list more available input methods

PR:             ports/143383
Submitted by:   Nikola Lecic <>
Approved by:    Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
05 Feb 2010 11:46:55
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- update to jpeg-8
20 Nov 2009 07:22:11
Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Update to
- Fix the crash of ibus-gconf on amd64 systems

PR:             ports/140663
Submitted by:   Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
12 Oct 2009 20:29:03
Original commit files touched by this commit
wxs search for other commits by this committer
- Add a new line to pkg-message to document textproc/ibus-m17n.

PR:             ports/139528
Submitted by:   Nikola Lecic <>
Approved by:    Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
23 Sep 2009 09:53:20
Original commit files touched by this commit
pav search for other commits by this committer
- Update to

PR:             ports/138763
Submitted by:   dikshie <>
Approved by:    Henry Hu <> (maintainer)
Feature safe:   yes
31 Jul 2009 13:57:52
Original commit files touched by this commit
dinoex search for other commits by this committer
- bump all port that indirectly depends on libjpeg and have not yet been bumped
or updated
Requested by:   edwin
15 Jun 2009 13:20:24
Original commit files touched by this commit
rafan search for other commits by this committer
- Update to

PR:             ports/135579
Submitted by:   Henry Hu < at> (maintainer)

Number of commits found: 104 (showing only 100 on this page)

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