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Port details
py-numpy The New Numeric Extension to Python
1.26.4_2,1 math on this many watch lists=17 search for ports that depend on this port An older version of this port was marked as vulnerable. Find issues related to this port Report an issue related to this port View this port on Repology. pkg-fallout 1.26.4_2,1Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch.
Maintainer: search for ports maintained by this maintainer
Port Added: 2006-09-01 18:14:31
Last Update: 2024-08-15 11:53:55
Commit Hash: ba85613
People watching this port, also watch:: mpfr, p5-Net-SSLeay, xorg-fonts-truetype, dbus, libXdamage
Also Listed In: python
NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things: - a powerful N-dimensional array object - sophisticated (broadcasting) functions - tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code - useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities Besides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data-types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases.
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Manual pages:
FreshPorts has no man page information for this port.
pkg-plist: as obtained via: make generate-plist
There is no configure plist information for this port.
Dependency lines:
  • ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}numpy>0:math/py-numpy@${PY_FLAVOR}
To install the port:
cd /usr/ports/math/py-numpy/ && make install clean
To add the package, run one of these commands:
  • pkg install math/py-numpy
  • pkg install py311-numpy
NOTE: If this package has multiple flavors (see below), then use one of them instead of the name specified above.
NOTE: This is a Python port. Instead of py311-numpy listed in the above command, you can pick from the names under the Packages section.
PKGNAME: py311-numpy
Package flavors (<flavor>: <package>)
  • py311: py311-numpy
  • py310: py310-numpy
  • py39: py39-numpy
TIMESTAMP = 1718154974 SHA256 (numpy-1.26/numpy-1.26.4.tar.gz) = 2a02aba9ed12e4ac4eb3ea9421c420301a0c6460d9830d74a9df87efa4912010 SIZE (numpy-1.26/numpy-1.26.4.tar.gz) = 15786129

Expand this list (2 items)

Collapse this list.

SHA256 (numpy-1.26/ = 1dc88fc45a7709143b7b917e8e807e4985c41fe3fb7ee5fc55c3aeec5f369fdd SIZE (numpy-1.26/ = 25538887

Collapse this list.

Packages (timestamps in pop-ups are UTC):
NOTE: FreshPorts displays only information on required and default dependencies. Optional dependencies are not covered.
Build dependencies:
  1. gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
  2. cython-3.11 : lang/cython@py311
  3. py311-setuptools>=63.1.0 : devel/py-setuptools@py311
  4. python3.11 : lang/python311
  5. as : devel/binutils
Test dependencies:
  1. py311-pytest>=6.2.5 : devel/py-pytest@py311
  2. py311-hypothesis>=6.24.1 : devel/py-hypothesis@py311
  3. py311-typing-extensions>=4.2.0 : devel/py-typing-extensions@py311
  4. python3.11 : lang/python311
Runtime dependencies:
  1. gfortran13 : lang/gcc13
  2. py311-setuptools>=63.1.0 : devel/py-setuptools@py311
  3. python3.11 : lang/python311
Library dependencies:
  1. : math/suitesparse-umfpack
  2. : math/openblas
This port is required by:
for Build
  1. archivers/py-bitshuffle
  2. archivers/py-blosc2
  3. astro/astrometry
  4. astro/py-astropy
  5. astro/py-astropy-helpers
  6. astro/py-fitsio
  7. astro/py-jplephem
Expand this list (311 items / 304 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/py-pyerfa
  3. astro/py-skyfield
  4. astro/py-spktype01
  5. astro/py-spktype21
  6. astro/py-sunpy
  7. audio/py-aubio
  8. audio/py-essentia
  9. audio/py-pysndfile
  10. biology/prodigy-lig
  11. biology/py-PySCeS
  12. biology/py-biom-format
  13. biology/py-biopython
  14. biology/py-biosig
  15. biology/py-bx-python
  16. biology/py-ete3
  17. biology/py-htseq
  18. biology/py-macs2
  19. biology/py-macs3
  20. biology/py-scikit-bio
  21. biology/pyfasta
  22. cad/openscad
  23. cad/openscad-devel
  24. cad/py-gdstk
  25. cad/py-pygmsh
  26. comms/gnuradio
  27. comms/nanovna-saver
  28. databases/py-apache-arrow
  29. databases/py-duckdb
  30. databases/py-fastparquet
  31. databases/py-pyarrow
  32. databases/py-tiledb
  33. devel/boost-python-libs
  34. devel/cpp2py
  35. devel/py-cclib
  36. devel/py-cftime
  37. devel/py-colorspacious
  38. devel/py-crick
  39. devel/py-ewah-bool-utils
  40. devel/py-jep
  41. devel/py-numba
  42. devel/py-pycocotools
  43. devel/py-pykdtree
  44. devel/py-pyopencl
  45. devel/py-qutip
  46. devel/py-rapidfuzz
  47. devel/py-scikit-build-core
  48. devel/py-tables
  49. devel/py-thinc
  50. devel/py-thinc8
  51. devel/py-traits
  52. devel/py-zfp
  53. devel/root
  54. devel/shiboken6
  55. finance/freqtrade
  56. finance/py-Nasdaq-Data-Link
  57. finance/py-exchange-calendars
  58. finance/py-ffn
  59. finance/py-investpy
  60. finance/py-pandas-ta
  61. finance/py-ta-lib
  62. french/aster
  63. games/openage
  64. graphics/blender
  65. graphics/mahotas
  66. graphics/mypaint
  67. graphics/opencv
  68. graphics/piglit
  69. graphics/py-PyOpenGL
  70. graphics/py-PyOpenGL-accelerate
  71. graphics/py-cartopy
  72. graphics/py-imagecodecs
  73. graphics/py-mayavi
  74. graphics/py-pandana
  75. graphics/py-pygeos
  76. graphics/py-rasterio
  77. graphics/py-rawpy
  78. graphics/py-scikit-image
  79. graphics/py-simplejpeg
  80. graphics/py-vispy
  81. math/gau2grid
  82. math/nlopt
  83. math/openturns
  84. math/py-CyLP
  85. math/py-POT
  86. math/py-SQNomad
  87. math/py-ambit
  88. math/py-apgl
  89. math/py-blis
  90. math/py-blis07
  91. math/py-bottleneck
  92. math/py-cvxpy
  93. math/py-cyipopt
  94. math/py-diffcp
  95. math/py-ecos
  96. math/py-faiss
  97. math/py-fastcluster
  98. math/py-fpylll
  99. math/py-fsph
  100. math/py-gau2grid
  101. math/py-hdbscan
  102. math/py-hdmedians
  103. math/py-heyoka
  104. math/py-hmmlearn
  105. math/py-ipyopt
  106. math/py-keras
  107. math/py-levmar
  108. math/py-libceed
  109. math/py-linearmodels
  110. math/py-lmfit
  111. math/py-mathics
  112. math/py-matplotlib
  113. math/py-minorminer
  114. math/py-ml-dtypes
  115. math/py-mnnpy
  116. math/py-nlopt
  117. math/py-numdifftools
  118. math/py-numexpr
  119. math/py-numpy-stl
  120. math/py-openTSNE
  121. math/py-or-tools
  122. math/py-osqp
  123. math/py-pandas
  124. math/py-pdal
  125. math/py-petsc4py
  126. math/py-primme
  127. math/py-py-find-1st
  128. math/py-pyFFTW
  129. math/py-pygsl
  130. math/py-pygslodeiv2
  131. math/py-pyhull
  132. math/py-pynleq2
  133. math/py-pyodeint
  134. math/py-pystan
  135. math/py-pytensor
  136. math/py-python-fcl
  137. math/py-python-picard
  138. math/py-pywavelets
  139. math/py-scikit-umfpack
  140. math/py-scs
  141. math/py-slepc4py
  142. math/py-ssm
  143. math/py-statsmodels
  144. math/py-yt
  145. math/sage
  146. math/xtensor-python
  147. misc/adios2
  148. misc/caffe
  149. misc/orange3
  150. misc/py-apache-beam
  151. misc/py-detecta
  152. misc/py-ezc3d
  153. misc/py-fast-histogram
  154. misc/py-fastscapelib
  155. misc/py-gluoncv
  156. misc/py-gluonnlp
  157. misc/py-lightgbm
  158. misc/py-mmcv
  159. misc/py-numcodecs
  160. misc/py-openvdb
  161. misc/py-orange3-network
  162. misc/py-pyEDFlib
  163. misc/py-pytorch
  164. misc/py-shap2
  165. misc/py-torchmetrics
  166. misc/py-torchvision
  167. misc/py-uhi
  168. misc/pytorch
  169. misc/urh
  170. science/abinit
  171. science/cantera
  172. science/gnudatalanguage
  173. science/paraview
  174. science/pastix
  175. science/precice
  176. science/py-GPy
  177. science/py-MDAnalysis
  178. science/py-OpenMC
  179. science/py-PyNE
  180. science/py-arch
  181. science/py-asap3
  182. science/py-atomium
  183. science/py-boutdata
  184. science/py-boututils
  185. science/py-chempy
  186. science/py-dimod
  187. science/py-dipy
  188. science/py-dwave-cloud-client
  189. science/py-dwave-hybrid
  190. science/py-dwave-optimization
  191. science/py-dwave-samplers
  192. science/py-dwave-system
  193. science/py-earthpy
  194. science/py-gpaw
  195. science/py-gsd
  196. science/py-h5py
  197. science/py-libgetar
  198. science/py-meshio
  199. science/py-molmod
  200. science/py-ncrystal
  201. science/py-netCDF4
  202. science/py-obspy
  203. science/py-oddt
  204. science/py-openpiv
  205. science/py-penaltymodel
  206. science/py-phono3py
  207. science/py-phonopy
  208. science/py-pymatgen
  209. science/py-pymol
  210. science/py-pyprecice
  211. science/py-pyqubo
  212. science/py-pyscf
  213. science/py-scikit-fuzzy
  214. science/py-scikit-learn
  215. science/py-scikit-sparse
  216. science/py-scimath
  217. science/py-scipy
  218. science/py-spglib
  219. science/py-tensorflow
  220. science/py-thewalrus
  221. science/py-trx-python
  222. science/py-veusz
  223. science/pynn
  224. science/qmcpack
  225. science/rdkit
  226. science/salome-kernel
  227. science/tfel
  228. science/tfel-edf
  229. science/trilinos
  230. science/ttk
  231. science/vmd
  232. science/wwplot
  233. textproc/py-gensim
  234. textproc/py-langid
  235. textproc/py-pdf2docx
  236. textproc/py-spacy
  237. textproc/py-wordcloud
  238. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 68 deleted ports
  1. astro/py-aipy*
  2. astro/py-pyfits*
  3. audio/pulseeffects*
  4. audio/py-jack*
  5. audio/py-py-jack*
  6. biology/py-fastTSNE*
  7. biology/pycogent*
  8. biology/unanimity*
  9. comms/libbtbb*
  10. comms/ubertooth*
  11. comms/wsjt*
  12. comms/wspr*
  13. databases/py-arrow*
  14. devel/jep*
  15. devel/py-rapidfuzz2*
  16. finance/py-TA-Lib*
  17. graphics/blender-lts28*
  18. graphics/blender-lts29*
  19. graphics/caffe*
  20. graphics/py-opencv*
  21. graphics/py-opencv2*
  22. graphics/py-opengl*
  23. graphics/py-pyembree*
  24. graphics/py-visual*
  25. graphics/pygts*
  26. math/biggles*
  27. math/py-PyWavelets*
  28. math/py-basemap*
  29. math/py-gnuplot*
  30. math/py-graphtool*
  31. math/py-gsl*
  32. math/py-igakit*
  33. math/py-matplotlib2*
  34. math/py-pyipopt*
  35. math/py-pymc*
  36. math/py-pysparse*
  37. math/py-python_fcl*
  38. math/py-rpy*
  39. math/py-scientific*
  40. math/py-statsmodels010*
  41. math/py-symeig*
  42. math/rpy*
  43. math/rpy2*
  44. misc/py-anndata*
  45. misc/py-qiskit-machine-learning*
  46. multimedia/subsync*
  47. science/MOOSE-neural-simulator*
  48. science/avogadro*
  49. science/brian*
  50. science/lm*
  51. science/py-ScientificPython*
  52. science/py-hcluster*
  53. science/py-mlpy*
  54. science/py-obspy-core*
  55. science/py-pydap*
  56. science/py-qiskit-aer*
  57. science/py-qiskit-dynamics*
  58. science/py-qiskit-experiments*
  59. science/py-qiskit-finance*
  60. science/py-qiskit-ibm-experiment*
  61. science/py-qiskit-ibm-provider*
  62. science/py-qiskit-ibmq-provider*
  63. science/py-qiskit-nature*
  64. science/py-qiskit-optimization*
  65. science/py-qiskit-terra*
  66. science/pycdf*
  67. science/triqs*
  68. x11-toolkits/py-pyqwt*
  69. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
for Run
  1. archivers/py-bitshuffle
  2. archivers/py-blosc2
  3. astro/astrometry
  4. astro/py-astlib
  5. astro/py-astroML
  6. astro/py-astropy
  7. astro/py-astropy-helpers
Expand this list (616 items / 609 hidden - sorry, this count includes any deleted ports)
  1. Collapse this list).
  2. astro/py-fitsio
  3. astro/py-jplephem
  4. astro/py-metpy
  5. astro/py-pyerfa
  6. astro/py-pykep
  7. astro/py-pysofa
  8. astro/py-ro
  9. astro/py-skyfield
  10. astro/py-spktype01
  11. astro/py-spktype21
  12. astro/py-sunpy
  13. audio/py-SoundFile
  14. audio/py-aubio
  15. audio/py-auditok
  16. audio/py-essentia
  17. audio/py-librosa
  18. audio/py-music21
  19. audio/py-pysndfile
  20. audio/py-resampy
  21. audio/py-samplerate
  22. audio/py-sounddevice
  23. audio/py-soxr
  24. audio/py-wavio
  25. biology/checkm
  26. biology/groopm
  27. biology/py-PySCeS
  28. biology/py-biom-format
  29. biology/py-biopython
  30. biology/py-bx-python
  31. biology/py-deeptools
  32. biology/py-ete3
  33. biology/py-goatools
  34. biology/py-htseq
  35. biology/py-loompy
  36. biology/py-macs2
  37. biology/py-macs3
  38. biology/py-mrcfile
  39. biology/py-multiqc
  40. biology/py-ont-fast5-api
  41. biology/py-orange3-single-cell
  42. biology/py-scikit-bio
  43. biology/pyfasta
  44. cad/py-gdspy
  45. cad/py-gdstk
  46. cad/py-lcapy
  47. cad/py-pyfda
  48. cad/py-pygmsh
  49. comms/apitran
  50. comms/cubicsdr
  51. comms/gnuradio
  52. comms/nanovna-saver
  53. databases/py-apache-arrow
  54. databases/py-duckdb
  55. databases/py-fastparquet
  56. databases/py-tiledb
  57. devel/cpp2py
  58. devel/py-aiortc
  59. devel/py-anndata
  60. devel/py-asteval
  61. devel/py-beartype
  62. devel/py-bullet3
  63. devel/py-cclib
  64. devel/py-cftime
  65. devel/py-colorspacious
  66. devel/py-dask
  67. devel/py-dataclass-array
  68. devel/py-etils
  69. devel/py-ewah-bool-utils
  70. devel/py-fastf1
  71. devel/py-fbprophet
  72. devel/py-game
  73. devel/py-hypothesis
  74. devel/py-ipydatawidgets
  75. devel/py-ipympl
  76. devel/py-jep
  77. devel/py-jupyter-rfb
  78. devel/py-mediapy
  79. devel/py-monty
  80. devel/py-mystic
  81. devel/py-numba
  82. devel/py-pycocotools
  83. devel/py-pycompilation
  84. devel/py-pyina
  85. devel/py-pykdtree
  86. devel/py-pyopencl
  87. devel/py-pyquil
  88. devel/py-pythran
  89. devel/py-qcs-sdk-python
  90. devel/py-qutip
  91. devel/py-qutip-qip
  92. devel/py-rapidfuzz
  93. devel/py-rpcq
  94. devel/py-sparse
  95. devel/py-tables
  96. devel/py-thinc
  97. devel/py-thinc8
  98. devel/py-uproot
  99. devel/py-websockify
  100. devel/py-xarray
  101. devel/py-xarray-einstats
  102. devel/py-xarray-simlab
  103. devel/py-zarr
  104. devel/py-zfp
  105. devel/shiboken6
  106. devel/vitables
  107. finance/freqtrade
  108. finance/py-Nasdaq-Data-Link
  109. finance/py-exchange-calendars
  110. finance/py-ffn
  111. finance/py-investpy
  112. finance/py-pandas-ta
  113. finance/py-quantecon
  114. finance/py-ta-lib
  115. finance/py-yfinance
  116. french/aster
  117. games/endgame-singularity
  118. games/fretsonfire
  119. games/krank
  120. games/openage
  121. graphics/blender
  122. graphics/inkscape
  123. graphics/matplotlib-cpp
  124. graphics/mypaint
  125. graphics/opencv
  126. graphics/piglit
  127. graphics/py-PyOpenGL
  128. graphics/py-PyOpenGL-accelerate
  129. graphics/py-albucore
  130. graphics/py-albumentations
  131. graphics/py-cartopy
  132. graphics/py-face_recognition
  133. graphics/py-fury
  134. graphics/py-geomdl
  135. graphics/py-geosnap
  136. graphics/py-gizeh
  137. graphics/py-h3
  138. graphics/py-imagecodecs
  139. graphics/py-imageio
  140. graphics/py-imutils
  141. graphics/py-mapclassify
  142. graphics/py-mayavi
  143. graphics/py-mgwr
  144. graphics/py-moderngl-window
  145. graphics/py-mpl-scatter-density
  146. graphics/py-osmnet
  147. graphics/py-pandana
  148. graphics/py-pointpats
  149. graphics/py-pycollada
  150. graphics/py-pygeos
  151. graphics/py-pyqtgraph
  152. graphics/py-pyrsgis
  153. graphics/py-pyvista
  154. graphics/py-qudida
  155. graphics/py-rasterio
  156. graphics/py-rasterstats
  157. graphics/py-rawpy
  158. graphics/py-scikit-image
  159. graphics/py-tifffile
  160. graphics/py-toyplot
  161. graphics/py-urbanaccess
  162. graphics/py-urbansim
  163. graphics/py-vispy
  164. graphics/py-visvis
  165. graphics/py-zbar-py
  166. graphics/qgis
  167. graphics/qgis-ltr
  168. graphics/qtqr
  169. math/nlopt
  170. math/openturns
  171. math/py-CyLP
  172. math/py-Diofant
  173. math/py-GridDataFormats
  174. math/py-POT
  175. math/py-Py-BOBYQA
  176. math/py-SQNomad
  177. math/py-algopy
  178. math/py-ambit
  179. math/py-apgl
  180. math/py-arviz
  181. math/py-autograd
  182. math/py-awkward
  183. math/py-awkward-cpp
  184. math/py-baycomp
  185. math/py-bayesian-optimization
  186. math/py-benford_py
  187. math/py-blis
  188. math/py-blis07
  189. math/py-bottleneck
  190. math/py-chaospy
  191. math/py-clarabel
  192. math/py-cma
  193. math/py-cmaes
  194. math/py-cmyt
  195. math/py-colormath
  196. math/py-contourpy
  197. math/py-cvxpy
  198. math/py-cyipopt
  199. math/py-deap
  200. math/py-dgl
  201. math/py-diffcp
  202. math/py-ducc0
  203. math/py-ecos
  204. math/py-emcee
  205. math/py-faiss
  206. math/py-fastcluster
  207. math/py-fastdtw
  208. math/py-fenics-basix
  209. math/py-flax
  210. math/py-fpylll
  211. math/py-fsph
  212. math/py-fvcore
  213. math/py-gau2grid
  214. math/py-gimmik
  215. math/py-gym
  216. math/py-hdbscan
  217. math/py-hdmedians
  218. math/py-hepstats
  219. math/py-heyoka
  220. math/py-hmmlearn
  221. math/py-iminuit
  222. math/py-iohexperimenter
  223. math/py-ipyopt
  224. math/py-isosurfaces
  225. math/py-jacobi
  226. math/py-jax
  227. math/py-keras
  228. math/py-keras-applications
  229. math/py-keras-preprocessing
  230. math/py-libceed
  231. math/py-linearmodels
  232. math/py-lmfit
  233. math/py-luminol
  234. math/py-mapbox-earcut
  235. math/py-mathics
  236. math/py-matplotlib
  237. math/py-minorminer
  238. math/py-ml-dtypes
  239. math/py-mnnpy
  240. math/py-modin
  241. math/py-networkx
  242. math/py-nevergrad
  243. math/py-nlopt
  244. math/py-numdifftools
  245. math/py-numexpr
  246. math/py-numpoly
  247. math/py-numpy-stl
  248. math/py-openTSNE
  249. math/py-or-tools
  250. math/py-osqp
  251. math/py-pandas
  252. math/py-patsy
  253. math/py-pdal
  254. math/py-petsc4py
  255. math/py-point-annotator
  256. math/py-primme
  257. math/py-py-find-1st
  258. math/py-pyFFTW
  259. math/py-pygsl
  260. math/py-pygslodeiv2
  261. math/py-pyhull
  262. math/py-pymc3
  263. math/py-pyneqsys
  264. math/py-pynndescent
  265. math/py-pyodeint
  266. math/py-pyodesys
  267. math/py-pyrr
  268. math/py-pystan
  269. math/py-pysym
  270. math/py-pytensor
  271. math/py-python-fcl
  272. math/py-python-louvain
  273. math/py-python-picard
  274. math/py-pywavelets
  275. math/py-qats
  276. math/py-qdldl
  277. math/py-quadprog
  278. math/py-resample
  279. math/py-rpy2
  280. math/py-rustworkx
  281. math/py-rvlib
  282. math/py-scikit-fem
  283. math/py-scikit-umfpack
  284. math/py-scs
  285. math/py-seaborn
  286. math/py-seriate
  287. math/py-slepc4py
  288. math/py-snuggs
  289. math/py-spectral
  290. math/py-spglm
  291. math/py-spint
  292. math/py-splot
  293. math/py-spopt
  294. math/py-spreg
  295. math/py-spvcm
  296. math/py-ssm
  297. math/py-statsmodels
  298. math/py-sym
  299. math/py-theano
  300. math/py-timple
  301. math/py-umap-learn
  302. math/py-uncertainties
  303. math/py-unyt
  304. math/py-yt
  305. math/sage
  306. math/xtensor-python
  307. misc/adios2
  308. misc/caffe
  309. misc/mmdnn
  310. misc/orange3
  311. misc/py-QSpectrumAnalyzer
  312. misc/py-SQCommon
  313. misc/py-SQImFil
  314. misc/py-SQSnobFit
  315. misc/py-SimpleSoapy
  316. misc/py-accelerate
  317. misc/py-aider-chat
  318. misc/py-apache-beam
  319. misc/py-boost-histogram
  320. misc/py-cmap
  321. misc/py-datasets
  322. misc/py-detecta
  323. misc/py-ezc3d
  324. misc/py-facenet-pytorch
  325. misc/py-fast-histogram
  326. misc/py-fastscapelib
  327. misc/py-gluoncv
  328. misc/py-gluonnlp
  329. misc/py-hist
  330. misc/py-histoprint
  331. misc/py-ipyfastscape
  332. misc/py-laspy
  333. misc/py-lightgbm
  334. misc/py-llama-cpp-python
  335. misc/py-mffpy
  336. misc/py-mmcv
  337. misc/py-mmdet
  338. misc/py-mmengine
  339. misc/py-mmsegmentation
  340. misc/py-npTDMS
  341. misc/py-numcodecs
  342. misc/py-onnx
  343. misc/py-openai
  344. misc/py-openai-whisper
  345. misc/py-openvdb
  346. misc/py-optuna
  347. misc/py-orange3-associate
  348. misc/py-orange3-educational
  349. misc/py-orange3-network
  350. misc/py-orange3-timeseries
  351. misc/py-pkbar
  352. misc/py-pyEDFlib
  353. misc/py-pymatreader
  354. misc/py-pytorch
  355. misc/py-pytorch-lightning
  356. misc/py-safetensors
  357. misc/py-scikit-fusion
  358. misc/py-shap2
  359. misc/py-soapy_power
  360. misc/py-tflearn
  361. misc/py-tflite
  362. misc/py-tflite-support
  363. misc/py-thermocouples_reference
  364. misc/py-timm-vis
  365. misc/py-torch-geometric
  366. misc/py-torchmetrics
  367. misc/py-torchvision
  368. misc/py-uhi
  369. misc/py-wurlitzer
  370. misc/py-xformers
  371. misc/py-xgboost
  372. misc/pytorch
  373. misc/urh
  374. multimedia/ffsubsync
  375. multimedia/pitivi
  376. multimedia/py-PySceneDetect
  377. multimedia/py-moviepy
  378. multimedia/py-pretty_midi
  379. net-p2p/bazarr
  380. print/py-glyphtools
  381. science/agrum
  382. science/bout++
  383. science/cantera
  384. science/dftbplus
  385. science/gnudatalanguage
  386. science/meep
  387. science/paraview
  388. science/pastix
  389. science/precice
  390. science/py-GPy
  391. science/py-GPyOpt
  392. science/py-HofstadterTools
  393. science/py-MDAnalysis
  394. science/py-MDAnalysisTests
  395. science/py-OpenFermion
  396. science/py-OpenMC
  397. science/py-PyFR
  398. science/py-PyNE
  399. science/py-SimpleSpectral
  400. science/py-abipy
  401. science/py-access
  402. science/py-arch
  403. science/py-asap3
  404. science/py-asdf
  405. science/py-ase
  406. science/py-atomium
  407. science/py-boutdata
  408. science/py-boututils
  409. science/py-cfgrib
  410. science/py-chainer
  411. science/py-chainer-chemistry
  412. science/py-chempy
  413. science/py-cirq-core
  414. science/py-dftd4
  415. science/py-dimod
  416. science/py-dipy
  417. science/py-dwave-cloud-client
  418. science/py-dwave-hybrid
  419. science/py-dwave-inspector
  420. science/py-dwave-optimization
  421. science/py-dwave-preprocessing
  422. science/py-dwave-samplers
  423. science/py-dwave-system
  424. science/py-earthpy
  425. science/py-eccodes
  426. science/py-geometer
  427. science/py-geometric
  428. science/py-gpaw
  429. science/py-gsd
  430. science/py-h5json
  431. science/py-h5py
  432. science/py-h5pyd
  433. science/py-hiphive
  434. science/py-inequality
  435. science/py-ipygany
  436. science/py-kimpy
  437. science/py-kinematics
  438. science/py-libgetar
  439. science/py-libpysal
  440. science/py-lifelines
  441. science/py-mdp
  442. science/py-meshio
  443. science/py-mmtf-python
  444. science/py-molmod
  445. science/py-moltemplate
  446. science/py-ncrystal
  447. science/py-netCDF4
  448. science/py-nibabel
  449. science/py-nilearn
  450. science/py-obspy
  451. science/py-oddt
  452. science/py-openpiv
  453. science/py-optking
  454. science/py-paramz
  455. science/py-penaltymodel
  456. science/py-periodictable
  457. science/py-phono3py
  458. science/py-phonopy
  459. science/py-pupynere
  460. science/py-pyberny
  461. science/py-pygmo2
  462. science/py-pyked
  463. science/py-pymatgen
  464. science/py-pymol
  465. science/py-pyphot
  466. science/py-pyprecice
  467. science/py-pyqubo
  468. science/py-pyscf
  469. science/py-pyteomics
  470. science/py-qcelemental
  471. science/py-qspin
  472. science/py-quantities
  473. science/py-rmsd
  474. science/py-sarpy
  475. science/py-scikit-fuzzy
  476. science/py-scikit-learn
  477. science/py-scikit-optimize
  478. science/py-scikit-sparse
  479. science/py-scimath
  480. science/py-scipy
  481. science/py-scoria
  482. science/py-sdf
  483. science/py-segregation
  484. science/py-segyio
  485. science/py-sklearn-pandas
  486. science/py-skrebate
  487. science/py-spaghetti
  488. science/py-spglib
  489. science/py-symfc
  490. science/py-tensorflow
  491. science/py-thewalrus
  492. science/py-tobler
  493. science/py-trainstation
  494. science/py-vedo
  495. science/py-veusz
  496. science/pynn
  497. science/qmcpack
  498. science/rdkit
  499. science/salome-kernel
  500. science/tfel
  501. science/tfel-edf
  502. science/ttk
  503. science/v_sim
  504. science/vmd
  505. science/votca
  506. science/wwplot
  507. security/caldera
  508. security/caldera4
  509. security/howdy
  510. textproc/py-gensim
  511. textproc/py-langid
  512. textproc/py-orange3-text
  513. textproc/py-pdf2docx
  514. textproc/py-sense2vec
  515. textproc/py-spacy
  516. textproc/py-textdistance
  517. textproc/py-wordcloud
  518. www/novnc-websockify
  519. www/py-bokeh
  520. www/py-folium
  521. www/py-sentinelhub
  522. www/py-streamlit
  523. x11/py-xdot
  524. Collapse this list.

Deleted ports which required this port:

Expand this list of 87 deleted ports
  1. astro/py-RO*
  2. astro/py-aipy*
  3. astro/py-astLib*
  4. astro/py-pyfits*
  5. audio/pulseeffects*
  6. audio/py-karaoke*
  7. biology/py-fastTSNE*
  8. biology/pycogent*
  9. biology/unanimity*
  10. comms/wsjt*
  11. databases/py-arrow*
  12. databases/py-caterva*
  13. deskutils/labyrinth*
  14. devel/jep*
  15. devel/py-xarray011*
  16. devel/ros_comm*
  17. finance/py-TA-Lib*
  18. french/eficas*
  19. games/py-anki*
  20. graphics/blender-lts28*
  21. graphics/blender-lts29*
  22. graphics/caffe*
  23. graphics/py-imageio24*
  24. graphics/py-opencv*
  25. graphics/py-opencv2*
  26. graphics/py-opengl*
  27. graphics/py-pyembree*
  28. graphics/py-pyggel*
  29. graphics/py-stltools*
  30. graphics/py-visual*
  31. graphics/pyggel*
  32. graphics/pygts*
  33. graphics/pymorph*
  34. graphics/sverchok-blender*
  35. math/py-PyWavelets*
  36. math/py-gnuplot*
  37. math/py-gsl*
  38. math/py-igakit*
  39. math/py-matplotlib2*
  40. math/py-networkx1*
  41. math/py-onnx*
  42. math/py-optuna*
  43. math/py-pyipopt*
  44. math/py-pymc*
  45. math/py-pysparse*
  46. math/py-python_fcl*
  47. math/py-rpy*
  48. math/py-scientific*
  49. math/py-statsmodels010*
  50. math/py-symcxx*
  51. math/py-symeig*
  52. math/rpy*
  53. math/rpy2*
  54. misc/py-anndata*
  55. misc/py-qiskit-machine-learning*
  56. net-p2p/bazarr-devel*
  57. print/ttfquery*
  58. science/MOOSE-neural-simulator*
  59. science/avogadro*
  60. science/brian*
  61. science/openstructure*
  62. science/psychopy*
  63. science/py-PyQuante*
  64. science/py-ScientificPython*
  65. science/py-eccodes-python*
  66. science/py-hcluster*
  67. science/py-mlpy*
  68. science/py-obspy-core*
  69. science/py-onnx*
  70. science/py-pydap*
  71. science/py-qiskit-aer*
  72. science/py-qiskit-dynamics*
  73. science/py-qiskit-experiments*
  74. science/py-qiskit-finance*
  75. science/py-qiskit-ibm-experiment*
  76. science/py-qiskit-ibm-provider*
  77. science/py-qiskit-ibmq-provider*
  78. science/py-qiskit-nature*
  79. science/py-qiskit-optimization*
  80. science/py-qiskit-terra*
  81. science/pycdf*
  82. science/pyteomics*
  83. science/triqs*
  84. security/py-crits*
  85. security/w3af*
  86. www/pylot*
  87. x11-toolkits/py-pyqwt*
  88. Collapse this list of deleted ports.
* - deleted ports are only shown under the This port is required by section. It was harder to do for the Required section. Perhaps later...

Configuration Options:
===> The following configuration options are available for py311-numpy-1.26.4_2,1: DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation SUITESPARSE=on: Use AMD and UMFPACK in SuiteSparse ====> Options available for the single BLASLIB: you have to select exactly one of them ATLAS=off: ATLAS BLAS implementation NETLIB=off: BLAS implementation from Netlib OPENBLAS=on: OpenBLAS BLAS implementation ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings
Options name:
compiler:c11 cpe fortran python:3.9+ blaslapack:openblas
FreshPorts was unable to extract/find any pkg message
Master Sites:
Expand this list (2 items)
Collapse this list.
Collapse this list.

Number of commits found: 168 (showing only 100 on this page)

1 | 2  »  

Commit History - (may be incomplete: for full details, see links to repositories near top of page)
CommitCreditsLog message
15 Aug 2024 11:53:55
commit hash: ba856133e5f1a18de13106955e417f998be213e5commit hash: ba856133e5f1a18de13106955e417f998be213e5commit hash: ba856133e5f1a18de13106955e417f998be213e5commit hash: ba856133e5f1a18de13106955e417f998be213e5 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
Author: Dimitry Andric
math/py-numpy: Remove clang error condition in distutils check

- Bump PORTREVISION for package change

PR:		280715
Tested by:	dim (with Clang 15 to 19)
06 Jul 2024 16:12:19
commit hash: 0eae1a23ca581fb43bd8ae9c7937cb254e4be706commit hash: 0eae1a23ca581fb43bd8ae9c7937cb254e4be706commit hash: 0eae1a23ca581fb43bd8ae9c7937cb254e4be706commit hash: 0eae1a23ca581fb43bd8ae9c7937cb254e4be706 files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Add PORTSCOUT

- Remove unnecessary substitution
- Cosmetic change
21 Jun 2024 17:49:24
commit hash: e2cd1133e68c54606b2b5e0c7b4dee0532a926fecommit hash: e2cd1133e68c54606b2b5e0c7b4dee0532a926fecommit hash: e2cd1133e68c54606b2b5e0c7b4dee0532a926fecommit hash: e2cd1133e68c54606b2b5e0c7b4dee0532a926fe files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade to OpenBLAS
15 Jun 2024 14:23:11
commit hash: d3e0e547ee3bfaa37aa10132d6fee0ed689333b6commit hash: d3e0e547ee3bfaa37aa10132d6fee0ed689333b6commit hash: d3e0e547ee3bfaa37aa10132d6fee0ed689333b6commit hash: d3e0e547ee3bfaa37aa10132d6fee0ed689333b6 files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.26.4

PR:		277689
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
29 Apr 2024 20:08:56
commit hash: 89b83249690cf17cdb0fe923e5f01464b7f36141commit hash: 89b83249690cf17cdb0fe923e5f01464b7f36141commit hash: 89b83249690cf17cdb0fe923e5f01464b7f36141commit hash: 89b83249690cf17cdb0fe923e5f01464b7f36141 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: chase SuiteSparse’s upgrade
28 Jan 2024 12:02:23
commit hash: 68a725452a341366c504bf411bfda2b9b9f983ebcommit hash: 68a725452a341366c504bf411bfda2b9b9f983ebcommit hash: 68a725452a341366c504bf411bfda2b9b9f983ebcommit hash: 68a725452a341366c504bf411bfda2b9b9f983eb files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade to SuiteSparse
13 Jan 2024 10:19:22
commit hash: 0f35d118f29c44a286226933a85df4a528c31a01commit hash: 0f35d118f29c44a286226933a85df4a528c31a01commit hash: 0f35d118f29c44a286226933a85df4a528c31a01commit hash: 0f35d118f29c44a286226933a85df4a528c31a01 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade of SuiteSparse to v7.5.0
31 Dec 2023 14:31:11
commit hash: 41c2a6b1f7bd0cc66c00e8d7e16c6da901742192commit hash: 41c2a6b1f7bd0cc66c00e8d7e16c6da901742192commit hash: 41c2a6b1f7bd0cc66c00e8d7e16c6da901742192commit hash: 41c2a6b1f7bd0cc66c00e8d7e16c6da901742192 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: chase the upgrade of SuiteSparse
12 Dec 2023 19:03:50
commit hash: ab1713728d621e7b57d276ef27de37a8754e6ee0commit hash: ab1713728d621e7b57d276ef27de37a8754e6ee0commit hash: ab1713728d621e7b57d276ef27de37a8754e6ee0commit hash: ab1713728d621e7b57d276ef27de37a8754e6ee0 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade of OpenBLAS

PR:		273219
15 Oct 2023 09:03:17
commit hash: c32596f5745214609cfa03b727bd4702a5d26f00commit hash: c32596f5745214609cfa03b727bd4702a5d26f00commit hash: c32596f5745214609cfa03b727bd4702a5d26f00commit hash: c32596f5745214609cfa03b727bd4702a5d26f00 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: chase the upgrade of SuiteSparse
20 Sep 2023 17:57:40
commit hash: a0ed0dce34341e30a6c479535c68fae987840c91commit hash: a0ed0dce34341e30a6c479535c68fae987840c91commit hash: a0ed0dce34341e30a6c479535c68fae987840c91commit hash: a0ed0dce34341e30a6c479535c68fae987840c91 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade of SuiteSparse
07 Jul 2023 12:56:11
commit hash: 65c21fd7c9164f3093c730373d463bbc37f640d1commit hash: 65c21fd7c9164f3093c730373d463bbc37f640d1commit hash: 65c21fd7c9164f3093c730373d463bbc37f640d1commit hash: 65c21fd7c9164f3093c730373d463bbc37f640d1 files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.25.0

PR:		272058
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
01 Jul 2023 16:11:11
commit hash: 823182b45144924163f227529c9d42270601cab4commit hash: 823182b45144924163f227529c9d42270601cab4commit hash: 823182b45144924163f227529c9d42270601cab4commit hash: 823182b45144924163f227529c9d42270601cab4 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade of SuiteSparse
27 Jun 2023 19:34:34
commit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacbcommit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacbcommit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacbcommit hash: 3d9a815d9c5acbb71f4bb07738bdeab4879feacb files touched by this commit
Rene Ladan (rene) search for other commits by this committer
all: remove explicit versions in USES=python for "3.x+"

The logic in USES=python will automatically convert this to 3.8+ by

Adjust two ports that only had Python 3.7 mentioned but build fine
on Python 3.8 too.

finance/quickfix: mark BROKEN with PYTHON

libtool: compile:  c++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I -I. -I.. -I../.. -I../C++
-Wno-maybe-uninitialized -O2 -pipe -DLIBICONV_PLUG -fstack-protector-strong
-fno-strict-aliasing -DLIBICONV_PLUG -Wall -ansi
-Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
-Wno-overloaded-virtual -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-deprecated -std=c++0x
-MT _quickfix_la-QuickfixPython.lo -MD -MP -MF
.deps/_quickfix_la-QuickfixPython.Tpo -c QuickfixPython.cpp  -fPIC -DPIC -o
warning: unknown warning option '-Wno-maybe-uninitialized'; did you mean
'-Wno-uninitialized'? [-Wunknown-warning-option]
QuickfixPython.cpp:175:11: fatal error: 'Python.h' file not found
1 warning and 1 error generated.

Reviewed by:	portmgr, vishwin, yuri
Differential Revision:	<>
14 Jun 2023 21:12:29
commit hash: db2d9d0db79d3fbfa674d18fa0ea69d726a2ae3ecommit hash: db2d9d0db79d3fbfa674d18fa0ea69d726a2ae3ecommit hash: db2d9d0db79d3fbfa674d18fa0ea69d726a2ae3ecommit hash: db2d9d0db79d3fbfa674d18fa0ea69d726a2ae3e files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: fix build on powerpc64le

In file included from numpy/core/src/umath/loops_comparison.dispatch.c.src:12:
In file included from numpy/core/src/common/simd/simd.h:63:
In file included from numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/vec.h:105:
numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h:113:1: error: call to 'vec_st' is
numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h:94:7: note: expanded from macro
    { npyv__storea((npyv_lanetype_##DW_CAST*)ptr, (npyv_##DW_CAST)vec); }       
numpy/core/src/common/simd/vec/memory.h:42:36: note: expanded from macro
    #define npyv__storea(PTR, VEC) vec_st(VEC, 0, PTR)
/usr/lib/clang/14.0.5/include/altivec.h:11130:37: note: candidate function
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
23 Apr 2023 09:09:58
commit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5bcommit hash: 8d3e020ed032a8db00208994d0db646de7dc6f5b files touched by this commit
Gerald Pfeifer (gerald) search for other commits by this committer
*: Bump PORTREVISIONs for math/mpc update to 1.3.1
08 Feb 2023 01:14:27
commit hash: b217a15a96fa1b52c47611ab6db79105e45e924bcommit hash: b217a15a96fa1b52c47611ab6db79105e45e924bcommit hash: b217a15a96fa1b52c47611ab6db79105e45e924bcommit hash: b217a15a96fa1b52c47611ab6db79105e45e924b files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.24.1

PR:		268594
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
19 Jan 2023 16:45:37
commit hash: 112013ae642a41807695f31144ed4113e3368aa6commit hash: 112013ae642a41807695f31144ed4113e3368aa6commit hash: 112013ae642a41807695f31144ed4113e3368aa6commit hash: 112013ae642a41807695f31144ed4113e3368aa6 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
math/suitesparse*: bump PORTREVISION of dependant ports
11 Jan 2023 15:58:34
commit hash: 77d68471aded6907dbbcb5ef50d557e4c69db656commit hash: 77d68471aded6907dbbcb5ef50d557e4c69db656commit hash: 77d68471aded6907dbbcb5ef50d557e4c69db656commit hash: 77d68471aded6907dbbcb5ef50d557e4c69db656 files touched by this commit
Dmitry Marakasov (amdmi3) search for other commits by this committer

PR:			267994
Differential revision:	D37518
Approved by:		bapt
29 Dec 2022 00:41:28
commit hash: 7b822dde35aba238c5975a3c1fc33ebca75d71b5commit hash: 7b822dde35aba238c5975a3c1fc33ebca75d71b5commit hash: 7b822dde35aba238c5975a3c1fc33ebca75d71b5commit hash: 7b822dde35aba238c5975a3c1fc33ebca75d71b5 files touched by this commit
Piotr Kubaj (pkubaj) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: fix runtime on powerpc64*

Currently powerpc64* is not properly detected by numpy, due to python
returning just "powerpc" as architecture name. This commit fixes architecture
detection with numpy and properly checks for CPU features on FreeBSD.
30 Nov 2022 08:30:45
commit hash: 84ecbb32a0c7c8fe405894933cf413cda80788edcommit hash: 84ecbb32a0c7c8fe405894933cf413cda80788edcommit hash: 84ecbb32a0c7c8fe405894933cf413cda80788edcommit hash: 84ecbb32a0c7c8fe405894933cf413cda80788ed files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.23.5

PR:		267886
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
27 Nov 2022 11:09:57
commit hash: 6f9769f20db64b8cd3e89aa80a85329ba53b61a5commit hash: 6f9769f20db64b8cd3e89aa80a85329ba53b61a5commit hash: 6f9769f20db64b8cd3e89aa80a85329ba53b61a5commit hash: 6f9769f20db64b8cd3e89aa80a85329ba53b61a5 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
*/*: bump PORTREVISION after the upgrade of math/suitesparse*

PR:		267742
31 Oct 2022 06:15:10
commit hash: 4cf8b1f35f79476d09c3fb31e2087a8d7bcf40cfcommit hash: 4cf8b1f35f79476d09c3fb31e2087a8d7bcf40cfcommit hash: 4cf8b1f35f79476d09c3fb31e2087a8d7bcf40cfcommit hash: 4cf8b1f35f79476d09c3fb31e2087a8d7bcf40cf files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Allow build with python-3.11

PR:		267362
Reported by:
20 Oct 2022 10:33:12
commit hash: 0f9f67fb3d9f1bd9ba941844f32d21a659162e6acommit hash: 0f9f67fb3d9f1bd9ba941844f32d21a659162e6acommit hash: 0f9f67fb3d9f1bd9ba941844f32d21a659162e6acommit hash: 0f9f67fb3d9f1bd9ba941844f32d21a659162e6a files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.23.4

PR:		267081
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
17 Sep 2022 03:24:00
commit hash: e2007421d7294376ad44654dd7f4c4bce58d5947commit hash: e2007421d7294376ad44654dd7f4c4bce58d5947commit hash: e2007421d7294376ad44654dd7f4c4bce58d5947commit hash: e2007421d7294376ad44654dd7f4c4bce58d5947 files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.23.3

PR:		266331
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
07 Sep 2022 21:58:51
commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4commit hash: fb16dfecae4a6efac9f3a78e0b759fb7a3c53de4 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Remove WWW entries moved into port Makefiles

Commit b7f05445c00f has added WWW entries to port Makefiles based on
WWW: lines in pkg-descr files.

This commit removes the WWW: lines of moved-over URLs from these
pkg-descr files.

Approved by:		portmgr (tcberner)
07 Sep 2022 21:10:59
commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52commit hash: b7f05445c00f2625aa19b4154ebcbce5ed2daa52 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
Add WWW entries to port Makefiles

It has been common practice to have one or more URLs at the end of the
ports' pkg-descr files, one per line and prefixed with "WWW:". These
URLs should point at a project website or other relevant resources.

Access to these URLs required processing of the pkg-descr files, and
they have often become stale over time. If more than one such URL was
present in a pkg-descr file, only the first one was tarnsfered into
the port INDEX, but for many ports only the last line did contain the
port specific URL to further information.

There have been several proposals to make a project URL available as
a macro in the ports' Makefiles, over time.
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
14 Aug 2022 07:44:25
commit hash: bb505051ff6c2efcd80d49286afcce589c194258commit hash: bb505051ff6c2efcd80d49286afcce589c194258commit hash: bb505051ff6c2efcd80d49286afcce589c194258commit hash: bb505051ff6c2efcd80d49286afcce589c194258 files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.23.1

PR:		265710
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
20 Jul 2022 14:22:24
commit hash: f53eb28489aa8f30712cd8772d1a0e05c394a5dacommit hash: f53eb28489aa8f30712cd8772d1a0e05c394a5dacommit hash: f53eb28489aa8f30712cd8772d1a0e05c394a5dacommit hash: f53eb28489aa8f30712cd8772d1a0e05c394a5da files touched by this commit
Tobias C. Berner (tcberner) search for other commits by this committer
math: remove 'Created by' lines

A big Thank You to the original contributors of these ports:

  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Aaron Dalton <>
  *  Alessando Sagratini <>
  *  Alex Dupre <>
  *  Alexey Dokuchaev <>
  *  Amarendra Godbole <>
  *  Anders Nordby <>
  *  Andreas Fehlner (
  *  Andrew L. Neporada <>
  *  Andrey <>
  *  Andrey Zakhvatov
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
06 Jul 2022 02:42:48
commit hash: d68b12c0a6f8c498482d8e3e1b800b140f3b719acommit hash: d68b12c0a6f8c498482d8e3e1b800b140f3b719acommit hash: d68b12c0a6f8c498482d8e3e1b800b140f3b719acommit hash: d68b12c0a6f8c498482d8e3e1b800b140f3b719a files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.23.0

PR:		264837
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
26 Jun 2022 20:36:53
commit hash: ad2d6b8e488819a85ade85ecbf1fc16db82b49b9commit hash: ad2d6b8e488819a85ade85ecbf1fc16db82b49b9commit hash: ad2d6b8e488819a85ade85ecbf1fc16db82b49b9commit hash: ad2d6b8e488819a85ade85ecbf1fc16db82b49b9 files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
Mk/ chase the switch to Python 3.9

Following the rules of

PR:		261703
25 May 2022 23:29:36
commit hash: 85affc89e8df0f6c95c37c5065bc7b595f34e9eccommit hash: 85affc89e8df0f6c95c37c5065bc7b595f34e9eccommit hash: 85affc89e8df0f6c95c37c5065bc7b595f34e9eccommit hash: 85affc89e8df0f6c95c37c5065bc7b595f34e9ec files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Fix doc checksums

PR:		264231
Reported by:
25 May 2022 07:22:27
commit hash: ff9098f7093e8f774790ac4139dc1090fae538dacommit hash: ff9098f7093e8f774790ac4139dc1090fae538dacommit hash: ff9098f7093e8f774790ac4139dc1090fae538dacommit hash: ff9098f7093e8f774790ac4139dc1090fae538da files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.22.4

PR:		264153
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
03 Jan 2022 08:49:26
commit hash: a2cfb3e0589d26cbb8bf569fdf854f6162ff4915commit hash: a2cfb3e0589d26cbb8bf569fdf854f6162ff4915commit hash: a2cfb3e0589d26cbb8bf569fdf854f6162ff4915commit hash: a2cfb3e0589d26cbb8bf569fdf854f6162ff4915 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: revert obsolete commit 507c189b28

The sched_getaffinity() function in the C library returned a different
error code than expected (i.e. other than returned by GLIBC) if the
requested CPU set size did not match the one expected by the system.

The error code has been changed from ERANGE to EINVAL as expected by
the wrapper for os.sched_getaffinity() in Python, obsoleting the patch
that commented out the failing function call in
02 Jan 2022 20:43:00
commit hash: 507c189b2876043654568b15715b9d40b3bc87c3commit hash: 507c189b2876043654568b15715b9d40b3bc87c3commit hash: 507c189b2876043654568b15715b9d40b3bc87c3commit hash: 507c189b2876043654568b15715b9d40b3bc87c3 files touched by this commit
Stefan Eßer (se) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: work around build issue on -CURRENT

A sched_getaffinity function has been added to -CURRENT and the
Python build detects it presence and provides a Python function

Apparently the C library function is not correctly wrapped and
returns an out of buounds result.

Comment out the call of os.sched_getaffinity() call until this
function works correctly in the Python interpreter.

No port revision bump, since this is just a temporary fix for the
broken build on -CURRENT.

Reported by:	antoine
26 Oct 2021 00:50:47
commit hash: 7e9bec828e31369d9b6bab30ac86218bf3def70dcommit hash: 7e9bec828e31369d9b6bab30ac86218bf3def70dcommit hash: 7e9bec828e31369d9b6bab30ac86218bf3def70dcommit hash: 7e9bec828e31369d9b6bab30ac86218bf3def70d files touched by this commit
Wen Heping (wen) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Update to 1.20.3

PR:		259063
Reported by:	wen@
Exp-run by:	antoine@
31 Aug 2021 09:23:13
commit hash: 90cd05af448eae46076d7faee00629ccf17e6128commit hash: 90cd05af448eae46076d7faee00629ccf17e6128commit hash: 90cd05af448eae46076d7faee00629ccf17e6128commit hash: 90cd05af448eae46076d7faee00629ccf17e6128 files touched by this commit
Bernhard Froehlich (decke) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Add CPE information

Approved by:    portmgr (blanket)
27 Aug 2021 23:49:11
commit hash: 657b4a5caf6e34f7304323b9d001e74aedf59e88commit hash: 657b4a5caf6e34f7304323b9d001e74aedf59e88commit hash: 657b4a5caf6e34f7304323b9d001e74aedf59e88commit hash: 657b4a5caf6e34f7304323b9d001e74aedf59e88 files touched by this commit
Dmitry Marakasov (amdmi3) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: mark as not compatible with python 3.10

Approved by:	portmgr blanket
24 Jul 2021 23:59:17
commit hash: 683962036c550ca52273730416ba42e6e97eb7cecommit hash: 683962036c550ca52273730416ba42e6e97eb7cecommit hash: 683962036c550ca52273730416ba42e6e97eb7cecommit hash: 683962036c550ca52273730416ba42e6e97eb7ce files touched by this commit
Po-Chuan Hsieh (sunpoet) search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: Fix typo

- Bump PORTREVISION for package change

PR:		257396
25 May 2021 10:00:10
commit hash: 8470aea030512cde1984737633959548a0e961afcommit hash: 8470aea030512cde1984737633959548a0e961afcommit hash: 8470aea030512cde1984737633959548a0e961afcommit hash: 8470aea030512cde1984737633959548a0e961af files touched by this commit
Thierry Thomas (thierry) search for other commits by this committer
math/suitesparse: adapt dependency lines after modularization

Do not bump PORTREVISION, because this should not change the resulting

Note for maintainers: try to not depend on the whole suitesparse package,
especially if your port do not require GraphBLAS (the biggest one).
25 Apr 2021 18:50:30
commit hash: 26d8faac23752e2fc666fb9aaf103660c132360acommit hash: 26d8faac23752e2fc666fb9aaf103660c132360acommit hash: 26d8faac23752e2fc666fb9aaf103660c132360acommit hash: 26d8faac23752e2fc666fb9aaf103660c132360a files touched by this commit
Kai Knoblich (kai) search for other commits by this committer
*: Bump a few ports after the Python 3.7 to 3.8 switchover

Bump the PORTREVISION of the following ports as the concurrent symlinks
change with a new default version of Python:

* devel/py-setuptools
* lang/cython
* math/py-numpy

This is a follow-up to 6cd3db2d03cc544c5893e41dbbacd2000fcbd35a .

PR:		253815
Approved by:	kai (python, maintainer)
06 Apr 2021 14:31:07
commit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344ebcommit hash: 305f148f482daf30dcf728039d03d019f88344eb files touched by this commit
Mathieu Arnold (mat) search for other commits by this committer
Remove # $FreeBSD$ from Makefiles.
03 Jan 2021 09:11:52
Revision:559997Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Remove python 2.7 support from a few ports
14 Nov 2020 15:28:42
Revision:555117Original commit files touched by this commit
pkubaj search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy@py39: fix build on GCC architectures

cc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-unused-result"
16 May 2020 11:05:07
Revision:535462Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.16.6

PR:		246395
Exp-run by:	antoine
06 May 2020 16:39:12
Revision:534190Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
Bump 37 ports depending on math/openblas through USES=blaslapack:openblas
because after the recent math/openblas update the library name changed in
31 Jan 2020 14:08:51
Revision:524711Original commit files touched by this commit
swills search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: improve patch to fix build with OpenBlas

This patch adds openblas to the list of cblas compatible libs instead

PR:		243497
Submitted by:	John Hein <>
30 Jan 2020 14:17:44
Revision:524642Original commit files touched by this commit
swills search for other commits by this committer
Fix math/openblas and bump dependent ports

* Fix build on i386 [1]
* Fix science/code_saturne build with new openblas [2]
* Avoid installing private headers [3]
* Prevent build from optimizing for host by correcting build confg [4]
* Bump portrevision of dependent ports [5]

This is correcting issues from r523749 [1][2][4] and r515970 [3]

PR:		231371
Reported by:	build cluster [1]
Reported by:	Dima Pasechnik <> [2]
Reported by:	many [5]
Reviewed by:	mat, bapt
Approved by:	implicit, since this is a build fix
23 Jan 2020 21:31:23
Revision:523944Original commit files touched by this commit
swills search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: fix build when math/blas is installed

PR:		243497
Submitted by:
21 Jan 2020 22:03:19
Revision:523749Original commit files touched by this commit
swills search for other commits by this committer
math/openblas: Update to 0.3.7

While here, improve formatting and fix build of dependant ports.

PR:		231371
Submitted by:	yuri (initial version), pkubaj (ppc fixes)
Approved by:	Eijiro Shibusawa <> (maintainer)
16 Dec 2019 09:22:43
Revision:520234Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION after r520219
24 Oct 2019 00:48:42
Revision:515313Original commit files touched by this commit
jbeich search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: switch to OpenBLAS by default

Besides being faster consistently using the same BLAS implementation
should improve stability in case of accidental ABI mismatch.

PR:		240937
Approved by:	maintainer timeout (2 weeks)
MFH:		2019Q4
10 Sep 2019 17:38:06
Revision:511766Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.16.5

PR:		240424
Exp-run by:	antoine
26 Jul 2019 20:46:57
Revision:507372Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
as defined in Mk/ which has moved from GCC 8.3
to GCC 9.1 under most circumstances now after revision 507371.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, everything INDEX-11 shows with a dependency on lang/gcc9 now.

PR:		238330
07 Jul 2019 19:14:49
Revision:506176Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.16.4

PR:		238964
Exp-run by:	antoine
22 Apr 2019 13:16:34
Revision:499638Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Related to revision 499061 bump ports with USES=fortran to have them
benefit from the improved situation where libgcc_s is only used when
absolutely necessary.

Suggested by:	tijl
10 Apr 2019 06:18:32
Revision:498530Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Bump a few PORTREVISIONs after r498529

With hat:	portmgr
22 Feb 2019 19:55:52
Revision:493608Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Remove no-op TESTS_DESC

- Update pkg-descr
21 Feb 2019 16:11:06
Revision:493516Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.16.1

- Move TEST_DEPENDS upward
- Simplify Makefile

PR:		235721
Exp-run by:	antoine
12 Dec 2018 01:35:36
Revision:487272Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
defined via Mk/ which has moved from GCC 7.4 t
GCC 8.2 under most circumstances.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x, c++11-lang,
   c++11-lib, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib
plus, as a double check, everything INDEX-11 showed depending on lang/gcc7.

PR:		231590
03 Dec 2018 18:52:09
Revision:486527Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.15.4

PR:		233643
Exp-run by:	antoine
06 Oct 2018 09:24:38
Revision:481334Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
04 Oct 2018 18:14:16
Revision:481239Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.15.1

- Use instead of +

PR:		231664
Exp-run by:	antoine
14 Aug 2018 11:20:27
Revision:477149Original commit files touched by this commit
rm search for other commits by this committer
math/py-numpy: update to 1.15.0

- update to 1.15
- convert to autoplist
- follow upstream change from nose test framework to pytest

Release notes:

PR:		230094
Submitted by:	wen
Exp-run by:     antoine
29 Jul 2018 22:18:46
Revision:475857Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
in the ports tree (via Mk/ and lang/gcc) which
has now moved from GCC 6 to GCC 7 by default.

This includes ports
 - featuring USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - featuring USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and those
 - with USES=compiler specifying one of openmp, nestedfct, c11, c++0x,
   c++11-lib, c++11-lang, c++14-lang, c++17-lang, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		222542
20 Jun 2018 17:05:44
Revision:472884Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Use PY_FLAVOR for dependencies.

FLAVOR is the current port's flavor, it should not be used outside of
this scope.

Sponsored by:	Absolight
24 May 2018 12:13:21
Revision:470772Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.14.3

PR:		228230
Submitted by:	wen@(myself)
Exp-run by:	antoine@
26 Apr 2018 06:41:30
Revision:468325Original commit files touched by this commit
yuri search for other commits by this committer
math/suitesparse: Update 4.0.2 -> 5.2.0

Port changes:
* Change to LICENSE_COMB=dual
* Unbundle metis, made it a dependency
* Update do-build and do-install
* Update WWW

Bump 11 ports.
games/naev is marked broken because it depends on the no longer installed

PR:		210579
Submitted by:	yuri
Submitted by:	pfg
Approved by:	maintainer timeout (, 21 months)
Approved by:	maintainer timeout (, 45 days)
10 Mar 2018 17:46:06
Revision:464084Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISIONs of all users of math/mpc that we just updated to
version 1.1.0 (via revision 464079).
25 Feb 2018 05:32:19
Revision:462909Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Cosmetic change
14 Jan 2018 20:33:38
Revision:458999Original commit files touched by this commit
db search for other commits by this committer states in comments it uses /bin/sh on POSIX for subprocess but
incorrectly uses shell from environment. This makes compiles fail when
compilation is done using the account 'nobody' which is default on pkg-fallout

PR:		ports/225156
Submitted by:	self
Reported by:	self
Reviewed by:	antoine
Approved by: 	antoine
19 Dec 2017 16:23:48
Revision:456737Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Enhance USES=uniquefiles to be more generic.

This allows to have more complex renaming schemes.  Until now, it could
only add a prefix or a suffix, but this was not working at all for man
pages, because it would give man/man1/pyfoo.1.gz-2.7 or
man/man1/pyfoo-1-2.7.gz.  With this change, a man page will be correctly
renamed to man/man1/pyfoo-2.7.1.gz.

Unfix ports that were already handling man pages.

PR:		220214
Submitted by:	Fukang Chen (previous patch)
Exp-run by:	antoine
Sponsored by:	Absolight
Differential Revision:
30 Nov 2017 15:50:34
Revision:455210Original commit files touched by this commit Sanity Test Failure
mat search for other commits by this committer
Convert Python ports to FLAVORS.

  Ports using USE_PYTHON=distutils are now flavored.  They will
  automatically get flavors (py27, py34, py35, py36) depending on what
  versions they support.

  There is also a USE_PYTHON=flavors for ports that do not use distutils
  but need FLAVORS to be set.  A USE_PYTHON=noflavors can be set if
  using distutils but flavors are not wanted.

  A new USE_PYTHON=optsuffix that will add PYTHON_PKGNAMESUFFIX has been
  added to cope with Python ports that did not have the Python
  PKGNAMEPREFIX but are flavored.

  USES=python now also exports a PY_FLAVOR variable that contains the
(Only the first 15 lines of the commit message are shown above View all of this commit message)
13 Oct 2017 13:09:18
Revision:451990Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.13.3

- Silence patch messages
- Fix symbolic link to avoid absolute path

PR:		222856
Exp-run by:	antoine
10 Sep 2017 20:55:39
Revision:449591Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISION for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC
(via Mk/ and lang/gcc) which has moved from
GCC 5.4 to GCC 6.4 under most circumstances.

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using Mk/ which in turn features USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c++11-lib, c++11-lang,
   c++14-lang, c++0x, c11, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		219275
05 Sep 2017 18:50:20
Revision:449309Original commit files touched by this commit
antoine search for other commits by this committer
Fix packaging with python3*, PYTHON_PYOEXTENSION and py3kplist should not
be used together

PR:		220986
With hat:	portmgr
21 Aug 2017 13:34:54
Revision:448473Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Don't add the distfile twice.

This fixes a fetch error:

  => numpy-numpy-v1.13.1_GH0.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in
  => Attempting to fetch
  fetch: 4336552: No such file or directory
  numpy-numpy-v1.13.1_GH0.tar.gz                           0  B    0  Bps
  => Attempting to fetch
  fetch: 4336552: No such file or directory
  => Couldn't fetch it - please try to retrieve this
  => port manually into /portdistfiles/ and try again.

Sponsored by:	Absolight
21 Aug 2017 02:08:29
Revision:448445Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Update MASTER_SITES, now get source from github and doc from
  (Based on PR/181285)
16 Aug 2017 06:17:48
Revision:448024Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.13.1

PR:		220986
Submitted by:	wen@(myself)
Exp-run by:	antoine@
01 Apr 2017 15:23:32
Revision:437439Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISIONs for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC and
lang/gcc which have moved from GCC 4.9.4 to GCC 5.4 (at least under some
circumstances such as versions of FreeBSD or platforms).

This includes ports
 - with USE_GCC=yes or USE_GCC=any,
 - with USES=fortran,
 - using using Mk/ which in turn has USES=fortran, and
 - with USES=compiler specifying openmp, nestedfct, c++11-lib, c++14-lang,
   c++11-lang, c++0x, c11, or gcc-c++11-lib.

PR:		216707
19 Mar 2017 00:41:08
Revision:436459Original commit files touched by this commit
wen search for other commits by this committer
- Remove dependency on math/openblas if other blas lib is selected

PR:		215764
Submitted by:	riggs@
07 Dec 2016 13:24:57
Revision:428057Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Bump PORTREVISIONS for ports depending on the canonical version of GCC and
lang/gcc which have moved from GCC 4.8.5 to GCC 4.9.4 (at least under some
circumstances such as versions of FreeBSD or platforms), part II.

The first part covered  ports with USE_GCC=yes, USE_GCC=any, or one of
gcc-c++11-lib, openmp, nestedfct, c++11-lib as well as c++14-lang,
c++11-lang, c++0x, c11 requested via USES=compiler.

This adds ports with USES=fortran and ports using Mk/
which in turn has USES=fortran.

PR:		214965
Reported by:	thierry
06 Oct 2016 20:31:21
Revision:423445Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.11.2

28 Jun 2016 03:34:55
Revision:417692Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.11.1
- Adjust dependencies, 'numpy/core/' is also linked to
math/openblas (reported by QA script)
- Add patches in order to detect 'sys/endian.h' header
01 Apr 2016 14:16:20
Revision:412348Original commit files touched by this commit
mat search for other commits by this committer
Remove ${PORTSDIR}/ from dependencies, categories m, n, o, and p.

With hat:	portmgr
Sponsored by:	Absolight
28 Mar 2016 14:03:50
Revision:412048Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.11.0

08 Jan 2016 08:33:03
Revision:405534Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.10.4
- Remove DOCVERSION (use SF host to fetch PDF documentation, more up-to-date

01 Jan 2016 17:34:41
Revision:405020Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.10.2
- Reintroduce DOCVERSION variable, PDF documentation is not synchronized with
- Add missing dependency [1] for NETLIB option

PR:		203638 [1]
Submitted by:	John Hein [1]
09 Nov 2015 18:44:19
Revision:401140Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Update to 1.10.1

30 Oct 2015 11:25:28
Revision:400517Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Update documentation to 1.10.0
- Bump PORTREVISION for package change
12 Oct 2015 14:19:17
Revision:399131Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
Unbreak build on FreeBSD 9

Reported by:	pkg-fallout, <> (private email)
07 Oct 2015 03:37:43
Revision:398744Original commit files touched by this commit
olivierd search for other commits by this committer
Update to 1.10.0
04 Oct 2015 17:59:32
Revision:398586Original commit files touched by this commit
sunpoet search for other commits by this committer
- Convert to new options target helper
- Cosmetic change
03 Jul 2015 12:20:28
Revision:391233Original commit files touched by this commit
demon search for other commits by this committer
Depend on a particual file, not an executable so it picks up a correct
python version.

PR:		198989
Submitted by:	John W. O'Brien <>
28 Mar 2015 19:41:44
Revision:382547Original commit files touched by this commit
demon search for other commits by this committer
Allow to use OpenBLAS implementation of BLAS.
Based on the work done by Eijiro Shibusawa <>,
OpenBLAS port maintainer.

Hide py-nose dependency under new TESTS option.
Convert to USES=blaslapack.

Differential Revision:	D2060
Reviewed by:	koobs, thierry
09 Mar 2015 11:43:12
Revision:380842Original commit files touched by this commit
demon search for other commits by this committer
Update to version 1.9.2.
This is minor bugfix release, see notes at
11 Dec 2014 13:00:45
Revision:374528Original commit files touched by this commit
db search for other commits by this committer
- Tiny fix to to allow it to deal with -fstack-protector flag
  as without this fix, f2py will attempt to compile -fstack-protector

Submitted by:	db
Reviewed by:	wg
Approved by:	wg
03 Nov 2014 11:14:34
Revision:372107Original commit files touched by this commit
demon search for other commits by this committer
Update to version 1.9.1

Phabric:	D998
28 Sep 2014 10:40:55
Revision:369447Original commit files touched by this commit
demon search for other commits by this committer
ImportError: /lib/ version GCC_4.6.0 required by
/usr/local/lib/gcc48/ not found
error when importing numpy module.

PR:		188114
Patch by Thierry Thomas <>
10 Sep 2014 20:50:37
Revision:367888Original commit files touched by this commit
gerald search for other commits by this committer
Update the default version of GCC in the Ports Collection from GCC 4.7.4
to GCC 4.8.3.


PR:		192025
Tested by:	antoine (-exp runs)
Approved by:	portmgr (implicit)

Number of commits found: 168 (showing only 100 on this page)

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